Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Trevor gripped the other tightly, his eyes closed as he calmed down just a bit more. He really was grateful for Calder right now. THe man being with him was very nice. He took in a deep breath and slowly pulled back, nodding a little bit and rubbing at his eyes a little bit more. He gripped his legs that were pulled to his chest, looking up at hte man and giving him a weak smile. He let the other go back to Rune, knowing that he could not stay with him the whole time.

The next morning, Rune got the letter in the mail. A brow lifted in question as he took the note up, reading it and he growled under his breath. He was going to kill this man. He would tie weights to his ankles and dump him in the river. He would put it near Sicily so that they would think it was just another mob hit. Yes. That would work beautifully . . .​
Calder read the note over his shoulder, groaning. That was a lot of zeros. "Make the check out." What choice did they have? "We'll get Trevor and put a stop payment on it. Keep the kids at Prometheus until... Well just until." The blond never liked to verbalize his lover's violence towards other people, and he knew that they would have to shield the three of them. The school was the best place for that. Moving around to Rune's front, Calder clung to him. He was just about out of strength and he needed that extra push from his love.

"I'll get us packed."
Rune hissed under his breath and shook his head. "NO" He said firmly, pressing a kiss to his love's lips and he then turned to make his way out of the mansion, whether or not the other followed was not his issue. "I'm getting him back. I'm not paying that worthless piece of shit anything, even if we stop it. And I'm not even going to give him the pleasure of dying." He did not want to deal with this anymore. Writing a check, getting it to the worthless man, then having him probably be paranoid about the whole thing being fake? No. He was not dealing with that. He would not and could not. HE would get his son back and just break shit ... no death. No scaring him off again.

"You can come if you want, but I'm not giving into him. I'm getting our son back, and that's that."​
Calder quickly followed, grabbing Rune by the arm and pulling him to a stop. "If you go in there like that, you're going to scare Trevor." He put Rune's back against the wall and held him there, staring the man dead in the eyes. "We'll go tonight. I'll get Trevor out and leave you to... It." Leaning up, he pressed a kiss to Rune's lips. "Get calm. You'll be able to get riled soon enough. And make sure you bring a bobby pin from Relic-we'll need to pick the lock on the bedroom door."
Rune groaned and slowly turned to look down at the man in front of him. He bit his bottom lip, thinking a little bit and he nodded. He kissed the other's lips and then moved to go take a shower, needing something to calm himself down a little bit more. He took in a few deep breaths along the way, easing up quite a bit as he moved into the bathroom.​
The day went slowly. Dinner took forever, and getting Jade and Ella to bed took even longer. Calder was anxious to get in, get Trevor and get out. Tanner came to stay with the other two, Calder pecking a kiss to him in thanks as he and Rune walked out the door.

His heart beat against his chest hard as he made his way through the woods, Rune waiting at the front door for Calder to let him in. He wanted to go into Trevor's room first to assure him it was okay, and he morphed into his kitten form, hopping up into the window and down to the floor effortlessly.

"Okay?" he whispered once he was himself again.
Trevor perked up, looking at Calder and he nodded to the man's words. "Mhm.' He said softly, figuring that the man would only be staying for a little while as he has been doing. He did not really think anyone was going to rescue him today. He knew that they would get to it, but that did not mean that he hknew today would be the day. He wrapped his arms tightly aroudn himself and he chewed his bottom lip a little out of nervousness. The man in the other room was already well asleep, so he did not have to worry about that right now.​
"Good boy." Calder pressed a kiss to the top of his head and took his hand, pulling him from the bed. "You must be very quiet, Trevor. Anything that you need to take with you, get it now, okay?" He waited for the nod before morphing down into the dwarf mouse once more and slid out from the room, morphing into himself only when he was at the front door. He unlocked it for Rune. "Very rickety." They would have to step very lightly to the bedroom door.
Rune waited impatiently for the other to unlock the door, looking at him and he sighed heavily. Looking at the floor, he moved Calder to the outside of the front door with a simple, "stay" before he was off. Easily gliding along the floorboards, not making a single noise as he maneuvered through the furniture and everything else. He glanced to the bedroom where the man was sleeping away then once more back to the door he was in front of. IT took him a few moments before there was a very soft click of the lock. Turning the knob, he looked at TRevor, holding a forefinger to his lips to keep the other quiet.

Reaching forward, he took a hold of the teen, draping him over his shoulder and then once more going through the minefield of rickety boards and furniture to the front door. He rested Trevor beside his love, kissing Calder's lips softly. "Go home. I'm sure Trevor's starved. I'll be there soon." he then turned to Trevor. "Don't worry. I won't kill him.' He winked before straightening and shooing the two off. He closed te door gently behind them, lockingi t once more. Now, to wait. He moved to the chair in thel iving room, right knee over his left, fingers laced and resting on top of his stomach, patiently waiting for the man to wake up.​
Calder watched just as impatiently as Rune had waited, wanting nothing more than to have their son by his side. He breathed a heavy sigh of relief once he was. He kissed Rune, telling him that he loved him before taking a hold of Trevor's hand and leading him out to the road where they'd parked the car. The blond knew that once they got home, chaos would ensue with Jade, and so he took Trevor to the nearest diner. He didn't know if the boy had eaten, but he certainly hadn't eaten or drank anything when he was sitting with him.

"Have you eaten, honey? Drank anything?"
Trevor sat on the booth, looking over at the other and he gave a weak little smile, shaking his head. It was true. The man had not fed him or given him anything. Hell, the ony time the door was opened was when he was being yelled at, and he wound up having to pee out hte window ... He would have peed in teh room, but then he would have had to deal with that stench and he really did not want that. Looking over at Calder, he definitely felt better though. He shook his head and then looked over at the waitress beside their table now, ordering fluently in Italian a burger and a large glass of water before handing her the menu.​
Calder ordered the same, turning to the teen after the girl had gone away. "Are you alright?" He couldn't see any cuts or bruises, but that didn't always mean anything. "Did he hurt you?" Really, all the blond wanted to do was to check every inch of him over, but knew that he couldn't. Even once they got home he was sure that Trevor would go back into his shell, even if only partially.

The waitress brought their water, smiling as she set the glasses and straws down. "Be careful," he warned. "Don't drink too fast or you'll get sick."
Trevor looked over at the man and he nodded. "I'm fine, Calder.' He said gently, pulling the glass of water to him. He poked the straw inside, taking a few sips of hte water, feling so much better already. His eyes slipped closed and he sighed softly. His head shook a little bit and he looked over at Calder once more. He took the straw, twirling it within the glass absently. "So um ... Rune is not mad at me for running?" He questioned and looked over at the other, a fanit pink tinted to his cheeks as he did so. "I know that there is a reason for ... What he had done ... I ... It was just ... scary."​
"Mad? No, honey. He was scared, and feels horrible that you saw him like that." He couldn't imagine how Rune felt knowing that he'd only been protecting Raphael and Caden, and yet the result of that protection scared Trevor so badly. "He'll talk to you after you've rested for a few days, I'm sure." And even if Rune hadn't planned on that, Calder would be sure that it happened. "You just have to remember that there are two sides to Rune. There's the side that you and everyone else he loves sees, and the side that people who hurt the ones he loves sees. You'll never see that other side."

Their burgers came and Calder dug in, warning Trevor to go slow again.
Trevor nodded to the man, feeling a bit relieved with the knowledge. He took the burger and silently began to eat it, feeling quite better already. He made sure to pace himself, trying not to vomit or anything of that sort. He ate half the burger and then set it onto the plate, deciding to let his stomach adjust to the food for the moment. He took the napkin, wiping off his hands and he looked over at Calder again. "Jade and Ella ... They're okay, right? I mean, I know you take very good care of them ... but um ... Do they know what happened to me?"​
"They're okay," he confirmed with a soft smile. "We talked to Jade and told him that a very bad man wanted to hurt me and Rune, and so he tried to steal you. He was okay once he knew that I had been with you and knew that you were okay."

They had been very honest with Jade, not wanting to have to make Trevor lie to his little brother when he got home.

"He doesn't know you're coming home tonight, though. It'll be a nice surprise when he wakes up I think." Ella was too small to understand, though she was visibly stressed out because Rune and Calder were.
Trevor went a little wide-eyed at Jade being told, relaxing easily when he was told it was only a bad man. He reaxed, sighing heavily and his arms wrapped around his form tightly to calm himself a little more. "Thank god.." he whispered and looked over at Calder once more. "You ... You cannot tell him it was our father." He said softly, pleading ever so pathetically as he looked up at the man.

Rune soon seemed to just pop up, sliding into the booth with Calder and taking one of his french fries, looking at Trevor and he gave a simple thumbs up. "Don't worry about it. He's somewhere in Russia." He shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly before he blinked a few times. "Your father. Not Jade. But yes, we won't tell him."​
Calder breathed a sigh of relief with the knowledge that no one was hurt and that the threat to their children was far away. He was especially happy that Jade would never have to know just who this "Bad Man" was. There was no need for him to know at such a young age.

"We promise that we won't." The blond ate while leaning into his lover, happy to have both Trevor and Rune close to him.
Trevor easily went back to normal, telling Jade many times over that he was fine and that nothing bad happened to him other than being locked away in a room. Relic and Tanner frequently came over for dinner and everything else. Relic utterly adored the trio. They were so adorable! Trevor seemed to open up just a little bit more from before, always cooking and exchanging recipes with Calder. Jade was ... hilarious. Apparently he was very popular at school. Ella ... Well she was always clinging to Rune like he was the last ship off of the Titanic, or something. It was adorable to watch his brother and that little girl.

A week or so after the chaos of Trevor being kidnapped, Relic ran and pounced Tanner, pinning him to the bed with quite the excited look in his eyes. His hands pinned the other's arms to the ground, smiling all the more. "Let's adopt!" He chimed happily, bouncing on the other's torso with his utter excitement. "I'll even wear pants! Everyone else has their little kids so it would be a perfect time to get a baby, don't oyu think?! They can all grow up together!!"​
Tanner was happy for his friends and brother in laws. They were all happy and all had their ideal families, settling into life quite easily with each other. He and Relic were in the middle of it, too. They were built in baby sitters and loving married life while they were at it. He heard Relic running for him before he felt being pounced, though they were nearly simutanious as Relic was quick.

Adopt? They'd just gotten married... But his husband looked so happy and excited that denying him just wasn't an option. "But I like you in your skirts," he pouted in response.
Relic giggled with a little shake of his head. He looked down at the other, smiling even more as he did so. "I know that you love me in skirts, and I know we just got married ... but ... I cannot help it. The timing is perfect, don't you think? I mean, we don't want to get a child when he, or she, will not have any playmates, right? That would just be horrible. He or she would be all alone in the big house. But with Tomias and Nikkos having Dawn, and then Rune and Calder with their three ... Our child will have more than enough playmates! And that's not even including Valerius' triplets" He giggled happily and leant down to press a kiss to the other's lips. "There is a cute little orphanage a half hour awaaay..."​
He had to admit that Relic had a point. He didn't want their child (or children) to feel like a loner when the seven kids that were within their circle already had each other. Tanner reached down and under Relic's skirt to cup his rear end, squeezing softly. "I guesssss I can give up seeing you in a skirt..." Until they had the papers signed, anyway. His hips bucked up a little. "Call and make an appointment for next weekend, okay?" They had school for the entire week and so next Saturday would be a perfect day.
Relic squealed happily, pressing a firm kiss to the other's lips. "Already done! Ten thirty next Saturday." He giggled happily, leaning down to kiss along the side of his love's neck, planning to get him a little bit distracted from the fact that he had already gone ahead and done the whole scheduling. His hips ground into the other's, his hands sliding up and along the other's chest, smiling all the more. He was so, so very excited right now. They would have a family! Children of their own, and there would be the giggles and cries of excited children all throughout the large mansion ... Oh it would be utterly wonderful. Truly, it would be.​
Tanner laughed. He should have known that Relic would have already made the appointment. He hugged his lover and kissed him, growling softly as his hips were ground into.

The week seemed to fly by and before he knew it, they were standing outside of the adoption agency. Tanner had put n a smart looking suit that Relic had made for him: all fine Italian materials, hand sewn. Taking his husband's hand, the blond gave it a little squeeze as they came up to the large glass doors. "Ready?"
Relic was far too ecstatic the whole morning. He barely was able to shower without squealing in delight. He put on a pair of nice black dress pants and then an off-the-shoulder purple, long sleeved, shirt with a black vest over that. He took his love's hand, gladly making way to the adoption agency and he stared at the door, bouncing onthe balls of his feet - clad in converse stolen from his brother - and he turned to Tanner. Nodding, and with a kiss to the blond's cheek, he opened the door, making his way int othe building with baited breath. He was so very ecsatic. He literally had to bite his lip to stop from squealing.​
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