Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Trevor nodded, moving into the room and he stood in the doorway, not wanting to sit and get comfortable or anything. He bounced on his feet for a moment or two before relaxing once more. LAst night? He grinned, hoping that he did not look too happy, yet he was utterly beaming on the inside, probably showing on the out. He nodded and let out a little laugh. "Um. Yes. I had ... a great time." he stated, lifting his hand up to rest at the back of his neck.

He thought about the quiz from earlier when it was brought up, shrugging his shoulders a little bit. "I think I did well.' He stated and then looked back up at the male. He walked up to him and tugged at the bottom of his shirt to get his attention, not being able to go anywhere without his questions answered. "The kisses ..." He began in a whisper, his eyes lifting to the other with interest. "Were they more than friendly?"​
The kisses? Bohdi went over everything that he had been thinking about for the past twelve hours. The question had caught him by surprise and he didn't really know what to say, other than "Yes." The blond looked down at the hem of his shirt and fiddled with it, unsure of if Trevor felt the same way. He was afraid of rejection and more so afraid of losing the friendship that they had just started to build. He didn't want either, but the friendship was more important.
Trevor let out the breath he had apparently been holding, not really having realized it all that much until the breath was let out. His eyes fluttered closed and he was much more relaxed now. He tilted his head up to look at the blond, leaning up to kiss his lips gently, only giving him a small little peck before he returned to the flats of his feet. "I'm glad." He whispered, hoping that he would ease the worries the blond may have. He then looked over at the clock, perking up. "Oh! We have to get going." He stated and then took a hold of the blond's hand, beginning to lead him off toward the door so that they could go to the club meeting.​
Bohdi smiled with the confirmation, the butterflies in his stomach taking on a whole new feeling now. He was excited, and happy, and if the club didn't mean so much to Trevor, he might have pulled the brunette back to stand there and kiss him all afternoon. But he knew that it did mean a lot to his... Well what was he? The blond pouted for a moment and pulled Trevor to a stop, tugging the other male to him.

"Does that mean I can call you mine?"
Trevor stopped, stumbling just a bit when h was pulled toward the male. He turned to look at him, smiling at his question. "Yes." He said, quite happy with the prospect of being called Bohdi's. He turned and pressed a gentle kiss to his lips and then turned to begin and walk out of the room once more. He was not sure what else to do. They were ... together now? That was probably what it was, but he would clarify the details later on. Right now, he really wanted to go to the club before RElic told his Mama to go search for him. That would be ... far worse than anythin else.

He continued to take the other male through the halls, hoping heh ad nothing else he had to get. He kept his hand linked with Bohdi's, not wanting to let go. He moved to the sewing rooms and stopped in front of the door. Wit ha gentle knock, he slowly poked his head inside, Relic wandering around and getting everything ready for them.​
Glee filled Bohdi, and he could hear Kyros chuckle at him a little bit. He told the dog to shut up as they began to move through the hallways and to the new club room. The warmth of Trevor's hand in his own was nice, and the weight of it felt like it belonged there.

When they got to the room, he stepped inside, smiling towards... Well he was sure that this wasn't the man that Trevor called "Mama" but... Oh Twins. That was easy to explain it. "Hello," he greeted cheerfully.
Relic perked up from what he had been doing, turning to look at the blond and he grinned even more. He stood up from the chair he was in and hopped on over to the two. He held out his hand, lips cheerfully turned up into a pleasing smile. "Hello! You must be Bohdi. It's so lovely to meet you." he grinned again, quite happy to meet the blond that Trevor liked so much. "I'm Relic. I'll be teaching you how to sew!" He chuckled a little bit before he walked over to a table, patting upon the surface. "Sit sit!" he really was too happy right now.

Trevor smiled at the man, shaking his head just a little bit. He turned to look at Bohdi, smiling a little more. "He's Mama's twin." He stated and then began to lead the other to the table that Relic had tapped so excitedly. "They are very different." He laughed a bit, knowing that the fact that Relic was in a skirt was proof enough of that fact.​
Bohdi moved into the room a bit more and smiled to Relic. He had figured out the twin thing, and how different they were but said nothing and instead smiled at Trevor after he'd given the information. "Nice to meet you." The blond sat down in one of the chairs, waiting for the rest of the group to show up. He didn't know just how many students would be interested in a sewing club, but he was hoping for Trevor's sake that it would be a fair few.

"How did you learn to sew?" he asked Relic.
Relic sat across from the two, his fingers lacing togehter and they setled upon the table in front of him. Back straight and leant toward the two teens a little bit. "Me? Um ... When I was on tour really. Our manager refused to buy me the clothes I wanted since I was supposed to have a certain "image" and skirts were not it ... So I got fabric and a sewing machine, told him to suck it, and just started to sew. Besides, this way, I can make the clothes however I want." He grinned at the thought and perked up. "I made my brother's dress for the wedding! WAnt to see it? I have a piiicture." He truly was beaming at the moment. He would have made his wedding gown too, but well, he thought that would be too much pressure.

Trevor blinked a few times. His brother? He realized Tomias was his brother as well, but his Mama had been in the bridal party, Tomias was not. He went a little wide-eyed when his brain finally put two and two together. "You have a picture of Mama in a dress?"​
He nodded with the information, leaning forward and taking the photograph that was offered for him to look at. He was a little shocked to see Rune in a dress as, even with the brief encounter he'd had with him, Bohdi couldn't have pictured him in anything other than pants before. He passed the picture to Trevor.

"Is it really easy?"
Trevor took the photograph, his eyes going wide as he saw the picture of Relic and Rune together, holding each other and posing for the camera. He stared at it, looking over his Mama in the picture, seeing the dress on him and he definitely was shocked. It was a beautiful dress, but that did not change him from being shocked about seeing the man in a dress. HE could not believe it. He was ... dumbfounded.

Before poor Relic could answer the question, the door burst open and Rune stormed over to the table. His hand rested at the back of his brother's head, smashing his face into the table and a growl to his lips. "What'd I tell you about those pictures?!" He hissed, turning to lok at Trevor and Bohdi. He took in a deep breath, releasing his brother's hair and resting his hand onto his hip. He cleared his throat a bit, looking over at Trevor who was shocked about his violent behavior, obviously. "What? It doens't matter what I do to him. He heals up. you said it yourself." He held out his hand for the picture and waited to get it.

Relic yelped, raising his head and rubbing at his nose. The bone was obviously broken, but with a tweak of his nose and already his nose could be seen healing up properly. He sighed heavily, eyes closing for a moment before he turned to look at the man trying to get the picture. His foot lifted and slammed into the older male's side, taking the picture from Trevor. He stood up and glared at Rune in utter annoyed. "No! They're my wedding pictures and if you were not late then you could have had pants. So no! you cannot touch it. And I can show my nephew the picture all I want." He stuck his tongue out before turning to look at Bohdi, smiling warmly as he did so. "To answer your question, sewing is not ... difficult, but it's not something you'll get right away. Well, you may. I don't really know. Normal people do not get it instantly, but it become easier the more you do it."​
"So you're saying that I'm not normal?" he asked, a little glint in his eye. He knew what Relic had been trying to say but that didn't mean that he couldn't joke around. Besides, there was a ton of tension in the air now and someone had to do something to break it. Poor Trevor felt like he would break in half if someone even touched him the wrong way and Bohdi didn't know what to do to help him.
Relic giggled happily at hte boy's sense of humor, smiling all the more. Yes. He definitely liked this boy. "No. I'm saying you're special." He winked and then turned to look at Rune who was brooding beside him. He rolled his eyes and stood up from the chair he had been in to go and take Rune by the back of his pants. "unless you plan to be a model for my clothes, I suggest you shoo." He dragged the grumbling male to the door, openingi t up and then shoving him out of the room. "Go beat up little kids or something." with that, he closed the door and walked back over to the two boys.

He smiled and then went to go get some felt and sewing supplies, walking over to the table and setting the items between the two boys. "First things first! Patterns." He began, walking back over to the chair in front of them.

Trevor blinked a few times as he looked up at Relic with interest. "We're the only ones here?"

"Yep! For now at least. I'll recruit more people later. Like that cutie Eros! I'm sure he would love to join in." He beamed excitedly at the thought of him here. Oh, that would be fun! Yes. He definitely would have to have the cute little blond come in. Maybe his little savant could join in on the fun too. He pushed the thoughts aside and then turned back to the two. "In the little container are pieces of paper with patterns on them. It's for stuffed animals. I figure it's easier to start with those, and far more fun, soohave at it!" He smiled and then stood up for a moment, going off to get one of hte corsets he had been working on - a lovely lilac and white one - and then returned to his seat, beginning the finer details with the needle and thread.​
He was a little disappointed that they were the only two there, but at least it gave them a little time to spend together. Bohdi liked spending time with Trevor.

They followed Relic's instructions, though his didn't come out exactly like he'd envisioned it, and had fun doing it despite the few pricks of the needle to his fingertip. "How long did it take you to get as good as you are?" he asked their instructor, cuious to know how long he might have to practice before he could start to make his own clothes.
Relic perked up, finishing off the last stitch on the clasps for the corset. He tied it and then lifted his eyes to the boy with the question. He thought for a while, tilting his head from side to side for a bit before he shrugged a little bit. "As good as I am, it took a few years." He admitted and then turned his eyes back to the boy. "But good enough to where I could use a pattern and make clothes that did not fall apart and that I could wear ... that was more so a few months. Give or take." He smiled warmly, standing up with his corset and then holding it up to his chest, looking down at it and then over to the boy once more. "I made this without a pattern. Which is why it takes a few years to get to what I am." he winked and then set the garment on top of the table. "Next time, we can work on clothes if you'd like." He offered, seeing the boy's impatience easily.

Trevor just did the last little stitch on the teddy bear he had made, holding it up and smiling gently. There was a little heart where the heart should be and he was perfectly stuffed and Trevor really was happy for the bear. He held it to his chest a moment later, looking at the two who, he just now realized, were talking.
Bohdi couldn't help but think that Trevor was very cute holding the bear like he was. The blond smiled and now wished that his bear had come out better so that he could give it to the other. Well. Maybe he'd go out and buy him a huge teddy bear that he could hug and cuddle at night. Bohdi knew that he felt better when Kyros slept next to him.

"I like being good at things," he explained to Relic. It wasn't that he didn't want to learn the basics, but that he wanted to be able to say that he knew how to sew. "Thank you for teaching us." He smiled softly before holding a hand out to Trevor to walk back to his dorm. Surely they had some time to talk before Rune wanted to take the teen home, right?
Relic smild warmly and gave a simple little nod to the boy's words. "You'll get it." He winked and then watched them leave, smiling a little more. "See you later." He said happily and then went off to go get the other things he had been working on, and a few things he wanted to bring home with him.

Trevor gave a gentle little bow to Relic before taking Bohdi's hand. He laced their fingers together gently while walking out of the room. The bear tucked under his arm and hugged to his chest while they did so. He followed behind Bohdi happily. He really was very content with everything right now. He liked being with Bohdi and hte club had actually been very fun. IT was difficult and he had many pricks on his fingers, but it was well worth it.​
As they came back to his dorm room, Bohdi turned around and smiled softly. "Thanks for walking me back to my dorm." He leaned forward and pressed a little kiss to the teen's lips, his stomach fluttering happily with the warm contact. They talked for a few moments before Trevor had to go, Bohdi stealing one last kiss and then returning to his room to sleep.

The next day, he moved through the halls after one of his classes that he didn't have with Bohdi, in search of either (though preferably both) of the brunette's parents.
Trevor blushed gently with the kiss, happy to return the embrace, especially now that he knew it was not just an impulse. He smiled to himself while he happily chattered away with Bohdi for a few minutes. Discussing hte classes they shared and everything else. He soon had to go, his phone buzzing to tell him that, and with another kiss, was off to go home once more. Twirling thorugh the halls, utterly beaming as he made it to the car. He gripped the teddy bear tightly while he made his way into the mansion. Heading up to Ella's room and giving her the little bear that he had made. the girl easily burying her face into the teddy bear.

The next day, Trevor was off in his class, always having to get there early, and he gladly went about waiting for the teacher to start.

Rune on the other hand, was stalking through hte halls. He liked to make sure that everyone went to class on time. No one was shoved into a locker, anything like that. He continued to walk until he spotted the blond from before. He arched a brow as he walked toward Bohdi. "Shouldn't you be in class?" He asked, his hands resting on his hips as he strolled up to the teen, curious as to where he could be going to when class was supposed to be tended to.​
The voice was clear to him and the blond couldn't help the little shudder that went down his spine. "Um, no, sir. I have study period now. I was...um...wondering if I could, uh, talk to you? And to Mr. Delano, too?" He bit his lower lip, hand reaching out to stroke over Kyros' golden fluff, using its softness to calm his jittering nerves.
Rune arched a brow. Talk to them? Yea, sure, what the hell. "Of course. Come on, let's go find Calder." He said, beginning to walk through hte halls and to his love's room. His arms folded over his lower torso while he thought about just what the kid could want with them. He could easily prod his mind to answer his many questions, but he could not do that. That would be mean and unfair. He may have to at a later date if he could not spit out what it was he needed to talk to them about but that was only a drastic measure.

Moving up to Calder's classroom, he poked his head inside, seeing his love and he then opened the door more for the boy and his dog to go inside. "Children first." He said, grinning as he looked down at the teen.​
He followed the man to the classroom and stepped forward inside with a very shy and quiet 'thank you'. Bohdi was glad for Kyros' company and he held onto his fur tightly (though not enough to hurt him). The blond waited for the two to get comfortable before fidgeting and faltering through his words.

"Um... I just wanted to... Talk to you because... Uh... Well see... I really... Like... Trevor and I uh... I wanted to know if I could... If it's okay with you, that is... If I could... Um... Maybe... Uh... Take him out? On a... Sort of date?" He flushed a deep red and dropped his eyes to Kyros while waiting for the answer.

Calder was endeared by the boy and smiled softly, looking to Rune for his opinion before stating his own.
Rune moved to sit his rear on the edge of Calder's desk, his hands on either side of his form while he listened to the boy fumble over his words. He arched a brow and then glanced down to the blond when he heard what the boy had wanted from them. He smiled. That was so cute! He could not believe he had actually just asked to date their son. That was ... definitely a point for the boy.

He turned to look at Calder, seeing him and then turned to look over at Bohdi. "Hm ..." He began, tapping at his chin while he thought for a little bit. "I'm not sure. Do you promise to treat him well? Feed him, give him light, walk him?" He teased, grinning and then he shrugged his shoulders. "I see no problems with it. How about you?" He turned to look at Calder, waiting for what he had to say.​
He was readily confused with the questions of feeding and walking Trevor, but when he looked up and saw the smile he realized he was being silly. His heart beat a little faster with the words that Rune approved and Bohdi looked to Calder, hope full in his eyes.

Calder nudged Rune's shoulder. "He's nervous enough as it is!" The blond shook his head and nodded. "I think that would be alright." Maybe that Nicholai jerk could take some lessons from the boy in front of them! He told Rune so in thought as he stepped forward to lead Bohdi out of the room. "Have fun!"

Bohdi was ecstatic and he nearly skipped to study hall to plan what they would do on their date.
Rune smirked, watching Calder lead the boy out of the room. He pushed his form up from the desk and walked over to his love. His arms snaked around his form, pulling him against his chest with a firm nip at the base of his neck. "I like him." He stated, his hand reaching forward to lock the door to the room. His arms then returned to wrap around the male, pulling him against his form with a nice little kiss to the side of his neck.​
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