Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Romulus took in a sharp breath. Their parents?! He stared up at the man from behind his brown locks, nodding shakily. "Y-yes sir." he whispered, gripping his brother tighter for more comfort and he silently led the man to the table that Relic and Tanner were at. He stopped beside Relic, chewing into his bottom lip and his free hand fussed with the bottom of his shirt, his thumb running along the back of Remus' hand, wanting to comfort them both with the action.

Relic glanced up to the manager, batting his long lashes a few times with interest to his features. "can I help you?" He questioned, figuring what the purpose was and he wrapped a gentle arm around both the twins, wanting them to know they were not in true trouble with their fathers.​
He whimpered a little when they moved to their table, a faint pink tinging his cheeks as the manager explained the situation to their fathers. Remus rested his head on Romulus' shoulder, standing closer to the other boy.

"So you see, I am going to ask that the boys return here each day for a week to work off the cost of not only the dishes they've ruined and we had to remake, but also the cost of the soup."

Tanner thought it was a rather fair request, but looked to Relic for confirmation.
Romulus rested against Remus as well, an identical twinge to his cheeks as he looked down at his feet. He fidgetting a little bit more, not liking this at all. He did not like being yelled at and told to work off as a punishment. It was differnet before. Before they did not have parents to deal with, just the cranky old lady who, well, did not like them.

Relic listened to the man and he looked to Tanner when his husband did. He figured it was fair. He was a little bit bummed that it would take time away from them getting to know each other ... He thought for a little before he turned to look back at the manager. "How about four days and I'll make up for the rest of it?" He offered, looking to the boys then once more back to the manager, giving him a warm smile. "They need to learn their lesson, but I feel a week may be a bit too extensive. They could have let you go ignorant, but they did not ... and for them to even admit to what they had done I feel is a big accomplishment for the boys. So ... Will the four days be sufficant child labor for you?" Yes, he was being partially selfish. He wanted time with the boys and well, a whole week was a bit much for that.​
Remus listened, even though his face was half buried into his brother's neck. He wasn't scared, per se, but more embarrassed, really. He didn't want to face his fathers, or the manager, or Celeste. His hand slipped out from Romulus' and instead the male's arms wrapped around his twin's waist.

Four days? The manager considered the offer and nodded. Yes, that seemed fair. "Alright. Four days, for three hours per day." He nodded and held his hand out for Tanner to shake (which the blond did) and then for Relic. "I will see you two tomorrow. Black pants and white button down shirts, please. Be sure the shirts are tucked in and your shoes are black."
Romulus easily wrapped his arms around his brother's waist in return, seeming to be the stronger of the two at the moment. He looked form their fathers to the manager, listening silently to them and he nodded a bit to their words. He could only nod to what he was saying and then looked over at Relic once more when the manager left. He looked at the male and he closed his eyes, head dropping once more. "I am sorry, Daddy."

Relic smiled warmly, shaking his head a bit. He got out of the booth, standing behind them to ruffle their hairs, leading them toward the booth. "Go sit. You two are not in trouble." He moved in after the two, sitting beside them and he looked over at the two and he really was content right now. "Just ... don't do things like that. If you feel the need, you can cause a bit of trouble ... but moderately. And not right now. Just wait until we are home, okay?"​
"Me too," he offered as he slid into the booth after his brother. It was nice to hear that they weren't in trouble but that still didn't make him feel a whole lot better. It wasn't about being in trouble, really. It was that they'd gotten caught and he was embarrassed by that. Though, Remus supposed that that was a step in the right direction as neither of them had felt shame over their actions before.
Relic smiled warmly and shook his head a little bit with the boys' actions. They were too cute. They were ... a far better case than Rune and he had been. When they got caught, they would just laugh it off. Or cause even more trouble and then run away, or fly away depending. Not to mention no amount of hard labor ever tamed them. Hell, they were only tamed by boredom of their actions, and then finding their respective blonds.

Romulus clung to Remus, his fingers still between his and he rested his head against his brother's temple, eyes closed while he remained silent, no longer hungry at the moment. In fact, he would more so love to just ... get out of here, but he would not do that. Their fathers were talking with Celeste and so they were not going to interrupt that again .. no matter how badly he just wanted to go shrivel up in a corner somewhere.​
Remus pressed a small kiss to his brother's temple, his free hand beneath the table, stroking the male's leg lightly. He wanted to help him calm down, but didn't know how. Mostly because they couldn't slink off to release the extra energy, and because he was so wound up himself.

Celeste watched the interaction between the four of them and smiled. It was apparent that the boys were sorry for what they did (remorse released off of them in waves), and that they weren't used to being reprimanded at all. Tanner and Relic were a bit uneasy as well, Tanner more so than Relic. The blond wasn't used to being the one in charge. But perhaps a bit of bright news...

"If you two would like-and of course after Remus and Romulus here are settled in a bit more-I would be honored to be a surrogate for you."

Tanner's head snapped up, jaw open and brain completely unable to process anything.
Romulus' free hand moved to gently trail along the back of his brother's hand that was upon his thigh, liking the sensation far too much at the moment. He really did wish that they could just disappear for a few minutes, but knew that that would not be happening. Not with ones who actualy cared about where they were, and especially not now that they were in trouble. He kept his eyes closed, nuzzling his nose into the brown locks of his twin and his thumb continued stroking along the backside of the other's hand.

Relic froze with the woman's words. His eyes blinking a few times as he turned to look at her. Was she serious? She had just met them ... yet she was offering to be their surrogate? Then again, he supposed, that that would be what would happen in any other case, if they went through it professionally. He stared at her in utter shock, jaw dropped and flapping a few times before he managed to wrap his mind around the whole situation. "I love Austrailia!" He said excitedly and thn nodded to what the woman said. "Um .. yes... I mean.. ARe you sure? It's ... a good year of your life..."​
All Tanner wanted to do, really, was to lift Relic up and kiss the life out of him. The blond restrained himself for the time being, though. Instead he simply waited for Celeste to answer, unable to do anything else at the moment. He was glad that Relic had recovered as quickly as he had.

Celeste nodded. "I think a year back in Italy would do me some good. And I want to." She reached over and patted both of their hands, letting herself be open to the emotions that were flowing, especially the twins'.

Remus was a little shocked. And hurt. They'd just gotten them and now they wanted more? He didn't want to be ignored again! If they were ignored, then what was the point in being adopted?? He turned his head and buried his face into Romulus' neck deeply, trying to hide the fact that he was close to tears.
Relic glanced over at Romulus, seeing his actions and he then turned to look at Celeste again, smiling warmly. "I will definitely have to take you up on that offer ... Once our family is settled in of course... and once we get our time spoiling the boys completely and thoroughly. So ... maybe in a year?" He suggested, glancing over to Tanner for confirmation before once more back to the woman. "We have to be sure we're not fuckups as parents, you know... and if Remus and Romulus still like us after a year, and as long as they agree to having a younger sibling, then I think that it would be ... wonderful."

Romulus could feel his brother's pain. He always had been able to. Ever since they were younger, and now, now it was oozing. He felt the same way too. He did not want to be tossed aside once more for a baby again. He did not want to. He buried his face into Remus' hair, nuzzling into it with his eyes closed, hiding the tears that were beginning to well also.​
While his brother could feel his pain, Remus could feel and feed off of Romulus' calm. No matter how worked up the boy was, he could always find the calm beneath it. Remus used that today to bring his heart back out of his throat and to push the tears away. He then fed that energy back to his twin to help him, adding some of his own as well. The mention of waiting a year or so did help. A year. They could be well established as a family in a year. Maybe it wouldn't be that bad after that long... He was still worried.

Tanner leaned over and kissed Celeste's cheek. "Thank you." Words couldn't even begin to scratch the surface of their gratitude. The woman nodded, writing down her phone number and email address, taking their contact information from Tanner, too. Once exchanged, the blond slipped to the other side of the booth, in between the twins so that one was on either side of him, and Relic was on the outside. He wrapped his arms around both boys, hugging them close and tight.
Romulus was not sure about this whole thing either. He knew that even after waiting a year, it would be another year or so that there would not be a baby in the house, but he was still worried. Then again, they were not going to have five kids with the woman all at once, so things should be okay. There would only be one other person getting attention - not twenty. He took in a deep breath, calming himself with that knowledge. He still gripped his brother, at least until the blond moved between them. He gave a brief look to his brother before he turned to look at the man beside him. He smiled weakly to him and said a simple, "Congratulations..." not knowing what else to do right now.

Relic sighed softly and stood up from teh booth, placing the money down for the bill and he looked to the three. "How about heading home?" He offered, taking the bags from the booth and then waiting for the three to slide out as well. "You two can get settled in a bit and take a nap or ... whatever you want to do. There's even a beach out front of the house so, you can have plenty to do!"​
Tanner kissed Romulus' head, and then Remus'. "Just remember what I said outside, okay?" Remus nodded before slipping out of the booth to get ready to go. Yes, home sounded... Well really it sounded foreign to him as they'd never had an actual home before, but it sounded nice, too. He wondered if they would share a bedroom, or be forced to have separate rooms. He wondered what the house in Italy looked like. He imagined a cottage-small and cozy.

Celeste stood and kissed both Relic and Tanner on the cheek, thanking them for lunch and reminding them to stop into the shop to see her. Tanner promised as they left the restaurant, bags in hand. "How about we take a taxi home?" he suggested, looking at the worn out boys, who were once again stuck to each other.
Romulus closed his eyes with the kiss and hten slid out of the booth beside his brother, lacing his fingers with his and then following the two out of the restaurant. a taxi did sound so much better than walking right now.

Relic pouted, looking at the kids and he then nodded. "All right." he said, poking his head out and hailing one to them, smiling lightly and then herding everyone into the car. It did not take long before they were at the beach house once more. He moved out of the car, heading toward the house ever so nonchalantly. "This isn't your permanent residence, as I'm sure you've realized ... Though maybe I'll get a house down here in case you two get home sick some times." He grinned, looking over at the two and smiling once more. He turned and then opened the door, heading inside and waiting for the others to follow. "You two can have any room you want. Separate, together ... I don't relaly care which one.'

Romulus was ... shocked at the house they were led to. IT was not what he thought of when he said beach house, but it was very nice. It was just very ... modern too.​
Remus was a bit shocked by the house as well, though the talk of simply buying a house in Australia simply to keep for them to visit was more shocking. Who just randomly bought a house like it was no big deal? He wanted to question but the mention of them being able to share a room distracted him.

The brunette took his brother's hand, and their bags, and headed for the back of the house to search for a bedroom (after thanking both men for everything). He found the one that was dead in the middle, poking his head in and finding a nice king sized bed for them to share. Remus closed the door behind them and looked around for a minute. He pulled Romulus towards him and hugged him tightly, nuzzling into his warm neck.

"We did the right thing, right?"
Romulus smiled to the two men, thanking them as well before he was brought down the hall with his brother. He wave d to them before he was more to the room with his brother, wrapping his arms around his form and he hugged him against his form. He rested his head against the other's head, thinking a little bit. "Mhm." he said, smiling warmly and he nuzzled Remus back. "They seem really nice and well ... they seem to like us a lot too." He pressed a soft kiss to his brother's lips, wanting him to calm down a little bit more. "It will be better than the orphanage.' He hugged him tighter, eyes closed while her moved to rest his foreahead against his.​
Romulus was right. Anything would be better than the orphanage! And Tanner and Relic seeming to like them was definitely a plus. He was slightly shorter than Romulus, though not by much, and he had to tilt his head up to kiss the other male's lips for a little longer than had been done to him. Remus needed the feel and taste of his brother to fully calm him. "'m sorry I got you into so much trouble today Rommy." He nuzzled further into his twin's neck, pecking little kisses along the base of it.
Romulus shook his head a little bit, nuzzling his nose into the top of his twin's head. "It's okay." he whispered softly, his eyes closed and he leant down and pressed another kiss to the other's lips, knowing his brother well enough to know that he needed more than just words to calm him down. His arms wrapped around his shoulders and he pulled his brother a little bit tighter to his form. He slowly began to push him, more so nudge him, toward the bed. He knew that, at the very least, tehy both needed sleep.​
Leaning up, he pressed another kiss to his brother, eyes asking for something other than sleep. He needed sleep, yes, but he also needed to get rid of the extra energy that had pent up over the course of the day. Remus kissed Romulus again, this time letting it linger a little big before pulling away.
Romulus easily got what his brother wanted. He moved toward the bed and gently pushed the other onto the mattress. He moved on top of him a second later, enjoying the cushiony surface beneath them. He was not used to a proper bed like this. He was used to the whimpy little ones that had been used for twenty other children before them. He kissed his brother once more, his hands gently trailing along his form, taking his shirt up as his hands moved upward.​
He couldn't really remember when they first began screwing around with each other. They were always super close. Aside from the normal 'twin thing', they both had access to the other's emotions and energy and that made them even closer. Remus assumed that sex and a sexual relationship was just the natural progression from the close bond that they had.

He sighed contently with his brother on top of him, the brunette moving so that his shirt could come off of him more easily. Romulus' shirt followed, Remus pressing his bare torso up into his twin's. Kissing Romulus, Remus' hands moved down to his hips, and then forward to unzip and unbutton his pants.
Romulus took in a deep breath as he felt their chests together. Despite them being so similar to others, to each other, and to Romulus, Remus was infinitely different. They had so many different things about them, only no one ever seemed to notice them ... nor took time to notice it. He leant down, kissing along the torso of his brother. He helped remove his pants, kicking those aside while his hands slid to the pants upon the other's form, easily undoing those and tossing them aside. His hands then slid up his thighs and to his hips, trailing along the delicate flesh and he smiled all the more. Leaning down, he pressed his lips to the other brunette's, enoying the taste of him completely.​
He moved with Romulus without any hesitation. They were fluid together, as if they knew what the other would do before it was done. Remus lifted his hips so that his pants could be discarded, hissing as their heated flesh met from chest to knees. He wrapped his arms around his twin's shoulders and kissed him, one leg moving to hook itself over the back of Romulus' thigh.

"Need you, Rommy." He leaned up and kissed the other again, swiping his tongue over the other male's bottom lip.
Romulus whispered a brief, "I know" before his lips once more connected with his. His eyes fluttered closed and he delicately pressed his aroused flesh to the entrance of his brother. Gently, he moved the flesh into the other, letting out a soft moan with the feel of him wrapping around the muscle. He took in a deep breath, passionately kissing Remus, tongue sliding into his mouth and traveling along his ... everything really.​
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