Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Relic noticed the demeanor of the woman and he sighed softly. He smiled gently, seeing the two boys, the one pouting and the other silently staying beside his brother. He turned back to the woman and gave her a warm smile. "Well ... I know this is unprofessional and a bit .. strange ... but would I be able to adopt them? We be able to adopt them ..." He really really wanted to adopt them ! They would be so much fun in his house. Of course he would have to hopefully get them to ignore his ideas previously mentioned, but that was okay.

Romulus looked at his twin, his fingers instantly lacing with his. The man who was so nice and gave them ideas ... wanted to adopt them?!​
Only when the word 'adopt' came up did Remus stop pouting and perk up to listen to the conversation.

"Told you so." Tanner laughed at the boy and let go of his shirt, sure now that neither boy was going anywhere. He stepped up to stand by Relic's side, hand at the small of his back for some support as the woman looked rather doubtful. "Please. Children are the reason we're on this vacation-we're desperate to have them, and yet meet dead ends at every turn."

She studied the four of them. It would be nice to have the trouble makers off her hands once and for all, but this really was strange. "You two will come to the orphanage tomorrow morning and meet with the director." She turned to Remus and Romulus. "You two will come with me and stay put for the night!"
Relic's eyes sparkled instantly, taking in a deep breath and he felt so ... so ... great! He nodded and took in a deep breath to calm himself, not wanting to frighten the woman off. "Oh, thank you!" He said excitedly, getting the address and a time to come from the woman before he turned to the two boys. "We'll see you tomorrow." he winked before taking Tanner's hand and beginning to drag him out of the store, already babbling on about which outfit he should wear.

Romulus looked at the two and then to his brother, his arms wrapped around his hips and he hugged him tightly. They may get adopted! That would mean no longer being in the orphanage!​
That was promising! Tanner's heart danced a little with the news and he moved out of the store with his lover, telling the two to behave. He didn't want anything to ruin their chances of adoption, and he was afraid that the twins acting out might do just that.

He and Relic returned to the house then, both too excited to concentrate on shopping, really. Maybe a nice walk on the beach later would be nice.

Remus only nodded. It was all that he could do. It was the first time ever that he was compelled to be good and behave and do as he was told. He wanted to get adopted as much as his brother did. He leaned into his brother for a moment and then followed the woman outside and back to the orphanage. It was a surreal trip.
The rest of the night went by far too slowly. They took a walk on the beach, Relic went skinny dipping into the ocean, not wanting to deal with getting his swimsuit. After a while of swimming, he still had quite a bit of energy left and well it was used for other things in the shower, on the bed, against the wall ..Oh how both men were so very excited for themselves.

The morning came and after an hour of trying to figure out what he wanted to wear and he settled iwth pants. He did not want to scare off anyone from thinking they were good. So, he had the purple pants from yesterday and then an off the shoulder black top, purple and black earrings, and well, the ring that Tanner gave him. He could not let that leave. Not like anyone would see it.

He took his love's hand, once he was dressed as well. He pressed a firm kiss to his lips before he was practically running out of the house and to get a taxi to the orphanage.​
Only after several rounds of love making did the blond feel that he could sleep a little bit. It was a light and restless sleep, and Tanner was awake by five the next morning. He was nervous that Relic's hopes had been gotten up once more only to be dashed. The blond didn't know what they would do if that turned out to be the case, and he didn't even want to talk about it or think about it. Instead he focused his energy into getting dressed and ready to go to the orphanage to meet with the director.

The ride there was just as painful. He sat, clinging to Relic's hand the entire way there, trying to ward off the bad scenarios that were coming into his head.

Once there, Tanner took a deep breath as they made their way into the building and then to the office area. They were told to wait, and the blond wanted to cry from frustration with the instruction, though he complied.
Relic took in a deep breath, his head flopped against his love's shoulder, biting into it a little with a growl. "Why must they torture us?" he whispered and then leant up and pressed a kiss to his love's cheek, nussling into his neck a moment later. Oh god he was so, so, so, sooo very frustrated with his impatience and the forced waiting.

Soon enoguh, the director poked her head out of the door and said a simple "Come on in" before she moved back into her office. She sat down at her chair, sileintly waiting for the two to come ot hte room.​
"I don't know, sweethea-" He didn't get to finish the sentence before the director invited them into her office. The blond stood and waited for Relic to do the same before leading the way into the office. Three chairs stood in front of a large, wood desk and the woman from the previous day sat in one of them. Tanner lead Relic to the second before taking the third for himself.

"Thank you for seeing us on such short notice, Ms. Homes." The woman nodded her head once and smiled in greeting to both men.

"So you are the two who are interested in our resident pranksters?"
Relic took in a deep breath while he moved into the room, sitting down and his fingers tapped impatiently against his knee before there was a question directed at them. He smiled instantly and nodded to the woman. "Yes. We would love to take your little troublemakers off your hands.' He laughed lightly and rubbed at his knees and he took in anothe breath to calm himself once more. He turned his attention to the woman at the desk in front of him, smiling even more. "They just ... We would love them so much. They remind me of my brother and me." He laughed once more, shaking his head a bit,.​
"Well you see. This is rather... Well. Unconventional. There is a process that all potential adoptive parents must go through... It generally takes months-sometimes years-to be approved..."

Tanner's heart dropped with the words, giving a soft 'we know' in response. He looked up after only a second though, eyes wide and pleading with the woman. "We know that there's a process. We've been through it. Three times! That's why we're here-because the stress of not being able to have children-whether by adoption or surrogacy-was beginning to fully interfere with our lives." He took a deep breath and took a hold of Relic's hand before continuing. "But we're begging you. We want children. And now that we've met them, we want those children... Please."
Relic bit into his bottom lip, pulling both rings into his mouth and he chewed the flesh a little bit, calming himself from acting rashly. His eyes closed for a while and he took in a deep breath to look over at the woman once more. "We do understand, Miss. We do." he stated, taking in another breath and he let out a gentle laugh. "But ... by the time the paperwork goes through ... Won't the boys be legal? Or possibly in juvie with how they're going." He glanced to the blond next to him, shaking his head a bit and he turned to look back at the woman, chewing his lip just a little bit.​
She listened to the two, watching them the entire time. She could only nod, though no decision had been made yet. The director turned to the other woman. "Go fetch them. I believe they are old enough to have a say in this." For some reason that decision calmed Tanner a little bit, though not too much. His stomach fluttered when the boys walked in and stood behind them.

"Do you boys know what's going on?" Remus nodded.
Romulus followed his brother into the room, giddy to see the two men from before. He smiled warmly, giving them a small wave before his fingers laced with his brother's. He stood beside him and looked around at the women and he nodded as well. He knew what was going on. Of course he knew what was going on. He saw the two and he was very happy that they had actually come to get them. That meant something, right?!​
Tanner repeated over and over in his head for the boys to agree to be adopted, hoping that by some chance it would help.

"And?" she asked, folding her hands and resting them on her desk. "Would you like to be adopted by Misters Reed?"

Remus looked to Romulus before looking back at the director, nodding silently. Tanner's stomach did a few backflips at that, and he turned to the woman, eyes wide and hopeful.

She said nothing but she nodded and moved into the bottom drawer of her desk to pull out a thick stack of paperwork. She handed the stack over to Tanner. "You'll need to fill these out."
Relic's heart and stomach did ... a dance. He was just so, so, so very excited at the moment. He should have taken a vacation sooner! He then heard the mention of paperwokr and he took in a deep breath. "Really?!" He stifled a squeal and nodded excitedly, taking the paper work and he instantly began to write up everything that the papers asked them to.

Romulus took in a sharp breath, turning to look at his twin and he wrapped his arms around his waist, burying his face into his neck and he was so, so SO very excited. They were getting a family! A family!​
If it were appropriate, Tanner would have leapt across the desk and kissed the woman. Instead, he turned to help his husband fill out the forms after pulling the twins to sit with them, both of them sitting on the floor in front of them for the moment. "And if you pull any of those 'hints', I'll sic Rune after you two," he warned, only half joking.

Remus hugged his twin, nuzzling into his neck and drawing as much comfort from him as Romulus was drawing in return. While they generally acted happy, a family was all that either really wanted and now... Now they were getting one! "We couldn't play them on you...you're onto us." He smiled up at the blond. "But you wouldn't deny us harmless fun on unsuspecting victims...would you?" he batted his eyes at their almost-new-fathers.
Relic took on a stern look when the boy suggested tricking others. His eyes narrowed at the two and he shook his head. "Absolutely not!" He said, mainly for the benefit of the two women in the room. His hand on teh other hand gave them the 'little bit' sign before he went back to the paperwork. He was so giddy. Half hte things he wrote were not as beautiful as his handwriting normally was. Normally it was flowing and almost like calligraphy. Right now? He was squiggling everything to barely legible.

Romulus pouted, seeing the hand and he exchanged a glance with his brother before he nodded. "Yes, sir." he said, a pout to his lips and he gripped his brother's hand excitedly. Oh, he was so happy!​
The paperwork took hours. Part way through Tanner pecked Relic's cheek and took the twins up to their room to gather whatever belongings they had. There wasn't much. A few pictures and a few outfits per boy and that was it. It made Tanner sad to know that they had had so little. At last now he and Relic were in the position to help them and give them whatever their hearts desired.

Returning to the room, they found that Relic was just signing his name, and all the papers needed were Tanner's signature. He was quick to put it down, and after a final good luck from the director, the four of them were off. It was surreal to know that the two boys with them were now their sons.

"So what do we call you?" Remus piped up.
Romulus giggled happily as he gripped his brother's hand. He was still positive someone would rush out and shout that they made a mistake. No one had wanted to adopt them. No one had wanted them before they starting causing chaos. They started it all just so that they could get some attention and now it paid off. He smiled lightly and looked over at their parents, looking them over and he took in a deep breath, calming once more and he hugged Remus once more before looking back to the two, nodding with his brother.

Relic kissed Tanner firmly on the lips before he walked out, the two boys between them. He looked down at the twins and he shrugged a little bit at the question. "Whatever title you want, really." He thought for a bit and then looked over at Tanner then once more back to the boy. "Dad. Pop. Papa. Father. . . Mother?" He chuckled at the thought, shrugging his shoulders and he then looked in fornt of them once more. "Let's go shopping!" He chimed, giggling excitedly, already thinking of the things he would want to put them in. Oh, that was just what he wanted to buy, not even counting what he wanted to make for them!​
Remus looked between them, obviously thinking about their options. Really, though, the two men were now their fathers. "Daddy," he addressed Relic, and then turned to Tanner, "and Dad." He nodded, looking to his twin for confirmation. Of course, they could each have their own names for the two but generally everything was the same with them, no matter what.

Tanner smiled at the names, heart fluttering at the thought of being a father. "Now the big question," he said to his husband as they began to walk towards the shops. "Do we call home or just show up?" He laughed a little at the thought of simply showing up with two kids and he quite liked the idea, really.
Relic laughed softly at his love's words, shaking his head a bit. " You have to ask?" He teased, leaning over and kissing his love before he looked over at their sons. He beamed excitedly and continued through the streets toward town once more. "So ... We'll go shopping. Get some lunch... Then we can take you back to our beachhouse for now." He stated ad then looked down at the two. "We live in Italy, is that okay?"

Romulus beamed and nodded." Daddy and Dad." He agreed and he laced his fingers with his brother, practically bouncing down the sidewalk. Italy?! ITALY?! They would live in Italy. He nodded excitedly and smiled even more. "YES! Italy is ... oh I want to see Italy!"​
Italy? He shared in his brother's excitement. Italy! Oh they'd always talked about where they would go if they had the chance and now... Well now they did! He looked up to Tanner, smiling a bit 'innocently'. "Can we--"

"No," the blond answered before Remus even had the chance to think the rest of his question. "No you cannot buy and then change into matching outfits to torture the locals."

Remus pouted.
Relic laughed softly, loving his husband even more. He smiled happily and then looked down at the boys, smiling all the more. "When we get back home, you can mess with Calder." He offered, knowing it would be entertaining to see it. They could not do it with Rune. He read minds, he would easily catch the difference between the two purely based on thoughts.

Romulus giggled happily and nodded excitedly. "okay" He said and then turned to his twin, smiling all the more. Oh, he was so, so very giddy right now.​
"Doesn't Calder suffer enough abuse having to live with your brother?" Tanner asked, only half joking. "Why not let them torture Tomias? Or Raphael! Yes. Raphael." He nodded, then laughed at himself, and the twins' enthusiasm.

They shopped...and shopped...and shopped. And by the time they were ready to head back to the beach house, they each had two hands full of bags... And Remus was missing. "Uh oh..." The blond looked around, attempting to find the winged boy, sure that he was up to no good.
Relic laughed and shook his head. "Mias reads minds." He stated, sticking his tongue out at his love before he nodded. "Raph will do fine to torture." he agreed, smiling happily and getting things for the boys while they walked shopped. He bought them a few things he knew would look nice on them, wanting to be sure they had enough. If they did not like the thing he picked out, he would make it into something else. simple as that.

Stopping inteh middle of hte sidewalk, he looked around, not finding either boy, but somehow ... they ended up with all their bags. "Where did they go?" He asked, looking at Tanner before he groaned. He walked down the street once more, knowing that they could not abandon them. They owuld not leave them, right. He had seen them seconds ago. They just went poof! Evil little things.​
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