Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Jade stared at the man, his arms gripping the pillow tighter. "Because I don't want to lie to myself. I don't want to have to pretend I don't like you. I want to be able to be with you. I don't see why I have to wait. It doesn't make sense. Waiting will not do anything. It'll only frustrate us more and what's the point? I'm not your student anymore? Whoopdy doo. I like you. You like me. There is no use in ignoring that, is there? So what if we kiss, or hold hands, or anything like that? Why should we wait? And if you tell me because you're my teacher, I'm screaming for Mama!"​
"Because you're eleven, Jade." The difference in age wasn't what it came down to, really. It was simply how young Jade was. Murasaki shifted a little closer, lifting his arm so that his head could rest on it. "I know that you have a very full past. But you've been given a second chance to just be eleven. What if I did say okay? In two years, you could want something totally different, or be resentful towards me for not allowing you to experience what you should be experiencing. You've done the hard stuff. But you should do the fun stuff, too."
Jade listened to the man and he turned his head away from him. His eyes cloesd and the tears started up once more. He moved away from him, tried to anyway. He made sure that the other could not see his face. "Whatever. Just ... go away." He said, not wanting to deal with this anymore. Why should he? No one believed him that he did not want to act eleven. How could he act eleven with all that happened to him? It did not seem right for him to do such a thing. He did not want to anyway. He did not want to act old for his age, but he did not want to act his age. He still had fun. He had fun before he was adopted, it was just less often that he had. No one seemed to understand that. No one got that he could not act eleven, yet still have fun.​
He laid there for a minute, debating. To walk away would mean walking away from everything. To not would mean risking everything. A million thoughts ran through Murasaki's head in the few seconds that he had laid there but they all lead to one, central thought: he didn't want to hurt Jade. Which was what he was doing. Reaching forward, the violet haired man wrapped a strong arm around the boy's middle and tugged him back to wrap both arms around him. Murasaki's face buried into the blond's neck, and his eyes closed tightly.

Jade stiffened instantly when the man pulled him against him, wiggling a little under his grip, trying to get away. "Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! STOP IT! You're making it worse!" He cried, his voice cracking in the midst of his protests, still trying to get out of his arms, but not doing a very good job, though he was not trying hard either. "You're just going to tell me we can't be in five minutes ... so just stop it ..."​
Mura's grip didn't loosen, and instead it tightened marginally. "I'm not going anywhere, Jade." He lifted his head so that his chin was resting on the blond's shoulder, the professor hoping he would have to use his legs to subdue the wiggles coming from the boy. "I care about you. More than you will ever know. So no. I'm not going away."
Jade grumbled and his arms crossed over his lower torso, glaring at his headboard. He remained where he was for a while, silently fuming and trying to think about what the man meant. Did he mean that he would stay with him? Or just that he was not going to go away and still bother him about this thing. "What do you mean? You'll be with me ... or are you just going to stay until I see your side of this silly thing?"​
Did it really matter? Well, he supposed it did if Jade said it like that. Reaching up a little, Murasaki tilted Jade's face back to his own and kissed his lips softly, the flesh barely ghosting over that of Jade's own lips. His grip loosened a bit as he did this, wanting Jade to be able to pull away if he wanted to.
Jade felt the other's lips brush against his and he blushed. His heart skipped a beat and he was gone. Putty for hte other to play with. He turned and wrapped his arms around the male's form, pressing his lips closer and far more heatedly against his. He leant into him, making him fall to the other side of the bed while he continued to kiss him, slowly slipping his tongue past his lips to trail along the other's.

The door opened and Rune arched a brow. "NEW RULE!" He yelled, causing Jade to jump up and away from Murasaki, a lovely red staining his cheeks from embarrassment. "Door stays OPEN. You two ... confined to the living room.' He narrowed his eyes at the blond whose gaze easily found his lap. He sighed heavily, turning to look at Murasaki. "It's for your benefit, you know. That boy will rape you." He then moved and lifted up Jade from the bed, setting him onto the ground and beginning to lead him out of his room." Besides, your Papa has breakfast ready. Pedo's invited too."​
Mura wrapped his arms around Jade's waist completely, pulling the blond closer to him as they kissed. He blushed faintly with the boy's tongue pressing forward but allowed it, liking the extra sweetness that it brought to Jade's taste. He jumped, too, with Rune's loud voice, his cheeks burning profusely. He'd come to talk to Jade and wound up... Well, wound up making out to put it bluntly. He was a little surprised that he wasn't being pummeled into the ground, but was thankful for it nonetheless. He smoothed out his shirt and pants before following the two into the kitchen, attempting to ignore the nickname that had been given to him.

As the three moved into the kitchen, Calder looked up. "Be nice," he warned to Rune with a little glare that he knew wouldn't do anything other than amuse his lover. The older blond served breakfast, acknowledging the smile that he got from the plum haired man with a little one of his own before sitting down and serving everyone.
Jade pouted at Rune. Why did he have to be mean? his arms wrapped around his lower torso and he walked out of the room, knowing enoguh to not fight against his Mama. He walked into the kitchen nad hopped up onto the seat. His arms still crossed and a pathetic little pout still traced his lips as he did so. "Papa! Mama's being mean.' he said, turning to look at the blond, a pleading look within his eyes.

Rune stopped beside Calder, turning to look down at Jade with a brow lifted in question. "Would you rather I forbid him from ever seeing you? Or I could just beat the snot out of him." He then turned to look at Murasaki. "Nothing personal. I like you and all, you're just defiling my little Jade." He heard the groan from the boy and grinned in utter amusement. Ah. Being a parent had its perks. He chuckled before taking some of the things that were done for breakfast and putting them onto the table in front of the boy. 'Be happy, Jade."​
Calder reached over and patted Jade's head a little. "That's because Mama's a jerk, sweetie." He stuck his tongue out at Rune and bumped his hip a little.

Murasaki blushed at the word 'defiling' but still stayed close to Jade, a hand resting at the small of his back. "I'm not!" He thought about it, though, and realized that he sort of was, sex or not. "Not really." He hated to be made to felt like a child but knew that it was good humored fun.
Jade puffed his cheeks out a little more, staring, or more so attemting to glare, at his Mama. "NO! He's not defiling me, Mama!" He protested, scooting even closer to the man. He wrapped his arms around Murasaki's waist and nuzzled into his neck with a little sigh, happy to be able to be so close to the man. "he's good to me Mama ... please don't tease him." He said, looking ever so pathetic as his eyes traveled to hte man in front of him.

Rune's eye twitched briefly before he grumbled. "FINE ... I won't be mean." he mumbled and then turned on his heel to go get a chocoalte covered strawberry from the refrigerator. He took it out and then straightened, biting into the berry while moving to sit near the two love-birds.​
Calder laughed at Rune and pecked a kiss to his cheek. He had a feeling that Ella wouldn't be the only one to have the man wrapped around her finger to bend at her will. jade was doing a pretty good job of it already and the older blond was thoroughly entertained by that. It seemed that Jade's new beau was, too, though he really did try to hide that fact. Calder didn't blame him.

Breakfast was over soon enough and Calder sent Mura and Jade out into the courtyard to practice. Tomias was nosy enough that he'd keep watch, and Relic would want to make friends with the new teacher outside of school, so he figured that they were safe out there. He began to clean up, humming to himself as he did so.
Rune pouted through the rest of breakfast, and even more so when the two were sent off to the courtyard. He watched them leave before he looked over at Calder with a bit of a whimper. He walked over to the man, his arms wrapping around his torso with a light kiss pressed to the nape of his neck. "You're okay with this?" He aksed, gripping the male tighter to his form. He really was annoyed at the moment. Not only could he not even tease the man, but it seemed Calder did not mind al that much.​
He stopped with Rune's body against his and leaned into it with a little purr. He always liked being close to his lover.

Calder thought about it for a minute, mulling it over in his head truly. "Is it my ideal situation for Jade? No... But he's determined and there are obviously far worse people than Murasaki. At least we know his intentions are good, and that he wants what's best for our son." He turned in his love's arms and leaned in to nip at his neck lightly. "You're not?"
Rune grumbled, his hands moving to the counter with the man turning around. He looked out over the courtyard, seeing Jade gleefully wandering around with Murasaki, showing him this, throwing that at him. Using a bit of his magic here and there. He truly looked happy. He sighed heavily, leaning down to rest his forehead against Calder's with a groan. "I'm not ... against it ... but I'm not for it. But, I don't think I would be for it in five years, or even ten years." He admitted, lifting his head to look down at the man once more. "He's happy, though ... and Murasaki's a good guy... with a healthy fear of me ... so it'll be okay."​
He laughed a little, nuzzling into Rune's chest a little bit. It was easy to see how frustrated he was at the situation simply because he couldn't control it. Calder found it endearing, even though when they'd first met that trait had made him want to slap Rune a few times. He stepped forward once more, pressing their bodies completely together so that he could lean up to put his lips to Rune's ear.

"Lets go to bed." The whisper was seductive, his breath ghosting over Rune's ear.
Rune shuddered at the feel of the other's breath dancing along his skin and the proposition only made it better. He scooped the man up and onto his shoulder before moving up the stairs and to their bedroom. Slamming the door closed behind him, he tossed the male onto hte bed. Leapin on top of him, he ground his hips into his, lips connecting with the side of his neck while his nails raked along the side of the man. "Mm... Lovely." he whispered before his teeth sunk into the crook of the man's neck.​
He gave a soft "umph!" as he hit the bed, but quickly forgot about that as Rune was on top of him. The blond thrust his own hips up into the other man's, groaning when he was bitten and scratched. His back arched and his hands fell to the bed beside him, giving up all control to his love. Calder tilted his head to capture Rune's lips in a heated kiss, tongue pressing forward to taste him.

"Mark me." The blond's eyes pleaded with Rune, Calder wanting nothing more than for his love to cover his flesh in angry red marks; to claim him and make him his own. It was an animalistic urge that he knew Rune would fulfill all too eagerly for him.
"When do I not?" he murmured, leaning down and already there was a lovely red mark on the side of his neck. His hands ripped off the other's shit, not caring about it at the moment. He threw them to the side then began to bite, nip, kiss down teh front of his chest. His fingers undid his jeans, pulling those off by way of raking his nails down the sides of his thighs, his utter yearn and desire for him burning greatly. He tossed aside the pants and boxers of the man, leaning down to bite at the center of his chest, hips grinding into his bare flesh.​
He whimpered with the sensations, loving them. He wanted more, and his hips pressed up, erection grinding into the rough denim above him. He hissed, pressing up further almost immediately. The blond couldn't get enough of his lover, and his near frantic actions proved that.
Happily, Eros made his way to Luka's dorm, stopping in front of it and he took in a deep breath. Lifting up his hand, he knocked upon the door, swaying back and forth on his feet while he patiently waited for the man to answer. He held a CD between his hands, gently twirling it as the edges rested on his fingertips. Eyes kept to the door while he impatiently now waited. He wanted to see him! He had been so caught up with school work lately that he had not been able to go see his friend! Not even in the music room! Silly exams.​
Eros had been so busy with school that Luka had taken the opportunity for his brother to visit. He enjoyed time with Tobias. He always brought new music, and they spent their time listening to it together. His brother didn't appreciate music the way Luka did so the conversation was never very fulfilling, but Luka enjoyed the company nonetheless.

This time, Tobias had brought a few jazz CD's. Luka liked jazz. The upbeatness of it was different from the traditional classical music that he generally listened to. And they were in the middle of a song before Tobi patted his shoulder to draw him out of his daze and tell him someone as at the door. "Oh."

The dark haired man moved over to answer it, a little surprised that Eros was there. "Hi!" he greeted cheerfully, stepping back to allow the smaller male into the room. They all liked music so what was the harm in all three of them listening to it together?
Eros smiled warmly, utterly beaming as he saw Luka at the door. He bounced on his feet a little bit more. "Hey!" He said excitedly, stepping into the room and he blinked a few times at the man that was there. His heart tugging in his chest a little at the man that was there. Who was that? He turned a very faint pink and turned to look up at Luka. "U m. ..I ... I can come back if you were busy..." He offered, not too sure who the man was. He and Luka really were not officially dating yet. They kissed, a lot, but they did not really do anything more. He had been meaning to sit down with the man and try and figure this whole situation ... but maybe he grew tired of waiting?​
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