Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Brielle nodded every so often as she was led back to her room. Moving into bed and letting the other tuck her in. Her eyes closed, but she only turned onto her side, her knees to her chest and she curled into a ball, sobbing away the rest of hte night.

Relic groaned when Tanner returned to bed, turning and nuzzling into his side and chest, a gentle smile to his lips. His hand rested upon his love's torso, absently tracing the muscles befre he once more returned to sleepin properly. Mm. He so loved his love sleeping beside him. He kissed the flesh of his neck softly before relaxing against him once more. He easily went back into his slumber, sleeping through until hte morning.​
Tanner stayed in bed as long as he could the next morning. He hadn't fallen into a deep sleep since getting Brielle into bed, and he wasn't looking forward to talking to Relic. He didn't know what his husband's reaction would be, and he was a bit scared if he was honest with himself. Eventually, when it was nearing ten, the blond dragged himself out of bed and into the kitchen.
Relic bounced his way into the kitchen a few minutes after Tanner. Moving up, he pressed a kiss to the base of his love's neck, arms sliding around his form and he hugged him tightly to his form. "Morning." He whispered, kissing his neck once more before he settled into resting his chin upon his shoulder, looking at what the other was doing, curious about it. "Making me something to eat?" He asked, grinning as he swayed his hips from side to side.​
How could he even think about breakfast? Tanner's stomach was in knots, and it twisted violently with Relic's suggestion. "No," he whispered, taking his husband's hands and tugging him to stand in front of him so that they were facing each other. "Relic we need to talk." Tanner took a deep breath before relaying his conversation with Brielle from the night before. He was barely able to look at the other man as he spoke.
Relic blinked a few times as he listened to what the other man said. His face got paler the more he listened to it. All his excitement, his hopes, everything just came ... crashing down. His jaw flapped up and down for a while before he suddenly went green. Turning on his heel, he ran off to the bathroom, slamming the door behind him as he spilled the bit left in his stomach into the toilet bowl.

He was in there for a few moments before there was a knocking on the door, Rune on the other side with a very concerned look to his features. "Relic?" He asked, staring at the door and he knocked another time, a bit quieter then before, waiting for his brother to show up.

What he had not expected was for hte door to be swung open and the younger twin tackled the older into the ground, immediately his fist connected with his cheek. "YOU DONT DESERVE THEM!" He yelled, continuing to hit the other and growing all the more angry as he did so. "WHY YOU!? You don't even like kids!" another hit. "You--" before he could get out another word, there was a fist connected with his cheek and he was sent flying to the other side of hte wall, colliding with the surface and creating a lovely indent of his body into the sheetrock.

"DONT BLAME ME!" He yelled, fuming with the lovely black and blues on his face and his ribs were certainly bruised. It did not take the two long before they were in a full-on battle, hitting, punching, breaking bones.

The two continued their fight for quite a while, many pieces of furniture suffering, as well as each other. Tomias quickly ran to the two, wiggling between them and shoving them away from each other with a loud "ENOUGH!" Rune was sent to one side of the room they ended up in, and Relic on hte other, both huffing and both steaming at the ears, really. "Rune! Go to your side of the fucking house. Relic, go to your room. and you BOTH cool the fuck off!"​
Tanner came running when he heard the commotion, almost colliding into Calder as he had 'heard', too. They were both grateful for Tomias, each taking their significant other by the arm and leading them away. Tanner moved into the bedroom with Relic, wrapping his arms around his husband once they were shut inside. "We're going to figure it out, Relic."
Relic continued to glare at the other that was being dragged away, growling under his breath. He was not happy with anything at the moment. He grumbled, barely allowing Tanner to pull him away and to their bedroom. He sat down, glaring at the ground in fornt of him and he turned to stare at Tanner. "I DONT CARE! Why does HE get someone and we dont'!? He has THREE Children ... Since he was TEN he's been saying he never wanted kids. He hated them. He hated other ten year olds damnit! Why the fuck should HE get someone yet us ... We ... we've been wanting one. We said so long ago that we would adopt or wahtever... THe man who HATES kids gets three. It's fucked up!"​
Tanner let his lover vent before pressing a little kiss to his cheek, nuzzling the over-warmed flesh there. "Relic. We're going to have children." The only question was 'when?' and Tanner couldn't answer that. "I know it isn't fair. I know that it hurts you to know that Rune 'had' kids first. And I wish that I could fix it. But, sweetheart. Think about it: There is a child out there for us. One who's perfect for us and needs us and when everything is perfect, we'll find them. Or they'll find us."
Relic growled under his breath, not even listening to the other properly. He stood up with another hiss and stormed off toward the bathroom. "I'm taking a bath!" He yelled, moving into the room and he slammed the door cloesd behind him. He did not want to be near anyone right now. He pushed his pants from his hips, starting up the warm water and he filled it up with bubbles and the hot water. Once it was filled properly, he moved into the water, sliding into it until he was beneath hte bubbles and water, just keeping himself there to calm down a bit. It was not working very well, though.​
That week was torture for Tanner. He wanted to help his husband. He wanted to help Relic to feel better. But that was impossible, as he found out. Relic was bitter and angry, with good reason, and there was no consoling him. But they had an appointment with the lawyer that afternoon and so the blond nudged Relic to get dressed despite the week of barely being able to talk to his husband. He prayed that the man had good news for them.
Relic was still bitter. He knew he should not be, but he could not help it. He still had not spoken to Rune, and he did not want to. He knew the appointment with the lawyer was coming up and he was unsure about it. He turned to look at his husand, listening to him and he nodded. He pulled on a pair of eans and a simple purple button down shirt. Sliding into his sneakers, he walked over to Tanner, kissing his cheek and then walking out toward their car. He could not speak with him. Not yet. But he also did not want him to think he was mad at HIM. He was just mad at the situation.​
Rushing forward, Tanner caught Relic by the wrist and pulled him into a tight, silent hug. He understood that the man couldn't talk about it, but that didn't mean that the blond didn't want to offer some sort of support to his husband, either. With a kiss to his temple, and a soft whisper of 'love you', Tanner opened the car door for the other before slipping into the driver's side and heading for the office.

They were ushered into the office right away, and immediately Tanner could tell that it wasn't good news.

"It's being very difficult to prove discriminatory actions." Tanner's heart sank completely.

"What? She said it! She told us outright that she could not allow us to adopt because we're gay."

"I know what she told you. But that's not enough. If this were to go to trial, they can say 'no she would never say that' because it's not in their books as an official guideline."

Tanner was floored and sat there, dumbfounded.
Relic sat down on the chair in front of hte other and he stared at the man. His eyes were pegged to the lawyer's face and he could not believe what he was being told. That ... That ... did not make any sense. He glared at him after a while before standing up. Without a word, he turned on his heel and stormed out of the room, door slamming behind him as he ddi so. He would not stand for that. He could not stay there at all. He would not stay there actually. He just had to get away. And fast.​
Tanner was speechless. His heart was breaking for his husband and he was getting frustrated with the lawyer and the adoption agency. He took a minute to compose himself before looking up at the man and speaking. "Do you have a list of agencies that do adopt to gay couples?" If they didn't have anyone they trusted to surrogate for them, and the original agency was slow going, then their next option was to go to another agency.

The lawyer nodded and had his secretary get the number for two agencies he worked closely with. "We're going to fix it," he promised. Tanner could only nod as he exited the office, taking the phone numbers before moving out into the town, hoping to be able to find Relic fairly quickly.
Relic did not come back to the mansion for quite a few hours. When he had, there was another piercing thorugh the other side of his lip, and even one through the cartilage. He was not very happy with anything right now. He wanted to jump into a vat of needles, but that would not happen. He loved Tanner too much. He soon came back home, walking to do so. His cheeks were red and his lip was just a hint swollen from the piercing, but not infected.

He came into the house, kicked off his shoes, walked over to the couch and just collapsed into hte cushions.​
Tanner eventually gave up, knowing that Relic would either come home, or call him to come get him. It didn't make the blond any more at ease with the knowledge though. He was antsy and wanted his husband home, where he knew he was safe and okay and not doing something self destructive. He felt horrible.

When Relic walked in the door, the blond breathed a huge sigh of relief and he moved into the living room, dropping to his knees next to the sofa where Relic had collapsed. His fingers came up to very gently touch the new piercing. "Oh, honey..."
Relic turned his head to look at the other, listening to the man and closing his eye with the man's finger trailing along the newly pierced flesh. His eyes slipped closed, slowly opening once more and he looked back to the man. Staring at him for a while, he let his head fall back to the pillow, eyes fluttering closed once more. "Yea?"​
He watched Relic; analyzed him. Tanner sighed softly and pressed a kiss to his husband's cheek before moving up onto the sofa behind him, arms wrapping around the other man's waist and holding him close, nose burrowing into the hair at the base of his neck. "I love you so much, Relic." He didn't know what else to say. He knew nothing else would help, no matter how badly he wanted it to.
Relic groaned and rested his head against the other's forearm. He sighed softly and nuzzled into the man a little bit. "I hate this. It's still bull shit." He grumbled and turned his head to look at the other, biting the new piercing in his lip and then turning back to the ground in front of him. "I ... I know I'm being immature ... But I ... I cannot help it."​
He didn't respond to the comment of being immature. Tanner didn't necessarily agree, but saying so wasn't going to help Relic very much. The blond figured that he might as well just focus on what could turn into a positive. "He gave me some phone numbers," Tanner offered softly. "Of adoption agencies that he works with. It's worth a shot to go apply for them.... Right?"
RElic listened to the man. He knew that there had to be other agencies, but it did not change the fact that he would utterly break if he lost the chance again. He remained silent for a while, his eyes closed and he rested his head against the other's arm once more, staring at the chair in front of him. "Yea." He agreed, still not wanting to do much more than say that. He could not say much else. He felt horrible that he was being so cruel to Tanner, but he would get over it soon . . . hopefully.​
"When you're ready." Tanner kissed his lover's temple and dropped the subject for the time being. He simply laid there with the other man, holding him close and cuddling with him. There wasn't too much else that he could do. They laid like that for a long time, the blond hoping that it would help Relic, even if it was only a little bit.
A little over a week passed once more before Relic came up to Tanner and told him that he made an appointment for the day. He got dressed, a pair of pants on his hips once more, but at least he had his lovely corset on his torso, a nice black one with a black half-jacket on his shoulders. He took a hold of his love's hand, beginning to drag him to the car when he was ready. He still had yet to talk to Rune, or even look at him really. His brother had attacked him at schol and every where else, but he sitll could not bring himself to talk to him, and he was not going to get over it anytime soon.

Rune was going insane. There were a good two rooms filled with lyrics all over the walls and ceilings, sometimes even on the floors, and still he was not content. He was currently covered in markers all over his arms and face, hell even on his abs there were some marks from when he frekaed out a little too much.

Trevor, the poor boy, had walked into one of the studies and froze instantly when he saw the man, wings out, and pressed against the ceiling, writing about something or another he was too scared to read about. He turned on his heel, instantly making his way to the kitchen and his eyes were very concerned and confused as they took in the blond there. "Why is Moma writing on the ceiling of the study?"​
Tanner was a little surprised that Relic was ready so soon, but the blond was glad. It meant that his love was slowly working towards feeling better, and that was what was important. He wished that he would talk to Rune, but that would come, he knew. Once there was an adoption in the works and there was no reason to be bitter, he would come around.

The blond moved to the car and then into the big building with his husband, the couple once more filling out the sick amount of paperwork that they required.

He was going insane. Calder wanted to paint, but knew it would do no good. Rune would just write over the fresh paint. He sighed when Trevor came to him. He ruffled the boy's hair. "He's...upset, honey. He'll be okay." What else could he say?
Relic moved into the new building, sitting beside his husband with his arms crossing over his lower torso, tightly. He watched him fill out hte paperwork, growing annoyed at it as he did so. He stared at them, giving his information when it was needed and he eventually flopped his head against the man's shoulder, eyes closed and he just relaxed for the moment. The ring in his lip looked far better than it had since he had stopped chewing on it so much.

Trevor stared at Calder, not really liking the answer he had gotten from the other. 'But ... he's on the ceiling.' He stated, glancing back to the direction he came from. He slowly turned to look back at Calder, looking ever so pathetic. "How come Mama and Relic are so upset with each other? Is it because we're here?"​
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