Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Trevor shook his heaad. "It's no truoble." He stated, keeping forward while they did so. His fingers wrapped around the strap of his messenger bag that went across his chest, gripping the fabric as he walked forward. He turned to look at the boy beside him, listening to his little complaint. He shrugged. "Tomias, the Mr. Arcule for admissions, said it was in part to honor the brother school, Atlantis, and in other part ... to be mean to the students." He blinked a few times, remembering the man telling him that when he had asked the same question when first arriving here. He definitely was strange. Though, he soon was realizing, that anyone associated with Rune tended to be very odd. "It is a little like an adventure though."​
To be mean to students? Why would school administrators want to be mean to students? That was a question he'd ask later, he supposed. "I guess so. I'm Bohdi, by the way. And this is Kyros." He motioned towards his twin in dog form, even though he didn't mention anything about being siblings. Bohdi still got choked up when he tried to talk about it. "And you are...?" "Εκτός από πολύ χαριτωμένο…"

Kyros rolled his eyes at his brother as he continued to walk beside him like the faithful friend that he was supposed to be.

(("Besides very cute..."))
Trevor looked over at the dog, finally realizing that it was there. He had seen him, but the fact that there was a dog beside the other had not completely processed in his head. He then turned his eyes to the other. "oh. I'm Trevor. It's nice to meet you, Bohdi." He gave a small bow of his head, walking to the elevator. He pressed the up button, not really wanting to hike a good four floors to get the other to his room.​
He easily found his room with Trevor's help. Bohdi breathed a sigh of relief when they walked into his room, and shook his head when he realized that his next door neighbors were rooms two twenty four and three eighty nine. Well at least no one could find him simply by room number... Not that anyone wanted to find him but still.

The blond turned to his impromptu tour guide and smiled. "Thanks so much for your help. I would have wandered around forever if you hadn't come along." Kyros barked his own thanks, Bohdi reaching down to pet his head a little. "What are your powers?"
Trevor nodded, giving the other his small "You're welcome" before looking back to the boy when he asked the question. His powers? Wow, he was not used to getting that question. "Oh, um, telekenesis ... Move things with my mind." He added the last bit, never sure who knew what the term meant. He tugged at the strap across his chest. He then looked at his watch once more, sighing gently. Pointless now to go for ten minutes. And since that was his only class of the day ... He turned back to the blond. "Do you ... need any other help today? my class is basically over so ... I do not mind helping you out a little more."​
"Oh that's kind of cool. Isn't that the headmaster's power?" The blond sort of remembered that from the literature he'd read before deciding to apply. "I'm sorry you missed your class because of me." But, really, somewhere deep down, he wasn't. Bohdi was glad to have met Trevor and was hoping that a friendship (or more?) might form with the teen. "But um... A little tour would be nice if you don't mind?" Sure, Mr. Alexander had shown him around but it would be nice to have the time to get to know the other a little better.
Trevor nodded to the question. "Yes. Ni-- Mister Alexander has the same power." He confirmed the question, knowing that saying 'mr. Arcule' would just get confusing. It was quite interesting how there were two Mr. Reeds and two Mr. Arcules on the campus, but that was because they met at Atlantis and then got married. So, it was understandable. He liked the other four that they lived with. Though, Relic and Tanner were celebrating something the other night, squealing here and there and he eventually saw Rune's mirror-skirt-clad-image pounce him and go off in German about some girl name Brielle - that was all he got out of that conversation.

A tour? "Okay. I can give you a tour. and um, do not worry. I was running late anyway." He sighed heavily before he began to walk forward, going a bit slow so that the other would follow him. "So, um, where are you from?"​
"That should be very helpful to you then," he offered. Private tutoring sessions were always what did the most for him. "We're from Greece." Bohdi still hadn't broken the habit of answering like Kyros was really there. Hopefully, it wouldn't cause too much drama as Kyros was now his familiar. "Um. A small town, near Athens. You?"
Trevor nodded. Greece? That was nice. Not too far away either, huh? He then looked over at the blond with the question about him. "Oh ... Um, Italy I suppose." He stated, not quite sure what to say. He and his brother had been from quite a few places. They started off in England with his mother, then moved to Ireland, then down to Spain and France, and then here where she wound up dying and they just ... stayed. He shook his head of the thoughts, looking back to the other, smiling warmly. "Yes. I am from Italy ... I do not live on campus since my house is very close."​
"Oh that is nice. I bet your parents are glad to have you at home all the time." The blond gave a little smile to the other male as they walked, Bohdi being sure to pay close attention to where everything was. "Which class did you miss today?" He still felt very bad for making the other miss class, and maybe he could help by finding someone who maybe had notes for his tour guide to borrow. He didn't know anyone at Prometheus, but he was fairly outgoing and had no trouble going up to people and asking them for their help.
Trevor nodded a little. His parents were ... something else. He still could not get used to calling them by anything else other than their first names, but maybe soon he would. He may be able to call them 'dad' and 'pop' one of these days, or something like that. He did not even know. He turned to look at the other, blinking a few times. "Oh, um, history." He admitted, sighing heavily once more. He did not like missing classes. Not at all! "It's okay though ... I can get someone's notes."​
He nodded. "If you need help, let me know." The blond gave another little smile as they continued to walk. "What is there to do on campus?" he asked, hoping that even though the brunette didn't live at the school, perhaps he would know. They couldn't just expect the students to sit around and study all the time, could they? He doubted it. Though, they weren't far from the nearest town (or so the brochures had said) so maybe that was where they were supposed to find their own entertainment?
Trevor smiled. "Thank you." He said softly, truly appreciating it and he then thought about what there was entertainment wise on the campus. "Um ... There is a swimming pool. Then, in the basement, there is basically a room that gets used as a theater that kids have been showing movies Friday and Saturday nights. Um ... the art and music rooms tend to stay open, if you get permission, so if you like to do those type of things you can. Same goes for anything sports-related." He continued to walk forward, his crimson eyes lifted up while he thought, trying to run through a list of all the things he knew. "Then there is the town near by the has a lot of things to do. Arcades, movies, eateries, clubs ... bars ... I think there may be a concert hall." He soon squeaked, bumping into someone's chest.

He took a step back, rubbing at his nose and looking up at Rune. He stared at him for a while, not too sure if the other knew that he had not gone to his class earlier.

Rune looked down at Trevor for a while, arms crossed over his chest as he did so. "Just don't miss any more classes." He said, almost seeming like he was in the middle of a conversation. He then turned to look at the blond beside the brunette, arching a brow. "Who's your friend?" He asked, looking the blond over, inspecting him thoroughly and more so in a fatherly-manner. He could not allow someone to hang out with his son if the person was nto good enough.​
"Wow..." He hadn't expected all of that... But it was nice to know that it was there should he ever get the itch to use it. "Maybe we can go swimming sometime..." he suggested. It was a bit obvious that he would have to take the lead in the friendship if he wanted it to grow, though Bohdi had no problems with that.

He reached out and caught Trevor by the arm when he bumped into the teacher, steadying his new friend so that he didn't fall down again. He looked up, looking over the man in front of them, too. Kyros growled a little, his ears laying flat against his head. The blond was a bit torn. Was Kyros growling at the man himself, or his tone? He bit his bottom lip and worried it a little while one hand moved down to soothe over his brother's back.

"I'm Bohdi... Trevor is being kind enough to show me around."
Rune looked over at the growling dog, baring his teeth at it in response and growling in his own right. Yep. He could be ... odd sometimes. okay, a lot of hte time, and yes, yes he would fight a dog if he had to. His eyes turned back to the blond easily though, looking him over and he nodded with a soft "uh-huh..." before glancing over to Trevor. He sighed heavily and shook his head. "It's fine. Helping out another student is ... okay. Ask Tanner for the notes. Or a kid in your class. Whichever. I don't really care, and I know you're already one step ahead of me, but I have to say it ... and here." He pulled out a simple note from his back pocket, a little post-it, and signed it with a "Tour Guide" written on it, his name under neath for the approval, and the pressed it against the other's forehead gently, only getting a brief flinch from the boy. "Behave." He then walked past the two, well, three, and onto other kids who were not supposed to be in the hall. "OI! Get to class!"

Trevor flinched slightly with the boy touching his arm, straightening once more and he then looked over at Rune. He could see the other being protective of him, and so he did not really mind. He listened to the man's little lecture about the notes and nodded here and there to show he was listening. His eyes closed with the note, resisting the urge to pul back, and he looked up, just in time to see him off to terrorize more students. "That's Rune ... He is the hall monitor and punishment enforcer."​
Kyros stopped growling the minute the man walked away. He could tell that the growl that the man gave wasn't anything he needed to worry about, mainly because it was protective. Bohdi wouldn't hurt Trevor and neither would he, so they were all set.

"He talks differently to you, though," he offered softly. The blond wasn't insinuating a teachers pet or anything of the sort, but it was just something that he'd noticed. "And sorry for making you jump. I just didn't want to see you fall again is all."
Trevor looked over at the other at his statement. Oh. Well, yes, he does, doesn't he? He smiled lightly, chewing his bottom lip a bit. "Um ... It's because he is kind of my ... Father?" He thought for a little, trying to think of the way to explain it. "He adopted me and my siblings. Him and Mr. Delano. I live with them." He confirmed with a little nod. It truly was odd to say that, but he was glad for it. He liked living with them. He liked them a lot too. He then perked up, not having processed that he even flinched. He shook his head. "No .. um ... it ... It's not you. I just ... I need to get used to touching. I .. I am not used to others yet." He admitted, turning a faint pink. He turned on his heel and then walked forward once more, pointing out a few more rooms and the teachers within them and the subjects taught.​
"Ooh. That explains it then." The blond filed the information away but didn't think about it. There was no reason to, was there?

The rest of the tour went well and rather quickly. They had covered most of the school before they had run into Rune anyway. When they arrived back at his dorm, the blond smiled. "Thanks again. And I really meant it-maybe we could go swimming after classes sometime. It'd be nice to have a friend here." Kyros growled and Bohdi had to laugh at that. "A human friend."
Trevor stopped and listened to the man, blinking a few times. Meet up? He stared at him for a while before he nodded. "Yes! Um, that sounds ... nice." He stated, chewing into his bottom lip a little and he took in a deep breath. "Once you are settled in." He added and nodded a little bit more. "Do you need anything else? I ... don't really have anything left to do for the day. "

Bouncing over to the brunette, Relic happily made his way to the other, utterly beaming. He truly had been completely glowing ever since he found out Brielle was pregnant. They were going to get a child and it was lovely! He beamed as he stopped beside the brunette, holding up a folder to the other. "How badly do you want to pass?" He teased, grinning excitedly as he looked down at the cute little teen.

He jumped a little, turning to stare at him and sighing softly. Rune must have told him. Or thought it. He did not know what the two did, and he could definitely see the older of the two spazzing to him that he made a friend. He looked back at the skirt-clad male. "Very badly."

He thought for a while, resting the folder at the tip of his chin, swaying back and forth and he said a simple "It'll cost ya.' Grinning happily, he leant down. "Kiss." He said, tapping his cheek, utterly giddy at the moment.

Trevor stared at the pale cheek that was in front of him. He sighed heavily, eyes closed for a few moments before he opened them again. He leant forward to kiss the male's cheek, getting the folder placed into his hand. "Thank you." He said softly, watching the man flee off for one reason or another.​
Bohdi watched curiously. This...wasn't the man they'd met earlier in the hallway but... He shook his head and put two and two together easily. Twins. Twins knew other twins, and weren't easily fooled by the looking alike thing. Kyros didn't growl, either. That was something, too. But it was obvious that Trevor was uncomfortable with the request and it raised red flags for the blond.

"Why did you do that if you were uncomfortable with it?"
Trevor looked over at the blond, holding the folder and he slowly began to snuggle it into his backpack. He shrugged his shoulders a little at the question though. "Because ... it's part of who Relic is, I've learned. He's very physical and touchy-feely and well... I wanted my notes." He closed the bag and then looked over to the man once more. "Besides ... it is ... not a big thing. His intentions are good, too. He's trying to help me get more used to contact." It was true. Both Relic and Rune were constantly doing small little things to get him used to being around others and physical contact. Trying to get him to NOT flinch anytime he was near someone else.​
"Yeah...but... I could have gotten you the notes..." He still didn't understand it, but... Well really it wasn't his place to say he supposed. Still. It made him a little uncomfortable that people were trying to get the other to do things that he wasn't really comfortable with in the first place. "Well. I need to unpack. You can come in. Study. Listen to music." He shrugged a little and opened the door to the single dorm where all of his worldly possessions were still in their boxes. Kryos ran in and jumped up onto the unmade bed immediately.
Trevor shook his head a little bit. "It's fine." He said simply and then walked into the dorm. He looked around a little bit before slowy moved to the bed. He set on the edge, letting his backpack rest on the ground by his feet. "Do you want some help?" He asked, unsure of what the other wanted. He would help, but sometimes people wanted their things here instead of there. He did not know Brodhi well enough to know that.​
He laughed. "It'd be rude to ask a guest to help work. Relax. Study. Play with Kyros." He smiled and moved to set up his stereo equipment first. Unpacking went much too slow without music. It didn't take too long for everything to be set up and he tossed his CD case over to the boy on his bed. "Pick something out. I think I have your dad's band in there somewhere." He shrugged and turned to start with the first box.
Trevor squeaked, catching the CD case and he blinked a few times. His father's ... band? He stared at him for a while before he looked at the CDs, flicking through them with interest. "I did not know he was in a band..." He said softly and then looked at the titles, seeing his 'father' on the one CD with Relic beside him. He pulled it out of the case and then stood up from the bed. He put the CD in and pressed play, moving to the mattress and sat down, listening to hte music. He truned to Kyros, haphazardly reaching forward and barely running his fingers through the fur.​
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