Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

"No it's okay." Luka didn't understand the tone, and in fact it barely even registered in his head that Eros was off and upset. "We're listening to a new CD." He smiled and leaned down to kiss Eros. He'd missed kissing the other boy.

Tobias, however, caught onto what his brother did not and he stepped forward with a little smile on his face. "I'm Tobias." No one said that he was particularly nice to anyone other than his brother... He let Eros think whatever he wanted to think for the moment.
Eros' head was spinning. He stood in teh middle of the room, confused as ever. Did Luka not realize that it was odd to have a strange man, and an attractive one at that, in his bedroom while the boy that quite liked him but did not yet have the courage to ask him out officially was there? Frankly, he would not be surprised if that was the case. Of course his confusion grew when the man leant down to press a kiss to his lips. He gave into those lips so easily, eyes fluttering closed and pressing his lips forward to return the affection. At least until the stranger stood to introduce himself. Eros turned a lovely red and moved his attention to the man, holding out his hand with a little wary smile. "E-Eros ... It's nice to m.. meet you.' He said, not really sure if it was or nt, but it was the proper greeting.​
Oh! Yes. Tobias. He had forgotten to introduce them. Luka stepped back so that he was no longer in between the two men. "This is my brother... And this is... My friend? Mmm Yes." He didn't have another label for him. Tobias shook his head and leaned forward to ruffle Luka's hair.

"You ruin all my fun, kid."

Luka slunk back, further into Eros' side with the contact and he pulled a face at the nickname. "What's that?" he asked the little blond, wanting to change the subject to a more comfortable one.
Brother? Oh thank heavens. He let out the breath he had been holding and, well, had not noticed until now. He smiled warmly at the man and gave a nod. 'It is nice to meet you." he added, mre for himself than anything else. He turned to look at Luka with the question. "oh!" He perked up, smiling a little more." Um ... it's a CD from the concert we went to." He informed him, holding the object out to the male with a smile to his lips. "I asked Mum if she would order it for me ... well, for me to give to you." he added, not wantin the man to think that he wanted to keep it.​
"Oh!" That was a treat. While Luka would always be able to hear the music note for note in his head on command, it would be nice to share it with someone (like Eros) who couldn't. "Thank you." Luka leaned down and pecked a kiss to the boy's cheek and then took the CD to put it into its own special case. He had thousands upon thousands of CD cases that he kept on hand, never knowing when he might need one. The savant kept trunks and drawers and shelves stacked with CDs and this one went onto the top of the shelf where he kept all of his very favorite music.

"How were your tests?"
Eros was giddy. He was glad that Luka seemed so excited about the CD. He was ecstatic really. He knew that the music played in his mind, but he also figured it would be nice to give him something else other than his mind that did htat. He moved and set himself onto the bed. His right knee pulled to his chest, arms wrapping around the limb while he listened to the question. He shrugged his shoulders a little bit. "I think I did ... okay." He sighed heavily, slumping against his thigh with his eyes closed. "I don't know. They were hard. I don't think I did well in my potions one. Mr. Marquis is a good teacher and all ... but I just cannot grasp the mixtures."​
He nodded and moved to sit on the bed next to Eros. He didn't know what else to say or do. He always hated awkward situations like this. When it was just him with one other person, Luka could function. When there was even two people... He just seemed to shut down. It was like his brain wanted to please them both at the same time, but didn't know how to do that and so it just stopped.

Tobias knew what was going on in his head and moved over to kiss his brother goodbye. "We'll have dinner tomorrow night. Don't forget." Luka nodded, thankful for Tobi understanding and relieving the pressure that he was feeling.
Eros turned to look at Luka beside him, a bit of concern coming to his features until he heard his brother. He turned to look at the man, giving him a warm smile and a simple, "nice meeting you' before the man left. He waited a few moments before he turned back to Luka. He scooted a bit closer, his hand moving to link his pinky with Luka's, a faint pink tinted to his cheeks. "um ... Luka..." He began, his eyes at the ground for a while as the words tried to form. He turned to the male, trying his best to be sure he made eye contact. "Would you ... um ... with us ... and ... Would you be my boyfriend? Like ... officially and not literal boy-friend. We are already boys who are friends but in .. in the romantic manner... I .. um ... " He fumbled, trying to search once more for something to say to either get the point across or make the situation better.​
Bohdi paced in his room, nervously chewing on his bottom lip. There was a dance coming up at school and he knew that it was the perfect opportunity to ask Trevor out on an official date, but he was antsy about it. What if he said no? That would make him feel horrible. But Kyros argued that he wouldn't say no. He kissed him, right? And was happy when Bohdi had said that the kisses weren't just a friendly thing... And the blond didn't have much time, anyway. He'd asked Trevor to come to his room after classes and the last class had let out nearly twenty minutes ago. Trevor would be there any second.
Trevor walked through the halls, not thinking anything of meeting up with Bohdi in his room. It was a normal occurrance. He figured he wanted help on homework, or that they would do it together aain, or any number of their normal activities that they did hwen there. He made his way to the boy's dorm, giving a gentle knock for a warning before he poked his head in, smiling at the blond inside. "Hey, Bohdi." He smiled and moved into the room, gently closing the door behind him. He walked over to Kyros, smiling a little more as he did so. "And you too, Kyros."​
The butterflies picked up ten fold when there was the knock at the door and then Trevor came in. Bohdi smiled, though it wasn't his usual smile. He moved over and pecked a kiss to the brunette's cheek as he sat next to him, hand going straight to Kyros' fur to calm him. "Hi." It was all he could think of to say for the moment and he had to take several deep breaths before his brain would work again.

"Um. Are you uh... going to that...uh...dance?"
Trevor turned to look at the blond, listening to him and he thought for a bit. Dance? He remained quiet for a moment before he remembered about it. "Oh! That! Yea. Mama and Relic are playing there so they did not give me a choice and said I had to go." he let out a little laugh at the thought. He shook his head a bit and then shrugged a moment later. "Why?"​
"Oh." That wasn't the answer he'd been expecting. What if he asked and Trevor said yes just because he had to be there? Kyros heard the thought and leaned over to nip at his hand, telling him that he was crazy. Having a dog who was also your brother had its advantages. Kyros was a great judge of character. "Um well. See. I was sort of...wondering if...um...if maybe you would...uh...like to...go? With me?" He blushed profusely and dipped his head while he waited for the answer.
Trevor listened to the blond and he smiled. He let out a little laugh before he leant over and kissed the other's cheek softly. "If you did not ask, I would have.' He informed him, leaning down to rest his chin onto his shoulder, ruby eyes sparkling with his utter glee. He wrapped his arms around the other's waist, nuzzling into his neck a little bit. He kissed his lips softly, trying to ease the nerves he now registered were frayed. "It'll be fun."​
His heart skipped a beat with the answer. Bohdi wrapped his arms around Trevor's shoulders and hugged him close, nuzzling into his hair a little bit. Leaning down, he kissed the other boy, tongue tracing along his bottom lip simply to taste. "Meet me here?" he asked, lying down and bringing Trevor with him. He wanted to walk into the dance together because that was his idea of a date.
Trevor gladly kissed the other back, eyes closed while he was moved to lying on top of him. His hands rested beside the male's form, looking down at him and he smiled a bit more. "Okay." he said happily, leaning down to press a soft kiss to his lips. His eyes fluttered closed and he rested his hands upon his chest, kissing the blond. He really wanted to just sit and kiss him for a while. He was too giddy about being asked out to think about anything else. He really was falling for the blond, and he saw nothing wrong with it at all. So long as the feelings were returned.​
His hands moved to Trevor's hips, gripping the other boy securely and holding their bodies together. His own hips didn't thrust up or grind into the male on top of him, but Bohdi still wanted that absolute closeness. It didn't take long for his arms to fully encircle Trevor, one of his own legs moving to bend at the knee so that the brunette's hips were cradled by his own.

Kyros, bored, interrupted by wiggling in his wet nose to press to their own. Bohdi groaned and pushed the dog away who took that as a sign to play and he jumped back, landing on top of Trevor with a playful growl.
Trevor was glad for hte closeness. He kissed the other male happily, his fingers wrapping around the sheets beneath their forms while he continued to press his lips with his. He leant toward him a bit more, not really wanting the kiss to end. Of course, it just seemed like it had to. With the nose pressed to their faces, he squeaked. HE turned ot look at Kyros a moment before he was pounced on, causing him to bury his head into the front of Bohdi's chest. A lovely red tinted to his cheeks and he soon pulled the dog off him so that he could roll onto his back, settin Kyros on top of his stomach a moment later.​
Saturday came quickly and Bohdi was immensely nervous. He'd had dates before-what nineteen year old didn't?-but Trevor was special and he didn't want to mess this one up. He dressed carefully: a pair of charcoal, pinstripe trousers with a royal purple button down shirt tucked in, a silvery embroidery at the collar. A tie to match the embroidery and a silver watch were put into place before he began to pace the room, mumbling for Kyros to shut up with his teasing.
Trevor was nervous and excited all in one. Of course, not as giddy as Relic was when he squealed that he had an outfit for him. That was interesting in itself. Beautiful suit though! It was a nice white one with light blue embroidery around the cuffs of the jacket and down the sides of the pants and then along the collar of the jacket. A light blue button down was under the jacket with a white bow-tie around his neck. He made sure his hair looked nice, neatlyb rushed, pulled on a pari of white shoes and then headed to the school to meet with Bohdi.

Arriving at the dorm, he knocked and smiled gently to himself. Within his hands was a single, small white rose, planning to give it to Bohdi, hoping it would not clash with his own attire.​
He jumped with the knock, and Kyros barked, making fun of him once again. "Shut up." It was out loud this time rather than through their connection, but the dog could understand he knew and that was all that mattered. Straightening his shirt, Bohdi moved to the door and answered it. He smiled at the sight of Trevor. He looked lovely. The blond stepped back into the room to let the other in, pecking him on the cheek as he stepped past him.

"You look nice."
Trevors heart fluttered when he saw the man, smiling instantly as he did so. Oh, he looked so good. "You too.' He said happily, moving into the dorm and he held up the rose, pulling it out of the plastic box and he then leant up a bit to be able to pin it to the collar of the jacket. He leant up and pressed a gentle kiss to the blond's lips, giggling softly with a faint pink to his lips. His hands moved behind him, linked there and he chewed upon his bottom lip just a bit. "You do look very nice, Bohdi." e said softly, looking over at Kyros and smiling a little more. "You know ... I've always wondered how you got Kyros to be such a good dog." he said, reaching over to ruffle the fur of the animal.​
Bohdi was about to lean in for another, longer, kiss when his date asked the question and then the blond just couldn't help the belly laugh that came out. He laughed harder when Kyros growled and shunned Trevor by moving to the other side of the room and lying down. It took him a minute to regain his composure enough to explain.

"Kyros is my twin, Trevor. Or...he was." He looked over to the dog, a sad little glint in his eye. "When he was fifteen, he died in a boating accident and two years later... Well he found me again. We communicated before he died-telepathically I guess you'd say...but it wasn't really. Most just classify it as 'that freaky twin thing'. We still communicate like that."
Trevor pouted when the dog left, straightening and turning to look at the other. He went a lovely red at the knowledge given to them, and then remembering all that they had done with Kyros there. His hand lifted to rest over his lips and he was red from the neck up. "I ... I get the 'twinthing' ... Relic and Mama have it ... but um ..." He looked back over to Kyros and gave a hefty bow, literally going at a ninety-degree angle. "I am so sorry!" He said, feeling utterly embarrassed. He straightened up once more and then looked over at Bohdi. "Why .. Why didn't you tell me sooner? now ... now I feel... bad."​
The blush was rather cute, really. Bohdi pulled Trevor to him and hugged him, nuzzling along his warmed flesh lightly. "Because to have him here is so natural for me. I just...never thought to tell you." The blond pecked a kiss to the boy in front of him. "And we've only kissed," he argued with a little tease in his voice, smiling. "Kyros would have left if we'd gone any further."

"Damn right." Bohdi laughed, turning to poke his tongue out at the dog.
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