Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Raphael turned into his love's arms, nuzzling into his chest with a heavy sigh to his lips. "I don't like this at all." he mumbled, arms tightly around the blond's form and he clung to him, finding quite the comfort in his embrace. He took in a few deep breaths, lifting his head and resting his chin upon his chest to look up at the man. "Uncle Rune should fix it though." He said, having the utmost of faith in his uncle. Probably a bit too much, but he hoped no one would get too hurt. Maybe just a bit roughed up and told to never come near them again.​
"I know," he answered, pressing a kiss to the top of Raphael's head. "Neither do I." He didn't really understand why everything had to be so hard for the two of them. They were always struggling with something that was working against their relationship and the blond just wanted some time where it was all easy for them. Leaning down, he kissed his love before taking his hand and moving into the bedroom. Rune would, likely, be over at some point and neither of them could tell when he would be. Caden didn't want to be in his pajamas when he got there.

"Maybe we should put a camera up in the corner of the door-a small, hidden one. At least then we'll know who Rune has to protect us from..."
Raphael pouted and followed to the bedroom, wiggling his boxers off his hips as he trailed behind his love. "Or.. OR Uncle Rune can do his magic mojo and find out who sent the shit." He said, knowing that the other probably did not know about that, but hey, it was easier and cheaper. That and Rune never really got to use his powers, so it would be fun for him, or something that he never really got. He sighed and walked over to the dresser, swaying his bare hips absently to the music that was in his head, trying to find what he wanted to wear for the day.​
It didn't really matter to Caden which way they did it so long as whoever was bothering them was stopped. The blond was too distracted by being upset to notice Raphael's little dance, which he would have pounced on normally. Instead, he dressed quickly. Some of the notes had indicated that they were being watched and while they had kept their shades drawn now, he was still freaked out by that.
Raphael pulled on his boxers and then a new pair of jeans and a simple tee shirt, tugging the bottom of the shirt and he turned to look at Caden. He looked so distraught. He pouted and then sauntered on over to the other, taking a hold of his hand and pulling him to him, kissing the side of his neck softly. "It'll be fine. Everything will work out soon.' He whispered into his flesh, bumping his hips into his and he grinned a little. "And then we can get back to our norms."​
He nodded, knowing all of that but still a little miffed about their lives being turned upside down once again simply to accommodate someone else. It sucked, quite frankly. Caden wrapped his arms around Raphael and hugged him tightly, nuzzling into the man's neck for a little comfort.

The only logical thing to do was to get rid of Boy Toy. Of course, that was easier said than done but honestly, he didn't care how it was done so long as it was. He wanted Caden and there wasn't anything that he was going to let stand in his way of that. He sat down to plot a little more, thinking of all the different ways to get rid of that stupid redhead... A hitman being highest on his list of options.
Raphael nuzzled into the other in return, gripping him happily, eyes closed, and he relaxed against him a bit. He sighed softly and nodded a bit. He tilted his head back to look up at the other, leaning up and kissing his neck with a little buck of his hips into the man's. "It'll be good soon..." He whispered and gripped him even tighter.

There was a knock on the door, then another, and even more, growing all the more annoyed. "OPEN UP BEFORE I BREAK IN!" He yelled, growling as his foot tapped upon the ground impatiently.

Groaning at the knocking, Raphael sighed heavily. Pulling away from his love, he moved over to the door, opening it up and allowing the tall ravenete to enter the apartment, closing the door after him as he did so.​
In a way, Caden was glad that Rune was there. It would allow him to focus on being a good host rather than if they were being watched or not, and what would show up on their doorstep next. He moved to make tea and pull out some cookies that he'd baked a few days ago on a day off when he really just needed something to help relieve the stress. The blond set everything out once it was ready, plopping down onto a chair, obviously over stressed.
Rune sat down at the table, his right knee draped over his left. His arms crossed loosely over his torso and he watched the other get everything together and nicely gathered on the table. He straightened his back, taking a cookie and biting off a small bit of it. He then looked over at him when he returned to the table, looking at the blond with a bit of interest. "So, you have a stalker." He stated simply, chewing the cookie and then pursing his lips together a little bit, thinking a little more. "Milk?"

Raphael nodded, hopping up and getting his uncle a glass of milk, placing it in front of him before walking to his love. He wrapped an arm around his hips, nuzzling into his neck a little with a pathetic little nod to the question. "Yes. And it's very annoying."​
"Understatement," he grumbled. It was making it so that they could not live their lives in even a remotely normal way. That was more than 'annoying'. The blond looked up and described some of the things to Rune that had shown up on their doorstep. He knew that the other man could see what he wasn't telling him, but that was okay. Some of the things were just too embarrassing to actually talk about.

"I think it would make it easier if we knew who it was... At least then we could figure out how to play to them and make them stop."
Rune listened to the blond tell him all the things, obviously leaving out quite a few of the gifts. He shrugged his shoulders a little and then stood up from the chair. His arms stretched above his head with a groan as his back cracked here and there. He moved his way into the bedroom of the two, seeing that there really was only one window there. He opened up the curtains, looking out at the building beside theirs. His eyes traveled along every window before he spotted the one with the binoculars. He turned to Raph, who had followed him and pointed to the man. "Wave hi to your friendly, neighborhood stalker.' He said simplistically, turning back to the window and wiggling his fingers at the man.​
Caden walked in as Rune pointed out the window that they'd been watched from. He moved over and wrapped an arm possessively around Raphael's waist, flipping up his middle finger towards the window as Rune gave a little taunting wave. He leaned down and pressed a kiss to his lover's neck, hugging him closer as he did so. He wasn't playing the game that the stranger so badly wanted him to.
Rune closed the drapes a moment later, turning to the other two and he rested his hands on his hips, looking down at the others with a heavy sigh. His eyes slipped closed for a little while he thought. "So, what do you want me to do? Beat the shit out of him, kill him, talk civilly ... Be boring . . . What?" He asked, looking at Caden since he knew what his nephew wanted and considering Caden was the target of the affections and stalkings, it really wa the blond's call.​
While he was frustrated enough to say 'kill him', the blond didn't want to wish harm on anyone, and he certainly didn't want to go to jail for hiring a hit man should anything come back to Rune. In the end, though, he knew what he wanted and if he was honest with himself, Caden didn't care how the end result was accomplished. "Just... Make him stop." He nuzzled further into Raphael's neck. "Try... Talking civilly first?" While Rune found that boring, it was what Caden would do if he wasn't so mad that he'd tackle the man and beat the shit out of him on sight.

Who was that third man? And how had he figured out where he was? He was paranoid now and since the blinds were pulled again, he moved across his modest apartment to finish his project for his love.
Rune listened to the man and then nodded simplistically. He kissed both tehir cheeks and then turned on his heel to head out of the apartment. Sneaking a cookie on the way, he easily made his way toward the other building. Looking over the numbers and soon enough, he was at the apartment that the creeper lived in. He cracked his knuckles al ittle before knockingo n the door. His hand rested on his hip, his eyes to the door while boredly waiting for the other to answer. He would try talking first. He could manage that. If the other did not cooperate, he would take other measures.​
He stiffened with the knock to the door. But even if it was the third man, whose name he didn't know yet, then what harm could there be in opening the door? He was obviously a friend of Caden's so perhaps he could gleam some useful information from the man. Smoothing down his khaki pants and white button down shirt, Eli slid his "project" into a near by closet and with one last deep breath, pulled the door open.

Rune grumbled, already growing impatient with the door not being answered right away. His eyes closed and he silently counted to himself, glad to hear the door open. His eyes flutterd to the man, arching a brow as he did so. "You know who I am, I know who you are. Stop bothering Caden and Raphael." He stated, his arms crossing over his lower torso as he kept his eyes to the other, knowing that purely telling him to stop would not work, but he did not care right now. It was all that he had right now, short of smashing the other's skull in. "Caden's never going to be interested in you, you know."​
He raised an eyebrow. "You don't know that," he answered simply, moving to close the door. His pride was wounded considerably, and all he wanted to do was finish his project. Eli was sure that this was the one that would win Caden over-- It had to be! And the man on the other side of the door didn't know what he was talking about.
Rune grumbled. Damn psychos. He moved his foot to stop the door from closing, glaring down at the man. "It won't work. Even that project you're so jumpy to get back to? It won't work. They're together forever. You don't have a snowball's chance in hell with him. So, stop. Give up. Find someone else to stalk that is not taken. I don't care. Just stop bothering the ones that I care about."​
"Well they shouldn't be," he answered irritably. Why wouldn't the other man just leave already! And how did he know about the project?! Eli guarded his thoughts carefully now, paranoid beyond belief. "That... Redhead isn't good for him. I am."
Rune growled at the other's words, reaching forward, his fingers curling around the front of his shirt, pulling him to and against his form effortlessly. "That redhead is my nephew. I would take kindly to you not speaking ill. In fact, I would be happy with you killing yourself, and if you cannot do it, how about I help you?" He asked, his teeth baring at the other as a loud growl could be heard at the base of his throat, verberating through his chords as he continud to glare at the other.​
Fear was evident in Eli's stance and eyes. It took him a full minute to regain his own composer and pry Rune's fingers from his shirt. He stepped back and smoothed his own shirt out, clearing his throat as he took a moment to catch his breath. "I don't care who he is, or what you think," he said with much more confidence than he actually felt. "He is beneath Caden."
Rune hissed under his breath. Little ... He chuckled as he listened to the other. "True." He admitted before he took a step closer to the other, looming over him easily. "But you see . . . You are beneath Raphael. Hell, you're beneath a worm." He growled openly, no longer caring right now. He moved into the room, slamming the door closed with a foot as he stepped toward the man once more. "Words are obviously useless." He began, stepping toward hte man once more, ever one for dramatics. "You won't stop. My nephew and brother-in-law will only get more and more annoyed and unhappy. I don't like those that I love unhappy, you know." He smirked, his eyes easily gleamin with mischief as he looked at the other.​
Eli took a step back, obviously concerned. Words were useless? Words were all he had. How could they be useless? "You need to leave." Who cared what the man thought? He wanted Caden and he was going to get Caden. Period. Why was that hard for others to understand?
Rune smirked. "No." was all he said before easily swooping down on the other. He spared no moment in attacking the other, just uterly annoyed with the man. How could he be so damn retarded? GOD He hated stalkers. He hated them from his musical days, and he hated them even more when they went after those he cared for. Not only was Raphael blood, but Caden was related now by marriage, and he was not letting that interrupt any happy ending that the two wanted.

He may or may not have gotten a little carried away, especially when the man began to try and justify his actions, or tell him Caden this or Caden that, and then insult his nephew again? Yea. That was easily stopped by a broken jaw. "Luckily" for the man he was pumelling, he threw a punch to the neck, having his windpipe collapse and easily stopped any breathing the man may have wanted. He stood up, groaning at the blood spatter over his form. He sighed heavily, stealing a towel and beginning to wipe off his face and arms, figuring he would just go steal something from Raphael and Caden. After he dropped the man out the window and into the garbage of course - which he easily did.

Walking out of the building, he made his way toward his nephew's, stopping instantly upon seeing Trevor walking toward him. He lifted his head, looking over at the other, he was about to smile ... Until he saw the petrified look on the other's face. HE looked down at his clothes, seeing the blood and then once more looked over at the brunette just in time to see him running away. "Trevor! WAIT!" He called after and took a step forward, the boy only running all the faster. Oh ... Oh no. He felt his chest instantly ache, hating the sensation so, so very much.​
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