Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Sergei moved downstairs, guiding his love to the sofa. Moving must upset his stomach more than the hormones would, right? Besides, Gabriel didn't look his best anyway from the shock and worry of it all, and the Russian wanted the man to rest as much as he could. He moved into the kitchen to get tea ready-regular black for himself and Val and Julien, and some mint tea for Gabriel. He sat next to his love once everything was passed around.

"What can we do?" Julien asked, not sure how to help the couple in front of them.
Gabriel sat down, glad to be able to. He took the tea, resting the rim of the cup at his bottom lip, taking in the soothing scent. He looked over at the two, listening to Julien's question and he let out a soft sigh. His eyes slipped closed and a gentle. "I do not know." passed his lips. His eyes lifted once more to look at the two, setting the cup down in his lap, both hands gently wrapped around the porcelain. "I don't know what to do or ... how this could have happened and ... I'm unsure of so much." He admitted, his forehead slowly moved to rest against the back of Sergei's shoulder, suddenly losing far too much strength.

Valerius listened to the man and he gave him a gentle smile. His thumb delicately trailed along the back of his daughter's hand, golden eyes to the male all the while. "We can give you our doctor's number. I am sure he will not mind coming here to see and help you. He can answer most of your questions, and you will need a doctor anyway ... so it will be better to see him sooner. Dr. Byrne was a great help to us." He looked over at Sergei, smiling and hoping to ease the nerves of his friend. "Everything will be okay. You two will be very happy." He giggled lightly, toes wiggling a bit and e looked down at the girl in his lap. "And Sergei only sees one aura ... So you should be even better."​
Taking both his and Gabriel's cups, he set them on the coffee table in front of them before turning his body so that he could cradle the man's head in his arm for a bit. Sergei nodded with the offer of the doctor recommendation-Valerius had never said anything bad about the man, and he knew that the doctor was the sole reason for the couple moving to Ireland. The Russian was given great comfort in that knowledge.

Julien piped in that Val was right-Dr. Byrne was the only person he would ever trust if Val were to get pregnant again, which only worked to soothe Sergei's nerves that much more. "Mmm. Yes. Yes, thank you."
Gabriel let out a gentle little laugh, looking up at Sergei, smiling a bit weakly. "My mother always wanted grandchildren." He said, laughing once more and he nuzzled into the Russian for a bit more of comfort. It was true, and prior to meeting Sergei, it had not been an issue. He had dated women and just not thought anything of not being fully attracted to them. now that he had Sergei, and was engaged, he knew there was no chance of a grandchild - other than by adoption. Though ... his parents have not met Serg-- He gasped, straightening with a hand coming to his lips as he stared wide-eyed in front of him. "Mother does not know about you!" He stated, turning to look at the boy with his utter realization. How could he have forgotten to tell her?!

Valerius squeaked with the sudden gasp, not expecting it, and more so thinking Gabriel would rush to the bathroom. He looked over at him and blinked a few times. His mother did not know about Sergei? Oh ... That was going to be ... something else to explain, huh?​
Sergei looked up and was confused. "I met your mother..." he offered. He remembered having breakfast (or some meal) with her. "Her glow... Yours... Em... They're... The same. Yes. The same." He stood up and moved over to Gabriel, hand resting at the small of the man's back. "You are okay, Габриэль?"
Gabriel listened to the other and he shook his head a little bit. "You met Miss Lily ... She is my birth mother." He stated, eyes to the male beside him. "My adoptive mother you have not met." Well, at the very least, he had something new to distract himself with... and the reaction on his mother's face should be interesting. He looked back to Sergei, giving him a gentle smile. "Miss Lily was young when she had me ... so she gave me to my parents that I grew up with."​
He scrunched his nose, trying to figure it out. Sergei understood, though, when Gabriel mentioned adoption. "Oh." He nodded and rested his head on his lover's shoulder, nuzzling there for a minute. He was content now that they knew what they were going to do and how they were going to handle the situation. "She will come and have dinner, then."
Gabriel nodded, thinking for a little before he nodded again at his thoughts. "Yes. I believe they are in Spain ... Or possibly France. I cannot remember, but they are merely a train away." He confirmed, kissing the temple of his love and he then turned to look at the two, having forgotten about them a little. "Sorry. But ... thank you, you two." He smield warmled and then tilted his head down to look at Sergei. "Do you want to tell them?"
he questioned in Russian, nudging the redhead's ring finger as a hint of what he meant.
He still got little tingles when Gabriel spoke Russian to him. It wasn't perfect Russian, but the fact that the man had learned such a difficult language simply to communicate with him and his mother better meant a great deal to the redhead. Sergei leaned up and kissed his lover, nuzzling over his cheek a bit before pulling back enough to look at the other couple who were seated next to them and across from them.

"We are... Em... Hmm..." He couldn't think of the English word for "engaged." So, he said it in Russian and held his left hand out. "Мы включены."

(("We are engaged."))
Gabriel smiled, happy to kiss the male back, sighing softly and he remained silent while the other attempted to tell the two of their news. A gentle sigh passed his lips and he rested his head against Sergei's side, listening to him speak and eventually go back to Russian. He leant up and whispered a soft, "engaged" into his ear for future knowledge.

Valerius blinked a few times, looking at the ring and then hearing Gabriel and he took in a sharp breath. "Engaged!?" He beamed instantly and stood up, resting the girl on his hip and he walked over to the two, wrapping his arms around the two and hugging them happily. "Congratulations!" He said, overjoyed for the two.​
Sergei blushed profusely with the hug and the excitement of Val. The redhead whispered a soft 'thank you', and accepted the kiss that Julien gave both to him and to Gabriel with his own 'congratulations'. Once everyone was over the shock and initial excitement, Sergei settled back into his lover's side, resting his head on the man's shoulder while being careful not to put pressure on his already weak stomach. He didn't want Gabriel to be sick, after all.
Gabriel wrapped his arms around Sergei's waist once the Russian was released from Val's grasp. He rested his head against his, very worn out mentally. He would have to call his mother sooner rather than later. He did not want to have her be frightened when she walked in and her son had a bit bump in his belly. That would be rather ... bad. He closed his eyes and let out a soft little sigh, hugging him a bit more before relaxing once more. "Thank you ... both." He whispered, lifting his eyes to the two.

Valerius smiled warmly at the two. "You are more than welcome, Gabriel." He stated, holding their daughter [IFORGOTHERNAME] against his hip and his eyes moved to the two. "I am here to help you. Call if you have any questions that you do not wish to ask Doctor Byrne. He is very easy to talk with, though." He smiled warmly, walking to the two and kissing their cheeks again. "oh, I am so excited for you two!"​
Tanner was dreading how Relic would react. Calder had told him Sergei and Gabriel's news, and while the blond was overly happy for the couple, he knew that his own lover would be less than thrilled. They hadn't heard back from either adoption agency, or the lawyer and they had not found another woman who they liked and trusted enough to surrogate for them. Tanner moved over to their home to get Relic-Sergei and Gabriel were looking for him to tell him the good news.

"Relic?" he called out, moving through the house.
Relic perked up when he heard his love calling for him. He skipped his way to the other, giggling as he did so. His arms wrapped around his love's neck and he hung form his neck with a pleasant smile. He kissed his lips with a gentle little giggle. "Yes, my love?" He asked, smiling in his utter entertainment. He loved him so very much. He kissed him once more, resting his chin on his chest.​
For the first time ever, it broke Tanner's heart to know how happy Relic was at the moment, because he was going to have to dash that mood. The blond wrapped his arms around Relic's waist and nuzzled his cheek softly, trying to gather the courage to tell him that Gabe and Sergei were waiting to speak with him. He took a deep breath, and a little nip to the man's neck before knowing that he had to speak up. "Gabriel and Sergei are here-over with Rune and Calder. They... Wanted you to come over." His heart broke.
Relic giggled happily and pressed a kiss to his love once more. He took his hand, lacing their fingers together while he made his way toward the other side of the house. He really did not see any reason to not go. So, he made his way there, seeing them in the living room and he smiled all the more. "hey!" He said happily, walking over and giving them hugs before he moved over to the chair, plopping down with a happy little sight.
Tanner moved back into the home, giving a weak little smile to both Rune and Calder as he sat on the sofa and pulled Relic down into his lap. He held his love around the waist and nuzzled along the back of his neck as they greetings were given and returned between Relic and the happy couple. When he couldn't stand it any longer, the blond spoke up. "So what'd you want to talk to Relic about, Gabriel?" His grip tightened on his husband, hoping to hold back some of the force that he was sure would come.
Gabriel looked over at the other two and he gave a warm smile. He glanced to his love before looking over at Relic once more. "well ... Sergei and I are engaged." he stated, seeing his uncle utterly beam. He smiled gently, his fingers laced with Sergei's, thumb trailing along the back of his hand and he sighed softly. His eyes slipped closed and he remained where he was, letting the knowledge sink in a little before a deep breath pulled into his lungs. "And ... I am um ... pregnant."

Relic froze. Mid-smile, he just stopped. His eyes stared at Gabriel and he was annoyed. He could not even be mad at Gabriel. He knew that the man had no idea what the hell was happening anymore than he did. He still was pissed though. He took in a deep breath and pulled, more so forced, Tanner's arms away from his form. "Excuse me." he whispered, standing up and he was about to storm off before he turned to the two and gave a little bow of his head. "Congratulations on your engaement and future child. I just ... excuse me.' He turned on his heel and then out the door he went, leaving the group and just needing to not be there at the moment. He could not stand this and he just could not believe how cruel the world could be to him. RUNE, a legitimate asshole, has children ... yet he had nothing!​
Even though he'd saw it coming, Tanner's heart still shattered. He took a deep breath as he watched his husband walk away, and Sergei's face drop. Tanner knew what the Russian was thinking and he reached over to pat the redhead on the knee. "He's happy for you," he assured. "Just... We still haven't heard anything so he's a bit jealous and upset with fate." He smiled a little and excused himself with a soft congratulations to the two.

"Relic?" Tanner once more moved through their own home, looking for his lover. "Relic where are you?"
The man currently had a big suitcase open and he was tossing pretty much his whole closet into it, or at least a normal person's closet. It was not much of his, but it would be more than enough for a month, for a normal person. He ignored the man and continued to throw everything into the trunk, cursing under his breath. He growled, eventually sending his foot through one of the walls. "I CANT STAND THIS!" He yelled and turned to look at Tanner finally. "This is fucking bull shit! EVERYONE but us. EVERYONE!" He growled and then threw more things into the trunk. "What's next?! Raphael and Caden will find a baby at their doorstep?" He hissed under his breath and then slammed the trunk closed, throwing it onto the ground before he picked up another one, beginning to throw all of Tanner's clothes into that one now.​
Tanner stood back, simply watching. Until, that is, the foot went through the wall. He gave a little sigh and then moved up behind his husband, wrapping his arms around Relic from behind, trapping the twin's own arms at his side. "Stop for a minute." The blond moved around to face the other man and then pulled him into a proper hug, wanting nothing more than to take his pain away.

"Why are you packing?" he finally asked, needing a distraction.
Relic took in another deep breath when his love hugged him. He kept his eyes closed for a while and he really wanted to scream right now. He then listened to the question, pulling the other's arms away from his form. He moved and took out a few more things of his lover's, tossing them into there as well. "We're going on vacation." He stated, continuing his motions of packing up, not caring about wrinkles. He could deal with them later. "I'm not sure where, but we're leaving here." He thew another shirt into the trunk.​
The answer confused him greatly, but Tanner pushed that away. If getting away was what Relic needed to help him deal with the emotions of not yet having a child when it seemed that everyone else around them did, then that was what they would do. The blond interrupted his love once more to kiss him with a great deal of passion before stepping back and nodding. "I'll go talk to Nikkos and Tomias." They would need someone to cover their classes for them. "And call the airlines. Get us on the first flight out." Who cared where they went? It was apparent that Relic didn't.
Relic kissed him back, though not really enthused about it. Not at the moment. He was still very annoyed. He looked over at the man and shook his head. "No. I'm calling Daddy and I'm stealing his bloody plane." Hei nformed him and then tossed a few more items inside, looking over at Tanner. "I think we're going south." He informed him, thinking a little bit outloud to himself. He just wanted to o somewhere nice. They went to a lot of places on their honeymoon, and he did not want to go back. Maybe the Caribbean or something. He did not know. Somewhere nice was all he wanted. "OH!" He perked up, mid-toss of one of Tanner's shirts. "Austrailia!"​
He nodded. While still not comfortable with his husband's or his in-law's wealth, Tanner knew that this was not the time to say so. He simply kissed his love's cheek with a soft 'whatever you want, sweetheart' before moving off to talk to Nikkos about their absence.

The headmaster seemed to understand and assured Tanner that of course their classes would be covered and waiting for them when they returned. He hoped Relic was feeling better soon, too.

Once back at the house, Tanner began the small stuff: gathering bank cards, passports, identification, cell phones and toiletries. He packed another bag for the last and put the others into a backpack, along with a few books to read on the plane. The blond made sure that everything was unplugged, and that Calder knew they were leaving, and that everything was locked up tight, despite their being family all around to keep an eye on things. He was simply OCD about such things. Only when he was sure he had everything did he return to the bedroom.
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