Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Rune growled under his breath, turning and very tempted to kill him. He could. Oh how he easily could kill him. It would take about five minutes, and only that long since he would want to torture him. He narrowed his eyes at the back of the brunette's head.

The end of the day could not come fast enoguh before Rune was making his way back to the mansion. He was going to stop this madness. He could protect his son as long as he wanted! He knew that he could not completely protect him from broken hearts and bad people, but he definitely oculd try his best! He would not let that horrible excuse of a person. He would not let that pedophile get anywhere near Jade.

As he made his way into the house, he spotted Jade at the living room, being the good boy he was nd doing his work. He walked over to Jade and sat down on the coffee table in front of him. "Jade. I do not like you seeing that boy. He's bad news and his age is not why I don't like him." He stated, looking at the boy who was just staring up at him. "I do not want you hurt and I do not want you to see him anymore. Not as a friend. Not as a boyfriend."

Jade stared at him as he listened, just ... staring. What?! Why? He shot up from the couch and shook his head. "NO! You can't stop me from seeing him! I like him and I like him a lot! You just don't want me to be happy! You're too concerned that I'll grow up too fast ort that I should stop trying to be grown up ... but I don't care! I want to be with him and I want to do whatever he wants! He likes me! He likes me a lot .... and I like him! You can't stop us!" With that, he turned on his heel and ran out of the house, rushing down the street to go and find where Nicholai was. He should have been in the process of coming to see him anyway, so maybe he would end up meeting him halfway?​
He wasn't really on his way to see the blond. Honestly, he couldn't care less if he disappointed him-a few kisses and strokes and soft words would make up for it-but he had to walk towards the large home of his current soon-to-be conquest in order to get home himself. When he saw the smaller male running toward him, though, Nicholai put on a concerned face and rushed forward, pulling Jade into a protective hug. "What's wrong?"

Calder felt the vibes in the house change. There was something wrong, and it was coming from Rune. He moved through the house to find his lover, stopping in the doorway of the living room once he had. "What's going on?"
Jade ran into the other, his arms wrapping tightly around his form and he took in many shuddering breaths, burying his face into the front of his shirt. "Mama!" He stated, whimpering a little more and hugging him tighter. "He's so mean he doesn't trust my judgement and Iknow that you're a good guy and ... and MAma doesn't see that! He's so mean!"

Rune sighed heavily, his eyes closing and he flopped forward, his head between his knees and he listened to his love, far too scared to life his head. He told him not to, but he couldn't help it. He tilted his eyes up to the other, lifting his chin up to rest upon his knees. "I ... erm ... I kinda fucked up? I tried to get Jade to ... leave Nicholai..." He sighed heavily, flopping his head forward once more.​
Well that wasn't a surprise. He comforted the hot little blond as he slowly began towards his own apartment. He was vulnerable. He wanted to feel that he was cared for. Timing was perfect. "Well he doesn't have to see that, beautiful," he assured as they came up on the complex. "I know that you know what you're doing." Nicholai pressed a kiss to the top of Jade's head, leading him upstairs.

Calder groaned at Rune's response. That wasn't what he wanted to hear. The blond moved over and sank to his knees next to his lover. "You have to go find him, Rune. You know where he's going and he's in danger." He leaned up and kissed the other man, nuzzling along his cheek for a moment before pushing the man's shoulder towards the door.
Jade sniffled a few times, smiling gently. He was glad that the male had been there for him. He smiled ever so softly as his arms remained around his form, glaldy letting him lead him up the stairs. He was pretty sure that the man would let him just cool off in his apartment. Maybe have a nice cup of tea or omething. He was not sure what exactly, but he wanted to just get away from his home for right now. "Thank you." He murmured, nuzzling into his temple with a soft little whimper.

Rune grumbled and then looked over at the Calder. "Yea yea." he mumbled, standing up from the table, his shoulders slumped and he grumbled while he made his way out of the house. He went slow. He knew it was bad, but he was hoping that Nicholai would show his true colors, and help prove to Jade that he was a scumbag. Of course he kept his mind open for the moment that that boy tried to do anything, his neck would be sliced into two, but that was being save for drastic measures.​
Nicholai reminded himself to move slowly. He made up a pot of tea, setting the steaming liquid in front of Jade with some lemon and milk and sugar for him to fix it however he liked before sitting down next to the younger male. The brunette fixed his tea and once Jade had his own done, he tugged the blond into his side and held him there. "We'll just hang out here for a while then." He leaned forward and nuzzled into Jade's cheek, pressing soft little kisses there as he went.
Jade smiled gently as he took his cup of tea. His knees pulled up to his form and he nuzzled against the male beide him. His eyes slipped closed and he sighed softly while he relaxed instantly against him. see? He knew that Nicholai was different. He was concerned about him. He was cared for about the other. His Mama did not know what he was talking about. Nicholai cared about him. He smiled at the thought, nuzzling into his shoulder once more with a soft sigh. His legs lifted and draped over the male's lap, holding the cup within his hands. "Thank you"​
The brunette continued the little affections for a little while until his little blond relaxed fully. Nicholai then leaned down and pressed a little testing kiss to Jade's lips. He definitely wanted to go further and finally get what he wanted, but he wasn't about to force Jade. He could only hope that the blond was willing right now.
Jade giggled gently with the male's lips to his. His eyes fluttering closed with the action. He took in a deep breath through his nose, leaning up to kiss him once more. Kissing was not bad. He liked kissing. It was all part of the cuddling process. Sure, hel iked the past-cuddling things as well, but not right now. Definitely not right now. he wanted to be sure that anyone he got intimate with again would be someone he truly deeply cared about. His hand holding the cup gently moved it to rest upon the table, his hand lifted to gently rest upon the side of his neck, just wanting to be a bit cloesr to him.​
Taking the good sign, the brunette, set his own cup down before wrapping his arms around the blond's torso securely. Jade was tugged fully into his lap as they kissed, Nicholai tracing his tongue over the younger male's lips. Hands moved down to the boy's hips, holding him there as his own thrust up just a little, pressing his growing erection up into his thigh.
Jade squeaked very faintly when he was pulled onto the man's lips. His arms wrapped around his neck, not minding straddling the other at all. His eyes fluttered closed and he kept his arms loosely around his shoulders. He was beginning to get a little wary as the kiss went on. The male's tongue now within his lips was not a big deal. He did not mind that. What he minded was feeling the bulge pressed to his thighs. He was unsure about that. He did not like where that would end up going. He continued to kiss him though, just figuring that te man would only want to kiss him and that he was too deprived to not get aroused by the kiss. That had to be it, right?​
The squeak was cute, and he felt the boy tense up a little bit. "Relax," he whispered, looking up to Jade with half-lidded eyes. "I just want to show you how much I really care about you." That wasn't exactly what he wanted, but that didn't matter. It all lead to him getting what he wanted, and that was what mattered most of all.
Jade pulled back from the kiss, looking at the man and he shook his head a little bit. A faint pink tinted to his cheeks and he gve the male a very weak smile. "Nicholai ... I do not wish for that." He informed him, keeping his eyes to the male as he pulled on a warm smile once more. "Not yet... In a few months or a year or so I will not mind ... but I do not wish to. Not today." He continued to smile, leaning forward to press a light kiss to his lips. 'I like kissing you though.."​
Months? A year? Well that just wouldn't do! He put on his best pout and puppy eyes to look up at the blond once more. "But we care about each other, right?" He nibbled at the slightly reddened flesh of Jade's bottom lip. "I so badly want to show you how much I care for you, Jade..." Nicholai leaned forward to nip at the boy's neck.
Jade blinked a few times at the other's pout. His brows furrowed together and he shook his head. Sure, a little shudder came to him with the attention to his neck, but he pulled away to stop that. His fingers moved to rest upon the other's lips, pushing him gently away and he shook his head. "I care about you, but I do not love you yet. I want to be with someone I love ..."​
Nicholai kept telling himself to stay calm and took a few deep breaths to do so. "But it's inevitable," he argued with a little smile. The brunette's hold on the other boy became a little more possessive. "So why wait?" He leaned up once more for another kiss, nuzzling along Jade's cheek then.
Jade's brows furrowed together. The more than man spoke, the more he really wished his grip would loosen upon him. "But ... it's not inevitable." He stated, leaning away from the other male and looking down at him with the utmost of confusion. "Sex is not inevitable. I do not want it now ... Not for a long while, Nicholai." He smiled gently and then began to wiggle away, trying to get out of his grip. "You know ... I should probably go home. I bet you Mama and Papa are worried. I feel better. Tahnk you." He said gently, smiling softly.​
The brunette huffed, patience gone. "Fine." He pouted, but anger rose up quickly in him. "Forget about us then." There wasn't really an 'us' as far as he was concerned, but there was with Jade. And so it should jab something into the blond. "I don't want to be with someone who doesn't even think that love won't develop." So what if he, fundamentally, didn't believe in love? Jade didn't know that.
Jade blinked a few times, standing up and he stared at the man. What was he talking about?! His jaw flapped for a while before the tears instantly poured from his eyes. "You jerk!" He yelled, running out of the room and then out of hte apartment, slamming it behind him. He ran down the stairs, soon crumbling and and tripped, falling into the arms of his Mama. He whimpered and nuzzled into his chest a little bit, instantly knowing who it was Hie arms wrapped around the man's shoulders, gripping him tightly. 'Mama ... You .. you were right!" he sobbed, whimpering a little more as he buried his face into his neck.

Rune sighed softly, silently shushing him as he began to walk down the street and toward the house once more. "I do not want to be." He whispered, leaning down to kiss his temple softly. His eyes slipped closed and he hugged him tighter to his form. "You'll find someone. I promise you will." He whispered, kissing him once more on the cheek and nuzzling into his cheek a little bit. "Jade ... Don't think that I don't want you to have someone. I do. It's a lovely thing to hve someone. I love your Papa and I want you to have someone that you can wake up to. Your age. Growing up too soon. All of that makes no difference. You find a boy that truly loves you, and you will have my blessing. Just ... Start with someone your age. Or find someone who isn't a creep." He chuckled at hte latter, kisingh is forehead and then continuing toward their house.​
He moved through the halls, a little unsure of where to go. Mr. Alexander had explained it to him, but of course that had all been lost the minute he walked out of the office. Now it was up to Murasaki Konani to find his new classroom before the last classes of the day let out. He had an idea that it would be much more difficult to find his way around with hundreds of kids milling about and making noise. The school was set up oddly as it was. Murasaki didn't need any help getting lost in it, thank you very much.

Of course, he didn't find his classroom right away and had to wait for the halls to empty out again before he made it to room three oh four. He took in the space and nodded. This would do nicely. He was teaching the youngest age group that Prometheus offered services to (ten year olds) and he would be teaching them basic power control (though most of his students would be wizards like hiimself).

With another moment of envisioning, the violet haired man pulled out the bright amethyst crystal necklace which was the source of his power and concentrated. He wanted to set up the room as quickly as possible.
Jade was literally skipping down the halls. He was searching for his Mama. He had to tell him the wonderful grade that he had gotten on the test at school. He was very happy that his school was so close to his parents' work. He got to see them on the way home, see his brother, it was all great to him. So very convenient and oh he was happy!

He giggled to himself as he stopped in front of a room, spotting a room number that clicked in his mind. Didn't Papa say something about this room? Or was it Mama speaking with Tomias? He did not know, but he was a little nosey right now. Ever so slowly, he moved toward the door. Gently, he turned the knob and poked his head inside, spotting someone he did not know. He perked up and took a step into the room. "Excuse me?" He questioned, looking over the man and tepping a little further into the room. "Are you lost?"​
His eyes opened as he said the last of his spells, amethyst eyes glowing brightly with his powers. It dimmed back to normal slowly and it was only then that Murasaki let go of his crystal and turned to find who had interrupted him. "Hmmm? Oh no. I'm a new teacher here. Will you be in my classes?" He smiled at the cute little blond boy, turning to look at him fully. "Or did you need help?" He wasn't sure how much help he could offer the boy, but the plum haired man would sure try!
Jade listened to the male and he straightened up a little more. His eyes kept to the other and he nodded a few times. A warm smile instantly formed to his lips and he giggled. The man wanted to help him? That was cute. He shook his head and he shook his head a little bit. "No. Um, to everything. My parents work here. Mr. Lin and Mr. Delano. I do not have any powers or anything. My brother does!" He giggled a little more as he walked toward him, holding out his right hand. "I'm Jade! Who are you? What's your name, I mean."​
Ah. It was nice to have diversified families within the school. The last school he had worked at, families like Jade's were discriminated against and Murasaki had always hated that policy. So unnecessary, really! The boy in front of him was quite adorable and the wizard felt that he could take a real liking to the little blond!

"I am Murasaki Konani. It is lovely to meet you!" He was generally a cheerful guy-fun loving and always up for a good prank. "Perhaps on your way to find your fathers, you can show me around a little bit?"
Jade smiled warmly. "It's nice to meet you, Mr. Konani." He puffed his cheeks out, knowing he probably said his name weird, but he pushed the thoughts aside. He striaghtened up and looked at the male with his question. He smiled, so very happy to be able to help him. "Okay!" He said cheerfully, bouncing on the bals of his feet for a few moments before he relaxed once more. He adjusted the bag on his shoulder and then began to walk toward the door. "Where do you want to see first?"​
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