Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

"Ugh!" Tanner turned and started walking towards where he thought the two might have gone. He was thankful that the stores had their doors open, because it allowed him to hear the commotion going on in one.

"Now wait a minute!" a woman said. "Do not try to tell me again that you do not want this shirt! You just told me that you did!"

"Ma'am, I don't know what you're talking about. I do not like the color-- Hi Dad." Tanner had walked in to find Remus speaking, and he knew by the conversation that Romulus wasn't far off. He gave a stern look to the boy.

Relic followed and sighed heavily. He walked inside, transferring all the bags to one of his hands and then spotted the brunette instantly. He walked over to him, scooping him up and draping Romulus on his shoulder before he walked to the other two, setting him down onto the ground beside Remus, resting a hand on the other's head. "Miss, this ... is the sourceo f your confusion.' He sighed heavily and gave a soft bow of his head. "I apologize for them." He stated, truly feeling bad since he was the one to give them the idea. Whoops!

Romulus pouted and stuck his tongue out at the man. "Daddy's mean." he murmured, truly teasing ad the smile he wore showed that. He looked back at his brother and then to the woman in front o them, smiling a little bit more.​
The woman's eyes went back and forth between the twins. She sighed in relief, glad to know that she wasn't going crazy. Tanner nudged Remus who, after a little bit of a pout, sighed. "We're sorry."

The blond shook his head a little, ruffling the boy's hair. "Very sorry. If there's anything we can do to make it up to you, please don't hesitate." The woman looked them over, reading them easily. They were obviously a new family, and she got the residual stress from the older dark haired man. It was going away, but she knew that it had been there. It was the 'price' of being an empath.

"Lunch might be nice," she answered with a sweet smile. Tanner didn't hesitate before agreeing that lunch would be wonderful.
Romulus was in sync with his brother and his head tilted to his feet, wiggling his toes and he wordlessly took the bags back from Relic's hands and then held them against his torso, slowly lifting his eyes back up to the woman. Lunch? Oh! They were going to go out to lunch?! That ... That would be so nice! He grinned and turned to look at his brother, hoping he got the same thoughts that he had.

Relic smiled warmly at the woman and then rested a hand on top of Romulus' head, pulling back the brown locks from his eyes and ruffling the hair gently. "Lunch would be great.' He said, glancing to the time and then back to the woman. "Would you like now or a little later? I'm not sure when you get off ." he let out a little laugh, smiling warmly. One hand on Remus' shoulder and the other still rested upon the other twin's head, being sure they did not leave them again,​
Remus' hand linked with his twin's, the two standing very close to each other and watching the scene play out. They'd never been out to lunch before! Some orphanages took day trips out and took the kids to a restaurant as a treat, but the one that they had been at was too big to do something like that. He hated to admit that he was very excited! The brunette squeezed the other male's hand excitedly, hoping the woman's answer was 'now'.

Feeling the excitement coming from the two boys, she looked at her watch. It was nearing noon now. Closing the shop five minutes early wouldn't hurt anything! "Now would be lovely. If you'll give me two minutes to make up a sign then we can be on our way."
Romulus beamed when the woman said now - having been thinking the same as his twin. He grinned instantly and turned to look at Remus, smiling all the more. Their first day free of the orphanage, and into a new family, and it was already so perfect! They got so many new clothes and well, a lot of stuff! And then they got to go out to lunch now too! What more could they ask for?

Relic smiled warmly and nodded. "Of course. We'll wait outside.' He said simply, turning the two boys and leading them out and onto the sidewalk. He sighed heavily once they were outside, pinching their cheeks softly as their 'punishment'. He moved in front of them, croushing down with the bags crossed over his legs. He looked at the two and shook his head just a little bit. "You two cannot run off, okay? We don't know this area and we don't know where to begin looking for you. I, and Tanner, do not want to lose you." He smiled warmly and then pressed a kiss to each of their foreheads, standign back up with a light sigh.​
Tanner followed the three outside, nodding with Relic's words. "And the next time you do run off, there will be leashes waiting for you when you get back." He was only half kidding. He'd seen a few stores that sold kiddie harnesses and he wouldn't hesitate to go back and buy two simply to embarrass the two as their punishment. He ruffled their hair a little and took a couple of bags from Relic just as the woman exited the shop, locking the door behind her.

"Where to?" Tanner asked happily, glad to have a knowledgeable local to direct them to good food.

"Hmmm... Well. There's a lovely little diner just down the street from here." Nodding, the blond herded the twins in that direction, falling into step with the woman.

"I'm Tanner," he finally introduced himself. "My husband, Relic, and The Monsters." He winked at the twins. "Romulus and Remus."
Relic smiled when his love took some of the bags, standing beside him just as the woman exited. He gave her a lovely smile and little wave. "hello.' he said pleasantly, moving behind the twins and being sure that the boys stayed with them. He doubted they would leave anytime soon, but he just wanted to be sure. He did not like not having them with them. He had been worried they ran away because they did not want to be with them. He really was not ready to have his dreams crumbled once more.

Arriving to the restaurant the woman suggested, Relic opened the door, allowing the woman and the rest of his family to go in first, following after them once he was sure the twins were inside as well.​
They were seated quickly. Celeste sat on the inside of the large booth, between the twins with their fathers flanking either end. She was sure it was to ensure that the two boys didn't disappear once again. "So why the stress?" She was a straight forward woman, and curious.

Tanner's eyebrows shot up at the question. "I'm sorry?"

"Stress. There is residual stress. Mainly from Relic, but from the both of you." After another blank stare from the blond, she laughed. "I'm an empath, dear."

Relic arched a brow when the woman asked them the question. He turned to look at her, just as shocked as his husband. He remained where he was and nodded at the explination to how she knew. He sighed softly and set back against the booth a little bit, his arms wrapped around his lower torso and he let out a gentle laugh. "It's ... a bit of a long story." He admitted, turning his eyes to Celeste and smiling gently to the woman. "Basically, everyone around us have gotten children when they did not want to, yet Tanner and I who have wanted one ... could not even get an adoption agency to think about us. We tried a surrogate but it had not worked out." He sighed heavily, easily having quite the sadenned demeanor to him.

He took in a deep breath and looked at Remus beside him, smiling happily and ruffling the teen's hair. "Now we have these two, though. So ... " He glanced over to Tanner for confirmation of his words before once more back to the woman. "We can more so think about getting a surrogate. My brothers and nephew are going to have newborns ... so I think it would be nice to have another little baby for them to grow up with."​
The woman nodded, understanding completely. The idea was in her head in an instant, but she kept it to herself for the time being. They were nice, yet she didn't know them properly enough to offer such a thing. She would think on it for a little while.

Remus went a little wide eyed. Weren't they enough of a handful? Neither he nor Romulus had even begun to think that their new fathers would want more children. But having someone to tease and love and take care of would be nice, too... He wasn't really sure what he thought about having a baby sibling but he supposed that it wasn't their choice, it was their fathers'.

Tanner nodded, agreeing. "Yes. I think we will use our vacation to get settled in with Remus and Romulus, and when we get back home perhaps begin the search for a surrogate." It sounded like the best plan to him. They would need some time to get to know each other.
Relic smiled warmly and look at Remus, catching the bit of a change in his expression, if only for a brief moment. He laughed lightly and ruffled the boy's hair playfully. "Don't worry. It will be a long while until there is a baby in the house. You have, at minimum, a good year until then." He smiled and leant over to press a kiss to the top of his head before settling back, happy at the moment. He shook his head a bit, finally looking down at his menu to try and find what he wanted to eat. He looked over everything and then closed the menu to look back over at Tanner, smiling gently.

Romulus looked over at his brother and then lifted his eyes to Relic when he spoke. He nodded a little, smiling weakly and he then turned his attention back to the menu. There was so much to choose from!​
They ordered, and Remus excused himself to go to the restroom.

"So Celeste. How long have you lived in Australia?"

"Hmmm... About...ten years now I suppose." Tanner nodded and the conversation went on, the woman confessing that she'd lived all over the world, including Italy. It was a nice conversation and Tanner was immensely interested in the woman.
Romulus perked up when his brother left, looking over in his direction and he blinked a few times. A soft, 'excuse me' passed his lips as well before he slid under the table and hopped on out to go find his brother and just waht the other was doing, curious about it.

Relic smiled through the conversation, asking her about things here and there in Italy, what she liked most about it, things of that sort. He giggled gently and beamed even more. "I love it in Italy! I mean, Rune and I have been there because of his suits and whatnot ... but never stayed this long nand in the part we are in." He smiled all the more and let out a happy little sigh. "it's so nice! Prometheus is fantastic!" He chimed and looked over at her once more, smiling completely. "You should visit there some time! You do have powers, apparently. Hell, you and Sergei may even get along." He laughed softly and then smiled all the more.​
"Sergei?" she questioned, unsure of who the man was and just why they would get along so well. She was curious. "Well I've never been to that part of Italy but perhaps when I'm ready to move again I shall look into it..."

Tanner beamed at the answer, truly liking the woman. He opened his mouth to say something else when their food arrived. Looking around, he raised an eyebrow. "It looks like we've lost our twin Houdini's once more..." He groaned and excused himself, setting off to find the twins.

Remus giggled as he slipped into the kitchen, amused that no one noticed him. He moved a few plates around and switched a few tickets, giving a soft 'oops' when a good deal of sugar fell onto someone's plate.
Relic nodded, forgetting that well, anyone here would not know who he was talking about. He smiled a little bit more. "He is .. well, he'll wind up my nephew-in-law, technically. He can sense auras and so he can tell one's mood by that." He smiled a little more and shook his head. 'He's very timid. He's adorable!" He lauhed pleasantly, watching Tanner go off and he sighed heavily. He really needed to get used to watching those two better. He shook his head and turned his attention back to hte woman. "You should visit sometime, at the very least."

Romulus watched his brother and then snuck around the kitchen himself. He switched the salt and sugar, added some jalapenos to some soup that was being made with some hot sauce too. Added a bit of cream here, some wine there ... All in all, he felt very accomplished in his additions.​
He wasn't sure what made him head towards the kitchen-instinct he supposed-but Tanner was glad that he did. With a little huff, he took both twins by the arms and lead them out the front door of the restaurant, plopping them down onto a near by bench. Remus opened his mouth to protest, but the look of disappointment on the blond's face shut him up pretty quickly. He let his head lower, a slight pout to his lips.

"Okay. Time for our first heart to heart." The blond sat on the ground in front of the boys, feet flat on the ground in front of him so that his knees were bent and his arms wrapped around his legs. "Why do you do such things?"
Romulus squeaked when he was pulled out of the kitchen, pouting when he and his brother were moved to the bench. He sat down beside him,his eyes briefly looking up at the blond before tilting down to his feet as well. His eyes kept to his hands that were fidgetting with the top of his pants. He shrugged his shoulders a little with the question asked to him. "Because ... " He began, trying to think about it and he looked at his brother, not too sure whether or not he wanted to say it.
Remus had been about to speak when the word came from his brother and so he paused, only for Romulus to pause, too. Looking at his twin, he shrugged his shoulders and nudged the other a bit to go ahead. Really, there was no reason to keep it from them, right? It would only come out sooner or later he figured. And it wasn't as if their new parents were stupid, either.

"Well... At first it was because it made that woman you first talked to in the store about us mad. She wasn't ever mean to us, but she didn't like us..." Remus shrugged, too. "And then more kids came and...we were ignored."
Romulus looked at his brother, nodding with the things he was saying. His eyes moved to his pants for a little before lifting to their Dad once more. "And when we were ignored for the cuter and younger kids ... We just started to mess with other people .. and we were not ignored any longer." He stated, turning his eyes once more to his pants, toes poking at the dirt on the ground in front of them. "Being yelled at ... it was better than being ignored."​
Tanner sighed, sort of expecting the answer but hoping that he was wrong. The blond shook his head before looking up at the two boys. "Alright. Fair enough-honest. But no more, okay? Relic and I... We loved you instantly. Everything that you would think a parent should or does feel for their children just was the minute we signed those papers. So if we're not giving you the amount of attention you're looking for, just say it." He studied the twins, but wanted to really get it across to them.

"Whatever you did in there-what happens if someone is allergic? And Celeste-what would you have done if she was prone to an emotional breakdown and the stunt you two pulled had just pushed her over the edge? Or if the rack really had fell on top of Relic?"
Romulus lifted his eyes to the other male once more, looking at him and he nodded a bit to what he was saying. "Okay..." He said gently, looking back into the restaurant and then to his brother. He took a hold of Remus' hand, tugging him up from the bench a little. "Let's go apologize ... Yes?" Hee asked, truly feeling bad at the moment. The allergies were what got him. He did not want someone to die because of something he did. While they only messed with seasonings and some cream and whatnot, he did not know. There were weird allergies out there.​
Tanner stood and brought both boys into a tight hug, kissing the tops of their heads before letting go. "Yes, I think an apology sounds like a very appropriate thing." He ruffled the twins' hair as they moved back into the cafe, Remus clutching his brother's hand tightly. He really couldn't wrap his mind around someone wanting to give them attention. Why would they want to? But he would voice that to Romulus when they were alone...

Inside the cafe Tanner returned to the table while the twins went up to the hostess and asked for the manager.
Romulus gripped his brother's hand tightly, his fingers laced between his and he stood very close to the male. Their shoulders touching, almost overlapping he was that close. He waited for the manager to arrive before he gave a sincere apology to the man and told him of the dishes that he had messed with. His eyes kept closed, not wanting to look at the man, very concerned about being scolded by this man. He did not mind their Dad lecturing him. wlel, he did ... which was a little weird. Normally, he did not mind it, but when Dad did it .. it was different.

Relic looked over at Tanner, seeing him and curiosity was within his features. "Everything okay?"​
Remus, too, confessed and apologized, glad to have Romulus close. While he was the instigator in their adventures, he was often the one seeking comfort from his twin's presence. And he really needed it at the moment. The man looked down at them with a rather stern expression to his face, and Remus got a bit scared from that. "I think that I will need to speak with your parents." His heart dropped, as did his head, and he nodded a little bit.

Smiling over at Relic, he nodded. "It should be."
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