Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Calder hugged the boy tightly. He wanted to say that he hoped so, but didn't want Jade to think that he didn't have faith in Nicholai. Instead he pressed a kiss to the boy's cheek. "Everything we do is in your best interest," he promised before slipping off the bed. "Come on. I think Trevor has baked up something yummy for you."
The next day, Trevor nervously made his way to his friend's room. He was planning to ask him to join the sewing club with him, and maybe get the blond to invite others. Relic would love to have plenty and lots of children to teach to sew. He took in a deep breath once outside of Bohdi's dorm, staring at the door for a short while. He soon took in a deep breath, lifting up his hand, he knocked on the door, patiently waiting for the other to answer. He hoped he was inisde, and hoped that he would not turn him away. He had been the one to suggest hanging out, right? Yes. He needed to bbe a little more confident. He was wanted. That was what mattered.​
Kyros had whimpered just before the knock at the door. Tilting his head to the side, Bohdi wondered who it might be. His only friend thus far was Trevor, and the other hadn't come to his dorm since that first day. He was really surprised to see the teen standing there, and he smiled softly at him. "Hi."
Trevor took in a sharp breath of air when the boy opened the door. A gentle smile to his lips and he instantly grew far too nervous to comprehend at the moment. He let out a nervous little laugh and then smiled a bit more. "Um ... Relic, Mr. Reed, him and I ... were thinking of starting up a ... sewing club. I mean. I... I cannot sew, but I want to learn and... and he was really excited about it and asked me to ask friends and. . . you're kind of my ... my only one and so ... Do you want to join ... with me?"​
Awww he was cute when he was flustered!! Bohdi smiled at the teen and stepped back to allow him to come inside. "Sure!" he agreed. A club sounded like fun and it would be a good way for them both to make some more friends. "If you'll come swimming with me. Tonight?" It was Friday night and he didn't want to sit alone in his room. The thought made Kyros growl and Bohdi had to laugh at that.

"We can have a poolside picnic for dinner? I promise we'll go early so we can wait an hour before swimming..."
Trevor let out a heavy sigh, glad that hte other agreed. HE walked into the dorm, nodding a little bit. Picnic and a swim? That did not sound too bad. He moved and set down on the edge of the bed, arms crossed and resting on his thighs. He looked over at the man, smiling warmly to himself. "Um .. okay. If you let me get my trunks and tell Mama and Papa.' He straightened up, looking over at Kyro, smliing a little bit and then turned to look at the blond once more. "How .... how are your classes?"​
"Mama and Papa?" he questioned. He was under the impression that Trevor's parents were two men, teachers here in fact. He'd never met anyone who had two parents of the same gender and so he had no idea that one might be considered in a mother role. But he moved right on to the question. "Classes are alright. Challenging, which I like. Do you like yours?" He moved to sit on the bed as well, though he was on the other side of Kyros, stroking the dog's fir behind his ear.
Trevor let out a little laugh and nodded a bit more. "I started calling Run Mama as a joke, and it ... kind of stuck." He admitted before going into a bit of talk about his classes and teachers. He soon had to leave, though, to get his clothes and double check everything was okay with both parents.

He got approval from both, his bathing suit, and a change of clothes as well. He placed them all into a duffle bag, draping it over his shoulder and then got a ride from his Mama. Kissing his cheek, he hopped out and then made his way back to Bohdi's room. He moved to the door, knocking it and then patiently waiting for the man to come up at the door.​
He was sad to see Trevor leave, except he knew that his friend would be back soon enough to go swimming. Bohdi made the most of the school's kitchens and went down to make a nice picnic dinner for the two of them. He then borrowed a blanket from the laundry for them to sit at and put everything into a basket. He was just pulling up his trunks as there was a knock on the door.

Being sure nothing was out that shouldn't be, he answered it with a bright smile. "Hi! Ready to go?" Kyros was already behind him, tail wagging. He didn't wait long, though, before pushing past both boys and heading towards the pool. "Too bad if you're not?" he laughed, picking up the basket and his towel. "I'll wait out here so you can change if you'd like."
Trevor watched Kyro push past them, looking at the dog rushing past them before turning to look at Bohdi. He smiled a little bit and nodded. "I am fine.. and erm ... there are bathrooms down there so, I think I'll change there after we eat." He informed him, nodding a little while he followed the pup running down the hall. He turned to the blond once more, smiling lightly.​
He shrugged his shoulders with a little okay before turning to walk with his friend down towards the pool. Kyros kept running back to them and through their legs, nearly tripping them before sprinting forward once more a few hundred yards. He repeated the process until they were at the pool, Bohdi laughing the entire time.

"So what made you start a sewing club?" he asked, curious. It wasn't the typical club that one started, even if you did attend a prominently gay school. The blond moved a few chairs and went to set out their picnic.
Trevor turned to look at Bohdi with his question, smiling warmly to himself as he did so. What made him want to join the sewing club? He let out a little laugh and shrugged. "Well, Relic wanted to make a club and I like the idea of knowing how to sew." He opened the door to the pool for the two, following after htem. "That and making clothes is cheaper than buying them so I can just buy fabric and that stuff and then make my clothes, instead of having Mama pay for it all. I feel bad." He closed the door behind him and then looked back to the blond, smiling gently. "I think it will be fun."
"Yes, I suppose that's true..." He'd never thought of that simply because he assumed that it would take years and years to be able to make his own clothes and he never had the patience to learn something like that. Once everything was set out, the blond sat down on the blanket and looked up at Trevor.

"Sit. I made loads of stuff for us: sandwiches and fruit salad and potato salad and pudding for dessert..." His mouth was watering just talking about all the food that they had.
Trevor watched the blond set everything up, listening to him and he nodded a little bit. "Relic is really nice." He stated, moving to the blanket and sitting down in front of the other. His legs crossed beneath him and he adjusted himself to get a bit more comfortable, arms resting on top of his legs as he looked ath te food. "It looks delicious." He said softly, smiling warmly and the looking back up to the other. "You ... You do not mind joining the club with me, right? I do not want to force you."​
"Nope!" He smiled at his friend and moved to make a plate for himself. "I'm not easily swayed into doing things that I really don't want to d-" He as cut short as a spray of cool water drenched his back. The blond growled and looked towards Kyros who was happily paddling away in the pool. Bohdi could tell that his brother was smirking at him. "Brat."
Trevor glanced to the side, staring at the dog in the water before looking back to Bohdi. He smiled gently and then turned back to the food, smiling more. "Good." He said softly and then looked over at the dog, laughing softly. "Kyros seems to be having fun."​
"Kyros always has a good time...at my expense." The blond turned and stuck his tongue out at the other who was happily swimming around the pool.

They ate, talking about random things that interested them both. Bohdi was glad to finally be able to really get to know his new friend. "So how'd you come to be adopted by Mr. Lin and Mr. Delano?" he asked. He didn't want the details of the teen's life, and wouldn't push for information that wasn't given but he was curious to know more. The blond lounged back against his elbows, looking over at Trevor.
Trevor really was enjoying himself. He was having far too much fun, but was very, very happy he came. He pulled his knees to his chest and glanced over to the blond once more with the question. His shoulders lifted into a nonchalant shrug as he thought about it. "we were living on the streets, my brother, sister, and I. Jade, my brother, went up to Rune and ... asked for money and then somehow or another, Rune ended up coming back to where we were and could not stand to see us as that, so he took us home." He smiled gently, his cheek resting upon his knees as he let out a little laugh. "Apparently Rune is not a kidsy guy. Everyone was shocked to see us with him."​
Bohdi laughed. Yes, he could see people being shocked that Mr. Lin had children. He didn't seem to like the students very much. Then again, he wasn't supposed to "like" the students so he supposed that it wasn't very fair to judge him on that. "It's nice that you found a family," he commented, eyes slipping closed a little. He knew that most kids who were on the street didn't get that opportunity.

After a few minutes of silence, the blond got up. "Come on!" It was all he said before he had dived into the pool.
Trevor nodded, agreeing with a simple "Yes" before he went back to watching Kyros in the pool. He was quite content at the moment, atl east until he heard the male beside him. He turned, seeing the other leap into the water and he went a little wide-eyed. Laughing a bit, he stood up and took his trunks from his bag. "Give me a second." He said, walking off to the bathrooms and quickly changing into the shorts.

Returning back, he neatly placed his things on top of his bag before jumping into the water beside Bohdi. He slowly surfaced with a happy laugh to his lips. His legs swaying beneath him and keeping him afloat. He really was not used to being shirtless. He did not prefer not having anything to cover up himself with. That was mainly due to hte scars, the many scars, on his back. Those being the reason he was so petrified of others touching him.​
The blond laughed with his friend, but he noticed the scars right away and gasped. "What happened?!" he asked, reaching forward with the very tips of his fingers to trace over one of the scars. "Do your parents know about them? Are you okay?" He'd never seen anything like it and the sight scared Bohdi a great deal. "Do they hurt?"
Trevor stiffened with the blond's sudden worry. He was very concerned that something happened to him, not the scars on his back. When he felt his fingers though, he could not help but to shiver. A faint pink tinted to his cheek and he glanced behind him to the scars, staring at them and he blushed a little more. "Um ... Many different things." He admitted and tried to look at them a little. "There's the one by my hip from being thrown into a nail... And then there is the one on my left side that is from a guy on the street pushing me away and into a garbage pale." He chewed his bottom lip, glancing down at the water and his feet swaying beneath him. "Most of the others are from ... a very bad man a few years back." He cleared his throat a bit, not really comfortable with the topic, but he would discuss it if his friend wanted. He trusted Bohdi. How could he not? He passed his Mama's approval, and so that was definitely a reason to not be so scared of the blond.​
The stories sent shivers up Bohdi's own back. "That's horrible." The blond examined the scars for another moment before pulling away from the other enough to give him his personal space. He moved to the side of the pool and hopped out, digging out a ball from the basket before hopping back into the water. "Come on!" he called as he swam into the far end of the pool. "We can play keep away from Kyros!"
Trevor took in a deep breath, glad that he did not spend too much time on the scars. He really did not like them, not at all. He shook his head a little and then turned to watch Bohdi jump back into the water. He nodded and then swam over to the blond, stopping a few feet off. "All right." he called over, staying toward the shallower ends, purely for his own comfort. He waited for the ball to come near him before hitting it back to Bohdi, smiling gently to himself.​
They played in the water until they were both wrinkled and pruney. Bohdi had a ton of fun, and he could only hope that Trevor did, too. As they climbed out of the pool, exhausted, and dried themselves off, the blond looked over to his friend. "Come back to my room for a bit. We can study and listen to some music?" He really didn't want the night to end.
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