Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Relic followed the other to the sofa, moving to sit on top of his love's torso, straddling his hips as he did so. His hands rested upon his chest, looking down at the man and he shrugged. "I like private adoption and finding a surrogate." He admitted, leaning down to kiss the side of the blond's neck. "We can start the whole adoption process for maybe an older child and then ... maybe have a surrogate too. I want a baby.' He stated iwth a little pout to his lips. He wanted to have a little baby and be able to raise someone frmo infancy, but he also knew that adopting would be so much ebtter too. Give a home to a child without one.​
"Babies are difficult to adopt..." Everyone wanted a baby. They would find a child to adopt more quickly if they looked from about four years old and older. Tanner held onto Relic's hips, looking up at his lover while they made a monumental decision that would change the rest of their lives. "Lets talk surrogacy first." They would talk about each in detail and then decide. At least then they would have all of their bases covered.

"Who would we get to carry?"
Relic nodded. He did not want to go to an orphanage and try to adopt there. He wanted one from a surrogate. And then an older brother or sister for hte younger sibling. Heck, maybe even both. They had money! They could spend it on children, damnit. He ignored the thoughts for now and then looked down at the man, thinking for a little while before he shrugged a little, leaning down to rest his head against hte man's chest. "I know someone who probably would not mind giving us a child." he murmured, eyes closed and he shrugged a bit. "Of course ... She's an ex of mine though."​
Tanner groaned a little, but he'd known that it was coming. Having one of Relic's ex's in their life for at least nine months was not what he really wanted... But it was what Relic wanted. At the very least he could try, right? Closing his eyes for a minute, the blond sighed. "I want to meet her first..." If he and the woman didn't get along then... Well then they'd have to find someone else. "And you're not having sex with her," he only half teased, poking his tongue out at his husband.
Relic listened to the other and let out a short little laugh. "Awe. But that was her conditions." He teased, leaning down to kiss the man's lips softly. He nodded a bit and pulled back. "You'll like her. She's truly a sweetheart. The only reason we broke up was because she had to go away for something." He shrugged his shoulders and the took in a sharp breath. "Oh! She's going to be so excited that I'm married now." He giggled and nuzzled into the other's neck, kissing along the flesh softly. "You're sure we cannot procreate the natural way?" He teased, really just wanting to ge the other riled.​
"If natural to you is coming in a cup in a doctor's office, then yes. You can conceive with her the natural way." Once more the blond stuck his tongue out at his husband, bucking his hips up playfully as he did so. Leaning up, he kissed Relic. "Go ahead and set up a lunch date with her."
Relic smiled warmly at his love, chuckling gently in his amusement. Awe. He was hoping for a better reaction. He chuckled and kissed along the side of the man's neck, shrugging his shoulders ever so absently into the air. "Sure thing." He whispered, nipping the side of his neck while his hips ground into his, just wanting to tease him a little bit. He continued his actions for a while before he jumped up and jogged over to the phone. He took it up and dialed the girl's number, hoping it had not changed over the years. Luckily for him! It had not. He smiled exitedly and summed up the events and everything that had happened, shortened versions of course, and she easily agreed to meet the day after next to discuss in further detail.​
Tanner was nervous the next day. He knew that Relic's happiness hinged on how well the meeting went and he didn't want to ruin it. But the blond knew that there was a chance that he may not like the woman they were about to meet for lunch.

They were early to the cafe and were seated, Tanner fidgeting a bit as they waited.
Relic sat beside the fidgetting Tanner, shaking his head a little. His right knee draped over his left and his eyes kept to the man. "Relaaax." He whispered, leaning over to press a kiss to his love's lips, settling back to his seat. Today, he had on a new outfit he made: White and black plaid skirt, a black with white plaid trim corset that had a strap wrapped around his neck to hold the top up, thigh-high white stockings, and his commando boots, of course. He kissed his love once more, nuzzling into him a bit. "I'm sure you'll love her." he nipped his husband's ear, setting back a bit more, just in time to see the woman.

Walking into the cafe, a gorgeous blue haired woman stopped to look around. Her long, pale blue locks fell to the middle of her back, half of it pulled into a butterfly clip. She had gorgeous curves and long legs, her face truly that of an angel's, well, almost. She spotted Relic, smiling instantly. "Releek!" She chimed, her thick French accent heavy upon her tongue as she walked over to the man, pressing a kiss to both cheeks before she looked down at the blond, smiling all the more. Her five foot nine form stood in front of him, clad in a lovely wine-red dres. "Zis must be ze lucky man." Her green eyes sparkled as she took in the blond before her. "Oh! I love 'eem already!"​
Looking up, Tanner smiled at the woman. She seemed nice enough and he took a couple of deep breaths to get the nerves to go away. He needed to have an open mind and if Relic said that she was okay, well then he had nothing to question. The blond stood up and introduced himself politely before they all sat down for lunch.
Brielle smiled warmly at the man in front of her. He definitely was adorable. She was so, so very happy. A soft giggle passed her lips as she sat down beside Relic. Her right leg lifted to drape over her left, hands delicately folded and resting upon the table in front of her. "I am Brielle ... Ooh! I am still zo 'appy to see my little Releek found zomeone!" She giggled happily once more, lookin over Tanner beore her eyes turned to Relic, grinning all the more. "You found a good looking one too... Zough, I do not expect anyzing less from you." She leant over to pres a kiss to the ravenette's cheek, settling back down to the chair.

Relic grinned. Oh! He really hd missed her. He giggled and turned to Tanner, leaning over to kiss his cheek softly. "Yep! he's all mine." His arms wrapped around his love's torso, hugging him tightly to his form with a sigh.
They made small talk for a little while, Tanner slowly becoming relaxed in the woman's presence. He could definitely understand what Relic had seen in her, though the blond couldn't help but be happy that it hadn't worked out between them. If it had, he and his husband would never have met, let alone gotten married. And Tanner wasn't willing to even think about what his life would be like without Relic in it.

Leaning over to his lover, the blond whispered that he was okay with asking Brielle to carry for them if that was what Relic wanted.
Relic happily caught up with the woman, telling her about their lives a little and answering the few questions she had had for them, asking her a few things here and there - being sure to not have Tanner feel excluded or out of hte loop or anything. He definitely did not want that. His love should feel comfortable with her, andl uckily, Brielle never made more than a few mentions that may be just between them. Past people they knew, or her family, those type of things.

With the whispered words of his love, he held back a soft little squeal, settling for a giggle as he turned to look at the woman once more. "Brielle ... We have a request for you." He stated, his eyes sparkling as he did so.

The woman perked up, turning to look at the two with interest in her eyes. 'Yes? What is it?"

"Can we use your ovaries?" he asked, grinning at the woman staring at him in that lost manner she did quite often. He giggled happily, shaking his head. "We ... wish for you to be a surrogate for us. The adoption agency will not let us adopt and I know that you may not wish for a child to raise up yourself and well, we said it ourselves that we would make a beautiful child.'

Brielle set back, taking it all in and she let out a laugh. Relic ... Always one to go for the different. She smiled warmly and then nodded a little. "I will be honored. But ... Won't your husband be mad with us 'aving sex again?" She asked, knowing that that was not what Relic meant, but they tended to have a bit of the same humor in that aspect. She tilted her eyes to the other, staring at him and waiting for some sort of reaction.
"I'll just have Rune babysit Relic," he shrugged. she obviously knew Relic's family and one could not know Relic without knowing Rune. "Or buy a chastity belt..." He grinned at his lover, letting him think that he would actually consider such a thing. He turned serious shortly after, though. "I was thinking that maybe we could both...donate and just let fate take its course..." Of course, it would be overly obvious who's sperm fertilized the egg after birth, but that wasn't the point. He couldn't see them deciding who would be the biological father on their own.
Relic listened to the man's suggestion about the donator, turning to look at him and he blinked a few times. "That's ingenious.' He squealed lightly, wrapping his arms around the man's waist, hugging him tightly with a kiss to his cheek. He giggled softly, not having thought of that beforehand. It was nice! That way, their child would be purely up to fate! He loved Brielle's genetics, she was gorgeous, how could he not? So, that was not a problem. And it helped that her parents were good looking as well.

Brielle laughed cheerfully. "Oui ... Rune ... Oh, he does not like me zough." She pouted a little, sighing heavily a little more. "I suppose I should not 'ave teased 'im so much ... Eet was just zo tempting." She giggled and then looked over at Tanner, looking at him with interest and she nodded. "Oui. I like zat idea. I am so 'appy for you, Releek. You deserve someone like Tanner." She smiled warmly at the other and then turned to Tanner, getting a more serious look to her features. "And if you do anyzing to upset my Releek ... I will come after you, Monseuir Tanner. I like you, but I love Releek. I shall not let anyone hurt him. But! I know you will be very good for him, so there is nothing to worry about." She giggled once more and then straightened her back a little more.​
The rest of lunch was nice. They chatted, mostly about things that weren't the surrogacy. When they were getting ready to leave, Tanner turned to the woman. "Stay with us. Through the pregnancy I mean. You'll have the two of us willing to wait on you hand and foot, and I'm sure we can con Calder into cooking to accommodate your cravings." Despite not talking to Relic about the decision, he knew that there wasn't a problem. They got along wonderfully and there was plenty of room in their wing of the house, anyway.
Brielle stood up, taking up her little dark purple shawl, she draped it over her shoulders, turning to look at Tanner while they walked toward the exit. She listened to the other, stopping a bit to think about the offer. Relic seemed more than willing, utterly beaming at the idea. She laughed softly and nodded. "All right. I do not 'ave a problem with zat." she smiled once more and then moved outside of the little restaurant, leaning over to place a kiss to both men's cheeks, setting back as she did so. "You shall call me, oui? Let me know when is good et everyzing else?"​
A couple of weeks went by and it was time to go to the doctor with Brielle. They had done the implanting of the eggs a couple of weeks ago and now they were going to see if she was pregnant. Tanner hoped that she was. Not only did the idea of having a child begin to grow on him, but he knew that his husband couldn't bear more disappointment. It seemed that their legal track with the adoption agency was stalled and even though they had both hoped that it would be a quick process, it was now obvious that it likely wasn't going to be.

They pulled up to the office, having agreed to meet Brielle outside. "Ready?"
Relic turned to his love, smiling all the more. "Of course." He whispered, leaning over to press a kiss to his cheek. He giggled and slid out of the car, moving to the other side and taking a hold of his love's hand. He kissed his lips, just as quite hte nice silver sports car pulled up beside them. Their blue-haired beauty emerging with quite the lovely smile to her lips as well. "Bonjour!" he said excitedly, dragging Tanner toward the woman.

Brielle smiled as she walked over to the two, kissing their cheeks and standing upright once more. "Oh, Releek! You look zo cute today." She stated, admiring the nice skirt and top the man wore. She kissed his cheek again for good measure and then hugged him happily. "I 'ave a good feeling about zis.' She stated, smiling warmly while making her way up the stairs, the black stilettos she wore gently clacking against the hard floor beneath her, leading the way into the building to go check in.​
The blond hugged his lover before following the woman into the office, sitting down as she checked in. He was nervous again, afraid to get his hopes up because he didn't want them dashed. He also didn't want to see Relic crushed. Tanner fidgeted with the hem of his shirt as he waited for Brielle's name to be called, his heart jumping into his throat when she finally was. He was so nervous at this point that he'd forgotten if they were allowed to go in with her, and so he sat like a bump on a log waiting for Relic to take the lead.
Brielle perked up when she was called, pushing her form up from the chair and she began to walk toward the woman before she noticed she was not being followed. She turned to look at the two, a pout to her lips. "Do not let me go alone..." She said, a little pathetic look to her eyes as she examined the couple.

Relic smiled, kissing Tanner's cheek and then standing up to drag him to the examination room. He followed after the woman, kissing her cheek as he did so. He then moved into the room, letting Tanner sit on the chair there. He hopped up onto the bed with the woman, resting his head against her shoulder while the waited. His arms wrapped around her waist and he hugged her, just utterly happy to have such a wonderful friend.

Brielle giggled gently, leaning down to press a kiss to Relic's temple. "Do not worry zo much, Releek. I 'ave faith in my body." She giggled again, getting a smile from the man. She leant down to kiss his cheek once more before looking over at Tanner, smiling a little more. "You may make your 'usband jealous if you cuddle wiz me so much."​
Tanner followed, still in a little bit of a fog until Brielle mentioned something about jealousy. He perked up and then pouted at Relic. The blond stood and moved over, lifting Relic off of the bed and cradling him in his arms against his chest quite easily. He kissed his lover, holding him for a minute before finally setting him down, feet to the floor, just as the doctor walked in. "Good morning!" she greeted cheerfully as she looked at the cart and prepared for the examination.
Relic squeaked, pouting as he was lifted away from the girl. He sighed heavily, arms moving around his husband and he hugged him tightly, kissing his neck softly. His eyes slipped closed and he gripped him tightly, moving toward the chair once more. He sat himself on the other's knees, not wanting to get too cuddly in the office since well, it was not the time nor place to be doing such a thing. He looked over at the doctor, smiling warmly.

"Good morning!" Brielle greeted back, giggling happily. She glanced to Relic and Tanner, poking her tongue out at the ravenette before her attention went back to the doctor. "I think zat we did good. I 'ope at least." She giggled softly again, holding out her arm for the bloodwork that would be needed to do, then, if all went well, onto the examination of her ... everything and it would be very well.​
Tanner held onto Relic's hips as the bloodwork was taken, focusing on other points in the room other than the needle. He left with the internal examination, completely uncomfortable. While Brielle was veiled from the waist down and they couldn't see anything, it was simply the thought that made his stomach flip flop. He returned when the doctor poked his head out and told him it was safe to return and that they had the results.
Relic ... did not care. He stayed for everything. The bloodwork did not skeeve him out. It was not like he had not already seen Brielle for all she was worth, not that he peaked or anything. He merely stayed by her side, frustrating her by trying to get her to laugh and she having to hold it in because of the examiniation. He grinned and pressed a kiss to her cheek when everything was over, nuzzling into her neck a little. He wrapped an arm loosely around her waist, watching as his love returned to hear the results.

Brielle giggled gently, looking over at Tanner and she straightened up even more, her eyes to the man with a smile to her lips. "Do I get lunch aftair zis?" She teased, turning to look at Relic and bumping her shoulder into his.​
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