Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

"He's Rune Dao Lin, right?" It sort of surprised Bohdi that Trevor wouldn't know that Rune was in a band, but he did say that he was adopted so he supposed that it wasn't really that big of a stretch for him to not know. The blond began to dance around as he unpacked, singing to himself as he did. Halfway through the second song, Bohdi held out his hand to Trevor. "Dance with me! We don't even have to touch while we dance."
Trevor nodded. "He went by that name for a bit." He stated, knowing a little bit about the twins' past. "Their original name is Lin though ..." He added, just letting the other know about it. He then looked up at him with the hand extended to him. Dance? Oh, he did not dance. He really oculd not. While he may never had tried it before, he was pretty sure that he would be very, very, VERY bad at it. "Um ... No.. I, I do not dance.' He shook his head and his arms wrapped around his form tightly.​
Kyros leaned up and nudged at Trevor behind his arm with a little whine. Bohdi laughed at that. "Come on. I can't dance worth anything, but I still do it. So you can too!" He wanted to break the other out of his shell a little bit. "At least stand up and I can teach you how to find the beat of the music if you don't already know how to?"
Trevor glanced to the dog beside him, looking at him and then to the blond. He glanced between the two for a short while before he slowly stood up. He brushed down the front of his shirt and tugged at the garment a bit. He then looked to Bohdi, chewing his lip. "Erm. O... okay ..." He stood a little ways away from the other, listening to the music and actually recognizing the differences between the twos' voices. It was interesting to listen to them sing. He had not thought that they were musical, but he apparently was very wrong.​
Smiling, the blond stepped back to give the other his personal space. "Okay. You hear the guitar and violin and the drums. Tune everything but the drums out, right? And when you hear the loudest thump that repeats itself? That's the beat." It was hard to explain, and so the blond listened for the count and then counted out loud on beat. "One, two, three four... You'd clap on the one and three counts."
Trevor listened to the man, nodding a little bit and he tried to get it, he did, but he just was not all the musical. Not really musical nor loose. He closed his eyes, more so listening to the lyrics versus everything else and not being able to concentrate much on what was told. He just let his hips sway from side to side, figuring that would be enough at the moment. He did not really know what he was doing, just going a bit more on instinct overy anything else.​
Softly, Bohdi laid his palms to Trevor's, looking to the other for the okay, or the signal to stop. "Let me show you?" He thought that the other would have as much fun dancing as he did, and the blond always wanted other people to have fun. Bohdi began to move his own hips in time with the music, bobbing his head as he did so, too.
Trevor looked at the blond in front of him, his instincts telling him to pull away, but knowing that the other meant no harm. He kept his eyes to the other and he glanced to their hands before he nodded. "um ... okay." He whispered softly and he looked down at his feet for a moment, not too sure where they shouild be positioned or anything. His eyes lifted once more to look at the blond across from him, waiting to be guided with the music.​
He smiled and then stepped forward to help the other out. "Here. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart." He used his foot to nudge at the other male's. "And... Loosen your hips and shoulders." He took Trevor's hands and shook him a bit until his limbs moved freely with his guidance. "Good!" Bohdi then used Trevor's hands to clap to the beat of the music until he could do it on his own. "Then... Just kind of move to your clapping!"
Trevor did what the other told him, trying to loosen up and he continued to clap to the music, moving his hips in time and he really was not sure about this. He was too self-conscious to be able to dance properly. He looked at Bodhi for a moment before he glanced down to his feet once more. His eyes slipped closed and he moved his body with the beat, not too sure what he was doing, but just not caring right now. He probably would not last much longer than this song, but he would do it a little bit to make the other happy.​
He laughed a little and then stepped back to let Trevor do his own thing. "It's easier when you're relaxed," he offered moving to turn the stereo down a little bit. "Maybe try in your room where you're most comfortable. Thanks for letting me teach you, though." It was nice to know that the other wasn't fully afraid of him.
Trevor stopped when he heard the music lower, his arms moving to wrap around his lower torso. He nodded a bit, about to say something when his phone rang. He went briefly wide-eyed and then moved over to his bag, pulling out his cell phone and he held it to his ear. "Hello?" He questioned, listening to Rune on the other end ranting about how he was not home yet and whatnot. He glanced to the time and gasped. "oh! Sorry! um ... I'll leave... yep. Right now. Kay. Bye." He smiled lightly, closing the phone and replacing it to his bag. He then turned to the blond. "um .. I have to get going, Bodhi. I ... I'll see you later." He scooped up his bag, draping it over his shoulder. "Thank you... um. Good luck." With that, he was making his way out of the room, planning to run home.​
Calder came up behind Rune and gave him a firm smack to his rear end. "Be nice," he chided his lover as the phone was hung up with Trevor. Moving over to the door, the blond picked up the mail and sifted through it, his heart dropping when he came to the last one. "Rune?" Moving over he handed the envelope to the other man, return address from Russia. "What do we do with it?" The blond was afraid to give it to their son but... It was addressed to him.
Rune stuck his tongue out at the other, not really wanting to be nice. He shrugged and then moved over to the refrigerator, looking inside and he looked over at the other when he said something. He looked at the letter, staring at it and he took it into his hand. He moved the letter into the freezer. He closed the door for a while. THe letter was left in teh freezer for a few minutes and he took it out a fer moments later, flicking at the seal and having it pop open. "Ta-daaah"

He pulled out the letter, glancing it over and he froze instantly. His eyes went wide and he bounded over to the blond, holding out the letter for him to read. "Look! I didn't even have to break a bone!"​
"Rune! That's Trevor's letter!" The blond didn't know what to think. On the one hand, it was good-they could decide properly whether or not to give the brunette the letter. On the other hand, would Trevor be upset that they opened his mail? But he was distracted by Rune's statement and he moved over to the kitchen with a raised eyebrow.

Looking at the paper, Calder's mouth fell open and he began to tear up. "Put it back in and reseal it so he can open it." The blond sniffled a little and leaned up to peck Rune's cheek before moving to the bathroom to stop crying before Trevor came home.
Rune nodded, putting the letter back into the envelope and he sealed it right back up. He placed it on the table, utterly excited. He took in a deep breath, calming himself once more. He looked out the window, watching the clouds float by, waiting for the boy to come homw.

Trevor walked int othe ktichen, looking ever so apologetic. "I'm sorry, Rune. I ... am just running late today." He said, giving a weak smile as he placed his bag down and then moved up onto the stool there. He glanced to the letter that was placed in front of him, seeing where it came frmo and he went wide-eyed. His father was in Russia . . . Slowly, he took the envelope up, looking it over. He glanced to Rune who was waiting for him to open it as well.

He opened up the letter, pulling it out and his eyes went even more wide as he read what his father had to say. HE was giving him, and his siblings, completely over to Rune and Calder. The papers were behind the letter he had ... Oh... Oh wow! He gasped and loooked over at Rune, holding out the paper. "LOOK!" He said, obviously excited and he really wanted to go run and tell his siblings.

Rune took the paper, not reading it, merely looking at it for a while before he put on a lovely show. Going wide-eyed and he took in a sharp breath. "CALDER!" He yelled, rushing off out of the room to go find his teary-eyed blond.​
Hearing his name called, Calder poked his head out of the bedroom, taking the papers as they were handed to him 'to see'. The blond acted well, too, throwing himself at his over and kissing him before turning to Trevor and hugging him. He couldn't help but hug the boy, even though he felt bad because he knew that the other wasn't thrilled about physical contact just yet.

Kissing Trevor's temple he pulled away. "Go on and get Jade and Ella. We'll tell them all together, hmm?"
Trevor took in a sharp breath, flinching and stiffening with the contact, but he relaxed a moment later. His eyes closed and he gave a gentle smile at the kiss. He turned to look at Calder and nodded. "okay." He said, sliding off of his stool and he made his way up to where Jade was, telling him to meet them in the kitchen He then scooped up Ella, resting her on his hip. He kissed her templed and then followed the blond down the stairs to the kitchen.

Rune squealed softly, kissing Calder and he then hopped on into the ktichen. Resting the letter on the counter, he moved over to the refrigerator, looking inside and trying to think of something to get or do before he ran around squealing in excitement.​
Calder couldn't help but laugh a little at Rune. He moved over and wrapped his arms around the man from behind, kissing a line up the back of his neck. He wanted to tell the other to relax, but knew that it would do no good. They were both beyond thrilled that they had no way to release the extra energy.

As the three entered the kitchen, Calder looked over at them and smiled. "Are you ready for some good news?"
Rune sighed softly, trying to calm himself, but not working at all. He looked over at the three that came into the kitchen, resisting the urge to completely and utterly spaz about the news. He took in another breath, relaxing once more. His arms wrapped around his lower torso and hugged his form to stop from freaking out too much.

Trevor walked into the room, Ella instantly leaning toward Rune. He sighed softly, walking to the man and holding out the girl so that he could take her. He knew that his little sister loved him and Jade, but she had such an infatuation with Rune. It was actually quite interesting to see.

Jade bounced up and down on the balls of his feet, his eyes up to the two. He clapped his hands together excitedly, nodding to the words they spoke. "Yes! I love good news!" He said excitedly, grinning while he continued to bounce up and down, waiting impatiently for the news.​
Moving over, Calder lifted Jade onto his hip as well, supporting him with a firm arm around his waist. "You know that Rune and I want you to live here with us always, right?" The blond waited for the little nod before continuing. "Well even though you didn't know it, we were doing everything we could to make that happen. And today a letter came saying that no one could ever take you or Trevor or Ella away from us."
Rune nodded excitedly, not really having thought he could be THIS excited over something non-chain related. He clapped his hands togehter with another nod. "YES! Now you can officially call me Daddy!" He clapped his hands together a little bit more, turning to look at Trevor who was just staring at him. "Try it out! you know you want to." He said, grinning all the more.

Trevor blinked a few times, staring at the man and he shook his head a little ".. um... I ... I'm, fine." He said, laughing a little nervously.

He pouted and shook his head, adjusting Ella on his hip a bit as he moved a little toward the other. Ella already calling him 'poppy' and nuzzling into his neck. All she seemed to have gotten was 'call me daddy' and that satiated her. "Noo! It's official now. It's even more important ... not completely, but still! it would make me soo happy. I want to be labeled as your parent!"

The brunette arched a brow, keeping his eyes to Rune for a while before he sighed heavily. "Fine..." he murmured, seeming to give into the other. He then lifted his head and looked him right in the eyes. "What's for dinner, mommy?" He smiled, loving the utter dropped expression of Rune.​
Calder was a bit disappointed in Rune, and he was about to come to Trevor's rescue when he rescued himself quite efficiently. The blond burst out laughing, burying his face into Jade's shoulder as he did so. "I think you'll fit right in," he told Trevor once he was able to compose himself before turning to Rune. "Why push him?" he asked with a shake of his head. "You, of all people, should be okay with others doing things in their own time." Calder set Jade down with a little kiss to the cheek, ruffling Trevor's hair as he went past them all to start making their celebratory dinner.
Rune pursed his lips together, sighing heavily, easily distracted with the girl pulling his cheek away from his teeth. "I think Relic brainwashed me." he mumbled, shaking his head before he turned to look at Trevor. "Take your time. I was just ... excited." He admitted, shrugging his shoulders and then looking over at Ella. He leant forward to nuzzle into her nose with his, kissing her cheek gently.

Trevor nodded, moving to sit on the stool once more, pulling out his homework to start doing. "It's fine." he stated and then pulled out some of his books, beginning to lay them out to get to work.​
"I think we're all excited," Calder answered, moving over to kiss his lover softly. The blond nuzzled into the other man's cheek a little bit before moving to finish up dinner. "How bout a hand, Trevor?" he asked, looking over to the teen. "And then I'll help you with whatever you missed in class today." Not that Trevor needed help, but Calder always liked sitting down with both boys to 'help' them with homework and lessons.
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