Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Caden hissed with the teasing, thrusting his hips up sharply, being sure to hit Raphael's prostate. "If you make me late, you're gonna get it when I get home," he threatened, though the threat was empty. He moaned as his lover began to move, the blond's fingertips digging into the redhead's hips.

He growled at the sight across the way, gripping the binoculars tighter. This wasn't okay.
Raphael chuckled softly, leaning down to kiss along the front of the blond's neck, nipping his Adam's apple and then trailing his lips down once more. "I believe you." he whispered teasingly. He ground his hips into the other's member, moaning with the utter pleasure that burst through him. He then went back to rocking his body against him. Having Caden member almost completely out of him, only to slam back down to the base, repeating the action multiple time. His hand moved to his own member between their bodies, wrapping his fingers around the flesh and beginning to rock his hand back and forth, feeling all the more pleased and just loving the man beneath him so very much.​
The blond bit down into his lover's shoulder, just barely stopping before breaking the skin. "Smart ass..." His own hand pushed Raphael's out of the way, stroking his lover's member with quick, jerky strokes. Okay, so maybe being late would be worth it... But that wasn't the point, really. Leaning up, Caden kissed his lover, hissing as he was drawn closer to orgasm.

"Close, Raph..."

Oh so it was kink that his love liked? He smiled devilishly as the binoculars were placed on his window sill and he left the apartment on a mission. He knew exactly what gift would bring his lovely blond to him.
Raphael moaned deeply and chuckled a little at the bite to his shoulder. Ah. He loved to tease him enough to get him that annoyed. He grinned a little before gasping with the other's hand pushing his away. He moaned gently, loving the feel of his love's hand around his member. He moaned a little more and nodded absently to his words. He continued to move on top of him, shuddering every so often with his body obviously getting closer to his peak. He only last a few more thrusts before his nails pressed into the pale flesh of his love, releasing over his chest and letting out an exasperate moan, forehead flopping onto his chest while his hips continued to move, clenching the man tightly to help his pleasure.​
It wasn't long after he felt Raphael's warm release over his torso that Caden exploded within his lover, hips thrusting up on their own. The blond collapsed into the mattress as the last of his orgasm left him, breathing heavily. It took him a few minutes to compose himself, arms wrapped around Raphael tightly as he worked at it.

When he did regain his strength, the blond kissed the other man, whispering a quiet 'love you' before pushing himself up to get ready for work. He now had to wash up before getting dressed, and Caden was sure he was going to be at least five minutes late.

Happy with his lovely purchase, he set it by the door, positioning the lovely wrapped box perfectly before knocking on the door and then quickly scooting away. He crouched down to watch his lovely man answer the door and see his present.
Raphael pouted, kissing the other back as he moved to fall onto the mattress. he would take a shower when the other left. If he joined him, he would only make him later. He laid on the mattress, rear in the air, chest against the mattress, and knees beneath his form, silently breathing in the lovely scent of Caden on the bed. He soon perked up with the knock on the door, sighing heavily. He slid from the bed, taking a sheet and wrapping it around his hips. He bounced over to the door, looking out of the little peep hole and arching a brow.

Slowly, he opened the door, poking his head out and looking from side to side, not seeing anyone. "huh ..." He looked around again before glancing to the box. He stared at it for a bit, debating to take it or not. He shrugged and took up the box, looking it over and he closed the door behind him with a bump of his hip. "Caaay" he called out, very confused at the moment.​
Pulling the towel around his waist, Caden came into the living room, smiling at the box. "Awww you shouldn't have!" He pecked his lover's cheek, oblivious to the fact that the box was similar to the one that was on the doorstep earlier and the confused look on the redheads face. The blond tore open the paper and opened the box, glee fading from his face when he saw what was inside.

"Uhh... Raph?"
Raphael stared at the man while he opened the box, blinking a few times as he did so. He shook his head and walked over to the man, looking into the box and going wide-eyed. "That wasn't me..." he stated, all the more confused as he looked at the ... thing inside. He was not sure what to think. His jaw moved a few times and then slowly turned to look at Caden ."It ... The box was just left outside our door ... Someone knocked and that was there." He stated, not wanting the man to think that he was the one who would get something like . . . that. He would have better taste than that anyway.
While the concept of another box appearing on their door step was a little out there, Caden had no reason to question Raphael. The blond just nodded and closed the box back up. "I'll just toss it out on my way out. They must have had the wrong apartment or something." He kissed his lover. "I'll be home around midnight." With another little peck, he was out the door, tossing the mysterious box into the trash can on his way to his car.

He... He was throwing it out?? His heart was crushed that much more. So much so that his eyes stung with tears and there was a pain in his chest. What was he doing wrong?
Raphael pouted and nodded, knowing the other had to work. He sighed heavily, chewing his bottom lip for a bit before he leant up to kiss his love good bye. He then turned and headed to the bathroom, tossing the dirtied sheet onto the bed [for now. He would wash it later]. And then into the shower it was! He was a busy little bee when Caden was working. He showered. He changed their sheets, tossed the dirtied ones into the hamper, cleaned up a few oter things, and heck, even did the laundry and folded it.​
He followed the blond to work. He just...loved to watch him. He waited to see which section the man would be serving in and then took a seat in the one next to his. He had no desire to interact with Caden just yet-he didn't have the confidence to do so-bit he wanted to be able to see the man's every move. He watched for his love's entire shift, and then followed him home again. He was sure to stay in the shadows-Caden was very well tuned sense of being followed and kept turning around to try to 'catch' whoever was behind him. Of course, he made sure that the blond never saw anyone.

Caden walked through the door, exhausted and glad that he didn't have morning classes. The blond moved towards the bedroom, looking for Raphel as an afterthought. He just wanted to collapse into bed.

"Raph?" It was by no means a loud call out, but the apartment was small enough that he was pretty sure the other man would hear him.
Raphael perked up when he heard Caden, smiling instantly to himself. He bounced his way into the bedroom, once Caden was close enough, he tackled his love into the bed. Nuzzling into his neck a bit before he flopped to the side, resting on his side and looking at the man beside him. "Long day?" He asked, a pout to his lips. He leant over and pressed a kiss to his lips, smiling gently to himself as he did so. Ah. That was defintely lovely. He really wanted to stay with him more, be closer, but the man was tired from work.​
"Mmm.. Always long when I have school and then work." The blond pulled his love to him, nuzzling into his chest a little as they laid there, unaware that they were being watched. He kissed Raphael before pulling himself up with a little groan. He wanted to stay in bed, but had to change out of his black pants and stiff white shirt before he could get comfortable enough to fall asleep. As he unbuttoned his shirt and kicked his pants to the side, the blond finally got a chance to look around.

"Awww... My little Suzie Homemaker!" he teased gently. Really, he was very grateful for Raphael's work around the house. He didn't mind that the redhead didn't really want to work, but he also didn't want to work and do the housework, and with his redhead, he didn't have to worry about that. It was very nice.
Raphael pouted when the man stood up to get rready for bed, sighing and he pushed his form up. His hands behind him and in the sheets, looking up at the other and he grinned even more at the comment. "Yes. It's the least I can do for my working man. It's a good trade off, yes? You work. I clean. I make you happy, you make me happy ... in pleasant ways." He grinned and then reached up to wrap his arms around the taller blond, tugging him to his form to press a kiss to the center of his chest. "I don't want you to feel overwhelmed or anything." He nuzzled into his chest a little more, smiling contently. "So, if cleaning will make your plate less full, then clean I shall."​
Leaning down, Caden pressed a kiss to the man's head, wrapping his arms around the redhead's shoulders. "I love you." He loved their relationship. There wasn't one person taking care of the other. They both took care of each other in their own way and it was rare to find relationships like that. He gave another kiss and then stripped completely only to go over and slip on a pair of pajama pants. Caden finally slipped into bed, sighing happily.

The scene he was watching made him sick. Without thinking, the note was scribbled and he rushed down to tape it to the blond's door.

You belong with me.
Raphael smiled warmly, kissing him back with a soft "I love you too" before he slid off of the bed, whining when the man put pants on. He stuck his tongue out at the other, pulling off his clothes and letting his boxers stay on his form. HE walked over to the bed, pulling back the covers and he moved to cuddle up with the blond. He nuzzled into his chest, kissing along the flesh ever so softly and smiling warmly. "It's a good thing we both have tomorrow off." He whispered, nipping the flesh softly before he resettled against the mattress beside him, letting the sleep take over.​
Caden curled up to his lover, falling asleep almost immediately.

Morning came much too quickly, though the blond didn't wake up until almost noon. He was so tired, and his body definitely needed the extra sleep. He yawned as he climbed from the bed, stretching on his way to the bathroom. Caden wasn't able to fall back asleep so late in the day and moved to get the morning paper, pausing to stare at the note on the door.

Raphael slept soundly, quite content at the moment. He nuzzled into the pillow, even with the movement beside him. He yawned softly, hearing his name and he grumbled a little. Groggily, he slid out of the bed, rubbing at his stomach while walking toward the door where his love was. He yawned again and looked at the man, blinking a few times to try and wake himself up a little more. "Yes, dear?" He asked sleepily, wanting to go and eat right now.
He pulled his lover to him and nodded towards the note. He didn't know what to make of it, and it scared him a little. "I... Don't know?" The blond nuzzled into Raphael's neck, wanting to know what he thought they should do. It didn't make any sense to him.
Raphael blinked a few times, taking the note and he stared at it after reading it. This was ... Very strange. He wrapped an arm around Caden, tugging him tightly to his form. He nuzzled into his neck and kissed it a moment later. "It's ... um ... It'll be okay." he whispered and then tugged the other into the apartment, closing the door behind him. He held the note in one hand, led Caden to the kitchen table with the other. He kept reading it, over and over, trying to decipher what it meant, yet nothing really made sense. "'You belong to me' . . . It's very ... strange." He turned to look at him, tugging out the chair for him to sit in. "Should we call someone? Police or even uncle Rune ... If it means something with the boxes ... I think we should be concerned."​
"I...don't know..." He sat, pulling Raphael into his lap and wrapping his arms around the man's waist, nuzzling into his shoulder a little bit. "It's a bit harmless but...scary." Really, there was no threat made to either of them, so what could the police do? And they didn't know who had left it, so what could Rune do? The blond pressed a kiss to his love's shoulder. "I think we should just wait it out..."
Raphael nodded, brushing it off and then going about getting everything ready for breakfast and everything else. The two easily forgot about the note by dinner, making quite the lovely dessert and having the utmost of fun and it definitely was fun. The rest of the week went by, and there were stranger and stranger gifts that arrived at their doorstep. A few, he was sure he had seen in Rune's room the one time he dared to travel in there on a Christmas day way back when, but that did not make any of it any better.

By the eighth gift, Raphael was annoyed. He did not even bother to look at it this time, he took the box and threw it right into the dumpster before heading back to the apartment with a loud "UGH!" And slamming the door behind him. "I hate this! I hate it. I hate it. I HATE IT! What the fuck is wrong with people?!"​
The week had been stressful. Raphael was reaching his boiling point and Caden couldn't do anything to fix it. The presents kept coming, and so did notes. The blond tried to get rid of them before his lover found them, and he succeeded a few times, but not enough. That was fairly evident this morning, and Caden was thanking...well, anyone, that they had off today. He pulled the redhead to him, hugging him tightly. "There's no use in getting upset, sweetheart. We'll... Do something." Maybe they could set up a camera to catch whoever was doing it.

Before he could voice that, though, there was another knock at the door. With a deep breath, the blond lead Raphael to sit down with a little kiss to calm him before he moved to the door, finding another note taped to the door.

His eyes crossed a bit halfway through, but the jist was a letter... To Raphael... From someone he'd been sleeping with. And while Caden knew it wasn't true-that it had to do with the "gifts" and other notes, it still stung to think that someone would want Raphael to do something like that. He tossed the note on the table in front of his lover and flopped into a chair next to the other man.
Raphael grumbled, sitting down with his right leg crossing over his left. His arms ossed and he huged his form tightly, brooding a little and trying to think of something to do to get his mind off everythin. Before he could though, there was a knock at the door. He turned to stare at the door a bit, watching his lover walk over to it and retrieve whatever it was this time that was there. He grumbled a bit and then perked up when Caden came back. He sat up, reading the note and growing all the more hostile.

He crumbled up the note, gripping it tightly into his hand before he hissed. "THATS IT!" He yelled, standing up from the chair and he walked over to the phone. "I'm calling uncle Rune. I don't know if he can do anything, but it's worth a fucking shot. This is getting rediculous! I would never ever cheat on you and this... this is annoying!" He grumbled an then began to dial his uncle, wanting to just get this over with. Rune knew what to do. He should know what to do, right?​
While he wished that they didn't have to call Rune, Caden knew that it was time. There was just nothing else that they could do on their own because they didn't know where to start. The blond wrapped his arms around his lover's waist from behind as he made the call, pressing his lips to Raphael's neck. They both needed the support of the other. Once the redhead had hung up, Caden wrapped him up into a tight hug. He just didn't know what else to do.

He was livid. Not only had his gifts been thrown out by that redhead, but Caden was completely ignoring him! How dare he! He was going through all this trouble to show him how much he loved him and how bad that stupid boy toy of his was for him and he was being ignored?! How rude could one get?? Sitting down, he began to plot. Boy Toy needed to be out of the picture once and for all!
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