Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Oh. Now he got it. Well that didn't change anything. He said hello to the man in front of him while planning another way to get the cute little boy into a room alone. A tour of the house was overrated and Jade's parents wouldn't be that stupid... But maybe a walk...

"Would you like to go for a walk outside?" he asked, turning to Jade. "You can show me the gorgeous grounds..."
Rune narrowed his eyes at the man before he turned to look at Jade who was all too happy to do so. He stared at him, not liking him at all. He growled under his breath, just glaring at the man. He could easily have a watch on the two, in fact he would. He would love to have TRevor go with them, but the boy was probably too tired from swimming earlier. That would be mean. Yet ... He was pretty positive that Relic had to see him by way of outdoors, right? Oh yes. That would be much fun. "Have fun you two."

Jade stood up from the couch and took a hold of Nicholai's hand, taking him and leading him off toward the backdoor, knowing that he had to get out before his Mama did anything.​
"Lovely meeting you," he offered with a fake smile before taking Jade's hand and allowing himself to be lead outdoors.

They strolled towards the open parts of the land, Nicholai wrapping his arm around the smaller boy's shoulders securely. "You didn't tell me you had two...Dad's?" He knew that the blond twerp (sexy though he was, eleven still qualified you as a twerp) called one 'Mama' but there had been no mention that 'Mama' was an overgrown buffoon with a cock. The brunette shrugged to himself and continued to walk, fingertips moving up to stroke over the side of Jade's neck.

"Big house for five people."
Jade smiled warmly as he walked out of the house with the man. His arm wrapped around the other's hips, holding him and resting his head against the side of his chest. His eyes slipped closed for a while as he walked through the grounds. "Oh. sorry. I did not think about it.' He admitted, tilting his head back to look up at the brunette. He glanced to the side at the huge house that they lived in, nodding a little. Even their section of it was huge for five people. He could not imagine a single family living there, even a family of twenty. Maybe it had been more so for someone's whole family? That would make more sense. "Yea. It's fun to play in though. WHen Trevor's done with his homework, he and I normally play. Though, Mama made a lot of the rooms off limits recently. They're drying now."​
Drying? It took a minute for Nicholai to grasp that they'd painted and he nodded a little. His fingernail scratched very lightly over the sensitive flesh of Jade's neck. "He's rather strict, isn't he?" he asked lightly. "I mean. You've been through a lot in your life. You'd think they'd trust you enough to make your own decisions..."
Jade shrugged his shoulders a little, after having shuddered a little at the feel of his nail against his skin. His hand lifted to lace their fingers together, not much preferring the sensation. He looked in front of him once more before once more back to the man at his side. "He just cares for me, is all. They're worried that someone will hurt me.' He smiled gently, nuzzling into the other's neck ith a giggle. "I don't mind. It makes me feel loved."​
Well that didn't do what was planned. Well. Move on. He had many more tricks in his bag. "I suppose so." He dropped the subject as they walked. Nicholai moved Jade into a far corner, and tugged him into the shadows with a little grin. "Did I tell you that you look beautiful tonight?" he asked, leaning down to peck a little kiss to the boy's lips. He wasn't sure if Jade would stop him because his parent told him 'no'.
Jade squeaked lightly as he was pulled into the shadows, feeling the other's lips against his. He giggled happily, leaning up to press his lips against his. His arms lifted to wrap around the other's neck, pulling his form up from the ground a little bit. His eyes fluttered closed while he continued to kiss the man, quite enjoying it. He liked to kiss others. He already told Calder that. HE really did. Cuddling and kissing were what he very much liked. Liked a lot, actually.​
Nicholai wrapped his arms tightly around Jade's waist and he straightened up, lifting the blond off the ground completely while they kissed. He didn't mind kissing, though he would prefer other activities. That would come soon enough, he was sure. He kissed the other for a few minutes before he moved his lips down to Jade's neck, kissing along the flesh there for a moment. "You taste sweet, too."
Jade kissed him back happily when he was lifted up, his legs wrapping aroudn his hips and he smiled when pressed against the house. His head tilted to the side just a bit, feeling the man's lips against his neck. He shuddered in utter enjoyment, liking the feel far too much. He blushed a faint pink and his arms loosened around his neck just a bit, finding it quite hard to keep a grip and enjoy himself fully at the moment.

The two were not allowed to be alone and intimate for long. There was a giggle heard behind the brunette and then a tap upon the older male's shoulder. STanding behind him, a grinning Relic stared at him, looking none-too-thrilled. "Hey. Whahca doin' here in the dark corner of the house, hm?"​
Nicholai growled with the interruption, nipping the blond's flesh out of frustration. He turned and looked over the man in front of him. Something in the demeanor told him this wasn't Jade's parent and so he didn't keep his manners where they should be. "What does it look like?" he asked, voice flat and sarcastic.
Relic stared at the man in front of him, a smile to his lips as he did so. He bounced up and down on the balls of his feet, grinning all the more. "Awe. You really should be nicer to me." He winked before turning to look at an even-redder Jade. "And it looks like you're going to be dead before the end of hte night if you keep this up." he patted the top of the teen's head and then looked over at Jade. "I suggest getting in the house." He winked and straightened up once more, his arms crossing over his lower torso, which was revealed due to his shirt only coming to the middle of his torso, a nice black skirt to his hips.

Jade blushed even more and looked up at Relic, nodding a little bit with his utter embarrassment. "Y-yes... S... Sorry." He said gently, untangling his legs from the man's hips and his arms slid away as he moved to the gruond, beginning to make his way away from the house to head bac indoors.​
He growled with Jade slipping away from him. This...well this was not working out very well. The brunette puffed his cheeks out just slightly and pushed past the man in front of him and moved after Jade into the house. Could he help it that he wanted to sleep with the blond? Of course not! He growled to himself as he re-entered the house, telling himself that he could get through one night and that it would get him closer to his ultimate goal.
Jade sighed softly as he moved into the house, smelling dinner and grinning even more. "Mm... I love Papa's food." He said happily, giggling and he turned to look at Nicholai. "I think dinner's almost done anyway.' He informed the other, smiling contently while he began to walk toward the dining room to sit and wait for dinner.

Relic chuckled and walked to the house after the two, bumping the door closed with his hip and he walked toward the kitchen to bother Calder about what he was making. He hummed happily and walked up to the blond, resting his chin on his shoulder with interest. "Whacha feeding me? And where's the rat poison for our guest?"​
Calder just laughed and turned his head to peck Relic's temple. "Don't you have a husband to cook for you?" he asked with a little bump of his hip. "And your brother is the answer to the other question." The blond looked over to Jade and Nicholai. "What's your honest take?" He hadn't had much time to spend with the new boy and so he was relying heavily on Rune and Relic to tell him what he needed to know.
Relic stuck his tongue out at the man, nipping his ear a little bit before he straightened up. He moved to rest his rump against the counter beside him, looking to the two in the dining room before once more back to the other. His arms crossed over his bare torso, absently toying with the ring in his naval. "He's a jerk. He only wants Jade for an easy fuck and he's a rude little prick who deserves to be kicked, if not ripped of, his balls." He glanced to the two once more before returning his attention to Calder again. "But, don't do anything to Jade. Just give him some pepper spray or something and let him establish it for himself. If you don't, then he'll just get pissed at you."​
Calder looked into the dining room, groaning a little. He was hoping that his gut feeling wasn't right. "Don't tell me that. Tell Rune." While Calder didn't want Jade to be hurt, he knew that he had to learn it for himself. Rune, on the other hand... Well the blond had a feeling that he'd be quick to but in and tell Jade "no". He sighed. "We have to deal with heartbreak sooner or later, right?" He focused on dinner for a few more minutes.

"What about that Bohdi kid? The one Trevor's interested in?"
Relic grinned. "I did." He stated, kissing the blond's cheek and he set against the counter once more. His arms returned over his torso and he perked up. Bohdi? He chuckled and turned to look at Calder. "The older one has better taste." He teased with a wink. "I have not met him, I know what I know through Rune and other teachers. Although, I'm meeting him tomorrow, so I can give you a better judgement then. But, so far, he seems to be a very sweet boy."​
He nodded as he finished putting dinner together and moving it onto a table. "Jade will you please set a place for Relic?" he asked as he set the first dish on the table and went back for the second and third. "Rune!" The blond bustled around until everyone was settled in at the table. He sat then, and began to help everyone fill their plates.

"So," Nicholai whispered to Jade softly as they began to help themselves. "Am I ever going to get some time with you all to myself?" He smiled at the blond, hoping to melt his heart with the smile.
Jade turned to look at Nicholai, smiling a little bit and he shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly. "Probably not." He admitted, knowng his family well enough by now. If it was not one, it would be another. They would probably put him with Ella just to be sure he was not alone with his friend, date, whatever Nicholai was at the moment.​
He huffed and then turned to eat his dinner. This was not what he'd envisioned... And it was disappointing. But perhaps he could swing a few seconds as he said goodbye to the blond at the end of the night. A grope was better than nothing, right?
The next afternoon, Trevor made his way up to Bohdi's dorm, stopping in front of the door and taking in a deep breath. He was not sure how awkward it would be, or what to do, but he would not care about it right now. He sighed gently and then knocked upon the door, patiently waiting for the blond to answer. His arms crossed over his lower torso and gripped his form, staring at hte door. He knew that he had told the other that they could meet in teh room, but he could not help it. He was too excited and yet very nervous to see him again. Besides, Relic would pick up on any awkwardness and he did not want his Mama to hear about something between them, or whatever it may turn into.​
Bohdi was a little surprised by the knock. No one was supposed to be coming over, and he was supposed to meet Trevor in the room that the club was going to meet in. But when he saw Trevor on the other side of the door, his heart skipped a little beat and he smiled. "Hi." The blond knew that it sounded really lame and if he could get away with banging on his head on the door jamb, he would have.
Trevor smiled warmly, his heart skipping a beat at the blond. He took in another breath, calming down once more as his eyes lifted to look into the blond's. "Hey! um ... I figured I would walk with you to the room. Relic does not need any help setting up so ... I came to ... get you." He smiled a little, chewing into his bottom lip. His heart already raced rapidly within his chest, excited and giddy just at seeing the blond.​
He thought that was sweet and he smiled a little. "Come in. I'm not ready yet." He still had to get some shoes on and he didn't want Trevor to be waiting out in the hall for him. "I really had a good time last night," he offered as he plopped down on the bed to slip his sneakers on. It was an understatement, but Bohdi didn't want to scare Trevor off or anything.

It only took a few minutes for him to get ready, and announce that he was set to go. "How do you think you did on the op quiz today?"
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