Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Yes, he liked this Jade boy. Murasaki smiled and stepped forward after taking one last look around the room to check that everything was set up the way he wanted. "Hmm? Oh, I don't care. Whatever route you take is nice." He really just wanted to get the lay of the land. It didn't matter where he learned first as he would use his crystal to remember the floor plan for later anyway.

"Which school do you go to?" he asked as they stepped out into the hallway.
Jade moved out of the room and turned to look at the male. He did not care? Okay. He looked from one side and then to the other before turning and heading to the left, the way he initially had planned to go. His school? "Oh. Um. I go to Bishop Gibbon ... it's down the street. Not ... literally. It's more like a thirty minute walk, but I don't mind it. At least not in this weather." He giggled and continued to bounce down the hall, making sure he did not rush too far in front of the other. His eyes kept in front of them, telling him a few of te rooms as they passed them, letting him know the teachers and what theytaught.

"Where are you from?" He asked and turned to look at him once more with curiosity.​
He (or rather, his crystal) sucked in all the information. His plum eyes glowed as it absorbed, though they weren't nearly as bright now as they had been while setting up his room. He wasn't expelling any energy, of course. "I have lived between Hawaii-Kauaʻi specifically-and Tokyo my entire life." His parents had a house in both countries, and they split their time between them depending on school in Japan.

"And what do your parents teach?" he asked, curious.
Hawaii and Tokyo? So that explains how interesting the other truly was. His complexion and everything really was very intriguing. He wondered if he knew Japanese. HE had to, right? He lived there. He kept his eyes to the male and then perked up. He smiled warmly and instantly seemed to beam at the mention of his parents. He really loved them. He loved them so much. They save him and his siblings from their prior life and they cared so deeply for them, so he was always happy to be able to brag about them.

"Papa, um his name's Calder, he teaches Literature. Mama doesn't teach. He is the one who runs detention." He smiled warmly and giggled happily. "You can see Mama walking through the halls. He's tall and stuff so he'sp retty easy to spot."​
Runs detention? Murasaki thought for a moment and then it clicked. "Oh yes. That was the one that Mr. Arcule...Uh, Tomias? Yes he warned me about him." He nodded for good measure, even though he didn't believe a word that his new boss said. It was amusing to think of the cute sibling rivalry that existed even within work.
Jade turned to look at the other and let out another laugh when the male said that Tomias had warned him about his Mama. He nodded and smiled a little bit more. "Mhm. Mama is a little scary ... But Tomias always is mean to Mama. They tease each other." He smiled a little more before he stopped at one of the doors. He perked up and moved over to poke his head inside, not really knowing the teacher all too much, rather just wanting to poke his head in and wave to his brother who was in the back. He grinned as he waved to Trevor, giving an apologetic look to the teacher as he slid out of the room.

Hopping back over to the man, he giggled a little bit. "Sorry. That's one of my brother's classes."​
"Yes, it seems so," he laughed regarding the siblings teasing each other. They continued to walk, Murasaki stopping as Jade poked his head into a classroom and waved. He'd gathered that it was his brother's class, but the new professor didn't say too much and simply nodded as they continued to walk. It was a nice walk, and they talked about various things before coming to a classroom from which a nice looking blond poked his head out.

Calder had heard talking in the halls and was about to hiss out to be quiet. He didn't have a class, but classes were still in session. He stopped, though, when he saw Jade and he raised an eyebrow when he saw the strange man with him. "Jade? Are you alright?"
Jade giggled happily as he walked through the halls with the other. He really was having a good time showing the man around the shcool. Pointing out the classes, telling him about some of the teachers, mainly the ones he knew. He did not know all of them, but he knew a lot. He liked to talke with the new teacher at the school. It was no wonder that he was teaching the younger children.

With the blond's head poking out, Jade instantly perked up with a grin forming to his lips. "Papa!" He chimed happily and bounced over to the male, taking a hold of his hand, he tugged him out of the room. "This is Mr. Konani. He's a new teacher here. I was giving him a tour.' He stated, turning to look up at the blond and smiling a little more. "And yes, I am okay." He added, knowing that his parents could be so worried about him.​
Ahhh. It now clicked as to who the blond was and Murasaki smiled and stretched out his hand to the other male. "Murasaki," he corrected. There wasn't any reason for a colleague to call him by his last name, right? He smiled brightly, eyes still glowing a little as the crystal took in the information.

Calder shook the man's hand, his defenses immediately going down. A teacher would not harm his son. He hugged Jade and then bent down to his level for a moment. "Why are you here then?" he asked. It wasn't that he didn't love for the blond to visit, just that it was so infrequent sometimes.

Murasaki stepped back, making his exit for the pair to talk. He didn't need to be in on that, and he was anxious to wonder around the halls a bit, anyway.
Jade giggled gently before he perked up. Where was Mr. Konani going? He pouted a little bit and then turned to look at his Papa. "I just wanted to come by before going home. We got let out a little early and I did not want to go home to an empty house." he admitted, smiling a little more. Truthfully, he was still feeling al ittle bummed about the Nicholai situation. He had had his heart broken, and he really just wanted to be near the ones he knew cared for him,a nd the ones he loved.

Looking back over at Murasaki, he could not help but want to finish the tour. He looked back to his Papa, smiling warmly. "Um ... I'm going to go show Mr. Konani the rest of the school ... I have my cell phone so you and Mama can call me when you are going home." He leant up to kiss the man's cheek before he bounded after the interesting purple haired male. "Mr Konani! Our tour was not done." He giggled happily and skipped to the other's side, looking up at him. "As long as you do not mind my company.."​
Nodding, Calder kissed his son goodbye and watched him run after the new man. It was nice to see Jade giggling and a little happy. He'd been so sad after everything had happened with Nicholai and Calder had worried that the little blond wouldn't be his same, happy self. He was glad to see that he was wrong.

"Hmm?" Murasaki looked down and smiled. "Oh no. I don't mind at all! I just thought that perhaps you wanted to spend time with your father is all!" He turned to continue to walk, falling into step with Jade. "So what's fun?"
Jade smiled warmly and happily walked beside the man. His hands linked behind his back while he gladly walked down the hall, looking up at the man with his question. Fun? He thought for a little while and his shoulders shrugged. "Um... Trevor joined a sewing club. And then there's a pool and a recreation room and other stuff like that. The town nearby is nice as well." He giggled a little bit and then bounced a little, looking in front of him again. He really was happy right now. He turned to look at him, smiling a bit. "What kind of things do you like to do?"​
Sewing club? Well that wasn't really his cup of tea... But perhaps he'd look into the rec room and nearby town... Of course, Murasaki was distracted by Jade's question and nearly forgot about all of that as he thought of what he liked to do. "Hmm I like to surf, of course." Who didn't surf but lived in Hawaii? No one. "And I like to paint. Watercolors mostly, but I dabble in oil paintings, too... And photography. I'm quite looking forward to winter here. There will be beautiful scenery for me to capture." Yes, that about covered it. He nodded.

"What about you?" he asked. "What do you do for fun?"
He liked to paint?! That was great! He took in a sharp breath, grinning all the more as he listened to what he was going on about. "That's great!" He chimed, taking a hold of the man's hand and he turned on his heel, going down a hall nearby and moving through a few more before finally coming to a stop in front of a room. He stopped there for a moment before he opened up the door and then pulled the male inside. He flicked on the light, an art room in front of them. He turned to look at the man, finally clicking that he had been asked a question.

"oh! Me? Um ... I don't know. I just like to be outside and stuff. I wouldn't mind watching you paint, though. I'm pretty sure that as long as no one is in here, you can use it. Mr. Nikkos is nice to let others do that kind of stuff. He wants everyone to be happy and comfortable in the school."​
The art studio was lovely. Fully stocked, well organized... Murasaki was sure that he would fully make use of this room during his free time. Painting was always a nice way to unwind from a stressful day. The violet haired man moved through the room, fingertips brushing over everything from canvas to paint brushes to paints and easels. He loved the intense calm that he got from the supplies and even the scent of paint and paint thinner.

Watch him paint? He turned around and smiled. "I think you would make a lovely audience," he commented. "A beautiful subject, too."
Jade smiled warmly. A lovely audience? Oh goodie! That meant that he would let him watch. He was happy to hear that! He always found watching others draw or paint or anything to be so wonderful. He was not jealous, merely admired their abilities. While he would love to be able to draw as so many did, he could draw stick figures and that was about it. He knew his capabilities and he was beter at other things. Like sports. He could kick a soccer ball like no tomorrow! Sure, he may not seem it, but he could. THough, that could also just be practice from kicking so many perverts on teh street. . . No matter!

He blinked a few times. A beautiful subject? As in ... for something for him to paint? He giggled and turned a faint shade of pink, shaking his head a little bit. "You flatter me, Mr. Konani." He giggled and then walked over to one of the canvas that was there, gently trailing his fingertips along the fabric, eyes pinned to the blank surface.​
"I think you just blush easily," he teased. Murasaki took Jade by the shoulders and positioned him on a near by stool. "Very still, hmm?" He took a hold of his crystal and focused his powers on bringing his supplies to him, setting them up perfectly while the lights were turned on, both the over head and the spotlight which was focused on the blond boy. Only when his eyes stopped glowing did the professor pick up a paintbrush and start his watercolor portrait. He did a quick outline first, and then went back for the details, taking his time as he went along and hoping that his subject would not get a phone call in the middle of the session.
Jade blinked a few times as he was lead to the stool, sitting down with a curious look to his features. He was serious? Seriously serious? He stared at the man as his eyes glowed once more, bringing the supplies to him and he realized that he truly was going to do this. The blush grew just a shade and he kept his gaze to the man. His hands were between his legs, heels of his palms on the edge of the stool, heels of his feet on the sprongs holding up the stool's legs and his blue eyes kept to hte male that was apparently painting him. Yep. He was. He saw his hand move with paint on it ... and he was being painted. He tried to keep as still as possible, his features really being the main thing to change. They went from curious to a bit scrunched at realizing he was being painted, and then finally, his face settled on a slightly passive yet still interested look while he watched the other. Really, he looked a bit like a puppy.​
"Relax," he soothed with a little smile to the boy as he continued to move the brush over the canvas. It was easy to complete as it wasn't a very detailed painting-that would perhaps come a bit later-but Murasaki was quite pleased with the turn out of his work and after the last brush was cleaned and put in its case, the canvas was turned around for Jade to see.

It wasn't an exact replica of the boy, but a very lovely interpretation, pink tinged cheeks and all. "I think I was completely right, if I do say so myself.
Jade watched the man clean his brushes, practically twitching to see what the end result was. His eyes kept to the canvas, flicking to the violet-haired male every so often before once more returning to the canvas, well the back of it. When finally it was shown to him, he hopped off the stool and walked over to it, looking at it and he blinked a few times. It was really good! It almost reminded him of Monet... if he used watercolor. He smiled all the more. "It's very good!" He chimed, looking over at hte man and he was about to speak again, but his phone rang.

He puffed his cheeks out, walking to his bag and rummaging for the phone. Taking the item to his ear, he listened to hte man on the other end. "Yes Mama." He said simply, chewing the corner of his lip. "Okay Mama. Yes. I will be there in ... five minutes. Okay? Mhm! I'm okay. I promise." He giggled before saying a little good-bye and returnign the phone to his bag. Turning to Murasaki, he smiled a litlte more. "Thank you for a nice time, Mr. Konani. Um .. I hope to see you again. Good luck with your class!" He waved before he was rushing out of the room, not waiting for anything else to be said or whatever by the man. Hek new Rune would be very worried or miffed if he was late. No one wanted that to happen.​
Murasaki was sad to see the boy go, but knew that it was likely for the best. It was not healthy to consider such a young person a friend when you yourself were likely twice his age. It was simply nice to have someone to chat with.

He cleaned up his mess and took his new painting to bring down to his new quarters. He definitely had to use his crystal's memory to get back to his room, but it was rather easy with its help. He set his furniture up and spent a nice night familiarizing himself with his class rosters.

The next day went smoothly, more smoothly than he expected for his first day. He mused over this as he straightened up after his last student left, not using his powers to do so.
The next day, Jade was very excited to go back to Prometheus. He wanted to see how Mr. Konani's first day had gone! He practically ran through the halls, swerving through the students going the opposite way that he was. The end of the classes were there, so most people were trying to either leave to go to their club activities or go home or to their dorm or ... any number of things really.

Stopping in front of the door, he gave a gentle knock before slowly poking his head inside, seeing the purple-haired man and he perked up even more. "Good afternoon, Mr. Konani!" He giggled and moved into the room, his hands laced behind his back as he began to sway from heel to toe. "How was your first day?"​
His head popped up with the knock and Murasaki couldn't help the smile that came to his lips when he saw who was there. "Hello, Jade!" He moved now to the front of the room even though the work that he was doing near the back of it wasn't finished yet. He wanted to have a conversation with the boy without yelling across the room.

"It was very nice, thank you. Did you have a good day at school?"
Jade giggled happily as he moved into the room, walking to the desk at the front of it. He hopped on up onto the top of it, watching the teacher come to meet him. His legs swayed in front of him, a hando n either side of his form with his eyes to the male that was there, smiling a little bit more. "I'm glad! I bet everyone loved you' he giggled and then shrugged his shoulders at the mention of his school day. "It was pretty good. Nothing out of the ordinary." He smiled a little and looked around the classroom. "I really wish I could come here." He sighed softly, looking at all the things around him, even glancing over the book that was beside him, seeing the spells and everything, knowing that he would not be capable of htem.​
He ruffled Jade's hair a little and smiled. "The grass is always greener," he reminded softly, chuckling as he moved over to pack up some of his paperwork and grading to take back to his room. He didn't like sitting at a desk, especially to grade. He was much more comfortable sitting on his sofa with a glass of wine and a good CD on in the background. That was really his idea of an almost ideal night. A special someone sitting with him would make it perfect, but there wasn't anyone special in the picture now so he would have to settle for having just the first half of his night.

"Are you making a lot of friends at school?"
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