Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Romulus had grown accustomed to the new life. It was very, very nice. He loved it so far. He was still very worried that they would be taken away. That the papers would backfire and him and his brother would be back to the orphanage. He was actually happy that their fathers did not live in Austrailia. They lived in Italy. They would be an ocean away and it would be even less likely for them to be taken away.

He took the clothes his brother folded, neatly placing them into the suitcase that their Daddy bought them. He turned, taking the shirt just folded by Remus with the question posed to him. He nodded. "Yes ... I do not know what Italy will be like ... and ... I am nervous." He smiled at his brother a little bit more. "I think that we will be okay. They are very nice and they seem to like us a lot.. so ... It should be okay."​
He nodded, knowing the feeling. He didn't like not knowing what was coming, or what to expect yet that was exactly what they were walking into. At least they had each other. Remus finished folding the clothes and then scooted from the bed to help Romulus pack. "I wonder what thei--our house will be like..." He stared off for a few seconds to picture it, still thinking of a little cottage type house with only two or three bedrooms. "What do you think?"
Romulus turned to look at his brother, silently thinking while he helped to close up teh suitcase. He eventually shrugged his shoulders a little bit. "Something cute ... and cozy ... maybe a little smaller than this?" He offered, truly not thinking it was going to be much more than it. Maybe another bedroom or something, especially if they were talking about getting another child into the family, but he did not know.

once the bags were packed, he hoisted up his and Remus' and then turned to him with a warm smile. "Are you ready to go now?" he asked, his heart racing at the idea of leaving their hometown. leaving even the house they were comfortable in... It was all so very, very foreign tohim.​
Yes... Yes the house he pictured in Italy was definitely smaller than this. But distraction came when his brother asked if he was ready. Remus looked down over himself and smoothed out his skirt before taking his own suitcase from Romulus and nodding. "Yes. I think so." The brunette leaned up and kissed his brother's lips gently before leading the way out of the room.

It didn't take long for them to pack up everything and crowd into the cab. Though, once in it Remus was a little confused. "This isn't the way to the airport..."
Romulus sat, practically on top of, beside his brother. He nuzzled into him a little bit before looking to Relic, realizing that their way toward the airport.

Relic looked at him and he blinked a few times. "Hm ? Well ... No. Not to that airport." He stated nonchalantly. He shrugged and then kissed Tanner's neck softly. His eyes slipped closed and he then patiently waited for the cab to stop. He really was SO excited to bring them back! They could go, find a bedroom they want, get cozy, truly settle in. Then, they could go shopping and he could buy them any toys that they may want. It will be fantastic.

Soon enough, the cab pulled up to the runway where his father's private jet was. He squealed excitedly, practically pushing Tanner out of the door. "move moooove!" He whined, pouting before he slid of him and took iup the trunks effortlessly once more. He bounced his way toward the plane, the suited male once more coming out of the stairs and waiting for the bags. Relic plopped them into the other's arms, the man practically falling forward with teh weight. "Yes! And the two boys have some bags too." He stated, giggling and then turning to the two. "Come ooon! Home's only an hour or two away!"​
Not...That airport? What other airport was there? Remus was confused, and slightly scared. He leaned into Romulus a little more, hugging him close. He'd yet to learn how to fully trust their fathers yet.

The jet was a shock, and his jaw dropped when he saw it. "Is... Is that yours?" The twin's eyes were wide, like a child's who was seeing their first big bear or something of the sort.

"No," Tanner answered as he slipped from the car and helped both boys. "It's Relic's father's plane. Well. Your grandfather now." He smiled and ruffled their hair before moving to board the plane, easily getting everything ready for his love and their children.

Remus looked to his brother. "Our grandfather is rich!"
Romulus was ... in shock. HIs eyes were wide, his jaw was dropped, and he was just in utter awe at the jet that was there. -- even more so that it was their new grandfather's?! As in ... Someone now related to them? He looked at his twin and nodded a little bit . "Y-yea.." He whispered, still a little ... fuzzy. He moved out of the cab with Remus, wrapping his hand with his while they moved up the stairs. He haphazardly poked his head inside, seeing that there was no one in there, only cozy-looking seats and everything else. "Wow..." he whispered, gingerly moving into the jet and he looked at his brother, blinking few times.

Relic giggled, told hte man in the suit to pay off the cab driver. He then hopped up the stairs and into the jet, humming to himself as he did so. "It'll be fantastic. You'll love it there! And ... you can even go to the school that we teach at!" He giggled once more and then set onto the seat.
How could they be so non-chalant? Not everyone had their own jet! Remus climbed the stairs with Romulus and looked around too. It was nice, exactly how the few movies that they had seen depicted a private jet. Cushy and definitely expensive. He was almost afraid to sit! But he knew that they would have to. The twin chose a seat behind the two that their parents occupied and tugged Romulus down with him. There were butterflies in his stomach now, a little nervous about their first ever flight.
Romulus remained beside him and he fidgetted a little. Taing in many deep breaths while he waited for hte flight to take off. He gripped his brother's hand, laced their fingers and he gripped him tightly and he waited for his breath to calm before he looked over to their two fathers. He looked him over a little bit before his curiosity got the better of him. "Can we play the twin switch-up with Rune?" He asked, blinking a few times as he waited for an answer.
Looking over at the boys, Tanner laughed. "Rune can read minds. He wouldn't be very fun to play with... Though if he couldn't, I'd say definitely yes." The blond patted Romulus' knee and turned back to face forward though he continued to speak. "Relic's nephew, Raphael, is fun to play tricks on. My brother Caden, too." He tried to think of who else they could have some harmless fun with. "Trevor and Jade, too. They're Rune and Calder's sons. A little younger than you but I'm sure you'll all wind up friends."
Relic nodded, smiling all the more. "AND Nikkos. He's Tomias', my eldest brother, husband. They're cute. You'll see them too. Tomias reads minds as well.. so he won't be any fun to mess with." He informed him and flopped his head against his love's shoulder, nuzzling into his shoulder a little and smiling happily. "Raph will be fun. I'd suggest Gabriel but ... he has enough stress as it i." He laughed, tilting his head up to look at the blond, smiling even more.

Romulus blinked a few times. Read minds? Wow. He never met anyone who could do that. That is .. weird. Very, very weird ... What if he read what he and Remus did? Oh, he did not want that ... not at all. He blushed faintly and nodded to his words. "Oh. Okay..." He said softly and then turned to Remus, smiling a little bit.
The same thoughts went through Remus' mind about mind readers. He didn't want them knowing what he and his brother did or didn't do! Well then they would just have to be extra careful when they were around those two... The brunette slipped the armrest up and cuddled into Romulus' side. He was at least comfortable enough to do little things like this openly in front of their parents. Neither seemed to mind.

Tanner wrapped his arm around Relic's shoulder and kissed the top of his head as they settled in for the rest of the flight. He was curious to see what Rune's reaction would be to their new sons.
Romulus gladly curled up beside his brother as well. His eyes closed, arms around his twin, and he dozed off, just wanting to get there as fast as they could and well, he was comfortable at the moment. Nervous and very anxious, bu that only added to the reasons he wanted to sleep - give him a distraction.

Relic watched the two, smiling warmly as he did so. They were too cute. He nuzzled into his husband's chest, utterly beaming at the moment. Yep. Life was... great. They even had a surrogate! More than likely, at least. So long as the woman did not change her mind between now and when they were ready. He did not want the boys to feel like they were unloved or second best, so he would definitely wait a while before doing that.

Soon enough, the plane landed, the twins were gently nudged awake, and then off to the house it was. The taxi dropped them off at their house, Relic grinning from ear-to-ear. "Welcome home!" He said, giggling happily. He took the trunks, more than half of them really, and began to bounce toward their side of the house, opening the door, leaving it open for the two and he moved to set every thing down. They could decide their rooms later ... He was excited to see his brother. He wanted to go and tackle him.​
Remus groaned when they were poked awake. He had been having a very nice dream that involved himself and his brother and some innocent bystanders. Giving a yawn and a stretch, he shook Romulus awake gently and they shuffled off the plane, using the taxi ride to wake themselves up a little better.

His jaw dropped when they pulled up to the house. "THIS is your house?!" He was shocked. This was not at all what they had pictured or been thinking.

Tanner laughed at the reactions. "Sort of. Tomias and Nikkos and Dawn live in the main portion." He pointed to the part in the middle, right in front of them. "Rune and Calder and Jade and Trevor and Ella live to the left and we live to the right." He pecked kisses to the tops of their head and moved over to put the rest of the trunks inside.

The twins were about to head inside when both of their fathers were back outside, Tanner guiding them towards the other side of the house.
Romulus did NOT expect this. He did not expect this at ALL! This would be where they were living?! This gorgeous, huge ... mansion!? It was not a house ... it was castle! His jaw was lax as he looked at the house before to his parents once more. HIs jaw moved a few times to try and say something, but nothing passed his lips. He looked to his brother and shook his head a little bit. "This is even more surreal." He whispered, taking his hand tightly.

Relic giggled as he bounced out of the house once more. "You two can have any room you wish ... Later. I want to show you off to Rune first." He stated, giggling happily. He led the two to the other side of the house, stopping in front of the door. He looked the two over, placing them side by side and he stood in front of them, knocking on the door and giggling in his utter happiness.

A few minutes later, the door opened and Rune was standing there, a brow lifted in question as he did so. "You leave randomly, don't tell me ... anything ... and expect me to take you back!?"

Relic pouted as he looked up the inch or two to his brother, bottom lip out and cheeks puffed just a bit. "Aww... But... you knew!" He protested and he shook his head a little. "besides! I'm much better now." He stated, bouncing on the balls of his feet and he took a half step to the side to reveal Remus, smiling happily. "See?"

Rune looked at the kid and then once more back to his brother. "What the fuck!? You snapped. You stole someone's kid didn't you?!"

He shook his head and pushed Remus forward a little bit before he took Romulus and moved the teen beside his brother, a hand resting on their shoulders and he giggled once more. "Nope! Stole someone's twins!" He grinned even more and then giggled excitedly as he looked at his brother's shocked reaction. "They're like mini us..es...! But ... Nicer!" He giggled and hugged the two boys.​
Remus couldn't help but be a little scared. He held Romulus' hand tightly, staying close to his twin as he watched the interaction between the two brothers. Rune intimidated him a bit, but other than that he had no real opinion of him. He stayed quiet until the conversation between his Daddy and Rune lapsed. He leaned over to Romulus and whispered, "Not so scary if you ask me."
Rune looked over the two kids, his forefinger pressed against Remus' forehead, pushing him back a little bit and he looked over the kid a little more. "I can be scarier." He stated, pushing him before he was whacked by Relic.

Relic's brows furrowed and he pouted even more. "Don't tease them!" He protested, poking the front of his brother's chest and he prodded him a little bit, looking ever so pathetic. He stayed that was for a few moments before moving forward to wrap his arms aroudn his twin's form, hugging him tightly. "I missed you." he murmured, nuzzling into his chest and not caring about the audient they had, not caring that they were in the doorway, he just missed him so much!

Rune looked down at him and he wrapped his arms around Relic's shoulders, burying his face into his hair before he rested his forehead against Relic's, smiling warmly to hi. "I missed you too. I was worried about you..." He mumbled, kissing his nose softly before he rested his head back against his forehead. "It was worse than your bloody honeymoon ..." He grumbled a bit and then pulled his brother into the room, keeping his rump against the door and looking at the other three. "Come on in. Calder's in the kitchen. Ella's napping ... I think Jade may be with the pedo.."​
Remus merely giggled at Rune. He knew that the man could read minds but was hoping that it was a voluntary thing and that everyone's thoughts weren't just immediately broadcast to the man, because he was a little nervous about the threat. He didn't show it, though, and instead slipped inside when he was invited, tugging Romulus along with him.

"BE NICE!" came ringing out from the house, and Calder appeared to greet everyone, giving Rune a smack to his bicep. With a little shake of his head, the blond kissed Relic and Tanner hello before greeting the newcomers. "Well. What are your names?" he asked, a bright smile on his face.

"How does someone like you, wind up with him?" Remus asked before he could stop himself. Both blonds laughed heartily.
Romulus smiled warmly and he moved inside, perking up with the yell. He looked up at the blond, staring at him and he went a little wide-eyed at his brother's comment. He had thought the same thing, but he had not wanted to say it. But ... They laughed. He smiled warmly at the man, lacing his fingers with his twin's and he remained silent for a moment, smiling gently. "I'm Romulus." He stated, looking at his brother and then once more back to the blond. "He is Remus."

Rune looked at the twin and he shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly. "For the sex." he stated, scooping up his twin and draping him over his shoulder. His arms wrapped around his legs and he began to make his way out of the area and heading toward the stairs.

Relic blinked a few times, looking at his brother and the others they were leaving. "Rune?" He questioned, looking at his brother and he wiggled a little bit, squeaking when he was swatted on the rump. "Hey! No! Bad Rune." he protested, wiggling a little more, easily knowing what the other was thinking, without reading his thoughts either. "Stop thaaat! I'm married now!"​
Remus watched, a little in awe of what was going on. Had he and Romulus mistaken what Relic had meant when he said that he understood? He rested his head on his twin's shoulder and watched a bit, pondering what was going on.

Both Calder and Tanner jumped in. Tanner took hold of Relic and helped him off of Rune's shoulder while Calder stepped in between the two. "And you might as well be so stop it." He poked his tongue out at his lover. "What an impression you're making on your new nephews!"
Relic squeaked when he was pulled off, arms instantly wrapping around his love's waist and burying his face into the other's neck. He pouted and nuzzled into his love. "Exactly. You have your own ball and chain." He stuck his tongue out before looking up at Tanner, smiling warmly. "not that I see you as such." He added, kissing his cheek and he then began to drag Tanner off toward the kitchen, smelling something delicious and definitely wanting to see what it was.

Rune grumbled a few times, his arms crossed over his lower torso and he turned to look at the boys that had silently watched them. He looked them over a little bit before he sighed softly, eyes closed as he did so. "Yea yea." he mumbled, walking over to the two. His hands rested on his hips and he leant over to come eye-to-eye with them, looking over Remus a little and he smirked. "To answer your question, yes." He stated, ruffling his hair and he straightened up once more. "And stop worrying that they'll give you up. You two will be here forever ... won't be able to get Relic away. So, relax. Besides, what you two have done, definitely is nothing compared to us." He pressed a forefinger to the tip of Remus' nose. "That little bite mark on your neck? Yea ... Nothing in comparison." He chuckled and then made his way to the room with the rest of them.

Romulus turned a lovely shade of red at Rune's words, staring up at him and he blinked a few times. He wrapped an arm around Remus' hips, knowing that he must be feeling overwhelmed. So. Relic truly did know what they felt for each other. That was ... interesting.​
Remus turned red from his hairline down to his chest. He didn't like having someone around who knew what you were thinking all the time. At least the coloring hid the red mark on his neck... Still, he was glad when Rune walked away to join the other adults in the kitchen. It allowed him and Romulus to calm down a little. It was still embarrassing to think that their parents knew what they did at night, though.

"Come outside with me, Rommy..." He felt a little trapped in the house at the moment.
Romulus nodded, taking a strong hold of his brother's hand and he led the way out of the house, a lovely red tinted to his cheeks as well. He was not as badly embarrassed as his brother, but he definitely was embarrassed. His ears were hot with the blood rushing there. He tugged the other outside and hugged him tightly to his form. He pressed a kiss to his lips, wanting the other to feel better and faster.
The fresh air helped. Remus pressed several kisses to his twin's lips, passing the calming energy between the two of them through the act. Once his face and neck weren't quite so red, Remus rested his head on the other male's shoulder while his arms were still wrapped tightly around his waist.

"What've we gotten ourselves into, Rommy?"
Romulus wrapped his arms around his brother in return, nuzzling into his hair a little bit. He took in a few deep breaths, gripping him tightly to his form and he pressed multiple kisses to his twin's temple, trying to relax him a little bit more. He kiss him once more and he shrugged his shoulders a little bit. "I do not know." He admitted, looking at the large house that they were now, apparently, living in. He was very overwhelmed at the moment. He was not sure if it was a good thing that their father apparently understood their connection more than they thought. It ... would be very weird, and is very weird.

He sighed softly and pressed another kiss to the other's lips. "I think that ... it will be okay. Right? Tanner and Relic are nice and they seem to like u s and if he knows what we do then ... he did not give us away back then so ... it's okay, I think..."​
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