Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

The emotions and images and knowledge were there in an instant. The blond shot up and quickly called Tanner to come stay with Jade and Ella. "Keep them here." The other blond nodded, thoroughly confused as his friend ran out of the house and towards where his lover was. It took him much too long to reach Rune, and when he did, one look told him all that he needed to know.

Calder did a quick once over of Rune, kissing him softly. "Go change, then go home. I'll go after him." The blond gave another quick peck and a soft 'love you' before he jolted off in the direction that Trevor had taken. He called after him, looking everywhere he could as he ran.
Rune was frozen where he was for quite some time, just staring in the direction that the boy ran off in. He looked so pale. So ... So very pale. He could not believe that he was so careless. He had changed. He had! Just ... He did not like his family being threatened and ... and ... and.. He slowly blinked, hearing his love's voice. Turning his eyes down to the other, he nodded a little shakily, turning on his heel and slowly walking back to their house. His hand shakily pushed through his hair, trying to think about what he would do about this - other than take a shower.

Trevor could not run any faster. He needed to get away. Rune was so ... so scary! He did not like him looking like that. The blood was one thing, but there was just ... something about him, around him, that made him look so evil. He did not want that at all. He shook his head a few times, tears pouring from his eyes as he collapsed to his knees, feeling so very sick at the moment. The running, the tears, the scene... Oh all of it was making his stomach churn. His hand moved to clench his shirt, heaving a few times and he took in many deep breaths, trying to calm himself and the tears only continued to pour down his cheeks, sobbing uncontrollably.​
Where were his boys? And... What was her name? Well that didn't matter. The smallest boy was too clingy. Trevor. Trevor was who was the apple of his eye. Ted had heard that they were somewhere in Italy and this felt like the thousandth town that he had checked. As he drove down the road, he saw a little boy curled on the sidewalk. And until he got close enough to see that it was indeed his son, he couldn't have cared less. Now though...

He pulled the car over and got out, kneeling down to the boy's level with a hand at the small of the small male's back. "Trevor? Are you alright, son?"

Calder ran and ran, wishing that he had Rune's ability to read minds, or that Rune had a clear enough head to read for him. But neither were going to happen right now. The blond kept his eyes completely open but saw nothing and with each passing minute, he began to panic more and more.
Trevor flinched instantly when someone touched him, pulling away and going wide-eyed at seeing the man that was there. He leapt up from the ground, taking another large step back, staring at the man. His heart seemed to stop for the moment, his lungs not working as he kept his eye to the man that was there. "No!" He yelled, shaking his head. "You abandoned us!" He stated, shaking his head and he took yet another step back, not wanting to be near the other man. He was torn. He wanted to go home, but he was too scared to go home. He did not want to be near this man, but he was pretty sure that he had nowhere to run to.​
"No, baby," he soothed, having to try his hardest to not laugh at his own lies. Of course he'd abandoned that nut job woman! "I went away so that I could make a better life, and then come back and get you." He'd heard rumors about the wealth of the fags that took his children in, and this was his chance to see if they were true. "But then you weren't where your mommy said you were so I had to come looking..." He put on the fakest smile he could muster. "Come on. I have a really nice house a little ways away. We can get you cleaned up and rested."

Calder was growing desperate, and began reaching out to his lover for some support and ideas of where to look next.
Trevor took yet another step back from the man and shook his head. He would never beleive that. He could not. the man lied. He lied back then, and he was doing so now. He did not care what the man would say. He knew that the man was a horrible person and he did not want to go back to him. He wanted to go back home. He wanted to go back to his sister and his brother and Calder and ... Even Rune. Rune was better than this man. Rune at least showed him some love and that he would provide and care for them. "No .. I ... I don't want to go with you."​
He was lightening quick, reaching forward and taking hold of the boy in a strong grip. "Well. You don't have too much of a choice. I'm your father and you're going to do as I say." The brat was shoved into his car and they were moving even before he'd fully gotten in himself. Ted wanted insurance that the kid wouldn't try to run off.

Calder saw everything in slow motion, happening upon the scene by chance. The blond ran as fast as he could, but knew that there was no hope of him keeping up with the speeding car. He fell to the ground, utterly exhausted as he relayed the license plate back to Rune to write down. At least they could start some sort of search with that.
Trevor let out a yelp as he was pulled into the car and he shook his head. "NO!" He yelled, trying the door but finding that it was locked. He shook his head and jiggled the door a little more. "NO NO NO! I don't want to go to you! I want Calder and Rune!" He continud with the door though stopped after finding it was useless. He turned to look at the man beside him. "PLEASE! Just ... Let me go home." He felt so, so very pathetic right now. He did not like this. He did not want this. He felt like he was breaking apart inside and he hated it so much.​
He didn't answer the boy. He'd gotten what he wanted and was plotting on getting more. That was what was important, not the boy's hysterics. They drove...and drove, finally stopping about an hour away in a little log cabin. There were no woods or anything of the sort to hide them, but there weren't many neighbors, either. Ted took the boy by the arm and lead him into the house. He was pushed into a little bedroom and locked in before the older male moved to do his homework. Calder and Rune? They shouldn't be difficult to find...
Trevor struggled all the way into the house, and even more so when he was shoved into the room. He ran to the door, pounding on it instantly and trying to get away. "LET ME OUT!" He shouted, banging on the door a little bit more before he stopped. He stared at the door, letting out a loud sob of a cry. He fell to the floor, curling up into a ball. His hands rested behind his head and he began to rock back and forth, trying to calm down, but finding that he really could not. The single person he badly wanted to see, the two he needed to see, he was too scared to see.​
Calder panicked. He needed to know where the boy was, and he needed to know now. And while he wasn't proud of it, the blond used his lover's gifts to their fullest. They scoured maps with the little hints that they could glean from Trevor's mind and finally narrowed it down. Ella and Jade were left with Tanner and Relic while Calder asked Rune to drive him out to the area they were sure their son had to be.

The blond left his lover with a kiss, not wanting to scare the boy further, before slinking around to try and find a cabin. It took him nearly an hour to see it, and another twenty minutes to move around it. He communicated with Rune to find out just where Trevor might be in the house, and when he figured it out, the blond morphed down into a tiny kitten. He hopped up onto the window ledge and pawed at the glass, mewling very, very softly, hoping to get Trevor's attention.
Trevor took in a deep breath, his eyes closed and he continued to take in breaths to calm himself, hearing the soft mews as he calmed just a bit. HIs tear-stained eyes lifted to the window, staring at the cat and he willed the window open with a bit of difficulty. He slowly moved up, walking over to the cat and he stared at it for a while, looking the cat over and a soft, "Calder?" passed his lips. Was this really the man who had taken him in?​
Looking around, Calder jumped onto the bed and then pawed down to the floor. He didn't want to make any noise. When he was fully on the floor, he dropped the morphe, holding a finger to his lips to tell Trevor to be silent. Very softly and slowly, Calder made his way over to the boy and looked him over, speaking in soft, barely audible whispers as he did so.

"I can't stay long but we're not leaving you. You be a good boy and do whatever he wants you to do until we can figure things out. I'll be back late tonight to check on you." He was satisfied that there were at least no physical injuries. "Do you need anything?" He looked around the room, wishing that he could just break through the door and bring Trevor home with them.
Trevor moved forward, his arms wrapping around the other's form and huging the blond tightly. His head buried into his chest and he took in many deep breaths, calming himself with the newly-familiar scent of the other. Yes. He definitely missed them and wanted them more. His eyes squeazed closed and he gripped him tighter. He shook his head a little bit and slowly forced himself away. At least they were going to rescue him. He did not know how long it would be, though. He just . . . Oh he did not know what he wanted anymore. He wanted to go home, he did not care what Rune did anymore.​
Tears welled up in Calder's eyes with the hug, and he hugged Trevor tightly to his chest. He pressed a kiss to the top of the boy's head before they pulled away. "Hold your judgment of Rune, okay? We'll explain everything when we get you home." He reached out and cupped the boy's face in both of his hands and gave a soft smile, hoping to reassure him. "Be good. And put me up on the window sill when I morphe." With another little kiss to the boy's cheek, the blond morphed down into a kitten once more.

Ted was easily distracted by any sounds. He was too engrossed in his reading. Apparently, this 'Rune' fellow was worth a boat load of money. And he was going to cash in. If pupils could be dollar signs, his would be twenty four karat gold dollar signs. With a little more research, the man found the address of the couple and sent off a letter with a 'little' demand in it. The mailing of the letter would take at least three days, plenty of time for them to think about what the boy meant to them.
Trevor nodded a bit and then lifted the morphed cat into his arms, resting him on the sill and he waited for him to leave before closing the window, leaving a good inch left open for air and just in case Calder wanted to transform into a snake or something and come in that way. He di dnot care. All he knew was that they would rescue him, and that was what he was happy for. He moved to sit on the bed, his arms crossed over his lower torso and he moved to curl up into the corner of the bed, resting his head against the wall and he let out a pathetic little whimper.

Rune impatiently waited for the man to come, seeing him come to the car again. He stared at him, looking utterly concerned as he watched him come back to hte car. "So?"​
Calder leaned forward and pressed a kiss to Rune's lips. "He's not hurt. Very scared, though. There's a bed, at least, and warm blankets. We'll go home, see what else we can do and at the very least I'll come back and spend the night with him, morphed." He knew that Rune wanted to help, but there wasn't anything that his lover could do. "I can get a good look at the house if I morphe small in the night."

He climbed into the car and headed home. Nothing came up that night, and after putting the other two to sleep, Calder and Rune made the trek out to the cabin again. He morphed back into the kitten and got into the window, purring softly to announce his presence before leaping onto the bed and then the floor before letting the morphes drop.
Trevor curled up into the corner, hugging his knees tightly to his chest. He had finally managed to stop crying and now knew he only needed to wait. They would get him. He knew that he would not be here for long. Of ocurse, when he heard the purr, and soon saw Calder in front of him, he was so very happy. His heart fluttered and he jumped up from the bed, arms wrapping tightly aroudn the blond's form once more. He buried his face into his chest and gripped him tight. "I'm so sorry, Calder..." He whispered, gripping him and not wanting to look at him. "It ... It's all my fauly because ... Because I misjudged Rune and and ...Thank you for not abandoning me."​
He shushed the boy softly, arms wrapped around his shoulders securely. "It's not your fault, Trevor. And Rune wouldn't want you to think that it was, either." They stood like that for a minute before he lead Trevor over to the bed. "I need you to pay very close attention. I'm going to morphe into something very small and go out there to get a look around. I need to know what he wants so that we can help you. Get ready for bed while I'm gone, okay?" He moved to the window and reached outside to a duffel bag he'd stashed with some bottled water, a wash cloth, soap, tooth paste and a tooth brush. "You can't change your clothes or he'll know, and spit the water outside." He gave a kiss to the boy before morphing down into a little dwarf mouse and slipping out under the door.

He was careful to stay in the shadows until he was sure that the man was asleep. Calder quickly morphed into his child-sized self and snuck around as quietly as he could. Rune's bank account information was up on the computer screen, as well as odd notes here and there. Calder 'broadcast' those back to Rune and went on looking, sending whatever information he thought might be helpful back to his lover. It was nearly an hour before he felt that he'd gotten everything that he could, and the blond morphed back into a mouse to get back under the door and into Trevor's "bedroom".
Trevor nodded and then did what hte other told him to. Washing up his face a little, brushing his teeth, spitting the water outside. He let the things the other brought with him drop onto the duffle bag outside. He pushed off his shoes and then moved into the bed, not liking it at all. It was not his bed. There was not the sound of a cute little blond boy rushing from his room to his brother's. It was always so comforting to have the other with him in the bed. He shook his head at the thought and then sniffled a few times, nuzzling into the pillow a bit more. Yep. He wanted to go home.​
Once inside, he dropped the morphes and sat on the edge of Trevor's bed. "He loves you, Trevor," he whispered, pulling the covers up over the boy securely. "What you saw... Well he was protecting his family. And he would protect you and Jade and Ella in the same way if he had to...because you're our family now." Leaning forward he pressed a kiss to Trevor's temple and then morphed into the kitten again, climbing under the covers to hide from the man just in case and cuddling up close to the other male.
The teen listened to hte other, nodding a little bit and he wrapped his arms tightly around his torso, keeping his eyes up to the man. He smiled gently. "Thank you." He whispered, turning onto his side and cuddling up into the mattress, burying his head into the pillow.

Soon enough, rather all too soon, morning came and Trevor groaned as he turned onto his other side, staring at the wall and he blinked a few times. He gasped, snapping awake and looking around from side to side. "I'm missing school!" His handl ifted to clamp over his mouth, stopping himself from yelling in his annoyance. He was upset. He liked his classes and Prometheus and Calder and Rune were nice enoguh to payfor him to attend there and ... He was here instead of there, learning.​
Trevor waking so suddenly woke Calder, morphes dropping instantly. He was quick to correct himself, making himself little, like a pixie. "Relax... Nikkos knows." He had climbed up onto the pillow so that the teen could hear him, and so that he could easily hide if he had to.

And, of course, he had to. The door slammed open and Calder jumped down, pressing himself into Trevor's jean pocket.

"Shut the fuck up!" Ted grumbled, still half asleep and pissed at being woken up so damned early. "You're not goin' back to school." What kid wanted to go to school anyway?
Trevor flinched instantly with the sound of the door, curling up in the corner even more, trying not to squish Calder in his pocket. He stared at the man, his eyes wide and staring at him. His heart and breath seemed to be caught at the base of his throat. He wanted the man to go away. He wanted to go back home! He wanted to go back to school. He did not want to be here. HE did not like it one bit. This was why they kept running! He did not want to be near this man. He was no good. No good for anyone and ... He wanted to go home!​
"Fuckin' wuss" was grumbled under the man's breath before the door was slammed shut and locked from the outside once more. Once the click was heard, Calder was out of Trevor's pocket and full size again, hugging the teen to his chest. He began whispering his lesson plan to him, hoping that it would at least distract him enough to calm him down.
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