Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Eros perked up when he saw the man open the door, his stomach doing backflips. Oh he looked so dapper! He took in a deep breath and let it out once more. "Thank you ... You look very handsome." He blushed a little bit more, forcing himself to stop touching the bottom of his shirt. "Are ... Are you ready?" He asked, straightening up his back a bit and he looked up at him, long lashes gently batting against his pale cheeks. He did not know if the other could drive, but if he could not, then there were always busses or even his roommate may be able to drive them, if he begged enough.​
"Mmhmm." Smiling Luka closed the door behind him and locked it, slipping the key into his pocket. He couldn't drive, but he had arranged for a ride anyway. A private car was waiting outside of the school for them. The driver of the town car stepped out and opened the door for the two to enter through, Luka standing to wait for Eros to get in first. "We're early. We could go to dinner first?"
Eros followed him ot hte car, staring at it for a while and he chewed his bottom lip a little. He slid into the seat, settling into the cushions with a heavy sigh. His arms loosely folded over his lower torso and he turned his head to the man. Dinner before? Oh, good, he was hoping for that. He kept his eyes to the other and he nodded with a warm smile. "Dinner sounds lovely." He stated, smiling a bit more. His stomach was deinitely fluttering which made it a little hard to think of food, but he was too ecstatic to not want to eat.​
Sliding in next to his... Well his date tonight, Luka wasn't sure if any other title had changed, the older male smiled to the driver as the door was shut. Luka didn't have to tell the driver where to go-that had all been arranged beforehand. He drove them safely, ignoring the two in the back seat to instead pay attention to the road and drivers that were around them.

"You're quiet tonight."
Eros jumped a bit and turned to look at the other, staring at him and he smiled with a faint pink tinted to his cheeks. "I'm ... nervous." He admitted, chewing his lip for a moment before he stopped. He took in a deep breath, letting it out with a heavy sigh to relax a little bit more. "I know I shouldn't be ... but um .. I am." He let out a nervous little laugh, turning to look at Luka once more, chewing his lip. "B.. Because maybe if erm .. if this goes well ... you will want to ... be my ... boyfriend." His voice was a whisper at the last word, not sure if the man wanted it that way, but he really definitely did.​
Luka looked at Eros, studying him. Boyfriend? He was a little lost. "I don't understand the difference." He was a boy, and he was Eros' friend. What was the difference between what they were, and what Eros was asking for? What else was there? They spent the vast majority of their time together, and they took care of one and other, and they cared about each other... Surely there couldn't be more, right?
Eros listened to the other and he turned a brighter red. He turned to look at the man, seeing him truly looking confused about what he said. He took in a deep breath, trying to think about what he wanted to say and how to explain it. "Erm ... It ... IT's like a boyfriend and girlfriend but we're both boys." He stated, knowing that probably would not help the situation. "Being ... boyfriends is different than just being friends who happen to be boys." He tilted his eyes up to the man once again. "It's in a romantic sense. Going on dates and erm ... being more intimate." He blushed horribly and his head tilted down to his lap, eyes staring at his pants for right now.​
That just confused him more. They were friends and going on a date, and they kissed... Luka looked at Eros, still completely and totally lost. While he waited for an explanation, the dark haired man admired the other's pretty blush and tried to work things out on his own. He enjoyed teasing Eros to see him blush and get flustered, but he hadn't been meaning to this time and he felt bad about doing so.
Eros looked over at him, seeing that he really seemed confused still. He blushed a bit more, sighing softly while his hand rubbed at his thighs. "It ... More ... Ugh." He turned to look at the man once more, staring at him to try and find the words. "In a ... romantic way. Not just friends. But kind of like your parents. That kind of hting. They started off as boyfriend and girlfriend but erm .. with us it would be boyfriend and boyfriend since I'm .. not a .. girl.' He whimpered softly, pulling his knees to his chest, gripping the limbs tightly and he turned to look at him once more. "Does it ... make more sense?"​
The example of his parents helped Luka greatly. He understood better as he pictured his parents' wedding photos. He leaned forward and pressed a kiss to the younger male's lips just as they pulled up to the restaurant.

It was pretty fancy, and while Eros hadn't known it, Luka had called ahead for reservations for them. It was the only way to get into the restaurant, really, unless you were famous. Luka certainly was not famous. They were seated right away in a back corner so that he could have his back against the wall as per his usual.
Eros looked at him, happy that he did not seem to be too confused anymore. Of course, the kiss to his lips easily made him stop thinking about everything. He went about the motions, following the other man to the back of hte restaurant. He sat across from him, blushing still, but it was definitely better. His arms rested upon the table and looked around a little bit before once more turning his eyes to the ravenette. "This place is very nice." He stated, not having expeted such an extravigant place.​
"My grandmother used to come here when she visited Italy." His family used to visit Italy quite often, and still had friends here. It was how his mother had heard about Prometheus. "She always spoke highly of it." He had always wanted to come here with her, but she had died while he was still too young to go with her.

"You look confused." Perhaps not 'confused' or any one specific thing, but confused summed it up best.
Eros listened to the other and nodded, smiling a little bit to himself. That was nice. Nice that he had such a memory associated with this place. He straightened his back a little more while he listened to the other. "Um ... I had not expected such a fancy place." He laughed a little bit. "I ... am pleasantly surprised." He admitted and nodded, trying to not sound ungrateful or anything of that sort.

Moving gracefully into the restaurant, Relic grinned as he walked up to the hostess, ignoring the line out of, well, being himself. He pointed to his name that had reservations, making it better since he was famous. The ravenette's hand was laced with the blond's, a nice black spaghetti strap dress hugged his form. Wine-colored lace lined the bottom of the short dress, a matching ribbon wrapped around under the bust of the dress. He followed the woman into the dining area, stopping when he spotted a familiar savant and the cute litlte blond constantly at his side.

Grinning, he moved over to the two, sitting his rump on the edge of the blond's seat - knowing Luka's lack of liking touch - and he then looked over at the man, grinning even more. "Shouldn't you little kiddies be studying?" He asked, purely teasing the two.​
"Oh," he answered softly, unsure what to say to Eros. He didn't know that the other male had been thinking of somewhere else to go, or something different. Had he made the wrong choice in making reservations here? But the thoughts were cut short-as was the question that was on the tip of his tongue-when the man in a dress showed up. Once again, the names escaped him but Luka knew that these two were professors at Prometheus.

"We're studying music," he answered swiftly with the same floaty, light voice he always spoke in. "Classical concerts count for independent study, right?"
Eros looked over at Relic, staring at him for a while before he turned to look at Luka. He smiled. He had not figured that Luka would have such a witty come back. Not that he doubted his date or anything, he just did not figure the man would be so quick with the answer. He slowly turned back to the man sitting on his side of the booth, nodding a little bit.

Relic pouted, his cheeks puffing out as he looked from one to the other and then stuck his tongue out at Luka. "Fine. I'll accept that." He admitted, looking at the blond he came with before turning his attention to the two on their little date once more. "Have fun, you two." He stood up from the booth, ruffling the blond's hair and he then turned to Tanner, smiling cheerfully. "Hope your date goes well.' He winked and then took back his love's hand, tugging him to the table with a deep breath pulled into his lungs. "we should get wine tonight." He offered, turning his head to look at hte man while he walked to the table the hostess had led them to. Or at least attempted to.​
Tanner found his lover quite amusing. He felt bad for the two who were on a date, but knew that it was simply Relic's personality, and that he was just teasing. The blond kissed his husband's cheek as they were lead through the restaurant, holding his love's chair out for him.

"How about...we don't and stop for some champagne and strawberries and whipped cream on the way home?"

Luka watched the two leave, unsure of how he felt about them being there in the first place. They ordered dinner, and it came rather quickly for how busy the restaurant was.
Relic moved over to the table, gladly sitting down. He looked over at the man, listening to his words and he perked up even more. A grin to his lips and he nodded with a little giggle. "Oh, you know just how to appeal to me ... Though we shall have to add some chocolate to that list." He stated, a mischievous glint within his eyes and a smirk to his lips. Oh yes. He definitely liked that idea.

Eros glanced to the two that left them, blinking a few times and then slowly turned back to Luka, smiling a little bit more. He began to cut up the chicken he had, eager to dig into the wonderful-smelling food. "This place is very nice." He said softly, taking a bite of the food and he rinned a little bit more. Oh, it was delicious too! He smiled even more, his eyes sparkling as he looked at the other. "Delicious too."​
Luka nodded. "I'm glad that you like it." The dark haired man continued to eat, the both of them fairly comfortable in the sporadic conversations that they had, and tonight they were even more so as Eros had a case of jittery nerves and he was the main conversation maker between them. But they made small talk, and Luka told Eros a little about the music they'd likely hear at the concert.

After paying the tab, Luka took Eros' hand and lead him out to the waiting car, letting the small blond slip in before he got in.
Eros gladly took the other's hand, blushing just a little with the contact, but knowing that Luka did not mean anything by it other than just walking out of the restaurant. He blushed still, moving into the back of the car. He took in a deep breath, calming down once more before he turned to look at Luka when he got in as well. Smiling a little bit more, he leant over to kiss the man's cheek, settling back down to his side of the car, smiling a little bit. "I cannot wait for hte concert to start."​
There were definitely too many people for Luka's comfort, but at least they weren't all packed into a small space. He would have had to leave if they were. But he was glad that it wasn't as bad as he had thought. He was looking forward to seeing the concert, too. As they sat down in their seats, Luka became much more relaxed-there were only two other people sharing their box, and he and Eros were sitting in the back of the box. That was definitely manageable.
Eros moved into the balcony with Luka, making sure that no one really bumped into the ravenette along the way. HE did not want him to be uncomfrotable. It was why he chose this type of concert, and then these seats. He did not want to freak him out, but he badly wanted to go out with him. So, this seemed like a good compromise. Not that it was much of one, really. He loved the classical music and they constantly sat around in his dorm listening to it, so why not watch it live?

Sitting beside Luka, he took a hold of the savant's hand, lacing their fingers and gently trailing his thumb along the back of the flesh, wanting him to be calm and enjoy what was going on in front of them. He kept his eyes to the stage, perking up when there was the infamous tapping of the stick on the music stand. He grinned and wiggled a little bit in his seat, settling back once the violins started up.​
Sitting back, Luka rested his head against the back of the chair and let his eyes slip closed. His fingers remained laced with Eros' while he began to hum to each song, not missing a note or a beat. He knew each of these songs well, and the few that he didn't, he knew he would be playing the next day when he made his way into the music room. He fully enjoyed himself, and though he was never aware of anyone's presence while in this state of mind, when the concert went to intermission, the man was happy to have his friend there with him.

"Are you having a good time?"
Eros kept his eyes to the performers, most of hte time. He could not help every so often when he would look over at hte man beside him. Sometimes just leaning over to the man and pretending to kiss him but then would set back quickly so that he was not caught, just in case the other came out of his little world. He knew that was not going to happen, but that did not mean he could not be paranoid, and paranoid he was. He always went back to looking at the orchestra while they played, trying to ignore his urges to kiss the man.

At the intermission, her perked up once more, turning to look at the man that was beside him. He smiled warmly and nodded. "Yes. Are you?" he asked, his thumb slowly beginning to trail along the back of the other's hand, enjoying their hands laced together.​
Luka nodded, smiling softly. He stood up and stretched himself out, arms reaching high above his head as he did so. "Very much," he added after his muscles weren't so bunched up together any more. "Do you want anything to drink?" He didn't really want to go out to the lobby because of all the people, but it would be rude to not do so if Eros wanted or needed something.
Drink? He shook his head, smiling a bit. "No. Not unless you want something." He admitted, moving up off the chair and he followed suit in stretching, groaning a little. He moved to the edge of the balcony, looking around at all the people, smiling a little to himself. I was so nice. He straightened up and turned to look at the man, smiling a bit more. "ARe you enjoying yourself?"​
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