Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

He laughed softly, simply at Jade's protruding bottom lip. It was an endearing look for the little blond. "Alright, we'll try it another way. Lean back." Murasaki waited for him to do so. "Close your eyes and focus your thoughts inward. Look for you power. Just like you knew which was your conduit, you will know when you've found your power. Once you have, work on nudging it out into the gem."
He listened to the new suggestion, settling back against the couch. His fingers laced togehter, resting them on top of his stomach while he listened to the instructions. His eyes fluttered closed and he took in a deep breath, doing as he was told. He concentrated and let himself get lost with what the man told him to. It took a while. It took a while for him to find what the man was talking about, but eventually, he had. He found what was within him and concentrated on pushing it into the gem. He felt it warm just a bit, the blue glowing like the stars. He took in a sharp breath, straightening up just in time to see the gem glowing. He squeaked excitedly, quite content with what he had accomplished. "hey! I did it!"​
"Very good!" Murasaki stood up and moved into the middle of the room, calling Jade over to him and waiting for his student to join him. "Now that your conduit has some of your magic, we're going to try to use that magic. I want you to focus and make your magic bring the pillow to you."
Jade followed to the where the man was, standing beside him and he looked over at the pillow. HIs eyes closed and he concentrated for a while. The only thing he managed to do, so far, was get the pillow to wiggle on the couch. He pouted, cheeks puffing out as he looked at the item. He stared at it for a while, taking in another breath, and he went at it again. Eyes closed, mind concentrating on the conduit around his neck and then the pillow. He got it to hop off the couch this time. He was getting there at least!

After a few more trial and errors, the pillow came flying at the blond and he gripped it tightly. Hugging it to his chest, he giggled excitedly, turning to look at Murasaki, beaming. He bounced on the balls of his feet, snuggling into the pillow with his utter enjoyment.​
"Wonderful!" Really, Murasaki was worried that perhaps Jade would get frustrated and give up before conquering the task. He was glad to see that that wasn't the case at all and that the blond was determined to get it. It was easier that way. Wizards needed to find how to control their own powers rather than having someone tell them how they do it.

The plum-haired man gave his student a squeeze to his shoulder as he toook the pillow and floated it back to the sofa, his furniture returning to its original places. "I think we will stop for tonight. You do not feel tired right now but you have expelled a lot of energy for your first lesson. I don't want to over tire you."
Jade giggled happily, still very happy that he was able to do all that he had. His lips kept up into a very pleased smile. He looked around the room for a bit before he turned to look at Murasaki, smiling even more. He really was so, so very happy. He had not thought he had powers just hte other day, yet here he was, learning how to control them and how to bring a pillow to him. "Mr. Konani .. Can I ask you a question?" He asked, continuing to sway where he stood, patiently waiting for the man to answer him. He moved, in the meantime, and sat down on the couch, taking the pillow once more to wrap his arms around it.​
He was glad to see the other so pleased with himself. He deserved the happiness that he was feeling, and the pride, too. Jade was a hard worker and had done very well tonight. Murasaki had moved into the kitchen to get some water for the both of them when the question was posed. He wasn't surprised at all that the blond wanted to ask him something, but rather that he was asking permission to ask him something. It piqued his interest.

"Of course, Jade." He moved over and handed his pupil a glass of ice water, sitting down next to him as he did. "What is it?"
Jade smiled lightly, taking the glass of water with a soft "Thank you" before he sipped at the cool liquid. He lifted up his legs, crossing them beneath his form and he turned to look at the man once more. "Erm ... How old were you when you first found out you had powers? And ... And what about your family? Do you have siblings and were your parents magical too?" To be honest, he had many, many, MANY questions he wanted to ask the man. He wanted to know so much about him, so much more than he had ever wanted to know about anyone else before.​
Ahh. He'd wondered when these questions might come up. They were easy enough to answer, of course and he sat back on the sofa to relax while answering. "I don't remember not having my powers," he answered, thinking back to his earliest memories. "They've always just been a part of me.

"I have nine brothers and sisters, all of whom have special powers in some way. My parents, too. And their parents. And theirs..." He didn't know how far his family tree went back but he knew that almost every one of them were magical in someway. "What about your parents, Jade? Do you know if they had powers?"
Jade listened to the man and he nodded a little bit to what he was saying. Nine brothers and sisters? Wow. He had a huge family. He smiled at the thought before he thought back to his mother. He did not know his father well, he had only seen him a few times, but his mother. He could not remember her doing anything magical. Then again, she was always out of it. He looked over at Murasaki once more. "I ... do not know." He informed him, giving a lopsided smile. "I do not remember my Father and Mother erm ... was not always ... there.' He shook his head a little and straightened a bit. "Trevor probably knows! I can ask him later." He giggled happily, not really ever letting much get to him.​
He nodded, not judging the boy's family at all. "Well whether or not they used or were aware of their powers, I'm sure that they had them. It's a very rare thing indeed to have a magically inclined child from two magically uninclined parents, let alone two from the same parents. Perhaps their magic was dormant." Whether or not that was the case wasn't the point and Murasaki shook the thoughts from his head.

"So do you think you can put a little more of your powers into your amulet tonight?"
Jade smiled warmly at the man, nodding every so often with the things he asked of him. He would try. Actually, he was going to anyway. He wanted to see if he could do it to show to Trevor. He was positive his brother would find it to be as intriguing as he found it to be! He giggled happily and hopped up from the couch, resting the glass on the coffee table. He then turned to the man, his hand lifted to rest his fingers against his forehead. "Yes Sir!" He giggled softly before he stopped. He was suddenly very, very tired.

He rubbed at his eyes a little bit before he fell forward really, his legs giving out on him, and his slender frame soon on the teacher's lap. He barely even processed as his form curled up on the older male, head nuzzling into his neck, eyes closed. "Mhm ... I'll do... that." he added, his tiredness obviously seen as he cuddled up with the man, truly not processing that he could be overtepping a student-teacher boundary. He was comfortable, that was what he knew.​
Murasaki wasn't surprised when Jade realized just how taxing magic could be at first. He was surprised, however, when the blond climbed into his lap and promptly began to nuzzle him. The violet haired man looked down at this student, completely torn as to what to do. He could get up and let the boy lie on his sofa until his parents came, he could allow them to sit as they were-it was purely innocent. Though, he didn't feel as if it was purely innocent. There were stirrings in his stomach that he'd not felt in a long time, and the professor knew that he shouldn't be feeling them when he had such a young man-and a student at that!-on his lap.

He couldn't help it when his arms moved of their own accord, wrapping around Jade's form and holding him close, lips pressing a chaste kiss to the boy's forehead.
Jade let out a soft little coo when the arms wrapped aroudn him. His arms instantly moved around the violet-haired male's waist, finding a great comfort in the other. He liked the beat of his heart. It was so interesting to listen to. He nuzzled him just a bit more before he relaxed his limbs and let the tiredness take over. His features turned passive, golden locks fanned across his delicate features. He truly looked like a little angel curled up as he was, so content in sleeping in another person's embrace. One never would guess just what the boy had done in the past.​
Only when Jade fell asleep did Murasaki press another kiss to his forehead before slipping away, being sure to settle Jade very carefully onto the sofa and then wrap him up in a warm throw blanket. He sat himself on the floor near the edge of the sofa to think. The feelings were very confusing, and he knew that he shouldn't be feeling them. But he was. And now the purple haired mane didn't know what to do or what to think. Perhaps it was time for another bout of soul searching...
Jade easily curled up in the sofa, nuzzling into the cushions and he slept contently. He really needed the sleep. He had not realized it until he was sleeping that he needed the sleep. How long he slept, he did not know. He was not sure. All he knew was that when he woke up, he felt a bit better. Groggy, but better. His legs stretched to the opposite end of the couch and his arms lifted to the other side. He grumbled a little bit and slowly began to wake up a little more.

Slowly, the boy turned onto his side, grumbling a little as he did so. His eyes closed for a moment or two but then opened once more. He looked around, seeing Mr. Konani's room around him. He had fallen asleep here? He turned a faint pink before he moved onto his back, eyes to the ceiling and right now, he was trying to wake up.​
Murasaki stretched his arms over his head with a light groan. He was generally a morning person, but he hadn't slept well the night before. The knowledge of Jade sleeping on his sofa weighed heavily on him. Of course he'd called Jade's parents and let them know what had happened, and he knew that the blond was safe with him, but it still felt very inappropriate and scandalous, and yet very exciting all at the same time.

He moved into the living room to see that the blond had woken. "Morning sleepy head."
Morning? Morning?! Jade shot up, his eyes wide as he looked at the man that was there. "Morning?!" He took in a deep breath and jumped up from the bed. "Oh no! I didn't call Papa and Mama!" He ran toward his bag, beginning to rumamge for his cell phone. He knew that they much be going insane about him not being there. They wuold not be happy that he had not called them. He needed to call them now!​
Oh he hadn't meant to panic him! Murasaki rushed forward and easily wrapped his strong arms around Jade to still him. "Relax, Jade. I called them last night." He waited to be sure that the small blond was alright before stepping back, sitting on the sofa that still had the throw and pillow on it. "You didn't do anything wrong," he assured him softly, moving to fold the blanket and set it along the back of the sofa. "I promise that you're not in trouble."
Jade took in a deep breath when the man's arms wrapped around his form. A red tint hued his cheeks as he did so. He relaxed when the man told him that his parents had been called. He was not in trouble. His parents knew where he was. He sighed heavily, his arms wrapping tightly around his lower torso, gripping his form strongly and he stayed where he was, confused at the moment. He felt too tingly when the man was near. He had felt it before, but put it off to new-person jitters. This ... It was more than that.

After a few moments, he eventually calmed himself down and straightened up. Turning on his heel, he moved to look at Murasaki, smiling a little more, despite the strange feelings bubbling inside. "Thank you for letting me stay here." He said, smiling gently while he moved to go clean up the pillows he had used on the sofa.​
He smiled at the other, glad that he was okay now. He felt bad that he had worried Jade like that, and reminded himself to choose his words a little more carefully. "As you begin to build up your magic within your amulet, you'll realize that it will get to know you and your habits, and feed you back your energy when you need it most. It will almost become alive for you. Mine learns for me and re-feeds the learned information back to me. Yours is capable of the same thing and later you'll learn how to use that."
Jade listened to the man and smiled warmly. That sounded great. Well, actually, it sounded pretty cool versus anything else. He giggled and set his rump onto the coffee table in front of the other. His arms crossed and rested on top of his thighs, eyes to the man while he spoke. "Neat!" He giggled happily before his stomach interrupted, growling its protests about not having eaten since lunch the day before. He looked down at his stomach, blushing and his arms crossed tighter around his form. "Um ... Can we go get breakfast?"​
He chuckled a little and nodded. "You go on. I'll see you in class later." Murasaki ruffled Jade's already sleep messed hair before moving into his little kitchenette and making himself some coffee. He needed to wake up and work himself back to normal before facing his classes for the day. And he was sure that Jade would want to clean up a little, too.
Jade giggled happily and nodded, eyes closing with the ruffling of his hair. He bounced toward the door, picking up his things and slinging them over his shoulder. He was about to leave, but glanced to the man in the kitchen first. Turning, he ran to the man and quickly hopped up onto his toes to press a kiss to his cheek. "Thank you" he said happily before rushing out of the room with a giddy little giggle. He closed the door behind him, greeted with his brother halfway down the hall. Lcuky for him, Trevor brought a new change of clothes and a towel so that he could use the showers if he wanted to.​
The next couple of weeks went remarkably well. They worked together in the afternoons and there was only one more incident of Jade falling asleep on his sofa. Murasaki was very proud of his pupil and he took every opportunity to tell him so. The plum haired man was making his way towards his rooms for the evening. He'd given Jade tonight off to rest, especially as it was a Friday night and he could use some time to have some fun. Murasaki, too, needed some time to recooperate and grade the papers he'd fallen behind on.
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