Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

The house wasn't anything like what Tanner had pictured in his head, but it was nice nonetheless. He wrapped his arms around Relic's middle once they were alone inside and nuzzled along his neck a little bit. "I think that I love you more than you know," he answered with a little nip to the sensitive flesh. They stood like that for a while before the blond stepped back and took one of the trunks, heading for the bedroom. The sooner that they unpacked meant that they could relax much sooner, too.

"Wanna go shopping?" he called out, already knowing his husband's answer but still hoping to hear the enthusiasm in the man's voice.
Relic lifted up the rest of their things, following the other obediently into the bedroom. He set them down on the gruond and then perked up instantly. Shopping?! He squealed softly, turning and bounding toward the man, wrapping his arms around his neck and planting a firm kiss to his lips." Oooh! You know the way to a man's heart!" He chimed happily, kissing him once more and he nodded. "Yes! I want to shop!" He gripped him tighter and then returned to one of the trunks, looking at everything inside and he then began to take the things out, heading to the closet and putting up everything. Coming out in a different outfit - white skirt, turquoise tank top, and white boots.

He giggled once more, utterly ecstatic. He easily put all of their clothes away, definitely on hyper-drive for right now. He wanted to get everything nice and settled so that they could shop. And add more to their luggage, but they would shop!

It took him a little under an hour to put away everything, hang them up, fold them nicely, whatever. Once the trunks were emptied, he put them in the corner of the closet then turned and pounced onto his husband's back. 'Let's go shopping! You can buy me something pretty... or slinky.' He nipped the side of his neck at the suggestion, smirking a little in his amusement as he did so. "or maybe something kinky." He grinned and kissed the area he nipped.​
"Or all three?" he asked with a little laugh, holding onto his lover and hugging him tightly. He loved when Relic was light this. It made his heart soar to know that his husband was happy. Relic was kissed and then released, the blond taking his hand and moving for the door. The beach wasn't far from the middle of town-it'd be a nice walk after having sat in the plane for hours, and then the cab to get to the house. Besides, the air was warm and the sunshine seemed to breathe new life into the man by his side.

They reached the shopping district within a half hour, strolling idly and slowly. The blond looked down the street both ways and then headed to the left to walk up it, letting Relic pick which stores they went into.
Relic was definitely happier now that they were in a sunnier place, and even better, away from those that caused him issues. He loved everyone dearly, but he could not stand how they were getting what he wanted most, without even wanting it! He sighed softly, pushing the thoughts away and purely focussing on the task at hand - shopping until he dropped!

He looked around a bit before spotting a lingerie store. He grinned and entangled his fingers with Tanner's, pulling him off toward the store. "How about we start with slinky?" He teased, looking over at him and he leant up to press a kiss to his lips. He giggled lightly while he moved into the store, smiling to the cashier who seemed just a bit confused about the two that walked in. Relic was feminine-looking and well, he could pass for a flat-chested female if he really wanted to. He never did. He just liked his feminine clothing and who didn't love a little lingerie?​
After shopping with Relic for however long they'd been together, Tanner was pretty used to the odd looks that they usually got when entering lingerie stores, and women's clothing boutiques. The blond simply gave the clerk a warm smile and a little wave before allowing himself to be lead through the store to whatever Relic seemed to find interesting. Tanner picked up a few things here and there: lacy panties that cut up across his lover's rear end, and a pair that were sure to define the rest of him perfectly, handing them off to his husband to either buy or put back, whichever he wanted. Tanner was never sure what would be comfortable for Relic.

They spent nearly an hour browsing before the blond was sure that they had looked at everything...five times. "Ready?"
Relic had a good twenty, probably more, items in his hand. He only put back one or two of the things his love suggested, mostly due to aesthetics. He may not have liked the color or there was a bow in an odd place - those type of things. He looked down at all his items then looked over at his love, thinking for a bit. He nodded after a moment. "Yup!" He smiled and made his way toward the cashier, setting the items down and then slipping a hand into Tanner's back pocket to get his wallet and take out his credit card that he stashed in there - since he could not really hold anyhting in his outfits. "Think we should get some panties for Sergei?" he asked before thinking a little then looked over at Tanner once more. "Though, I suppose for Gabriel to wear would be more appropriate ... considering their circumstances and well... the fact that obviously Gabe is not on top."​
"Sweetheart, that is most definitely a mental image I did not need nor want." He pressed a kiss to Relic's temple as he paid for the panties that he'd picked out for himself, the blond taking the bag from the still confused clerk. "And if you're still compelled to buy them such things, you can come back on your own." He bumped his hip against his husband as they moved out into the sunshine once more, walking down the street towards whatever shop Relic wanted to go into next.
Relic pouted a bit, not too sure what to get them. They needed an engagement gift and then one for the new baby! The baby, he could make a blanket ... or perhaps a more universal-gender outfit. Or wait to find out the gender then make the outfit but the blanket make no matter what. Hm.He did not know what to do! He needed to make up for being such a jerk to them. He felt horrible. Maybe buy them a honeymoon! Agian, they will have a child.

He sighed heavily, resting his head against his love's shoulder while they left, a pout to his lips. "What should we get them? It's hard without knowing gender." He murmured, lacing their fingers and then dragging the male into a goth-type store. He just liked to look at everything, their skirts were nice too... and corsets. For inspiration and for purchasing.​
"You'll know it when you see it, Relic." Tanner never forced anything, especially gift buying. There was no need to. When you found the perfect item, you would know. He kissed his lover's head as they walked into the store, this time the bag from the lingerie store gaining them odd looks. Tanner just shrugged it off and moved through the store with Relic, gaining inspiration that he could put to use later that night.

He moved over to the jewelry case, looking at the different rings and studs. Smiling, he'd proved his point to himself when he saw a belly ring which he purchased for Relic before he made his way back over to his lover.
Relic let his love go and then wandered around the store, picking up a few things before he rested a nice red plaid corset against his chest. He took that, knowing many different bottoms that would look lovely with it. He then spotted a nice pair of purple jeans, a few accessories to match both jeans and corset, bit of other htings, and then after a good forty-five minutes of wandering the store, bthering Tanner to what he liked or not, he once more was at the register. He smiled, setting the items down and he took the card from Tanner's wallet, paying and thanking the cashier kindly before he began to make his way out .

"Where to now? Something for you?" He asked, turning to his husband. He definitely was cooled down now. though, they should probably go eat.​
Tanner gave his opinion when it was asked for, but generally just followed the other around the store. He was content to let Relic make clothes for him whenever he felt like it. It amazed him how the man could wipe through nearly three hundred dollars inside of two hours, but really he knew that he shouldn't be. As they left the store, Tanner handed over the bag which held Relic's present.

"I think you should open your gift."
Relic perked up. Gift for him?! He beamed instantly, taking the box from him and then handed over his bags so that he could properly open it up. He bounced a little before relaxing once more. He opened up the box, looking at the ring and squealing in glee. "I LOVE IT!" He chimed, leaning forward and pressing a firm, passionate kiss to the man. "I love you!" he giggled and then folded up the bottom of his corset, not caring that they were in the middle of the street. He undid the screw atop his ring and then slid the new one in. His old placed into the box and put in a bag before he made sure the new one was secure. He squealed happily as he looked at it, wiggling his hips as he did so. " I love it!" He giggled and kissed him once more.​
Tanner beamed. He loved making Relic happy, especially with such little things like body jewelry. He wrapped his arm around his husband's waist as they walked, the blond resting his head against Relic's a little bit. "How about lunch? Then we can look for something for me to buy." He nodded towards the cafe that they were coming up on. "I'm hungry."
Relic smiled warmly, kissing his love again and then beginning to make his way down the street. His fingers laced with his and he was utterly thrilled right now. He looked at the cafe and nodded, his stomach truly starting to feel far too empty. He made the way toward the cafe, finally straightening from leaning against him. He smiled at the hostess, saying a simple "two" and then following her to the table. He set all his bags into the one side of the booth, sliding in after his purchases and glad to look at hte menu.​
They were seated and Tanner was glad to be rid of the bags for the time being. He happily sat across from the other man and ordered their lunches, chatting while waiting for the food to arrive. "So what's the plan?" he asked now that Relic was a bit calmer. "For when we get back home, I mean." He didn't really have any ideas other than pestering the adoption agencies a bit more, but really there wasn't much that either could do. There was a long list of people waiting to adopt, and many of them came before himself and his husband.
Relic looked over at his husband, listening to the question and he sighed softly. His shoulders lifted into a shrug, an elbow resting on the counter and his chin in his palm. "Nothing." He said, sighing once more. His eyes slipped closed and he slid his hand to rest at the back of his neck, cheek resting against the inside of his arm. He thought for a few moments before he opened his eyes to look at his love. "We really can't do anything ... short of kidnapping a child. And while I may have the middle name for it, I do not really want to do that."​
He sighed a little, knowing that he wanted to do something to help his lover feel better, but also knowing that he just couldn't. There wasn't anything that he could do. He felt helpless, really. "It'll work out." It was a pathetic comfort, or probably not really a comfort at all. But it was all that he could offer Relic at the moment, because really he knew that the other man was right. Their food came and saved them from the painful conversation, though it was still on Tanner's mind as they ate.
Relic sighed heavily, glad to have theirfood so that he could have a bit of a distraction. He ate with a bit of conversation in between mouthfuls, telling the other how excited he was for their little getaway. Thinking about what they should do the next day -- things of that sort.

Lunch finished, they paid, and then back to the streets it was. Bags back into Relic's hands while he searched the stores to try and find something his love may like. He moved into one store that caught his eye, dragging his husband inside with him while he began to walk through the racks of clothes, trying to think about what would look good on his lover. He really did not mind buying things, he just had more fun creating the clothes he wore.

Giggling could be heard a little ways off, a ruby-eyed brunette was hiding himself behind a rack of clothes, black wings fluttering behind him while he looked at someone a little ways off, the boy utterly grinning while he waited for his cue.​
Tanner was happy to walk from shop to shop with Relic. It was a mundane thing that he hadn't really taken full advantage of before, and he was sorry that he hadn't. Spending time with Relic was always most important to him. As they moved through the next store, the blond fingered through some clothes, looking for something that would make a good base pattern for Relic to make him something out of. A white shirt was too plain, and the others were just...not his style. He picked up the white one though and moved around the store, trying to find inspiration.

A double of the boy hiding in the racks was slinking around, trying to stay unnoticed. When the two men walked in, though, he knew that they'd found their perfect targets. He kept an eye on them both, waiting for the perfect time before nodding to his brother, blowing a kiss at him.
Romulus looked over at his brother, seeing the cue and he grinned. Leaping forward, he pushed the racks in front of him over and then stood up instantly, gasping as the clothes fell upon the man in the skirt. "I am sooooo sorry!" He said, his breath caught in his throat and he loked around. "I did not mean to!" Of course, ti was a lie. They had fun making others jump, and see their reactions.
Tanner heard the loud crash and was immediately by his husband's side. "Are you okay?" The boy who had done it, and the matching boy who had come out of no where were ignored for the minute as the blond inspected Relic for any sort of injury. Sure, the other man could heal himself but that didn't make Tanner any less worried.

Once sure that Relic was okay, he turned to the now two boys with a rather stern look on his face. "You ought to be more careful." He growled.

Remus was glad that the blond's back was to him as he was having a hard time keeping a straight face. "Really, mister. He's sorry." He made a funny face at his twin.
Relic tried to tell the man he was okay, not wanting him to get worried over nothing. It was not big deal. It almost got his feet, but he moved away just in time. He patted Tanner, pushing him away just a little. He looked from one matching boy and to the other - instantly, he was reminded of himself and Rune. The thought actually made him smile. Oh, he remembered torturing innocent bystanders. Being forced to shop with their mother, or bored after school.

"Really, really sorry!" Romulus said, his eyes to teh ground, ignoring his brother. If he looked at him, he definitely would end up giggling or laughing or ... anything. Especially with the faces the other made to him. He could be so mean!

Relic shook his head, his hands moved to his knees and he bent over to look at the two, smiling gently. "If you really want to get a reaction ... I vote for either faking your own injury or jumping out at someone." He straightened once more, eyes still to the two with a warm smile plastered to his lips. "And if those don't work, mess with people because you're identical. You could probably make people think that they're going insane. Wear something identical then just be in two different places." he winked before he turned to Tanner, smiling even more. "ready?"​
Remus' mouth dropped open as Tanner only shook his head at his husband. As the couple walked off, the twin moved over to his brother. "Why couldn't the house mother be like that?!" They were good ideas and he was sure that they would put them to good use on their next 'field trip'. And it looked like this one was coming to a quick end.

"Remus!" He cringed at the old lady's voice. "Romulus! What on Earth do I have to do? Chain you to the orphanage?!"
Relic giggled happily, turning to look at his love and he pressed a kiss to the blond's cheek. "I feel it necessary to share my wisdom with the younger generations." he winked happily and hugged him once more, definitely better and he was so very happy. He gripped him and kissed him a few more times until he heard the woman calling at the two. Orphanage? He perked up and ... could not resist.

Walking up to the woman, have gave her a warm and friendly smile. "Excuse me..." He began, lightly tapping her shoulder and he gave her a truly pleasant smile. "Um ... They're from an orphanage?"​
Tanner's head spun. One minute Relic was beside him and the next... Well the next he wasn't. The blond turned around to see him speaking with the woman, and only then did it click in his head what his husband was attempting to do. He moved over to stand next to the other man, listening in on the conversation, and catching hold of one of the twin's shirt collar when he attempted to slink away. "This will likely be to your benefit so I'd stay put," he warned quietly.

Looking up, the woman eyed the new pair in front of her. "Yes." Her tone was cold and rather short. "And they need to learn how to stay there!" She glared at the twins.

Remus meeped when his shirt collar was caught tightly, pouting that he was being made to stay where they were. This was no fun.
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