Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Trevor blushed a bit still. He felt a little bit bad. He knew that he did not like to see Jade with anyone, and he was not even his twin! Heck, Mama still got flustered when he saw Tanner and Relic together ... though he was sure that was a different situation as well. He sighed heavily and felt a bit better that Kyros would leave if he felt uncomfortable. He shook his head away from the thought and took a hold of Bohdi's hand. "Um .. We can get going. Mama and Relic should be playing. You like their band, right?" he asked, smiling all the more as he looked to the blond.​
Walking into the dance, Bohdi blushed a little when he saw Calder's eyes on them. He still hadn't gotten over the embarrassment of asking them to date Trevor, though he knew that it was the proper thing to do. He smiled at the older blond and tugged Trevor in the other direction, needing to be comfortable first before dealing with mindful parents. Kyros was following after them somewhere, determined to get some of the students to feed and pet and generally entertain him for the evening.
Trevor glanced over to Calder, giving him a warm smile before he was far too happy to follow Bohdi to wherever he wanted. He turned to the male at his side, lacing their fingers together and he sighed softly. He leant up to press a kiss to the blond's cheek, smiling warmly to himself. "My parents like you." He said, wanting to hopefully have the other feel better about possibly being confronted by his parents.

Eros walked toward the ball room and his hand held onto Luka's, planning to just go inside and lead the way to where there would be few people. He had on a very nice attire - forced into it by Relic. Mr. Reed was very demanding when he made something for someone. And he did not want to hurt his feelings ot anything, so he wore it. Of coures 'it' consists of a very nice wine-red, long sleeved dress, a pair of black pants that hugged his legs beneath the dress. A black belt wrapped around his slender waist over the dress and the sleeves of the dress were all black lace. He looked very nice, and he thanked Relic many times for the outfit, though he had not been sure what Luka would have thought. He looked up at the man beside him, giving him a warm little smile. "Where do you want to go?" he asked, giving the man control of which corner to hide away in.​
The blond smiled at his date, releasing his hand and wrapping his arm around Trevor's waist. "I didn't think your Mama liked anyone besides his family." He was half teasing, but on some level Bohdi was pretty sure everyone thought that. He leaned down to nuzzle Trevor's cheek a little before stepping behind him to wrap his arms around him from there, swaying to the soft music that was playing before Rune and Relic went on.

Luka had been very surprised to see Eros in a dress. He'd never seen a male in anything other than pants before. Eros looked nice, however, and Luka adjusted to the sight quickly... Though he couldn't help admiring the blond's legs. Walking into the hall, he was assaulted by the noise and motion, and immediately began to stick to the edges of the room, trying to keep the noise from coming in from all sides. He sat in the back left corner, pulling Eros onto his lap and holding him around his waist securely as he did so. He wanted to hear the music, and he wished that all the other people didn't have to be here.
Trevor smiled with the male behind him, his hands resting upon the male's and he easily swayed with him. "Mama takes some getting used to." He admitted, turning his head to look at the other, smiling a little more. "If he did not like you, you would know." He stated, nodding a little before he leant toward him to press a kiss to his lips. He then set back, resting against the male's form and gladly moving to the gentle music with him.

Eros squeaked softly, suddenly on the male's lap. He looked down at him and gave a warm little smile. He was glad that Luka had accpeted his invitation. He wanted to go to the dance. He really did. But he did not know if Luka would have gone with him. So, he asked, and the man accepted, so he was too giddy that the man had agreed to it. He settled against the man's chest, looking out over all the other couples dancing and he just smiled - happy to be with Luka.​
Yes, he could easily believe that. He moved with Trevor, nuzzling along his neck and cheek as they danced a little bit. Bohdi only moved his hands to applaud when Relic and Rune were introduced, moving them right back to around his date's waist. He loved holding Trevor. "Maybe... Maybe you could spend the night one night..." It was a purely innocent invitation.

"Tobias left yesterday." He was sad that his brother had left, but Luka knew that it meant that he could spend more time with Eros, too. "He said to tell you goodbye."
Trevor gladly applauded for the two who moved onto the stage, wearing matching suits. Not identical, but Relic was in a nice Christmas-red one with green undershirt while Rune had the opposite. Green with red shirt. They looked nice, even more so when they began to perform, Rune on the violin, Relic on the guitar, both singing or taking turns. It was nice to watch. He had never known that that rune and Relic could have such nice voices and he understood even more why their house was how magnificant it was.

Turning to look at Bohdi, he thought about the invitation and he smiled warmly. He nodded, still moving with the music and he smiled a little more. "mhm! i would like that' He admitted, smiling a little more. He turned his attention back to the stage, Rune now doing a nice solo on his violin.

Eros perked up. Tobias? "Oh!" he said, turning to look at him and he gave him a warm smile, knowing that the other had loved his brother so much and just wanted to spend more time with him. He nuzzled into his neck a little, smiling weakly. "He seems very nice.' He stated, eyes closed as he relaxed against the torso of the man. "I liked him." He added and then turned to look at him, smiling a bit more." But ... I am glad we can spend more time together now. "He admitted, a faint pink to his cheeks.​
Bohdi glowed with the accpetance of his invitation. Of course, they would have to convince Trevor's parents that they weren't going to do anything other than sleep, but that could be worked out later. He wasn't suggesting for Trevor to spend the night tonight. Just...soon.

With that thought, he moved in front of the brunette and tugged him onto the dance floor to dance.

"I am too." He smiled up at Eros, the music taking over everything else. He heard it even over Eros' words, though he knew what the little blond in his lap was saying anyway. He knew the song. Luka listened to the notes, a few of which didn't sound perfect. With a kiss to the tip of his date's nose, Luka made his way up to the stage, careful to avoid any close contact with anyone, and tugged on Relic's sleeve in silent request.
Trevor nodded and followed him to the floor, smiling hapily. He took his hands and then set htem on his hips while his arms lifted to wrap around theo ther's shoulders, swaying with him happily. He was definitely used to being touched by Bohdi by now. He quite liked it, actually, and never flinched. He smiled warmly to the mean, leaning forward to rest his head against his neck.

Eros smiled, glad that the other was excited to have alone-time as well. Maybe he could finally ask if he would officially be his boyfriend. He knew that he would end up getting that confused look and Luka would probably already think they were one, but he needed to know for sure. To hear that they were. He did not have the courage to ask yet, but he would. h would get there soon enough.

Relic perked up when there was a sudden tug on his sleeve. He arched a brow and then turned to look at the boy, his playing and singing stopped as he looked at him. "Yes?"​
Luka got nervous butterflies in his stomach when Relic looked down at him. At least it was Relic and not Rune, right? Rune scared him a little bit. Well. Rune scared everyone a little bit, he supposed. The savant took a deep breath and pointed towards the electric violin that was sitting on its stand, waiting to be used. "I've always want to try one. May I?"
Relic listened to the male and he looked up at the male beside him, leaving it completely up to the man. Like hell he would touch his violin.

Rune thought for a little, looking over the male beside him and he sighe.d How that was relevant to them attempting to play, he did not know. He shrugged his shoulders, taking up the violin and holding it out to the man, resting his violin at his hip, silently waiting for the man to play. He interrupted them, he could not be the entertainment for the dance.​
He beamed with the permission. Luka took the instrument carefully, looking it over and allowing his fingers to ghost over the wood and strings and fixtures. He liked to really know what he was playing. The dark haired male did the same with the bow, studying it though never touching the hairs themselves so as to keep the oils and dirt from his fingers off of it.

Lifting the instrument, he held it perfectly and took a minute to hear the part of the song before a solo in his head. He played perfectly, as always. Luka heard every note a split second before he had to play it, and moved his fingers and the bow there flawlessly.
Rune stayed where he was, listening to the man play and his right eye twitched with his annoyance. He just had to outdo him, didn't he? He did not care that the motive was not intentional. He was annoyed since this was the first time he lifted the instrument and played it better than he ever had. He waited for hte man to finish the song before he took the instrument and unplugged it from the sound system. "You're done now." He stated, a single forefinger pressed to the middle of his back and began to push him toward the stairs. "Leave before I touch you more." He threatened, knowing hte other's hatred of being touched. well, dislike of it, or whatever.​
The music flowed through him as he played, filling his soul and his being. It became a part of him and it was all that he heard or wanted to hear in the moments that he was playing. Luka flinched with the touch and the harsh tone, though, eyes wide as he didn't understand. "I... Thank you. I'm sorry to have bothered you." He hurried out of the room, forgetting that Eros was waiting for him. He didn't understand what he'd done wrong, and that upset him.
Eros watched as Luka ran out of the room, perking up instantly. He squeaked and ran after him, finding the man and he sighed softly when he spotted him. He jogged to his side, loosely linking his pinky with his and trying to get him to stop. "Luka ... It's okay." He whispered and then came to a stop in front of him, sapphire eyes up to the other's and he smiled a little bit more. "Rune is jealous ... You did nothing wrong." He may not know him completely, but he knew him well enough to know why he ran away from the dance. He took a step toward him and wrapped his arms around his waist, burying his face into his chest. "you pleayed beuatifully."​
He felt someone touching him again and pulled away quickly before his brain processed who it was. Eros touching him was okay, and Luka wrapped his arms around the blond's shoulders loosely when he was hugged. "But he touched me..." He didn't understand why anyone-especially a teacher-would do such a thing when it was made very clear to staff about his quirks. "I didn't mean to make him angry..."
Eros hugged him a little more, smiling gently with his words. "I think, knowing Rune and the stories Relic has told me ... the very fact he only used a finger and did not pick you up and toss you off the stage ... shows that he was taking you into consideration.' He stated, tilting his head back and resting his chin on the other's chest, keeping his eyes to him and he smiled a little bit more. "Who cares about him?" He asked, huging him a bit more and he then took a hold of his hand, lacing their fingers. "Let's go do something! Who cares about the dance? We can go out or go back to your dorm or ... anything really.'​
Calder watched the entire scene, and wanted to go out after Luka sooner, but was otherwise engaged with Murasaki in a conversation. He excused himself as quickly as he could, though, and moved through the crowd and out into the hallway to see the two standing and talking. Calder had just heard Eros' explanation of Rune. "He's right."

Luka spun around to see Calder there and raised an eyebrow in question.

"If Rune didn't care that you don't like to be touched, then he would have simply hauled you off stage with more contact." He moved closer, but not too close. "He's not mad at you. Honest. And I'll make sure he comes to talk to you when he's done performing."

The savant nodded a little but returned his attention to Eros quickly. "Yes. I think we should go."
Eros turned to look at Calder when he came, a faint pink tinted to his cheeks and he remained where he was. He looked over at him and nodded a little bit. "Yes." He said softly, giving a gentle bow to Calder. He took Luka's hand and then led the way up the stairs and to the man's dorm. He opened it up and then walked toward the cd played, knowing the other well enough and knowing music would make it better. in hopes of calming him faster, he played the cd from the concert they went to. He stayed where he was, hands linked behind his back and looking at the player while waiting for hte music, rocking back and forth on his feet.

Jade spotted his Papa rush off and he smiled. Strolling up to Murasaki, a slightly-feminine outfit upon his form, courtesy of who else, he smiled gently as he stood in fornt of him. "Hello Mr. Konani. You look nice this evening." He said, giggling gently and ignoring the fact he had punced the man in his room before the dance.​
Luka was very grateful for Eros' presence. It was nice to have someone close who knew the little things about you to help you calm down; who understood you enough to know when you needed those things to be done. He moved to the bed and after slipping his shoes off, the savant laid down on his side and let his eyes slip closed as the music started to play. He was, in the back of his mind, aware of Eros' presence and he even began to pay a bit of attention to it, which was not a usual thing for him.

Looking over the crowd of students, Murasaki smiled. They were all behaving themselves rather nicely, except for Rune of course who had tortured that poor boy. It was nice to see Calder go out to soothe that over, and even nicer to see Jade come over and speak with him. Really, it was too bad that they couldn't dance together or just stand with their arms around each other, and the purple haired man was a little jealous of all the couples around them. Still, the little makeout session in his room beforehand had almost made up for it.

"Hello, Jade. How are you? Studying your powers some more?" He knew the answers, but the questions were for the benefit of those around them, not themselves.
Eros glanced behind him at the man on teh bed. He looked at him for a while, chewing into his bottom lip as he did so. He gave te other a few minutes to feel better before he walked over to him. He crawled into the bed beside him, sitting next ot him with his rump on the back of his heels - shoes at the door of course. He looked Luka over for a while before his hand reached forward and tugged at the side of his shirt wit ha soft "Luka?" passing his lips.

Jade giggled happily and bounced upon the balls of his feet, grinning while he looked up at the other. "Yes! I'm doing very well ... I think." He said, cheeks puffing out and he glanced to the twins singing on the stage before returning his eyes to Murasaki. "Mr Konaniiii! Will you dance with me?" He asked, taking his hand and dragging him toward the dancefloor, no longer giving him an option. It was a slow song and he knew that it would not be bad. To ensure that no noe could truly have an issue with it, or think about it, he took teh formal stance. One hand pressed against the male's while his other rested against his shoulder, ignoring any looks from his Mama.​
He felt the soft dip on the bed and the tug at his shirt. Luka didn't hear his name, and it took him a few moments to pull himself far enough out of the music to react to Eros. He opened his eyes, looking up at the blond before reaching forward and tugging him to lie down next to him, Eros' back to his own front. It felt nice to lay this way with someone, especially with Eros. "I'm sorry we had to leave."

Murasaki was about to protest when he was pulled onto the dance floor. Well this could be particularly disastrous... But the formal stance was offered and he could do nothing else other than accept and step forward. He took Jade's hand in his own and rested the other one just below his shoulder blades before counting in his head to the beat. He moved to it, a formal box step with enough room between them to fit one regular sized person and one rather small one, too. "Any more colored teddy bears?"
Eros moved to lay down beside him, resting his head against his chest while he thought for a few moments. He shook his head. "I do not mind." He admitted, turning his head to rest aainst his chest, eyes tilted to look at him. He really did not. He had missed spending time with the man while his brother had been there. He remained quiet for a few moments and then turned onto his stomach beside the male, arms crossed beneath him and his eyes kept up to his. "Um ... Luka ... I know you will think I'm silly but ... Will you officially be my boyfriend? Like ... romantically and um ... Yes. Will you be my boyfriend?"

Jade thought for a while and shook his head. 'Nope! I changed my sheets colors though." He admitted, grinning happily as he thought about it. His brother had walked in after he changed it and walked back out. He did not know why every sheet on his bed was different. The stretchy was purple. The sheet-sheet was blue. One pillow was pink and the other one was green. He loved it.​
The words rolled around in Luka's head. He was a little confused by the question, really. They...were romantic with each other-they kissed and touched... They spent a lot of time together. But slowly, he was catching on that just like he needed space and little to no human contact and music, there were things that Eros needed, too. Luka didn't quite understand why confirmation was needed, but he understood that it was otherwise the question wouldn't have been asked. The dark haired man nodded that he would and closed his eyes again, not thinking anything of it. It wasn't like they would change how they acted towards each other.

"Your bedsheets?" he asked, curious. Why would one choose bedsheets? Then again, bedsheets were probably the one thing that children could change and destroy to their liking and parents really wouldn't care too much. Mura understood a bit, he supposed. "Have you tried anything else? You've been storing magic in your sapphire?"
Eros let out a relieved breath with the nod, his head flopping to rest upon the other's chest. Phew. He really was happy that the man humored him for the little confirmation tht he needed. He really needed it. It was only the little things, but he was just relieved. He leant up and pressed a kiss to the man's lips "Thank you" he whispered and then set back down. He sunk into his side, nuzzling into the male's chest while his hand began to absently twirl along his chest, mind elsewhere and where it probably should not be -- especially with pretty much the whole school nowhere near them and after being so happy about officially being boyfriends. Yep. It was not a ... proper place.

Jade nodded and let out a giggle. "They look better now." He stated, sticking his tongue out at him while he listened to the other question. He nodded, truly having been working on it. "Mhm! And I even tried using the energy to perk me up!" He said, not caring about the perverted implications. Better to act like a naive eleven-year-old, right? Seemed good in his book.​
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