Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Telling his family that they were moving to Italy together was...difficult. His sister didn't understand and wasn't happy, while his father wasn't happy but understood. He'd seen the same things his son had and knew that Bae would be happy, despite being missed.

They moved. He found an apartment, and the bartender didn't even make his boyfriend get a dorm at the school. He had faith in his and his father's visions and knew that they would be happy in the future. That was all that mattered. After settling into their new home, Bae went out and made the rounds at the bars in the immediate area. He was looking for a job, but found a nice group of friends, too. They were all rather hot and all were vampires. It was a little comforting to no longer feel like he was the only one, even though he knew that he wasn't. Sometimes, he felt like he was.

The dark haired man made a date to meet his new friends at a hot new gay bar, and was currently moving through the apartment to get ready.
Bartholomew was very happy to finally move to Italy, and more so that Bailey let him stay in the same apartment as he was. He would have hated to have that happen. He was very glad, though. He liked living with the little vampire. Sharing teh same bed. Going to the same place after classes. Ah, it was truly fantastic. His parents did not mind. They had more than enough transportation to come and annoy him if they wanted to. Damn wealthy brats.

He watched Bailey pace through the apartment for whatever reason. He quirked a brow in interest, pushing off of the counter and he made his way toward Bailey. his arms wrapped around the man's form, pulling him against his form. He kissed along his neck, grinding into his hips a bit. "Where are you going? Why not just stay in with me?" He purred, rolling into his rear teasingly.​
Bailey laughed and paused to allow some attention to be doted on him. "Because," he answered, leaning back into the other man. "I met some new people while job hunting and I'd like to get an idea of what I'm getting into bartending." The bartender pecked a kiss to his lover's jaw and then slipped away into the bathroom to fix his hair.

"You can come if you want."
Bartholomew remained where he was, pouting as the other left his arms. Hanging out with some friends? He thought for a moment before he shrugged his shoulders. "Sure.' he said, following him into the bathroom and he leant over to the male and pressed a kiss to his cheek, nuzzling into him a little bit. "Where are we going?" He asked, more so concerned about what he should wear, whether he should chane or not.​
He smiled, glad that Bart agreed to come. He continued to style his hair until it was just right as he answered the question. "This new club on the main strip. I forget the name. It seems pretty posh, though." Perhaps he could apply for a job while they were there. It'd be nice to work some place...well, nice for a change.

It didn't take long for the both of them to get ready, and to arrive at the club. Bae stood outside, smiling when the four men came over to them. He had forgotten their names already and felt bad, but he smiled and hugged them hello just the same.

"This is my boyfriend, Bart."
Bartholomew walked with his boyfriend to the club, looking at the men and he froze instantly once he breathed. He stared at the men, eyes narowed as he did so. He gave a little snear and short wave before he pulled the male to his form, looking down at him with a very annoyed look to his features. "You failed to mention they're vampires." he hissed, obviously annoyed, and not caring whether or not the group heard him. He was not happy at the moment. He did not like them, and Bailey knew that.​
He was surprised to be pulled to his lover's form and caught himself with his hands against Bart's chest, looking up at him. "What?" It took him a minute to process it all, and then his jaw dropped at his oversight. "It didn't even occur to me..." He looked back to his friends, who had obviously heard Bart. "What's the difference?" he asked, just wanting to have a nice night. "I'm a vampire and you like being with me..."
Bartholomew growled and looked over at the group, narrowing his eyes a little bit. "We've been over this. You're different." He stated, turning to look down at the male beside him. "I don't like vampires. I barely like Raphael and he's only half. I make an exception for you for numerous reasons." He grumbled once more before turning to glare at the men once more. "For you, I'll give the night a chance." He added, his arms crossing over his lower torso while his eyes kept to them, not liking this at all.​
He turned to the group and nodded for them to go on in without them. They all nodded and did so, Bae feeling bad about making them uncomfortable. When they were inside, he looked to Bart, really trying to study him. "I need friends here," he tried to explain. "I had loads of them back home, so I need them here. And if they're vampires...then they're vampires. It helps me to feel that I belong just that little bit more." He sighed and leaned up to kiss the other man. "Stay, go... That's up to you. If you stay, then dance with me and have a good time. If you go home, then I'll be home later and I'll miss you." What else could he say?
Bartholomew listened to the proposition, sighing heavily as he did so. He leant toward the male to press a gentle kiss to his lips. "I'll stay." He whispered, not wanting to leave him alone. He could deal with a group of vampires for a night. He would not be happy, but he would deal. Besides, maybe they would not be so bad? Who knew? He just wanted Bailey happy, and if that meant hanging out with a bunch of blood-suckers for a night, then so be it.

Kissing him again, he took his hand and then began to walk toward the club.​
"Good." He was hoping that Bart would choose to stay and was glad that he decided to. They moved into the club together, finding his new friends who were really gracious about greeting Bart again and brushing off their uncomfortable start to the evening. It was nice to be on the dance floor with his lover, rather than stuck behind the bar watching him grind on every moving body. Bae took full advantage and pressed the length of his body against Bartholomew's, hips grinding into the other man's to the beat of the music.

It wasn't long before the bartender felt arms around his waist that didn't belong to Bart. Looking past his lover, he saw one of his new friends had taken it upon himself to join them, grinding his own hips into Bart's rear end.
Bartholomew was more than happy to be able to dance with his boyfriend. They really were never able to dance together. It always seemed to be him dancing with the strange man of the evening and teasing the man behind the bar. For once, it was nice to be able to grind into the man who was taking far too much pleasure in dancing with him. He chuckled softly, leaning down to nip along the side of his neck. His hands rested upon the hips of the man, gladly moving to the beat with him. At least that was until he felt someone behind him.

His actions slowed down instantly, unsure of what to do. He knew it was one of the men that Bailey befriended, but he so badly did not want to be interrupted with Lee, nor be interrupted by a vampire. But, wanting to make his lover happy, he made no issue out of it. He just continued dancing, moving with the man behind him as well as the one in front of him. Sure, he paid more attention to Bailey, but he did not just ignore the vampire behind him either.​
Even if his friend couldn't see the difference in Bart's demeanor, Bailey could. He was grateful that it was only a second and then he moved on and acted like it wasn't a big deal. He leaned up and kissed his lover for that, acknowledging that he understood that it was difficult for him, and that he appreciated his being nice.

The songs transitioned and Bae stepped away to catch his breath. "Come to the bar with me?"
At the end of the song, his hips slowed down and he looked down at the man. He nodded, taking Bailey's hand and then giving a brief smile to the vampire that had been behind him, and then off to the bar he went. His fingers laced with Bailey's and he was glad to be away from the other vampire. He really was not comfortable with them. He knew he should be. He knew that it would make his lover infinitely happier, but he could not. He just could not stop disliking them. At least not for a while. Maybe some conditioning ... but that will not work for a long while.​
He smiled to his friends, who also made their way to the bar with them. It was nice to know that they could all be a nice group, though, even if Bart was a little uncomfortable. He would make it up to him later. For now, he ordered the six drinks and paid for them when they were served, smiling at the bartender who had no personality. Maybe it would be easier to get a job here than he thought.

The bartender turned to his lover and leaned up to nibble on his bottom lip a little bit. "Drink. It'll help you relax."
Bartholomew looked down at the male, taking up the drink and he poked his tongue out at the man. "Mm. Other things would too." He murmured, bucking his hips against the male before he too a sip of the drink given to him. He remained silent, looking in front of him while he made his way toward the tables there. His hand hooked with Bailey's once more, taking him with him. He figured that the group would just follow. Really, he wanted to sit for a little and get away from the bar.​
Bailey followed his lover, making himself quite comfortable in Bart's lap as they sat at the table. The group followed, standing around and making conversation with everyone, including the man currently settled beneath him. He could tell that he would like thse people. They were gracious and nice and didn't exclude Bart simply because of his prejudices. They seemed to want to prove to him that vampires weren't really as bad as he thought they were.

It was only a few minutes before one of them came up and tugged him off of his boyfriend's lap. "Come dance." Bae looked to Bart, not wanting to upset him if he did go to dance.

Bartholomew really did not mind hanging out with the group. They were nicer than he thought, and it almost made him feel bad for having been such a jerk. He could manage to be acquaitances with these people. He would not hate that. He may not think highly of them at first, but as long as they did not prove to be jerks, he would be fine. He took a sip of his drink, just as Bailey was tugged off his lap. He looked at the man, staring at him for a few moments before he shook his head. "No. Have fun. Just remember you're mine." He stuck his tongue out at the man before he took another sip of the drink.​
He smiled and moved back to his lover's hips for a moment, thrusting his own forward playfully. "You can remind me when we get home, just in case," he whispered with a little nip to Bart's neck as he moved to go dance with his new, cute friend. They danced for a few songs, grinding on each other to the beat. He was tempted to fall back into his old ways, but held back. Not because Bart was there, but because he genuinely cared about the man's feelings and he didn't want to betray Bart's trust.
Bartholomew chuckled softly. "Of course." he whispered, nipping at his neck before he went off to go dance with the man. He crossed his arms and rested them upon the table. He remained where he was, watching the man dance with the other. He kept hi eyes to the two, not much enjoying the sight of the two, but that was purely jealousy. Nothing to do with the vampire thing, just merely him dancing with someone who was not him. He would admit that the man was attractive, but that did not make it any better.

After a few dances, he finally slid from the chair and glided through the crowd to the two, capturing his boyfriend's hips within his hands and pulling him to his form, rolling his hips against his and glancing over to the man. "Mind if I cut in?" he asked, leaning down to press a kiss to the side of Bailey's neck.​
The night went on like that, Bae dancing with random guys out of the group, and then Bart slipping in out of jealousy. He quite liked knowing that the other man was jealous of the men that were near him and dancing with him. Perhaps now he had a taste of what he'd felt when he had to stand behind the bar all night and watch him dance with other men.

They eventually aid goodnight to their group and began to slowly make their way back to the apartment. "See?" he asked, knocking his shoulder into Bart's a little. "They're not so bad."
Bart glaldy walked out of the club with the man, giving a little wave to the group as they walked the opposite way. His fingers laced with his, leaning down to rest his head against his, sighing heavily. "Yea, yea ... They're not bad.' He admitted, turning to look down at him and he leant down to press a kiss to his lips. "Still not happy." He murmured, kissing his temple and then straightening to look ahead of them again. "But! I can deal with it. I don't mind ... You said it yourself, you need friends here."​
"Happiness is over rated?" he teased with a little smile. Really, they both knew that Bae was overly concerned with Bart's happiness, and would do almost anything to guarantee it. But it was nice to have that done for you, too. He knew tonight had been a huge sacrifice for his lover. As they walked into the door of the apartment, the bartender took Bart's hand, leading him towards the bedroom. "I can make you happy?"

Nicholai strolled through the halls. He loved doing so. Checking out the cute boys that went to Prometheus was always a favorite past time. He liked to think about what he might do to them, though that sweet little blond was always first on his mind lately. He hoped that he would get what he wanted soon. Then he could move on.
Rune walked through the halls and perked up when he heard those annoyingly familiar thoughts. He stopped where he was and turned on his heel, moving in the other direction and down toward where the man was. He easily made his way to the brunette, strolling in front of him and he pressed a hand to the front of his chest, pushing him toward the wall and pinning him to the surface. "I don't like you.' He hissed beneath his breath as he glared down at the male. "I haven't done anything because I love Jade ... but I can't stand it anymore. Break it off with him. If you don't, and if you ever try to do any of those things you're thinking of, I will break you. And make sure I break your favorite part of your body."​
The brunette gasped, shocked that anyone could read his thoughts, let alone was around to do so. But it didn't take him long at all to compose himself. He gave the man in front of him a very aloof look, obviously not interested at all in what the man was saying. He pushed Rune away, brushing down the front of his clothes before saying anything. "I don't care if you don't like me." It was as simple as that. He wasn't used to not getting what he wanted, so why would this time be any different? "Besides," he added with a little smirk. "You can't always protect him." He gave a little taunting pat to the top of Rune's head and went on his way, merrily broadcasting the images of what had been in his head from the moment he saw the pretty little blond.
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