Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Jade nodded, smiling a little bit more. "Of course." he said, failing to mention that he really only had one friend. It was not that he did not like the others. He did. Thing being, he socialized better with older kids. Not that he was snotty or anything, but he felt he was a tad more mature than the others. Not that it was a bad thing! He just had different experiences to bring him to what he was now and well, he did not really share anything with teh spoiled kids in his school.

"How about you? Are hte other teachers nice to you? How about the kids?" He asked, his eyes to the other and he smiled a bit, legs still swaying beneath his form and he handed the man a few things on the desk, well the few papers his rump was on.​
Murasaki hummed a little, nodding even though Jade's back was currently to him. "Yes. The few that I have met thus far are very welcoming." It was why he preferred to teach in a private school rather than public. The students always seemed to be more respectful and nicer. He didn't like being mean to students, and so this setting was always better for him.

"I'm disappointed that I do not get to teach your brother, though."
Jade listened to the man, smiling happily as he did so. He liked Murasaki a lot. He was interesting to talk to and well, he enjoyed being with him, even if it was only his second time. at the mention of his brother, he grinned and turned his head to look at the man, smiling a little bit more. "Yes. Trevor is very smart! He is a good student." He informed him, continuing to swing his feet as his eyes kept to the other. "I should introduce you to him sometimes!"​
"Mmm. I would love to meet him," he agreed, smiling at his little guest. Murasaki finished packing up his stuff and then leaned forward a little. "You forgot your painting yesterday." He was a little disappointed when he thought about it-he'd hoped that Jade would have taken it. But then again, running through the hallways to meet his parents would be a little cumbersome... "It's down in my room if you would like to bring it home with you."
Jade had far too much fun spending time with Murasaki. They went to his room and got the painting back. Spent the rest of the time until his Mama called him on his cell phone. The next day, he introduced him to his brother. That was fun! Trevor was a little off since he had been trying to go meet his friend Bohdi. Well, more than a friend. While they may not be officially going out or anything, Trevor's lips always seemed plumper and redder when he returned home after being with Bohdi.

A few days later and Jade had to stay after school for a class. He finished that up and when he was beginning to walk down the hall to start walking home. Well, more so to Prometheus where one of his parents should have been meeting him, he was stopped by a group of boys. He was not sure what they wanted, at least not until the older males began to walk toward him and calling him mean names. Telling him he did not belong here. That they knew what he used to be. Some street rat who would give it up for anyone with a quarter. And that had been where everything went wrong. He was opushed into a wall. Shoved against a locker. And the insults only got worse.

Just as there was a tear in his shirt, and he could hear zippers being undone with far too suggestive words, he could not help but to wish upon many, many stars that he was not here at the moment. Before anyone could truly hurt him, aside from the few bruises he was bound to have, he was ... gone. He no longer was in hte hallway of the school, rather he was in the middle of ... a living room? He took in many deep breaths, even more scared than he had been before. Where was he ?! Why did he leave ?! Was this part of their trick?!​
Murasaki enjoyed his time with Jade. Trevor was nice, but didn't want to be there of course and the professor sent him on his way with a little smile. He understood the intensity of young love, and being anywhere else other than with his sweetheart was simply a pain in Trevor's ass. He understood completely.

Jade's company was lovely and he fully enjoyed talking with him. He was a bit disappointed when Jade did not show that afternoon, but Murasaki knew that the disappointment wasn't healthy. He gave a little sigh and gathered his work to return to his room. The plum haired man set himself up in hi usual way: coffee table close to his sofa, a glass of red wine next to all of his papers and red pen. He was just turning around to turn on some music when he heard a rather hard plop. He spun around quickly, eyes wide when he saw Jade, and how anxious the blond was.

The professor moved over to the smaller male and gently began to lift him up, taking notice of the torn clothes and bruises. "Jade? What happened?" Murasaki settled his...well, visitor wasn't the right word but it was all he could think of for the time being, onto the sofa and sat down next to him.
Jade jumped at first when there was suddenly hands upon his form, eaily relaxing once he knew the source. He took in a sharp breath while he was moved to the bed. He let out a little sob and flopped to the side, his head against the man's thigh and he curled up beside him, eyes closed while he calmed down just by being with the man. His eyes slipped closed and he nuzzled into the man's thigh before finally getting his mind wrapped around what happened. He let out a soft sigh, finally able to speak. "The... The boys at school ... They were coming at me and teasing me and being horribly mean! So ... I just wanted to get out of there and well .. I ... ended up in your living room."​
He didn't know what to do, though he knew that there was only one thing that he could do. Murasaki ran his fingers through Jade's silky locks while he waited for the boy to calm down. He listened to the story, and once again didn't know what to do. Address the abuse first, or the powers? Perhaps the abuse. Get the ugly over with.

"Well lets get you cleaned up and we'll go find your parents, hmm?" he asked with a soft smile. His crystal was used to bring a warm wash cloth which was taken by Murasaki and used to dab away at Jade's face.

"What did you do to get here?" He needed specifics.
Jade straightened up, faintly blushing when he felt the cloth against his cheek. His eyes slipped closed, figuring that the man could wash away the bit of dirt and blood here and there from the brawl. "I wound up ... wishing I was away from them. I was getting scared and I put my whole heart into wishing I was not there and when I thought of you ... I was here." He informed him, opening his ocean-blue eyes to look at the violet-haired male that was in front of him. "I don't really know exactly what happened."​
He nodded, listening and taking in the information and processing it slowly. Murasaki hummed gently. "We'll talk," he promised. "After I speak with your parents, I think." He leaned down and pressed a chaste little kiss to the top of the boy's head before standing up and helping the blond up, too.

"Are you hurt anywhere else?"
Jade looked up at the man and then tugged the ripped fabric off his form. He patted his form a little bit, wincing at the bruises but all in all, he was fine. He shook his heaad then turned to look up at the man, smiling a bit more. "No. Just my arms and rib." He stated and then pulled the torn shirt back onto his torso, not wanting to be half naked.​
He couldn't help the little gasp that came past his lips with the naked torso being exposed. Murasaki blushed slightly and turned away until he could sense the shirt returning to Jade's body. "Those will heal quickly enough," he assured, taking Jade's hand and beginning to lead him through the hallways to Calder's classroom. Hopefully they wouldn't have to run all over the entire school to find Rune, as the professor wanted to talk to both men and Jade before the three left for the night.

The plum haired man knocked on the door and took a small step back when the older blond answered the door, gasped and made a beeline for his son.

"Jade! Are you alright?! What happened!!" He visually checked over the small blond, scared and upset that he was hurt.
Jade squeaked when Calder was suddenly in front of him. He stared at him wide-eyed and then smiled lightly. He took a hold of his Papa's hands and pressed them together to try and calm the man. "Papa ... I'm okay." He said gently, smiling warmly and he continued to hold the man's hands and he looked down at himself. "It's just bruises." He smiled warmly and continued to hold the other's hands, glancing over to Murasaki before back to the blond.

Before anything else could happen, Rune came running down the hall. He scooped Jade up, literally looking him over before he hugged him tightly against his form, being sure to not hurt him. He sighed softly, resting his head against the blond's shoulder, keeping him aainst his form. "My poor Jade." he said, looking ever so pathetic while he looked over at Murasaki, smiling a bit. "Thanks."​
The entire scene was confusing for the professor and so he hung back to simply watch and let the parents ease their fears that their son was seriously hurt. He nodded in response to Rune, allowing a moment more before stepping forward once more. "I'd like to speak with you if that's alright?" Murasaki gave a big smile to show that it was nothing bad. Calder, breathing a bit better now, nodded and moved aside for everyone to step into his classroom. Only once everything was settled did he begin to speak.

"I hope I am not overstepping my boundaries here, but I think it might be in Jade's best interest to begin attending school here?"
Rune followed into the room, setting Jade down with a hand gently between his shoulderblades. He moved inside and then stopped. He pulled off the zipper-up hoodie he wore - being more casual today - and then pulled off the ripped shirt of the boy's and wrapped him up in his hoodie. He pressed a kiss to the top of his head, sighing heavily. He was just so happy that he was okay. So, so, so very happy.

Perking up at the mention of Jade having to come here, he looked down at the boy. He remained silent for a while, easily prodding the other's mind to find just what the reasoning behind the man's words were. Yes. That definitely was proof, and even more reason to help get him away from those boys. He nodded, leaning down to kiss the top of his head again. "If he wants to, I'm okay with it,"

"YES!" Jade chimed, hopping away from Rune and he grinned even more. "I want to come here! Um ... I mean... If that's .. okay"​
Calder was a little confused until he had flashes from Rune. Oh. Well yes. That would be a lovely thing to have both of their sons close by. The blond nodded that yes, he was okay with it as well, smiling softly at Jade. "We'll let Mama heal you before Trevor sees you," he noted, looking to Rune to confirm that he would.

Murasaki had an inkling that the two men knew what had happened. He wasn't sure which was the mind reader, but they would have asked questions if they didn't know. "I'd like to tutor Jade," he offered. "His powers have shown themselves later than they normally do, and I suspect he won't have as easy of a time to grasp the concepts without private tutelage."
Rune nodded to what was spoken, looking down at the boy and he rested a hand upon the boy's chest, the bruises fading away easily. He kissed the top of his head and straightened once more. This was great! he would talk to Tomias and Calder tonight. Maybe they could evne have Ella stay in the office with Dawn and the two. That would be great for everyone really. The whole family in one place!

Jade looked over at Murasaki, smiling all the more. "Oh! That's so nice of you! Thank you, Mr. Konani." He smiled and bounced on the balls of his feet for a little, looking over at his parents. "That's okay with you two, right?" He did want to be sure they did not mind.

"Oh. Yes. That's great." He looked over at the teacher, smiling a little more. He really was a good guy.​
He nodded softly, smiling. "Think nothing of it," he responding, turning a faint pink with the high praise. He certainly wasn't used to that. "After school?" he suggested to the little blond. "A few hours a day, perhaps, and of course time enough left to get all your studies and homework done." The point was to help Jade, not hinder him in any way. "I'll expect to see you in my class," he added with a little wink before moving to leave the room, thanking both Calder and Rune for their time.
The next day, Jade was giddy yet nervous to start the new school. Luckily, everyone seemed to accept him, and easily so too. He already had a good three classmates whom he ate lunch with and said that they would help to catch him up on his studies. Study with him, lend him notes, all those things. AND he had Mr. Konani's class! he liked that the most. He sat in the front row, utterly beaming as he listened to the man, jotting down notes, and he was giddy for the rest of the day.

At the end of classes, he silently made his way thorugh hte halls to Murasaki's room, having told him that that would probably be the best place. He did not mind where they went... he just preferred the man's room. If things got out of hand, he did have the special powers to clean it up, right? Stopping in front of the door, hel ifted his hand and knocked, patietnly waiting for an answer.​
He was glad to see that Jade was having an easy time adjusting to Prometheus. He didn't think that the little blond would, with as much family as he has around, but one could never be too sure when it came to pre-pubescent teens and teenagers, too. But Jade looked rather happy in his class, and so that was what mattered.

Murasaki moved down to his room directly after classes to set up some space. They needed plenty of it and so all of the furniture was moved from the living room and against the walls. He smiled when there was a knock at the door and the plum haired man answered it with a happy bounce in his step.

"Ready to work?" he asked, closing the door behind Jade easily.
Jade smiled while he moved into the room, his hands behind him before he moved and rested the bag against one of the walls. He then turned to look at the violet-haired male, nodding excitedly. "Yes!" He chimed, smiling all the more. He took in a deep breath and relaxed a little bit more. "What are we going to do first?" He really was very excitd for this. In part because he was able to practice his powers, not that he knew what they were, but he loved more that he could get to spend more time with Murasaki.​
He chuckled at his student's enthusiasm. "First, we're going to do some research!" It was more fun than it sounded...sometimes. "Wizards," he began to explain, "almost always have a conduit-an object through which they channel their powers in order to help control them." Murasaki held out his crystal. "This is mine. I cannot explain how you know what yours is, but you will know. You will know it like you know your name, like you know that your parents love you... It will be very obvious." The rock was tucked back in close to his chest beneath his shirt.

"It can be a crystal or a gem, it can be a wand or a staff... Anything." He lead Jade over to the sofa and sat him down. "Relax and close your eyes." He laid out several items, a few from each category he'd mentioned plus a few others that one never knew about, on the coffee table in front of Jade.

"Once you're relaxed, open your eyes and see if anything I've put out speaks to you."
Jade nodded and he set onto the couch. His hands rested upon his knees and he took in a few deep breaths. His eyes remained closed until he felt truly relaxed. He opened his eyes and his ocean-colored pools fluttered, instantly landing on a necklace that looked like the night sky was consumed by the rock. He reached forward, scooping it up and he looked it over, eyes traveling along the gem and lightly his thumb traced over the smooth surface, quite liking it and defintiely feeling drawn to the object.
He had a feeling that a gem would work best for Jade, but didn't want to bias the blond. Smiling, Murasaki cleared off the rest of the table, putting the objects away. "Beautiful," he commented, nodding. "It's yours," he explained softly, returning and sitting in front of his pupil on the table. "No one else should handle it-think of it as extension of yourself. It will absorb your innate magic and hold it for you to use at your will. But if someone else were to touch it-especially another wizard-it could absorb their energy and therefore be less effective for you." He smiled and encouraged Jade to slip the necklace on.

"Keep it close to your skin. The more you do, the more magical energy it will soak up. When you are lying in bed at night, or have nothing to do in general, you should focus and attempt to feed your energy into it. Try now."
Jade listened to everything he had to say, nodding every so often and remembering to not let anyone else touch the gem. He would feel childish doing so, but he could do that. He pulled it onto his neck, doing the clasp and then letting the cool silver rest against his chest, his fingers softly resting upon the front of it. He turned to look at him, nodding a bit. His eyes slipped closed and he concentrated for a while, trying the best he could to focus his energy into the sapphire, but it did not work. He stopped after a few moments, pouting as he looked down at the gem once more.​
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