Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

He didn't need any other invitation. With a soft groan, the bartender easily positioned himself and pressed into his lover. He paused for only a brief second to regain his own composure before working his hips in and out of the man's body, lips sealed to Bart's.
Bartholomew moaned deeply in pleasure when the man pressed into him, panting softly as a result. Oh, it felt so very nice. He ground his hips into his with the brief moment of a pause. HIs eyes fluttered to the back ofh is head with the movements of the other, rocking his hips in unison and so very relieved already. His eyes kept closed and his lips pressed heatedly to the vampire's, all the while finding the other to be positively beautiful in every aspect. His fingers pushed through the dark locks of the man and he lips soon wandered their way to the side of his neck, kissing, nipping, sucking anywhere he could managed to connect with.​
Bailey's hips kept moving. It'd been too long since they'd last had sex, even though it had only been a few days. But when you're pretty much a whore, a few days without sex is an eternity. Still, it was a blessing as his stamina was built up and the bartender felt as if he could go on for hours. His incisors lengthened and he dragged their sharp points down over Bart's neck, letting them sink into the flesh just enough to cause a little jolt of pain while his hips angled for the man's sweet spot.
Bartholomew moaned gently beneath the other, taking in a few panting breaths to try and steady himself. His eyes fluttered closed while they continued to move together, his hands traveling along his form and eventually his hands froze at the shoulders of the other. Feeling his canines drag along his flesh and then the bite combined with the movement ... Oh it was so heavenly! He moaned out, louder than he had been, bucking into the other fiercly, and wanting all the much more affection. He could already feel his deprived body heading toward his climax, and knowing that it would only be the first of many.​
Grinning to the loud moan, Bae moved his lips down to Bart's shoulder and bit him there, a little harder this time. He didn't break the skin, but came damn close to it. His hips were working frantically now, loving the sensations coursing through his body. Knowing that they had many more hours, the dark haired man focused on allowing himself to orgasm, wanting to claim the other man's body.
After many throws of passion, and too many rounds to count, multiple positions, and quite the collection of bite marks that Bart never thought he would have ever enjoyed, the two passed out happily beside each other. The lycan wrapped his arms tightly around his lover's form, holding him against his chest and not wanting to let go. He kissedh im a few times before passing out in the bed. The night/morning had definitely been what they needed. Everything was worth it and oh how wonderful it had been.

When morning came, Bartholomew groaned awake. HIs arms tightened around his lover, nuzzling into his neck and nipping the flesh ever so softly out of habit. Mm. He did not want to get up. He wanted to just stay in bed forever. Though, maybe a bath with Bailey would make it all worthwhile.​
He didn't think he'd slept as well as he did that night ever before. They had exhausted themselves completely and Bailey was quite content to snuggle up into Bartholomew's arms and sleep. Morning came too early for him and the bartender groaned as he turned over in bed to nuzzle into his lover's chest, arm slinging over the man's waist. His brain was too foggy to even process anything yet, let alone put a thought together of a bath. Besides, taking a bath meant getting out of the warm bed.
Bartholomew looked down at the other, eyes to the top of his head before he buried his face into his hair. He hugged him tighter, groaning a little bit more. He really wanted to stay in bed for the rest of the day. He knew that that would probably not be possible, but he could still try. He grumbled and his head tilted to look at te man, kissing his head softly. "Want to take a bath?"​
"Wanna stay here," he muttered, snuggling deeper into Bart's warmth. He was much too comfortable and still too sleepy to want to get up. "Do I gotta go to work tonight?" he whined rather pathetically. It wasn't that he didn't love his job-he did-but he missed this time with Bart more. Leaning up, he pressed a few kisses to the man's lips.
"If we went to Italy, we would not worry about work." He murmured, not helping but to put that out there. He kissed the other's lips to stop him from any sort of protest. "Yes. I know. You need time to think." He stated, kissing him once more and he then settled back against the mattress with a little sigh. "Let's stay in bed, though." he added and kissed his head once more. His eyes slipped closed and he yawned softly, huging the man a bit more.​
Bae gave a little sigh to the answer, knowing that Bart would continue to bring it up until he made a decision. He still didn't know what to do, other than to be brutally honest with his lover. "It's just...scary. It's scary to know that if we went, you could totally leave me in the dust, in a foreign country...alone. If you left and we were here?" He gave a little shrug. "Yeah, it'd hurt... But I have the life I've built for myself here to catch me."
Bartholomew listened to the other and he arched a brow in question. Leave him? Why the hell would he leave him? He blinked a few times as he stared down at the man, blinking his crimson eyes a few times. He soon let out a heavy sigh, leaning down to press a kiss to the other's lips. "Lee, if I did not leave you because of what you are now, I don't think I'll leave. Besides! You can just tell your boss that you'll be taking a year off and to hold your job a bit, or whatever, and I'm pretty sure that if I don't leave you in a year, you'll be good. And by that time, you should make yourself something in Italy, I would think too." He kissed his lips once more, smiling gently as he did so. "I won't leave you so easily, you know."​
"Everyone leaves," he muttered, burrowing his head into the pillow beneath him. It was why he lived the lifestyle that he did. If he had no expectations of someone showing up again, then he could never be hurt. And even when he had opened himself up and allowed expectations to form, they were crushed...he was crushed. With Bart... There was a huge potential to be hurt, and Bailey was always scared that when he walked through his apartment door, his lover would no longer be there for whatever reason.
Bartholomew listened to the other and he sighed heavily. He pushed the other over and onto his back, crawling on top of him a moment later. Resting his bare form on the other's hips, he took his hands and pinned then gently to the pillow beside his head, eyes keeping to the man beneath him. "I don't. At least not with you. I haven't been to my apartment for more than ten minutes since we have started having sex on a regular basis ... Half of my shit is here already. I can't bear the thought of not being with you for more than a few minutes. I'm pretty damn sure that these are signs that I'm not going anywhere."

He sighed heavily, his eyes slipping closed for a moment before opening once more to look down at the other. "A month. Give Italy a month. If you hate it there and are still worried that I'll leave you then we'll come back. I'll even pay the rent on this place so you still have it. I want to go, but I'm not going without you."​
He wanted to say that anyone could say those things. Anyone could say that they couldn't bear the thought of being away from someone else. But before he could say anything, pictures flashed. He was happy, laughing. The next flash and he was sitting with Bart, still happy. There was a Christmas tree in his peripheral vision, telling him that these images were from a few months away at least. And just as quickly as they started, they stopped. Bailey blinked a few times, sighing as he relaxed down into the mattress completely.
Bartholomew sighed heavily, leaning down to rest his head against the top of his chest, nuzzling his nose against the front of his cool flesh. "Just ... Think about it.' He whispered, kissing the flesh there. He lifted his head, looking down at the other and he leant forward to press a kiss to his lips. "I'll be here when you decide." He then slid off of his form, kissing his lips again and shrugging a little. "I'm too awake now ... I'm going to shower." He stated and pressed yet another little peck to his lips, not being able to help but to do so. He turned and began to make his way to the bathroom, arms stretching above his head and a groan passed his lips. Ugh. He really was tempted to go back to bed.​
He watched the other leave, taking comfort in the fact that Bart was walking out of the room with no clothes on and no matter what, he wouldn't leave the house naked. Bae curled up on his side, needing to process the images that he'd seen and the emotions that came with them. What was the worst that could happen? His visions were always right and that meant that they would still be happy at Christmas time. Halloween was barely over, though, and that meant that it was only a month and a half away. What would happen after that? Less than two months wasn't a long time at all.

Reaching over, the bartender picked up his phone, calling his father. His father could control his visions and would have answers for him. He wasn't disappointed, either. "I won't tell you what I see." He never did. "I will tell you that this is the path you are supposed to be on in life." While it wasn't what most would consider an answer, it was more than what Bailey was looking for. With a little sigh, he closed his eyes again, still not wanting to get out of bed just yet.
Bartholomew showered up happily, being sure to clean every place dirtied by the other last night, though being sure that the marks on the side of his neck did not heal up all the way. For some reason, he liked being marked by the man. He bruhsed out his long locks and then made his way back into teh bedroom, pouncing the other man with a kiss to the side of his neck, nipping the flesh teasingly as he did so. He rested his chin on his shoulder and pouted a little bit." Get uuup. Some of us need actual food, you know.'​
Turning so that their chests were pressed together, Bailey wrapped his arms around Bart's waist. He kissed his lover softly, letting their lips linger together for long moments in between each little kiss. It was a sensual moment; it was something that Bailey needed to reassure himself. "You'll help me pack?"
Bart remained where he was , gladly kissing hte other back. Hey, it was a good distraction frmo his growling stomach. He kissed him once more before pulling back to listen to his words. Pack? "Where are y--" he stopped, eyes wide and he instantly realized just what the other meant. "We're going!?" He kissed him once more, a few more times actually, and then finally pulled back to relax a litlte. "Of course i'll help you pack! I'll help you look for an apartment there too."​
He couldn't help the little flutters that came with the knowledge that he'd made Bart happy. But there were others behind those that didn't feel all that great. "I'm scared," he whispered, adverting the other man's eyes. It had to be said because Bart had the right to know. "I mean... I know what I saw and all, but..." He shrugged after a minute.
Bartholomew listened to the other and he nodded to what he spoke. He leant forward to press a soft kiss to his lips. "It's why you'll have your own apartment. I'll live at the school so that you can always have a place to go to. Which will be the lovely apartment we find you." He smiled gently, kissing his lips once more before he settled back a little more. "What else can we do to make you feel more secure, hm? Buy you a butler so you're bound to have at least one person you know." He grinned, chuckling a little as he settled against the pillows with a sigh. "Bring a friend ?"​
Tanner sighed as they stepped off of the plane. They had had a wonderful time on their honeymoon, but it was time to return home and get back into every day life. Tanner was excited for that, too. He was excited for married life and to start the new chapter. The blond picked up their bags and slipped one arm around his husband's waist.

"Ready for real life?"
Relic giggled happily as he took, well, most of the bags from his husband. He did not mind abusing his strength once in a while. That and three-fourths of hte bags were his and the things that he had bought in the many different places and did not trust to be shipped home alone. He even had a seat or two for one of the boxes. Yes, he was strange, but what did it matter anymore? He giggled happily and kissed his husband's lips with a cheerful little nod. "Yes! Well, maybe not for the whole life thing ... but I miss Rune." He admitted, looking a little sad while he walked to the cab, shoving everything into the trunk and backseat.​
Tanner slid into the back seat of the cab with Relic and pulled his husband into a tight hug. "I know." He understood how hard it was for the two to be apart, because he and Caden were very similar. He wondered if his brother would be waiting on their doorstep for a 'snack', though Tanner had drained off some of his blood for Caden to use while they were gone. He kissed Relic softly and then gave the address, sitting back for the ride home.

It didn't take long for them to get there. Tanner took their bags and sent Relic off to go find Rune.
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