Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Eros took in a shuddering breath, feeling the other pause within him. His eyes kept closed and he remained where he was for a few moments. He took in a few more breaths, especially when he felt the other pull back out. He looked up at him and he nodded a moment later with the man's question. "Y.. Yes ..." he whispered, leaning up to press a kiss to his lips, wanting the distraction badly. the man was doing very, very, very well. He was very aroused by the other's doing and he bucked up into him, groaning deeply.​
So long as he knew that the other was okay, Luka would be okay. He moved his hips in time with the music in his head, his lips attaching themselves to Eros' lips more often than not. It didn't take him very long to reach his peak, the savant burying his head into the other's neck, yelping out soft cries of pleasure as he exploded within Eros' body.
Eros loved the feel of ... everything. It all was truly wonderful and he completely adored the man even more. He liked him so, so, so much and this only made everything better. He released seconds after the other and he let out a deep moan. He took in a deep breath to relax once more and hi eyes closed with a little groan. "That ... That was ... nice." he whispered, not too sure what else to say.
Luka kept his head buried within his new lover's neck, attempting to control his breathing. He moved, his weight now next to Eros rather than on top of him and his arm flung around the blond's waist securely. He didn't know what to say or do, and so he just laid there, allowing his breathing and heart rate return to a semi-normal state.
Eros remained where he was, snuggling into the other male. A faint red tinted to his cheeks and his brething was slowly, very slowly, returning to normal. His stomach was still doing backflips and he was completely and utterly unsure of what to do. He turned onto his other side, burying his face into the front of the other's chest, nuzzling there for a few moments, relaxing against him with a little smile. "That was ... nice." He whispered, a hand resting upon the front of hte other's chest, absently drawing designs.​
Life had settled down considerably and Sergei was very grateful for that. His mother was comfortable in the guest house behind their own, Tania was growing into a lovely dog and he and Gabriel were quite happy together. He'd never thought that life could be so content and lovely, but the Russian was glad that it was.

He snuggled deeper into bed, nuzzling against his lover's chest with a happy little smile to his lips as he did so, not wanting to get out of bed just yet.
Gabriel truly was extremely happy at the moment. He was so very in love with his Sergei. He had learned a lot of Russian for him and was glad for them to be able to help the language barriers of each. IT was nice. And not to mention made Sergei happy that he had been trying to learn his language to make it easier for the boy to undertand. Prometheus was great. He let his hair flow naturally and while it attracted many looks from the other students, and he had had quite the many love-confessions, though he told them all he was happily taken, none believed him.

Staying where he was for a while, fingers delicately tracng the shoulder of the Russian at his side, he turned his head odwn to look at him with interest. Leaning down, he pressed a kiss to the boy's temple. "Sergei..." he began softly in a whisper, straightening a little and he looked down at him once more. "Would you like to get married?"​
The finger over his shoulder was lovely and he leaned into the soft touches of it. He liked being touched by Gabriel, especially because his lover's touch was always so light and wonderful and nice. It always comforted him. The Russian happily nuzzled further into the man's chest, pressing kisses over his heart and the base of his neck as he scooted closer to the man, soaking in the warmth.

Sergei looked up when his name was spoken, and it took a minute for the words to hit. Married? Men and women got married. Could they get married? His eyes lit up, knowing that Gabriel wouldn't ask him if they couldn't.

Gabriel nodded, looking down at him and he gave him a warm smile. Sergei truly was utterly adorable. He was pretty sure men did not marry other men in his country, but in Italy, and America even more, they could. He leant down and pressed a gentle kiss to the boy's lips. "Yes. We can look for rings and have a small little ceremony, just our immediate family and friends..' He knew that the other did not have many relatives, and even more so that his history would be too risky to have a big ceremony. Rune took care of it, but one never knew if it was permanent.​
A wide smile appeared on Sergei's lips and his arms were thrown around Gabriel's shoulders as the man was kissed deeply. He pressed himself tightly to his love, thrilled about being able to get married. His mother would be ecstatic, too. Sergei rolled onto his back, pulling Gabe on top of him as he kissed him, completely and utterly happy with this new development.
Gabriel blinked a few times, looking at the male and easily figuring the kisses for a 'yes'. He smiled behind their lips, kissing him back happily. His eyes kept closed and his hands slid along the sides of the Russian, glad beyond all reason that he had agreed to it. He was pretty sure he would not be denied, they did love each other, but what if he had not wanted to get married? He was very, very happy with the other's lps pressed to his, easily accepting that as their agreement.
Nearly a month had passed. They went ring shopping, and chose one that he adored almost as much as Gabriel and Tania. He wore it proudly, the Russian constantly aware of the weight on his finger, and the knowledge of it making him smile. Life went on as it had been, Sergei fully happy in their new life.

He moved into the kitchen for dinner one night, moving over to his lover and wrapped his arms around him from behind, nuzzling into the back of his neck a little. "Smells good."
Gabiel was giddy. He loved the look of the ring on Sergei's finger. It was so beautiful and he smiled everytime he saw it. He was in the process of making engagement annonucements combined with wedding invitations. He figured that the ceremony and reception could be at their home. It would be nice that way. He was happy to plan all these things and well, it was a little fun to hide it from his uncles at Prometheus. Otherwise, they would start spazzing - or at least Relic would - and tell the whole world. He did not want that.

He stood at the stove, stirring the sauce he was making when his love's arms wrapped around his form. He smiled warmly, resting his hand upon the arms wrapped around him. He looked down at the ring, his stomach doing a backflip at the sight. "Thank you." He said, turning to press a kiss to the other's lips. "There's chicken in the oven." He stated, knowing that that definitely added to the aromas.​
Looking into the sauce pans, Sergei nodded. Everything looked so delicious and the scents made his mouth water. Until, that is, his jaw dropped open. He'd only seen the type of glow once in his life, and he knew exactly what it meant. But... But it was impossible! He took a step away, trying to figure out what was going on, though it was all happening much too quickly for him.

"Your... Em... Your stomach... Why... Em... Hmm." He didn't know how to say it. He did, but Sergei's mind was racing and English wasn't coming through. "It is glowing."
Gabriel blinked a few times. He could easily sense the mood change in Sergei, purely by knowing him well enough by now. He turned to look at him, listening to what he was saying and he arched a brow in question. What was he talking about? His stomach lowing? He looked down at his stomach, pulling up the bottom of his button-down shirt and he looked at it, being sure that nothing was, in fact, there. It was bare. He looked over at the man once more. "What's the matter Sergei? My stomach is not glowing.' He said, smiling gently and he walked over and pressed a kiss to his lips. "I don't know what you're talking about." He admitted, not calling him a liar, merely stating.​
It wasn't glowing? Of course it was! It was clearly glowing a very distinct pale blue! Sergei knew that Gabriel wasn't saying he was lying, but the Russian was getting flustered nonetheless. "Накалять!" He was flustered, trying to explain what he was trying to say. "Ваше зарево зелено. Mama' s розов. Мое радуга. Плохие люди черны. НАКАЛЯТЬ!"

"Your glow is green. Mama's is pink. Mine is rainbow. Bad men are black. GLOWING!"))
Gabriel blinked a few times when he listened to the frustrated male spout the Russian at him. He got it all, quite content with himself that he had, but that was beside the point. He listened to him and he sighed heavily. He heard him tell Val that, when he was pregnant, his stomach was glowing, but it made no sense for him to be doing such a thing. he was not a demon. He did not have anything that could make it possible. He cupped the other's chin, keeping him there and looking into his eyes. "Sergei ... I get what you are saying, but it is not possible." He smiled gently and then rested his forehead against his. "I'm a man. My stomach cannot glow in that manner ... Valerius could because of his parents. I do not have that."​
"Но оно!" He was frustrated and flustered and ready to pull his hair out now. His English was gone, and now all that came out was Russian. "Оно накаляет. Я знаю разницу между зеленой и синью! Ваш живот ГОЛУБ!" He didn't know how else to say it or explain it. He wanted Gabriel to believe him, to know that he was telling the truth. But he didn't know how to accomplish such a thing.

(("But it IS!"
"It is glowing. I know the difference between green and blue! Your stomach is BLUE!"))
Gabriel stared at the man, listening to the frustrated redhead and he was definitely confused. There was no way that that could be true! No way ... Positively no way that it could be true. He was a man. He ... He could not get prenant. His jaw moved up and down for a few moments before he turned his eyes to his stomach. He pulled his shirt up once more, looking at his stomach and he rubbed against the flesh. It was blue? He stared at his stomach for a while and mumbled a simple, "But ... it's impossible" before he looked up at Sergei, his amethyst eyes completely confused.

He stayed where he was before he moved to rest against the counter behind him. one hand rested on his stomach and the other on the counter. He had been feeling a little out of it recently, and his stomach always felt weird, but he put that off to being excited about the engagement. His parents were normal! They were hu-- He went wide-eyed and looked over at Sergei. "I .. don't know who my father is.' He said, his hand on the counter lifted to rest over his lips. Maybe that was it? Yes. That had to be! His biological mother was an angel and well, her father was not capable of getting pregnant! Well, not when he was a he ... Why was he shocked about this again?

Shaking his head a little bit, his hand fell to rest at his chest, looking over at Sergei once more. "What ... what do we do? This ... I did not think this would ever happen ..."​
When realization hit that his lover believed him, Sergei gave a sigh of relief. He moved over and wrapped his arms around the man's middle, burying his face into his neck to calm himself. Never in their relationship had that question been asked of him, and Sergei simply did not have an answer. "We... Hmm. We will call Valerius." It was all he could think of to do. Val was a boy and had babies. He would know what they should do. "In the morning. Yes."
"We have to wait that long?" He mumbled, not liking the unknown. He took in a deep breath and wrapped his arms around his love's shoulders. He pulled him against his form and buried his nose into his love's hair, nuzzling a little bit while he thought. He still could not believe this happened. He never thought that he would have to think about this. He suddenly felt much closer to Julien. He shook his head and then rested against the counter behind him for a bit. "I ... am going to lay down." he whispered, still utterly confused. He kissed sergei a few more times before he emoved past him, head still spinning while he began to make his way toward their bedroom.​
He was worried about his love. Sergei quickly went to the phone and dialed Valerius' number, sighing in relief when Julien answered the phone. It took a few times of the man hanging up on Sergei to realize who it was, and that he was speaking Russian rather than gibberish, and a few more minutes to get the redhead to calm down.

"Now," Julien prompted. "Start again. Slowly. And in English."

"Gabriel. His belly glows. Like Valerius' did. But one. Not three. Please. He needs you here. Please." He was desperate to have someone here who knew what they should be doing.

Julien's breath caught and he took a moment to gather his thoughts. "Alright, Sergei. We will be there first thing in the morning." With that promise, the Frenchman hung up and moved to get his love and his children ready to travel.

Sergei moved upstairs and he crawled into bed cautiously, not sure if Gabriel wanted company or not.
Gabriel opened an eye when he spotted Sergei, his arms instantly wrapping around the redhead's form and he pulled him against his chest. Eyes fluttered closed once more and he buried his face into the crook of the man's neck. He hugged him tightly for a while and then pressed a kiss to the side of his neck. "I love you.' He whispered, just wanting to let him know. He sunk against him a bit more and took in a deep breath. His head was still spinning over this whole thing, but eventually, he calmed down enough to sleep. Sleep would be a very good thing right now.​
He breathed a sigh of relief when he was pulled to Gabriel's side, and Sergei cuddled in comfortably. The blankets were pulled from the other side of the bed and flung over them, Sergei quickly following his love into a deep sleep.

Morning came and the Russian was woken up by the doorbell. He groaned but rolled out of bed, pressing a little kiss to his lover's lips before moving downstairs to answer the door. He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Julien and Val standing there, stepping back to allow them to come in.

"He is still in bed. I will get him." The redhead lead the couple into the living room and set a kettle on for tea before moving upstairs once more. He shook Gabriel's shoulder gently. "Габриэль? Val и Julien здесь." He kept his voice soft, not wanting to jolt the other.

(("Gabriel? Val and Julien are here."))
Valerius smiled gently upon seeing Sergei, his golden eyes fluttering up to the male. He nodded and then moved to the couch, sitting down with their daughter in his lap, Julien having the two boys. He held her against his chest, the girl content with playing with her mommy's fingers and the long nails on them.

Gabriel had been sleeping nicely, rolling over only when the doorbell was rung. He heard his name called, and then the gentle shake of his shoulder followed by a mention of Julien and Val. He stayed still for a while before his amethyst eyes fluttered open to look at Sergei. He looked at him for a while before he nodded and pulled himself up from the bed. "Okay." He said gently, quickly changing into a pair of jeans and a button down shirt. He tied his hair back with a simple ribbon, knowing it would take far too much time to brush it all out right now.

Walking down the stairs, he spotted the two males, smiling gently. "Good morning.' He said simply, a hand resting at his stomach, not a little bit self-conscious about it .. and it did not help that his stomach was churning so early in the morning.​
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