Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

He sighed a little. Murasaki had known that the argument would come and he'd been preparing for it, though he still didn't have an answer. "When you're here, at the school, I'm responsible for your well being. It's risking my job, Jade." He brushed the back of his knuckles over the blond's cheek. "And your parents, I'm sure, would not appreciate me doing the sorts of things that we just did with their eleven year old son... I'm double your age, honey."
Jade pouted even more, his golden brows furrowed and his arms crossed over his chest tightly. "Age doesn't mean anything!" He protested, thinking for a while. "Tomias! Tomias is .... four centuries older than Nikkos! double is nothing compared to them." He informed him and gave a little nod of his head in agreement to what he had said. "Why ... Why can't I be with you if it's not ... bad things." He asked, his eyes looking ever so pleading as he looked up at the male. "Like ... just little kisses and ... stuff. Nothing bad ..."​
He was? The plum haired man wasn't aware of that, but it was hardly the point. "Their situation is obviously different, Jade," he sighed softly. He wasn't liking this conversation and he knew that he wasn't the only one. Murasaki leaned against the counter, trying to figure this out. "Because. Because I'm your teacher and I'm much too old for you and it's not appropriate, Jade." He sighed again, upset that he was upsetting the boy in front of him. "If none of those things were true, I'd be with you in a heart beat... But they are."
Jade listened to him and he pouted even more. "NO! I won't accept it!" He yelled, jumping off the chair and he began to walk to hte door, planning to just leave. Probably not the campus, but just the room. He would go spend the rest of the night with a friend if the man was going to be such a jerk about the whole thing. "I like you! ANd I don't care who knows and I don't care that you're my teacher. It doens't mean anything! There are plenty of teachers who are with students. No one cares!" He opened the door and slammed it behind him while walking out, huffing under his breath. Though, now that the door was closed, the tears easily flowed down his cheeks, stainign the pale flesh while he rubbed at his eyes, only making them redder.​
Flustered by the tantrum, it took Murasaki a few moments to process what had just happened. He moved to the door quickly, though and swept Jade up, returning the boy to his rooms. "It's nearly three in the morning," he stated with a little shake to his head, carrying the other male to the sofa and sitting down with the other in his lap. He didn't know what the solution was. They wanted the same thing but he had so much more to lose than the blond in his lap. "Don't you understand?" he asked softly, brushing away tears with his fingers gently. "My feelings for you are there, Jade. I care for you immensely. But to officially be...something-a couple or whatever you'd like to label it..."
Jade pouted when he was scooped back up, sitting on his lap and he continued to silently fume as he listened to the man. He got it. He did. He understood that there were more risks for him. He did. He just did not see why they could not ignore them. He was not going to do anything! He really, really was not going to. He would not tell anyone and he would make sure he was okay. He puffed out his cheeks a little more, trying to think of something, some sort of solution for them. He moved in the other's lap so that he was straddling his hips, looking up into the man's eyes. "Then ... How about pre-couple? Kind of like ... when people get engaged. It's a promise to get married, right? Then ... We can make a promise to be a couple in two years!" He figured that thirteen was better than eleven. Sure, it was not legal ... but it was better.​
It was obvious that Jade was not going to give up. Murasaki pressed a little kiss to the boy's forehead with a little sigh. "How about we go to bed and just let what's supposed to happen, happen?" He would simply have to be the strength and be the one to stop whatever the blond wanted to happen is all. They would never agree to that verbally and so the plum haired man simply agreed to it himself, knowing that it was the best thing for both of them.
Jade pouted. He did not like that option. But, it was better than being shot down. He sighed heavily, his tiredness getting the better of him. He gave a little nod and then slid from the stool. Turning on his heel, he made his way into the bedroom once more. Crawling under the sheets, he nuzzled into the pillows, gripping the covers tightly between his arms. He let out a gentle yawn and then relaxed into the mattress, waiting for Murasaki to return so that he could cuddle against him.​
He was torn. Murasaki really wanted to go in and cuddle up to Jade, but knew that the temptations would be much too great. He truly wanted to do good by the blond and he didn't want to betray Calder's and Rune's trust within him. With a little sigh, the plum haired man set himself up on the sofa and got as comfortable as he was going to get before letting his eyes slip closed. He kept an ear open for trouble from Jade just in case, but otherwise fell into a light sleep easily.
Jade pouted, seeing the man easily since the door was left open, on the couch. He stared at him for a while before he took one of hte slippers at the bedside and threw it at the man's head, not caring if it ihit or not. The action was there. He pouted a little more and turned int oteh bed, pulling the sheets over his head as he curled up into a very tight ball. He finally found someone that cared about him ... to an extent close to that of his brother's, yet in that different, special way. And he could not be with him. Age? Who cared about a number?! He probably did more things in his lifetime than Murasaki ever had to deal with! Wasn't the mind stronger than the physical body?

He grumbled a few times, tossed and turned, and eventually, just wound up crying himself to sleep. the cover still over his head, his pale cheeks stained with tears, eyes red with the rubbing and tears as well. He was not happy at the moment. But, he had to sleep. So he did... after a while.​
Murasaki felt horrible, but continued to tell himself that he was doing right by Jade, whether the blond knew it or not. He wanted to go comfort him so badly but held back, his own tears slipping down his cheeks with the thought.

Morning came and the purple haired man was happy for that. He woke up (well, got up) rather earl to make some breakfast. He needed something to do and he didn't know what else there was. Besides, they'd both be hungry right? He sighed and began to make some French toast.
In the morning, Jade easily smelled the food, but stayed in bed. He stared at the bear within his arms for a long while before deciding on what he would do. He slid out of the bed and walked over to where his things were. Gathering up everything, pullin on his shoes, then his jacket, and with his teddy bear tucked under his arm, he turned to look at Murasaki in the kitchen. "I will see you monday, Mr. Konani." He said, leaving it at that as he moved out of the room, not even slamming the door. He did not want him. That was obvious. He refused to just ignore those silly things he had said the night before, and so he no longer cared. He just wanted to leave.​
His heart broke and Murasaki broke down the minute that the door closed. Tears flowed and his chest felt like it was on fire. The violet haired man didn't know what to do. He honestly had never meant to hurt Jade and yet... And yet he had. He moved quickly after he had ebbed the flow of tears and got dressed, determined to try to make the blond feel better. Grabbing his file from his laptop, Murasaki drove to the house Jade shared with his parents and siblings, and rang the doorbell after one long, deep breath.
Jade ran home and rushed into the house, running up to his room and disappearing inside with a soft click of hte lock behind him. He just plopped into bed and refused to move, even when Trevor came knocking.

The door opened and there stood a very annoyed Rune in teh doorway. His arms wrapped around his lower torso and he stared down at the man. "What did you do to JAde?"​
Rune was not the one he was hoping would open the door. He almost wanted to run, but knew that it wouldn't be an advisable move. "Something that I shouldn't have and that I won't allow to happen again." It was the only answer he could provide because it was the truth. "He left upset and I didn't mean for that to happen and... And I was hoping I could speak with him."
Rune listened to the male, his arms crossing over his lower torso and he rested his form against the door. His eyes narrowed when he listened to the other, knew what the two had done. The man was practically screaming it to him. He wrapped his arms tighter around his form, not sure what to do. He knew that Jade was mature for his age. He knew that Jade needed someone who would like him for him. Murasaki was a nice guy ... but Jade was still so young and his little baby, in a sense. He continued to stare, more so glare, at the man. "Fine. But if you hurt him anymore than you already have ... You will not see him. Even in the few years when he will be older. I won't allow it. You break his heart even more, and I will break you."​
"I don't wish to break his heart," he answered honestly. "I do care about him." He thanked Rune and stepped past him to find Jade's bedroom, his amulet seeking out the power of Jade's. Murasaki found it easily with the help and he lifted his fist to knock at the door gently. "Jade? Jade please open up."
Jade remained where he was, staring at the door with the knock. His form curled up more into the corner of the bed. He pulled the covers over his form and he scooted closer to the corner. "Go away." he mumbled, not sounding all too confident in his words. He did not want him to, but another part of him wanted him to go away. That other part wanted him to transfer schools again. Deal with the teasing. Not care about his powers anymore.​
Murasaki sighed but used a little of his powers to click the lock. He opened the door softly and stepped inside, closing it after him softly. His heart broke once more, though he wasn't aware that it was possible at all. Stepping forward the professor sat on the edge of the bed and tugged the covers down so that he could see Jade's face. "Please talk to me, Jade."
Jade let the man take the covers off, staying where he was and he gripped the pillow between his arms even tighter with the man beside him. He stared out the window, listening to him and he closed his eye.s "No. I already talked to you. You did not care." He stated and then pulled the covers tighter around his form, scooting farther, but not really having much other room to do so in. he tried though. He just did not really succeed. "You care too much about rules and stupid things like that. Talking won't get us anywhere. You'll continue to tell me that it isn't right and that we shouldn't be together because of our age and that you're my teacher. I'll tell you I don't crare. You'll think up another stupid excuse. And I'll cry again... more.. whatever."​
He sighed and laid down, facing Jade but leaving enough room between them to be appropriate. "I do care, Jade. If I didn't, would I be here? Risking my limbs to your Mama?" He reached forward and brushed some of the tear tracks dry. "Do you understand why I say that we just can't be together?" He hated that he had to say it; wished that it could just be easy. "And that even if I did say we could, your parents would kill me?"
Jade listened to him, staring at him from the corner. Cheeks puffed out and he did not care. This ... they already went over it! The pillow beside him lifted and instantly flew into the other's head. "I DONT CARE! I understand it's illegal. I get that my parents won't be happy. I DONT want to have sex with you! I don't see the issue! It's only truly wrong and bad and illegal when it gets to THAT point. I don't want that! I don't want it right now. I like you for more than anything physical. Either tell me there's nothing tht will ever happen, and I'll leave you alone. Don't play with me! Beating aroudn the bush, trying to find something to settle with, will NOT work. Make a decision. You either want me enough to not care about all that bull, or you don't want me at all."​
He ducked the pillow, shocked that it had come flying at his head at all. Sex? Jade thought it was about sex? Murasaki leaned forward and kissed the blond's lips very softly, and very chastely before settling back to where he had been. "It's not about sex, Jade. Yes, it'd be illegal and yes it'd be a primary reason for your parents to kill me if it happened, but that was never a reason for me." He tried to put the rest into words.

"Any sort of relationship other than strictly teacher-student could get me into trouble. I want to teach you, Jade; to help you. And if in two years we still feel this way, then we can talk about it again. But you have to understand that I want what's best for you... And being at Prometheus to learn to use your powers and be near people who love you... That's what's best, honey."
Jade pursed his lips when the man kissed them, refusing to give into him. He listened to his explination and he got all the more annoyed. "YOU THINK THAT MATTERS?! I can show you A DOZEN kids who are fucking their teachers. NO ONE CARES! Not to mention, half of them don't even like them like I like you! They don't care about them. They just want the sex out of it. AND I KNOW you said it's not about sex. that's why I don't see the big issue! You won't go lenient on me. You won't make exceptions. And I don't want you to. All I want is to be with you. To hold your hand. To kiss you. To snuggle with you ... Those are the things I want. And I don' want to wait"​
He didn't know how to answer it. He'd said what was holding him back, and while he didn't want to lose Jade in his life, it looked as if that was going to happen. "What's so bad with waiting?" he asked, trying to probe a little deeper into Jade's thoughts. "It's not like I'm going anywhere, or like I won't be there for you if you need me."
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