Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Rune stuck his tongue out at Calder, the girl going after his tongue in retort. He chuckled and nibbled on her little fingers, leading the way out of the kitchen to go sit in the living room, play with Ella until dinner was ready.

Trevor perked up. help him? He looked at the homework and nodded. "Okay. "He said, closing his thigns up and putting them into a neat pile to the corner of the counter. He hopped off the stool and walked toward Calder, scooping up an apron that was bought for him and he pulled that on over his head, tying it in the back. "What should I do?"​
It had been a least a week since Eros had gotten him to start having lunch outside of the music room. They had even begun to spend time in his dorm room (he was too uncomfortable to go to Eros') and listen to popular music together after classes. Slowly, Luka was coming around and opening up to his new friend. He had never understood why anyone would want a friend-music had been his and music could not hurt or disappoint you. But thus far, Eros didn't seem to want to do either of those things to him and that made Luka feel even better about their friendship.

It was Tuesday now and he was wandering around the lunch room looking for the smaller male. They usually sat at the table in he corner so that he could have the wall against his back, but Eros was not there today and Luka was currently very confused. Had they made plans to meet back in the music room? No... He knew that wasn't right-he always remembered when he made plans. So why had his friend abandoned him? The dark haired man continued to look around, hoping to catch a glimpse of Eros.
"I can't believe he was so easy!"
"Yea ... Yea! DId you see?! He was CRYING!"
"With TEARS!"
The trio continued to laugh as they made their way into the lunch room, not even paying attention as they made their way to a table to sit.
"That Eros kid ... God he's SUCH an easy target."
"Too easy."
"Who the hell freaks out about being shoved into a closet?"

Currently, Eros was curled up into a tight ball in one of the unused closets on teh campus. It seemed to be in the process of being used, or something, but all he knew, was that right now, he did not have any light to help make this better. No. Light would not even make this better. HE hated small places. He especially did not like closets. So, the tears flowed. His breathing was already becoming eratic, and he was pretty sure his heart was going to break his ribcage due to how fast it was beating.​
Hearing the name of his friend, Luka spun around quickly. He took up one of the boys by the collar, holding his feet at least half an inch off of the ground. "Show me." Sometimes, there were things that were more important than his dislike of physical contact with someone else. The stunned boy looked just that: stunned. His mouth hung open when it was not flopping open and closed like a dead fish's, and his feet were kicking wildly to try and escape. Luka's grip simply tightened. "Where. Is. HE!"

The tone must have shook something up in the boy because he told him exactly where to find Eros. The bully was tossed down, Luka committing all of their faces to memory to tell that teacher who had saved them once before as he rushed towards the third floor of the school. Finding the closet easily-it was only one of three-Luka swung the door open quickly. "Eros?"
Eros continued to rock himself, singing gently to himself, trying to find something that would soothe him - none of it so far worked. Not until the door opened. He half expected the boys to have come back to throw food at him or beat him or something. THe voice that filled his ears was definitely reassuring. He gasped, his eyes going wide and he turned to look at the man there, staring at him. "Luka!" He forced himself up from the ground, rushing to the other to wrap his arms around his friend's torso. He knew that he would probably have the other freak out and shove him away, but he did not care right now. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for hugging you I ... I'... Thank you.." He sobbed a few more times, continuing to hold onto the other, not helpingi t. The utter sight of the other had calmed him so much and now that he was so close and could smell him, he was even more relaxed.​
He had no time to think before Eros was attached to him. The dark haired man's arms wrapped around the boy's shoulders, hugging him tightly. This was another thing that was more important than his dislike for physical contact. And he also found, the longer they stood there, that it wasn't so bad when it was like this. Perhaps it was only because it was Eros, though Luka had no intention of finding out. He didn't want anyone else touching him.

After close to ten minutes of simply standing there, the savant pulled away just slightly. "Are you okay?"
Eros was surprised to feel the other's arms around him, but he did not think on it long, just glad for the embrace. He hugged him, trying not to squish him, and he easily calmed. Once more able to breathe properly. Able to think properly. The tears faded away and all that was left were the remnants : red, puffy eyes, streaks down his pale cheeks, and a sore throat. When the other's arms pulled away, he too moved from him. his arms returned to his form, knowing the other's dislike for physical contact. His arms crossed over his lower torso and he glanced up at the other, blushing instantly. He must look so hideous. His eyes traveled away, not able to make eye-contact with the ravenette right now. He really felt that he looked horrible and since Luka looked so good, he did not want to really look at him to remind himself of that. He had managed to forget he hung out with such a gorgeous man over the weeks, but now, the reminder was back.

Pushing the thoughts aside, he nodded. "I'm ... I'm fine. Thank you, a lot, Luka."​
Remembering what his mother used to do, Luka leaned forward and kissed each tear track on the blond's cheeks before stepping back so that they could both leave the closet. He was not afraid of small places, but he didn't love them, either. "Come on. We'll go to the restroom so that you can wash your face." He didn't make any physical contact after that, but he did walk a little closer to the boy than he had in the past couple of weeks.
Eros blinked his thick lashes a few times, seeing the other lean close and his heart litrally stopped when the other was that close. Oh, that was not very good. He really should not feel such things toward him, yet his heart fluttered. He would ... have to ignore that. Yes. Luka would not be interested in some kid like him. He was only fifteen ... why would someone older, god-gorgeous, and ingenious want to ever be with someone as plain as him? Friendship was fine. His heart would mend ... eventually.

He nodded nervously, slowly beginning to walk forward. His arms wrapped around his loewr torso, gripping his form tightly as they walked to the bathroom. He moved to the sink, running the cool water and he leant over, cupping up the liquid and splashing it over his face, rubbing away the tears and feeling better with the cool on his stinging eyes.​
Leaning against one of the sinks a few down from Eros, Luka watched him and handed him a hand towel when his face was cooled and not quite as puffy as it had been. "Who are they?" he asked softly, not understanding. For all of his genius, he just couldn't grasp the concept of people being mean to other people for no reason. There had to be some reason, right? "We can tell... That one. Who helped us before. With the black hair." He could remember dates like he had heard them seconds ago. Names? He was lucky he remembered his own.
Eros sighed softly, taking the towel with a soft 'thank you' before he began to dab at his face, listening to the many questions by the other. His head dropped a little bit, keeping his face buried into his towel. "One was a friend of my brother's." He mumbled, lifting his head to look at the man. He wiped away a little more and slowly wrapped his arms around his lower torso. "He did not like me back then ... and more so when my brother told him he was straight. So erm ... He kind of ... took his hostilities out on me. Nikolai graduated last year and the one did not so ... They ... torture me." He sighed, fidgetting with the towel a litlte.

He laughed briefly at the man's description. "Rune." He clarified and then crumbled the paper towel, slipping it into the garbage before he turned to look back at the other. "Thank you ... again."​
That still made no sense to Luka. "But... You did nothing..." He was highly confused. "Yes, him. We can tell him." He didn't know what else to do. He was never one to condone physical violence, though he was very close to hurting the boys who had shoved Eros into the closet. He sighed a little. "It's up to you." It was Eros who had been stuffed into a closet and so only he could report it to someone. "If you want we can go listen to music for the rest of the day."
Eros smiled gently. "He's angry and not thinking logically." He stated with a little nod. He then perked up at the other mentiioning music. He did not have to think. He just nodded happily. "I ... would like that a lot." He admitted, a faint pink tinted to his cheek. He shook his head of the thought and then brought his attention back to the other. "Erm ... Your dorm again? But ... could we stop by mine for a moment? I have a new CD that I bought, and you may ilke it."​
Stop... at Eros' room? Luka still got little butterflies at the thought. But, he rationalized, he had had physical contact with the other male and had not burst into flames, so stopping by the room for the other to pick up a CD wouldn't be so horrible. He nodded and stood to follow Eros to his dorm. Luka didn't even know where it was-he'd never been there.

"Which CD?"
Eros smiled, glad that the other accepted his offer. He began to walk out, leading the way to his dorm and he then glanced behind him to the other, blinking a few times. Oh. The CD. "Um ... They're called Scripted Menace. They are a local band from my hometown. It's like ... classical meets rock." He grinned, utterly infatuated with their music. Not to stalker-obsessive extents, but he definitely liked their music.

Soon enoguh, he was at his dorm, unlocking the door and walking inside. His roommate was ever so nonchalantly sitting on his bed, chatting it up with another of their classmates - his roommate one of the older students there. Eros glanced to the flaming redhead with matching eyes. He gave a little wave. "I'm only here for a moment." He clarified, the redhead having given him a bit of a disappointed look.

"All right. Don't hurt yourself now." He grinned and then flicked the teen beside him's forehead for making a comment about Eros. "STop that! He's nice. You're just a jerk." He stated and stuck his tongue out before glancing past Eros to the man in hthe doorway. "Ah. The infamous Luka..."

The blond went wide-eyed and a bright red, staring at the redhead and his look definitely said it all: Don't.

"erm .. I mean ... " He cleared his throat, looking away for a moment before once more back to the other. "Hi! I'm Apollo." He tilted his head in the direction of the one beside him. "This is Adonis."​
Nodding, he moved to stand beside the door, yet still outside of the room while Eros moved inside to get the music. He was very uncomfortable with the other twho watching him, and he had to raise an eyebrow at the adjective of 'famous'. He was famous? Why? But after a quick assessment of the room, the dark haired man got it. He smiled softly but ignored the comment as that was obviously what Eros had wanted.

"Nice to meet you." It was simple as he wasn't very comfortable, and was glad when the blond was ready to move back to his own room.

"I'm famous?" He couldn't help but tease.
Eros left the room gladly, closing the door behind him and soon moving out to the hall, glad to get away. He began to walk, twirling the case between his slender fingers and he went wide-eyed and red once more with the man's question. "Um ... K... kind of." he admitted, eyes instantly at his feet, watching the older male's shoes to keep himself from running into anything or anyone. "I ... talk about you a lot, I suppose. And and ... and ollo just likes to tease me so ... it... it's not like a talk about you constantly and erm ... It'sj ust that I spend time with you and he asks and ... I always answer with "Luka" so.. so... that's how you're famous."​
Luka listened and laughed a little bit as the other male stumbled over his words in the explanation. He found it kind of cute. "I see." He decided to continue teasing the other. It was harmless, right? He would stop if Eros asked him to. "What does he ask?" He was truly curious about what he'd ask that would cause the blond to answer with his name.
Eros' cheeks puffed out as he stared at his feet. Why must today be the day Luka started to ask more questions about him?! And why on this topic?! He bit his bottom lip, shoulders shrugging a little as his eyes were now fixed upon the case in his hands. "um .. Just where I was, what I was doing ... Th-those kind of things ... I suppose." He bit his lip a little more before he turned his eyes to the side, glad to see the strange dorm numbers getting closer to his memory of where Luka's room was. "It's ... nothing important. He ... he is just used to me alway being there and so.. erm... since I'm with you a lot more ... he finds it interesting."​
"He finds it interesting?" He supposed he would too if their positions were switched, but he didn't say that. It was a nice conversation despite the discomfort of his friend, but even that was offset by the lovely pink tinge in his cheeks. "He has nothing better to do than to torture you about your social life?" That was stretching the truth and he knew it, but that wasn't the point at the moment.
Eros blushed even more, staring at the ground once more, finding the case in his hand was too close to the other's eyes, despite the height differences already and whatnot. He shrugged his shoulders a litle. "A.. apollo is a g-good friend... He ... He cares for me and .. erm ... he ... He is always curious about me." He admitted, chewing his lip a little more and his took in a deep breath. "He ... He likes to know the ones that ... that.. um ... he likes to find out who I ... He always tells me who he ... so ... I tell him who ... I ... like..."​
Never before was Luka glad that they were the full length of the hallway away from his dorm room. "Does that mean that... You like me?" he asked. He was a little behind socially, but the dark haired man knew what the other was talking about, and the question now was complete curiosity as opposed to soft torture.
Eros nodded, the blush deepening even more as he realized what he had just said. He had not wanted to tell him. He wanted to keep it a secret until he was positive that the other would never want him. Like when Luka got married, or if he graduated and never kept in touch with him. THEN he wolud just ... move on. Not ... not now. Now that could not happen. "I ... I um ... I like you a - a lot, Luka ... and ... and in more as a fr-friend ... I ... " He took in a breath, not too sure what he was going to say so, silence worked right now. At least until he was positive that the male would send him off.​
He took that in as they came to his door. Luka unlocked it and stood back for Eros to move inside first, showing the smaller male that he wanted to spend time with him still. He didn't understand why saying such things was taboo. Then, he wasn't around people enough to understand just why other people tortured their colleagues over feelings. He bit his bottom lip before stepping forward before the other male could even move into the room and he kissed Eros' lips very softly.

"I can't tell you if I like you like that," he confessed. "I like you more than I've ever liked anyone else, though..." He didn't know the difference between liking a friend, and liking someone as more than a friend.
Eros looked over at the room, breathing a sigh of relief. Phew. He had not shunned him away. His eyes closed and he took in a breath, taking a step toward the room, and soon that very breath was caught in his throat. His sapphire orbs went wide with the feel of the man's lips, even as softly as they were, pressed against his. A little shakily, his hand lifted to rest upon his lips, a bright red to his cheeks and he looked up at the other. Nodding a bit, he wobbily made his way into the dorm once more. Taking the CD out of it's case, he walked over to the player, putting the music into it and pressing play. He then took his normal seat on the edge of the ravenette's bed, a little more fidgetty than normal, but he would ease up ... Eventually.​
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