Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Jade was so, so, so very giddy over the past weeks. His powers were getting better and he was falling asleep less! He learned how to control the gem to give him back some power and he was very excited over everything. He made new friends. He talked to many people. He did not get teased once! Well, only when it was needed. Like when he tripped over his feet or things like that. He was so very happy.

And today? Today he had the day off! not that that meant he did anything else other than practice his powers. He had been practicing at home. He tried the various things that Murasaki had told him about, and then he wanted to try something new. The teddy bear that Trevor had given him, he wanted to try and make him purple! And ... after a few tries, it worked! He could not contain himself. With the bear in hand, a little tell to his parents of where he was going, he was off. He ran through town and soon enough, he came to the school.

Making his way to the teacher's room, he spared no knock nor anything else. HE just opend the door, slammed it shut then ran inside and literally tackled the man, squealing hapily. "LOOK!" He chimed, bouncing up and down on the man he managed to get on teh floor. He held up the animal to his chest, squeaking even more ."LOOK!" He hugged the bear tightly, not helping as he continued to bounce on the man.​
He flung around when his door slammed open and closed, and only got a flash of blond before he was on the ground and being bounced upon by a very happy and giddy Jade. And despite the fact that he should want to get his young student off of his hips immediately, Murasaki didn't. Instead he let the other bounce with his excitement while trying to hide his own.

"Calm down," he said with a little laugh, hands moving up to rest at the blond's hips to stop the bouncing. "What's got you so excited?"
Jade giggled, stopping his bouncing, only since he knew that it must be hurting the other's stomach. He grinned, positively beaming as he looked down at the other, showing him the teddy bear. "Look! It used to be brown! Trevor made it for me." He giggled and bounced a little bit before he stopped himself again, knowing that he had been stopped previously for a reason. "I made him purple! I like him purple. .. but I did it with my powers!"​
Oh NOW he got it! The plum haired man smiled and pulled Jade down for a congratulatory hug. "That's wonderful!" They stayed as they were for a few moments before he lifted Jade from his torso with a swoosh of purple light around the boy, setting the blond on his feet next to him. "Be sure to experiment on inanimate objects," he warned though he doubted he had to. Spells gone wrong on a bear could be fixed. Spells gone wrong on a human...not so much. "Lets have some ice cream to celebrate, hmm?"
Jade giggled happily and even more so when he was lifted up by the other man's power. IT definitely was interesting. He continued to grip the teddy bear betwen his arms, holding onto it and burying his face into the fur. He watched the man stand up and he nodded, bouncing to him to wrap his arms around his form for one more strong hug. "Yes. I would love ice cream." He said happily, nuzzling into the man before he headed over to the kitchen table. He set himself down, bear crossed btween his arms and he rested his chin atop its purple head. "I think I'll try making something rainbow next." He giggled happily, swaying his feet excitedly.​
He hugged the male, giving a strong squeeze to his middle before moving into the kitchen to dish out their treat. He set out all the fixings for a grand sundae, letting the little blond fix his own however he liked. Murasaki fixed his own with a little fudge, sprinkles and a cherry. "Rainbow, huh? Why rainbow?"
"Because I like rainbows!" He stated, giggling happily while beginning to set about making his own sundae as well. He happily went about talking about why he likes rainbows, and how there was teh added benefit that the rainbow now seemed to symbolize gay pride so it would be two-fold!

He finished up his sundae and then made Murasaki not touch his dishes. With a lot of concentration and more energy than he thought, he manaed to not only put the dishes away but he rinsed them off too. He was going to try washing them thoroughly, but his head was beginning to hurt. He softly excused himself before moving into the living room. He plopped onto the couch, and that was his downfall. He curled up and fell asleep, pulling the pillows to him and nuzzling into the cushiony surface happily.

He slept soundly for a while. A little while. Soon though, he awoke in a heated sweat, panting heavily and he stared in front of him. He was shivering, looking around frantically before he oculd not stand it any longer. HE leapt up from the sofa and ran to Murasaki's room. He lsowly poked his head through the door, spotting the man in bed through his tear-laced eyes. He moved into the room silently, closing the door behind him and he then slid into the bed beside him. He cuddled close to the man, resting his head pretty much on his pillow, arms wrapping around his and instantly, he felt so much better being beside him.​
They had a lovely conversation through their sundaes and he watched as Jade used too much energy to wash the dishes and promptly passed out. He had to laugh, but it was good to know that the blond wasn't afraid of trying new things. Murasaki pulled Jade's phone out and phoned Rune and Calder to inform them that their son had once more passed out. Calder said okay, and that was that.

He spent the evening grading papers like he'd planned. The plum haired man tucked the blond in before slipping into bed himself, falling asleep quite quickly. He was awoken by a weight next to him, eyes wide as he assessed who it was and what they wanted. His mind was quick to put the pieces together and his arms moved around Jade's form without a thought, Murasaki holding the boy to his form securely.

"Jade? What's wrong honey?" He couldn't help but lean down to nuzzle into his student's hair a little, wanting nothing more than to comfort him.
Jade sniffled as he heard the man wake up. He had not meant to wake him up. He merely wanted to get some proper sleep. He scooted closer to the man, needing to be closer to him at the moment. "A ... a bad dream..." He said, his voice barely that of a whisper. His eyes closed and he nuzzled against the man's form, taking in a few deep breaths, stopping any sobs that wanted to pass from his lips. "It ... It was just a bad dream..."​
Murasaki's hands rubbed small circles over the boy's back as he pressed a kiss to Jade's forehead. He'd gone into a comforting mode, forgetting the lines that should have been very clearly defined and drawn. They simply were no longer there so long as Jade was feeling like this and needed the closeness. His lips drifted to Jade's cheek, kissing over the moist tear tracks in another attempt to soothe the boy's fears.
Jade really was feeling better. Not completely, but he was better with the man beside him. His eyes slipped closed when the man's lips connected with his cheeks. He moved closer to him with the contact, just wanting to get as close as possible. He looked up at the man when he felt the tears being kissed away. His eyes kept to him for a while, just staring at him with interest to his features. He really, truly liked the man. He liked him so very much.

He found himself leaning up toward the male, his lips barely a breath from his before he stopped. He froze instantly and turned a bright red. He said nothing, merely sunk back down and he turned and buried his face into his chest once more, not wanting to follow through. No. That was wrong. He wanted to, he could not.​
He couldn't stop the gasp that came as Jade's lips were mere centimeters from his own. He could feel the warmth eminating from them; almost taste them. He wanted to taste them. And the second that the thought invaded his mind, Murasaki found that it wouldn't go away. He watched Jade bury his face into his chest and the plum haired man reached up to run his fingers through the boy's hair a little bit, wanting him to not be embarrassed and to perhaps look up at him again. If he did, he told himself, it would be fate telling him to really cross that line. At least, that was what he wanted to believe.
Jade gave a light shiver with the feel of his fingers through his hair, enjoying the sensation far too much. His cheeks were still tinted with the red from before, but he could not help his curiosity. He wanted to see what the man's reaction was. Had he even noticed what he had wanted to do? Put it off as a friendly gesture? He did not know what the answer was, and so that was why he eventually tilted his head back. His eyes lifted to look at the lilac pools of the male, getting completely lost within them. There had been a reason he chose to make his bear purple.​
Murasaki bit his tongue when Jade did look back up at him. There was no way he could turn away from such an opportunity, despite the fact that he knew he should, and that he could get fired (and killed) for doing what he was about to do. He closed the small gap between them, very softly brushing his warm lips over Jade's. The older male gasped when there was a little shock, their magics connecting.
Jade took in a sharp breath of his own when the spark shocked him in a very .. odd way. Not painful, but it was more so like the butterflies that were currently in his stomach. He pushed his form closer to the man, a hand softly resting upon his stomach while his lips once more pressed to his. Sea green eyes fluttered closed while his lips began to kiss the male at quite a passionate hold. His heart raced within his chest, mind going hazy instantly. He knew that this would be bad for the man, but he could not help but to adore the feel of their lips together. The taste of the other man. The way he felt when he was so close, yet alone them kissing.​
The reaction within him was very instant. Murasaki's hand came to rest at the small of Jade's back, the man taking a firm grip on him and pulling the small blond tight to his frame. His lips pressed closer, now taking Jade's bottom lip slightly between his and suckling softly on it while his eyes closed and the rest of his body relaxed. He'd never felt anything like this, and that scared him greatly though the violet haired man simply didn't care at the moment. Jade was too warm and too sweet to allow him to care about anything other than feeling and tasting more.
Jade blushed. Oh, he blushed beautfully. He was a nice shade of cherry as the kiss went on. He truly loved the feel of the man kissing him. He had kissed, well, a lot of people. Some good, some horrible, slim great, and many in between horrible and good. Murasaki? He was ... exceptional. He was perfect in everything. The feel of his lips. It was not too wet. Not to hard. He tasted so sweet ... and Jade truly wanted more. He did not want the kiss to end and, well, he did not see a reason why it had to.

Pulling himself up a little, he soon moved his form to rest on the other's torso, knowing that the angle would be better to be closer to the man. His hands slid along his toned chest, moving from the middle of his chest, to his shoulders, then back down and settling on his sides. He kept their lips connected the whole while, eventually, deepening the embrace by just a little, loving it all so much.​
He was much too caught up in the act to think about stopping. Not that he wanted to, but somewhere something knew that what they were doing was intensely wrong. Murasaki, for the moment, didn't care. He helped Jade get into a better angle and then rested his hands on the boy's slim hips while continuing the kiss. His lips caressed the blond's own, tasting the sweetness that he had to offer.
Jade kissed him, so, so very happy to do so. He kissed him and enjoyed every moment ... a little too much too. His body soon got into its old habits, beginning to grind into the man, hips moving without his mind's say. He could not help it, at first. He did not realize for a while what he had been doing, not until it was a little too late and the bit of an issue that was slowly growing beneath his jeans. Once his mind got out of the clouds and realized what hehad been doing, he stopped. He stopped everything, mainly because of the major problem his body was having.

He took in a sharp breath, pulling away from the man, his face red from the neck up. "S..Sor... Excuse me." He whispered and then slid off his form, rushing toward the bathroom. He closed and locked the door behind him, still blushing horribly as he did so. He was instantly at the sink, running the cold water, splashing his face and trying to get himself calm ... make the problem go away.​
Murasaki gave a soft little moan to the movement of Jade's hips, his fingertips gripping a little harder as he was ground into. He was enjoying himself fully, content to do this and only this with the blond...until he was leapt off of and he heard the bathroom door closing and clicking locked. He let out a long, steady sigh as he tried to compose himself, too. He relaxed, allowing his amulet to take his extra energy before moving to the bathroom and knocking softly.

"Jade? Jade let me help you." It waited a moment and then realized how that sounded. "Uh. I mean, your magic can if you'll let me talk you through it."
Jade shook his head and continued to wash his face, wanting to calm down a little more and the water truly helped himself. He turned to look at the door, finally calming himself down. He would be okay in a few moments. He blushed still, slowly walking to the door. He unlocked it and pulled it open a bit of an inch, his blond locks wet from the water he had been splashing on himself and his neck up still red as ever. "N ... No ... I em ... I am better." His voice was barely over a whisper, his hands gripping the doorknob tightly. "Um ... I am sorry about ... that. I am just used to the .. movement in such a moment." His eyes tilted to the ground, watching his bare toes press into the tile beneath his form. "But um ... I am not sorry about the kiss!" He added, straightening and looking at the man with a stern and stubborn look in his eyes.​
He was relieved when the door opened. Murasaki pressed the door open just a little more and offered his hand out for Jade to take. They would need to talk about what just happened-moreso the kiss than anything-and how it simply couldn't happen again even if they wanted it to. With a soft glow, a hand towel came from the linen closet and plopped itself down on Jade's head.
Jade blushed a bit, feeling the towel on his head, yet thankful for it at the same time. His hand lifted and rested upon his, holding onto him tightly. He did not want to let go. He liked him far too much to let such a thing happen. He moved out of the bathroom, beginning to rub at the water on his face, letting the towel stay on his hair when he was done. He followed the male to wherever he wanted them to go, despite almost more wishing to curl up in the bed once more.​
The bed was a dangerous place at the moment and so Murasaki moved into the living room, lifting Jade onto one of the stools at the counter and standing in front of him, studying him. "You're lovely, Jade..." He so hated to have to have this conversation. It nearly broke his heart, really. "But you're my student. And the school and your parents have entrusted you with me..."
Jade set upon the stool, fidgetting wit hteh top of his pajama pants while he listened to the man. He looked at him, listening to what he had to say and he definitely did not like it at all. His brows furrowed together and he pouted, looking ever so pathetic as he did so. "But ... I don't like that!" He protested, cheeks puffing out even more as he tried to think of a solid argument. "You don't have to be my teacher! And ... And ... Mama and Papa will not mind! They like you. You're nice." He smiled at that thought before movingo n. "Why can't I be with you? I like you ... A lot ... and ... I don't want to not be with you ..."​
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