Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Every now and then, Tanner would lean over and kiss his lover's lips or cheek or forehead, wanting to reassure him that it would all work out. At least, he was praying that it would. He didn't know if Relic could take another blow when it came to having children. He didn't know if his and Rune's relationship would survive, despite how close they were. It worried the blond to no end, though he didn't say anything for the time being. Instead, he moved to turn in the clipboard, and then returned to their seats to wait.

"Oh no, Trevor." With a sigh, Calder lead his son over to the counter to sit down to talk. "Relic is upset about other things, not you." How could he explain it? How could he explain what Relic was upset about without Trevor reading it as they were upset because he and Jade and Ella were here? "Don't worry yourself. Mama and Relic will work it out. I promise."
Relic wrapped his arms aroudn Tanner when he was back at his side, tightly staying around his form. He buried his face into his neck, holding onto him and not wanting to let go, not until he had to. He took in a deep breath, settling down a bit more with the scent of his love pouring into his lungs. "I'm sorry, Tanner." He whispered, knowing he understood, but having to properly apologize, and he did not want ot after now. If they got accepted, then it would just seem like a celebratory apology, if they were dneied, then it would seem like a pathetic one.

Trevor moved and sat down, looking at the man and he nodded. He still was very concerned, no matter what the man said. "But, Mama and Relic still have their injuries. They should not be there ... They heal fast. Mama cut himself and it healed up within seconds ... The bruises from Relic are not healing up and Relic still has a lot of injuries that won't heal too ... Why won't it heal?! It's not good."​
Pulling Relic into his lap, Tanner hugged him. "I know, baby." They sat like that until they were called into the office and even then, the blond had to take a minute to be okay enough to stand up and walk in with a strong reserve. He held Relic's hand the entire time, their fingers laced together tightly as they sat down, across from a middle aged, greying woman. "Misters Reed?" Tanner nodded, praying for good news.

Those questions, Calder could answer. First, though, he took hold of Trevor's face. "Calm down, Trevor." The blond pressed a kiss to the teen's forehead and sat down next to him. "They heal themselves very quickly, yes. But when the injury is out of anger, or malice, it just takes longer to heal. It's like their powers can sense that there is something different about a black eye as opposed to a paper cut." He pulled over the cookie jar and laid out a few cookies for them both to share. "And sometimes when Mama is fighting with Relic, he doesn't heal his own injuries. He thinks that healing them is like saying he doesn't care about the fight... Or something like that."
Relic gripped him tightly and kissed him a few times, his lip still a bit sensitive but not nearly as bad as before. He perked up with their name being called. He slid off his lap, after the few minutes, and then moved into the office with the woman. He sat down in the chair beside Tanner's, gripping the man's hand tightly. He turned to look at the woman and took in a deep breath. "I'm going to sound like a jerk, but please, cut to the chase. Are you going to let us adopt or no?"

Trevor kept his eyes to the man, listening to what he said and he nodded a little more. He stared at the table before he straitened up once more. "O... Okay." He said softly and then took a cookie, beginning to pull it apart and he took a bite, thinking silently to himself. "I do not like it. Ella doesn't either. She misses Mama." He stated, turning to look at Calder once more, still looking concerned. "How ... How long will this last?"​
The woman looked at the couple, eyebrow raised at the question, though she supposed that she shouldn't be surprised. Jim ((the lawyer)) had called her to give her the heads up that these two would be showing up sooner or later, and she was well aware of their situation. "I don't see why you wouldn't be able to." Tanner's heart soared.

"I know she does." He sighed. Their daughter was restless, wanting to go to Rune and constantly being ignored and turned away. It was such a load of mixed signals and the blond was becoming worried that she might develop a thought that Rune no longer loved her. "I don't know, honey. But watch your sister for me. I'm going to go in and try to talk some sense into him." With a deep breath, Calder made his way into the study, closing the door. "Rune."
Relic stared at the woman and let out a heavy breath. His eyes slipped closed and he sunk into the chair. "Thank god." He whispered, his hand lifted to push through his raven locks, feeling relieved. He looked over at Tanner and then took in another breath, smiling a little bit. He felt better, so much better right now. His eyes slipped cloesd and he remained silent for a while, keeping to himself and he then looked back over at the woman. "So ... Now what do we do?"

Trevor nodded and then slid off the chair to go up and see Ella. She should be waking up soon. He knew that she was feeling very deprived, but much like a dog, she was very faithful to Rune. He knew that she would nt be happy about it, but she would still want to go to Rune, and that was her problem.

Rune heard the door close, but ignored it. He had moved on from the ceiling and was on the other side of the wall. He groaned and then slowly moved to the ground. He stopped, knowing the blond would only bother him if he continued. He twirled the marker within his hand, staring at the man and waiting for him to ay what he had to say.​
Tanner squeezed his love's hand, wanting to do so much more but unable to do so with the woman in the room. He was glad that she smiled at them, obviously sympathetic to them. "Well. We'll put your names into a database list with a few criteria you want or don't want-only a baby, only five and up, only a boy, only foreign and whatnot-and when your name comes up, we'll call you.

"Now, it can take a long time, and it can't. It can depend heavily on which criteria you pick or do not pick. As you know, babies-from infancy to eighteen months-are in higher demand than say a seven year old, and foreign babies are in highest demand. Do you have any ideas of what you would like or not like?"

When Rune set himself on the ground, Calder sighed with his non chalant attitude. The blond walked over to his lover, taking the man's face in his hands and kissing him. "You can not do this, Rune. You could when it was just us, but it's not anymore. Ella feels abandoned. Trevor is scared for you. I'm scared for you!"
Relic listened to the woman, nodding every so often as he did so. He really had just now realized that he had not spoken to Tanner since he found out Brielle could not give them a child. He really should have, though. He should have talked to him. See if they still wanted to try for a surrogate, but that could come later. He looked at the woman and gave a gentle smile. "Um ... An older child may be better." He began, glancing to Tanner for confirmation and he looked back to the woman. "Maybe like ... five or so?" He offered, waiting to hear something from the man beside him, confirming or denying.

Rune listened to the man and he glanced around the room, seeing the words written along the walls. He took the marker, closing it and then tossing it at the chair in the study and he then turned to look at the other. He stared at him, feeling the man pull him to him and he stared at him a bit. He remained where he was, just staring at the other. He kept his eyes to the blond and soon he just flopped forward. His head colliding with his shoulder and his arms wrapped around his form, holding him tightly to his form. "He's angrier than he's ever been with me ..."​
Listening, Tanner nodded with his husband. "Anything you want, Relic." It wasn't that he didn't have any opinion, it was simply that Tanner would love any child that became theirs, no matter what. "What about private adoptions? Do you come across mothers-parents-who are looking for that and are here simply for guidance?" He wanted to look at all options. The woman nodded.

"Yes. They're not very common, but not many people ask about them, either." She tapped a few keys on her keyboard. "There is only one other couple waiting for a private adoption to happen through our doors, but their criteria is very narrow. I'll put you on that list with open criteria, as well as the main list with whatever you give me. Over five, right?" Tanner nodded. "What else?" she asked Relic.

Calder was a little shocked when Rune flopped forward but he easily caught his lover and wrapped his arms around him tightly, being mindful of the wings. "He's not mad at you Rune. He's frustrated." The blond knew that Relic knew that Rune and he hadn't taken the kids simply to spite him.
Relic listened, glancing to TAnner at the suggestion of a private adoption. Oh, yes, he had forgotten about those. He looked back to the woman and nodded a bit, smiling gently. "No. That's all. I mean, we do not mind who we get, or what gender, or anything like that. We just want a child to care for and ... make our home more complete, I suppose." He let out a litle laugh, looking at the woman. He kept his eyes to her for a while, smiling all the more. "Thank you ... so much for this." He smiled happily, his thumb trailing along the back ofh is love's hand. "This truly made my day."

Rune groaned a bit, hugging him tighter and he nodded a little bit. "Yes ... I ... I know." He sighed heavily, straightening up and he then looked around. "I ... I'll go see Ella." He said softly and then moved past theo ther to go and find the little girl who thought he no longer loved her.
The woman smiled and put their information into the computer. "Keep in touch with me," she said, handing them her card. "And I'll call you the minute your name pops up." Tanner was relieved to hear that and nodded, slipping the card into his back pocket as they stood up to leave.

"Your wings!" he called out, following after Rune to take Trevor into the kitchen so that his lover could spend some time with Ella. The blond shook his head as he moved into the baby's room and took their oldest son gently by the shoulder. "Come on. He'll come out and talk to you when he's done." He wanted to give Rune and Ella time, and then some time for his lover to clean up afterward.
Relic nodded, standing up and giving a little bow of his heaad. "Thank you. Thank you so much." He said and then turned on his heel, taking a hold of his love's hand and he brought him out of the room. A deep breath was pulled into his lungs, feeling so much better and more relived now. He still was not thoroughly happy, but he did not mind one way or the other. He turned to look at his love again, smiling weakly. "I'm sorry. I really am.' He leant over, kissing his lips softly while continuing forward. "Erm .. Are we still going to try for a surrogate?"

Rune rolled his eyes as he walked out of the room, his wings slowly folding into themselves and his back, getting a groan out of the man. His eyes slipped closed, taking in a deep breath, and he then relaxed once more, walking up and into Ella's room. He scooped her up and off the ground, resting her on his hip. She instantly clung to him, nuzzling into his neck and gripping him tightly. "Yea, yea, sorry." He whispered, kissing the top of her head and he held onto her for a while, beginning to dance aroudn the room with her, getting giggles from the cute little girl.

Trevor walked out of the room ,glancing over to Rune and then once more back to Calder, smiling gently. "Mama's okay now?"​
Tanner walked out of the office with a soft thank you to the woman. Relic's demeanor had changed completely and the blond was so happy for that. He tugged his husband into the nearest restroom and locked the door behind them before pulling Relic to him, arms wrapping tightly around the man's waist and kissing him quite passionately. It was several minutes before Tanner pulled away, simply because he needed to breathe. "I missed you." He kissed Relic again, pecking the man's lips lightly this time. "We'll try anything you want, Relic. I only want you happy."

He smiled when he saw Ella and Rune together, heart softening towards his lover once again. It was hard to love Rune when he was upset and destroying his walls and ceilings. He shut the door as he and Trevor made their way towards the main part of their home. "Mama's...better." Calder knew that Rune wasn't okay, but he was a little better and had worked out some of his frustration and sadness. "Did you do all your homework for Monday?"
"Anything?" He repeated, smirking a little deviantly as he did so. He pushed toward the blond, leading him toward the wall nearest them. He pressed him against the surface, his hips grinding into his while his lips attacked the side of his neck. His hands slid down the front of his love's chest before moving beneath the shirt the man wore. "Being depressed and angsty tends to make me a little horny." He chuckled, his fingers slid back down to the front of his husband's pants, beginning to undo the button and zipper.

Trevor looked over at Calder, nodding and smiling a bit more. "Good." He followed the other and shrugged his shoulders just a little bit. "Yes. I finished it last night."​
Laughing a little, Tanner's arms wrapped around his lover's waist once more, his hips pressing back into Relic's. He'd definitely missed sleeping with his husband. "Lots of things make you horny," he teased with a sharp nip to the man's ear lobe. Tanner's hands moved forward to start on Relic's pants, too, quickly pushing them down his lovely husband's hips.

"Good boy." Calder moved into the kitchen to boil some water for tea. "How do you like your classes?" Neither he nor Rune had had any real time to sit down with the boys and ask them about how they liked everything so far. Calder felt bad about that and was taking this opportunity to do so now.
Relic chuckled softly as he pressed into his love a little more. "Mm. Very true." He whispered, kissing along the side of his love's neck, groaning at the feel of the man's teeth nipping his ear. He helped removed his pants, the lack of undergarment now very obvious. He then tugged the rest of the man's garments from his hips, rolling hteir bare lower halves together, loving and missing the feeling. His eyes tilted to the side, looking up at the man and grinning even more. "I don't think you should encourage my naughty behavior." He whispered, rolling his hips into his even more.

Trevor sat down at the counter, arms crossed and he looked over at the man setting up the water. "Um. Yes. I love all my classes." He stated with a little nod, smiling warmly. "I made a friend. His name is Bodhi ... We're supposed to go swimming soon I think." He really did not know. He knew that there was the mention of it, but he was not sure if the blond was serious or not.​
"But your naughty behavior fully benefits me," he claimed, switching their positions so that Relic was now faced to the wall and pressed against it. Tanner kissed and nipped along his husband's neck and shoulders, his teeth sinking into the fleshier parts of the shoulder here and there. The blond pressed his hips forward, aligning himself with Relic's opening. "But are you telling me that you want me to stop?" he asked with a minute press forward of his hips.

"Bohdi... Oh yes. He's in one of my classes. Seems very nice." Calder moved around the kitchen, getting two mugs and some sugar, along with the tea bags. "Do you want to go swimming with him?" It was only a question, the blond simply making conversation.
Relic took in a sharp breath when moved to face the wall. His eyes slipped closed and his hands happily rested upon the cool wall. His cheek moved to rest upon the surface, feeling the man press against him and he groaned in utter want. "Not at all... I'm saying that I want you too much." He said softly, grinding his rear against the flesh pressing against him.

Trevor looked over at him again, listening to the question and he thought about it a little bit. "Yes. I like Bohdi. He is very nice." He stated, thinking a little bit about it and he shrugged his shoulders a moment later. "I like him. He is .. the first person to really talk to me. Theo thers in my classes do not seem to like me."​
Groaning, Tanner pressed forward, completely sheething himself inside of his husband and groaning as he did so. Tanner's head dropped forward, his forehead against Relic's shoulder as his hips slowly began to build their rhythm. "No such thing as wanting me too much," he groaned. His speed began to pick up quickly, the blond knowing that he wasn't going to last very long at all.

"They just don't know you," Calder answered, setting a mug of tea in front of Trevor. "They'll open up more as the year goes on." The blond remembered how the students were when he first started at Atlantis. "They're not mean to you though, right?"
Relic gasped, his eyes rolling to the back of his head as a pleased moan passed his lips. He groaned and his hips began to move with the man's own. He took in a few deep breaths, groaning again and he moaned happily. He did not care for reacting to his words, he much more preferred to let hte pleasure take over. He definitely was doing a fine ob of that already. He had missed his love too much, and he knew that he would feel better soon enough, maybe not completley since he was still very unsure of everything, but he was very happy right now.

Trevor shook his head. "No. THey're not mean." He admitted, smiling lightly. He supposed Calder was right. He was new and people already had friends, but it would be okay soon enough. Besides, Bohdi seemed to like him a lot, that was what mattered. He had a single friend, what more did he need?​
Tanner angled his hips just right, the head of his cock now pressing into his lover's prostate with each thrust forward. His teeth dragged over Relic's neck, just barely drawing blood. He was too consumed with the pleasure to pay attention to how badly he was hurting his lover. His hand reached around to take Relic's member in it, stroking it in time with his own thrusts.

"Good." Calder had worried that perhaps some students were cruel to his son, and he wouldn't stand for that. He was glad to hear that he had nothing to worry about. "You should think about joining a group or a team if you want to make more friends. I think Relic might start a dueling or defense club if you ask him. Or a sewing club."
Relic gasped, his eyes widening and he moaned, his pleasure obviously heard, even more when the man drew the blood. His hips gladly moved with hte man. It did not take him long, not long at all with how glorious the pain felt, and combined with his deprivation, oh it all felt so good to him. He moaned and he continued to grind with the other's movements. For a few more htrusts, he managed to last, but he soon gasped, eyes wide, and his rear grinding into the man more, pleasure overwhelming him and he released seconds later with a content groan.

Trevor thought about it for a while, staring at the cabinets in front of him as he debated. He was not really a club type of person, but then again, the sewing club piqued his interest. He tapped his forefinger against his lip before turning to look at Calder. "I ... I like the idea of a sewing club." He admitted, smiling a little more. 'Maybe ... maybe when Relic is back to normal, I will ask him about it."​
Relic took him over the edge, the blond pressing forward one last time and exploding within his husband, forehead dropping to his shoulder. He was panting heavily, and was holding onto the other man so that he didn't drop to the floor with his weak knees. He stayed like that for several minutes, trying to get his muscles to work again. When he could, Tanner stepped away and towards the sink to clean up a little, after kissing his husband softly. "I love you."

"I think if you ask him now it might be nice," Calder offered. "Maybe it will help him start to think about something else other than what he's upset about." It was only a suggestion, but it was what he would do anyway. He made another cup of tea and passed it to Trevor. "Why don't you bring that into Mama?" Rune could use all the love that their children were willing to give.
Relic took in a few deep breaths, remaining against the wall for a while as he listened to his love. He smiled, laughing a little bit as his eyes opened to look at the man at the sink, smiling even more. "I love you too." He said gently, pushing his form off of the wall and groaning while he walked to the blond. He kissed the side of his neck before reaching past him to get a papertowel wet, wiping away the juices of his husband, balling up the towel and tossing that into the garbage. He then walked over to his pants, pulling them up just as he heard a knock at the door. He stared at the door with a call of "Just a minute!" before he pulled his pants on faster. Doing them up and he handed Tanner his pants.

He moved to the door and opened it a crack, seeing a woman standing out there. He smiled gently to her. "We'll be only a moment. I had a scratch on my back from earlier today and it seemed to have started to bleed again so my husband and I were tending to it. Very sorry. Just ... Thirty more seconds." He smiled, seeing her nod and he then closed th door gently before turning to look at Tanner, so glad for the marks, evne more, now. "are you good?"

Trevor nodded and then took the teacup, smiling a little more. "Okay. . . and maybe I will ask him." He offered, sliding off the stool and then heading up the stairs. Jade rushing past him to run into the kitchen where Calder was, apparently excited about something. He shook his head and then moved to the room where Rune was. He opened the door, seeing him sitting on the ground with Ella who was bouncing around with dolls and barbies. He smiled and walked inside, holding out the teacup. "Papa told me to give this to you." He stated.

Rune perked up, taking the cup and smiling a little more. "Thank you Trevor. Did you see little Jade rushing down the hall?"​
Tanner continued to clean up while Relic shooed off whoever was waiting for the restroom. He was just pulling up his pants when his lover turned to ask him if he was ready. He pulled Relic to him and kissed him breathless once more before nodding that he was ready to leave. They exited the rest room, apologizing once more to the woman before heading for the car, and then to the next adoption agency. Having their names on multiple lists couldn't be bad.

Ruffling Trevor's hair, Calder gave him a soft 'good boy' before being nearly run over by Jade. "OOF!" He wrapped his arms around the boy to steady them both. "Woah there! What's got you all wound up, sweetheart?"
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