Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Relic squeaked softly when he was pulled up from the ground. He looked at the man and puffed his cheeks out when he was dragged toward the boys' room as well. He grumbled a little bit, too paranoid that they would not want to talk to him if he was there.

Romulus perked up as well, looking at the door and he then exchanged a glance with his brother. Slowly, he stood up, taking a hold of his brother's hand and he began to lead the way toward the door. He stopped in front of the door for a few short moments before he took in a deep breath. A faint pink tinted to his cheeks just at the fact that the two were out there, or at least Tanner was.

With another lace to his brother, he took a hold of the door and slowly opened it, gripping his brother's hand as he did so. His crimson eyes moved to his feet and he took a little step away from the door, not sure what to do.​
Tanner was glad to hear movement inside the room, and his heart swelled when he heard the clicking of the door unlocking, and saw it opening just a crack. He smiled, giving his husband's hand a soft squeeze before poking his head inside to see the boys standing there, obviously scared out of their wits. He shook his head and pushed inside gently, pulling Relic with him. He kissed both boy on the head before herding everyone towards the oversized bed.

"Alright you two. You're going to tell us why you've holed up in here for three days, and then we'll talk, okay?"
Relic followed his love inside, tightly gripping his hand. He watched the boys sit on the bed and, releasing Tanner's hand, he plopped himself on the ground. His hands rested upon his knees, looking up at the two and he gave them a warm little smile, not wanting to say anything.

Romulus tightly gripped his brother's hand, looking at the two and he turned a bit redder with the mention of why they locked themselves away. He glanced to Remus, seeing if he wanted to be one to tell them, or if he would end up being the one to do so.
Tanner sat behind Relic, leg on either side of his husband, as they waited for the twins to speak up. He knew that they would feel better once everything was off of their chests.

Remus followed Romulus blindly. He didn't really care where in the room they went, and he knew that his brother would take care of him. But then the question was asked and his cheeks pinked over again. He looked to his twin and shrugged, not sure of what to say or how to say it without sounding like a fool.
Romulus took in a deep breath, his eyes closed and he fidgetted wit hteh bottom of his shirt, his other hand running a thumb along the backside of Remus' hand. "We ... We are not used to people caring about what we do, yet alone knowing what we do. . . It ... It is weird for us. And because it ... other people view it as wrong and that it is a bad thing for us to feel that way but ... we cannot help it. It has just been us for so long and I do not want to give up my brother. I do not want you two to think we are disgusting and to try and separate us, to try and stop us ... I do not want that. You two are very sweet and I like you, we like you ... but we ... we do not know what to do or ... or how to act... Especially since ... you ... know."​
Tanner listened silently, waiting for Romulus to finish before even opening his mouth to speak. "We-and I mean all of us in this house-don't care," he offered gently before elaborating. "We care that you are happy and safe and well and healthy, but which gender you love or who you love just doesn't matter if those first things are taken care of. Do you understand?"

Remus shook his head. How could someone not care? Everyone thought it was bad!

The blond took in a deep breath and tried to explain better. "We love you. Do you remember what I told you outside of the cafe that day?" He waited for a nod before continuing. "Love is unconditional. We wouldn't not love you if you were straight, we wouldn't not love you if you hated us, we wouldn't not love you if you weren't smart, and we're not going to not love you because of who you love."
Romulus listened to the man speak, staring at him and he chewed his bottom lip a little bit before he turned to look at the male beside him. He then slowly turned to Tanner once more, holding onto his brother a little bit more. "So ... You ... You do not mind?"

Relic took in a deep breath and he shook his head, looking up at the two on the couch, smiling warmly. "Of course not." He stated and smiled a little bit more. "We fell in love with you two the instant we saw you. You two are perfect just the way you are. We do not want to change you. We merely want to be here for you. Allow us to love you, to spoil you, to care for you, comfort you when you need it ... Allow us to be parents; your parents."​
Remus listened, resting his head on Romulus' shoulder as the two men spoke to them. It was in his nature to be distrustful and he had to question, still, whether or not the words were truth or just a guise. But it was obvious that Romulus was gaining trust for them, and he always trusted his brother, no matter what. He nodded softly, slipping off the bed (and tugging his twin with him) when Tanner motioned for them to.

The blond wrapped his arms around the three other males, smiling when Remus wrapped his own arms around him and Relic, too.
Romulus moved with his brother to the two, hugging them both back, his eyes closed and he took in a deep breath. He still was a little unsure of the whole thing, but he trusted them, for the most part. He just could not get used to the idea of someone caring for them unconditionally. That made no sense. There was always someone yelling at them, saying they hated them, did not like them, that they were purely in the way. This was too different for him.

Relic smiled warmly, pressing a kiss to the boys' cheeks and he then released them, looking up at them with the smile still to his lips. "So ... Will you two come out of your room now? I promise I'll make Rune stay on his side of the house..."​
A few weeks passed and the boys were much more comfortable in their own home, and even at school. They were themselves, and was glad that the most that happened were a few strange looks during their first few days at Prometheus. They were happy now, easily getting used to having so many people care about them and watch them and worry about them.
Romulus really was nicely adjusted to the new way of living. He enjoyed it a lot. Being loved and not having to worry about being who they were, it was very, very nice. The school was nice too! It was even more places that they did not have to hide. He liked it a lot.

Happily, he walked down the hall, hand linked with his brother's while they headed forward, making way to their house once more.​
Josh moved through the house, simply cleaning up a little bit. It had been a fairly quiet time in their lives and he was happy for it. They lived their life together, keeping quiet and out of the limelight as much as they possibly could. He sighed when there was a knock at the door, unsure of just who it could be. Relic, maybe? When he opened the door, he gasped.

Sully had just been in the process of cleaning up the bedroom of their dirty clothes when his love called to him. He perked up and then sighed heavily. He groaned and began to make his way down the stairs, eyes rolling as he did so. "I told you not to do the dis--" He stopped, mid-thought upon seeing the reason for the call. His mother was standing on their front step. His mother. This would NOT be good.

"WHatever it is, no."

The woman took in a deep breath, her eyes closed and she truly looked broken, something Sully had never seen his mother look -- ever. "Sulliven ... I need to speak with you, please." She said, her eyes traveling up to the boy, looking ever so pathetic at hte moment.

He stopped at the door and he nodded. "Okay." He whispered, leading her inside, door closed behind her while he pointed her in the direction of the living room. He turned to Joshua, looking at him with concern. "This won't be good." He whispered, sighing heavily. "You can hide in the kitche nif you want."​
He watched the woman, emerald eyes raking over her. He could tell that something was wrong, and Joshua moved into the house when his lover invited the woman in. The redhead pressed a little kiss to the other man's temple softly. "How about I make some tea?" He didn't wait for an answer before moving towards the kitchen to do just that, straining his ears to hear what was going on in the other room.
He nodded, glad for his love right now. He moved into the other room, sitting on a chair on the opposite side of his mother, looking her over. "So, Mother, what is it?" He asked, still a little bit short with the woman, but sounding a little more sympathetic than normal.

She remained where she was, her golden eyes closed and she took in a deep breath when her son got right to the point. Her arms tightly wrapped around her lower torso, her hand rested upon her abdomin and she rubbed it a little bit. She fidgetted a little bit and her eyes lifted up to the male and she figured she may as well come out with it. "I'm pregnant."

He blinked a few times, shocked, yet not seeing the dire emergency, nor why she seemed so worried. "Annd what?"

"It's ... not your father's."

His jaw dropped, eyes wide, and he stared at the woman. "No... shit..." He mumbled, his hand lifted to rest on his lips, in complete and utter shock right now. She had to be kidding, wans't she?! Wait, no, this woman never kidded. She was pregnant... with an illegitimate heir. His father would kill her if he found out -- literally! No wonder she was here. "Oh.. um ... wow... Just, give me a second..."​
Joshua entered the room again with three steaming mugs of tea just as Sully reacted to whatever the woman had told him. He hadn't heard what it was, unfortunately. The redhead handed the woman her tea, and then his lover his own before sitting next to Sully, studying him. He was in shock a bit, but mainly he looked pretty upset. Joshua wrapped an arm around his waist. "Are you okay? Can I do anything for you?"
Sully took the tea, staring at it and he looked at the tea then once more back to his mother who was staring at the leaves in her tea. He took in a deep breath and shook his head. "My mother's pregnant." He stated, turning to look at Joshua. "With my half-sibling." He clarified, feeling so very confused at the moment. This was ... NOt happening. His mother -- Eeew!​
"Oh...my..." He didn't know what else to say, much like his lover, really. What could someone say to that? He wasn't sure, really. Joshua simply kept an arm around Sully's waist and waited to hear what could or should or would be done, and how he could help.
"Who's the father?" he asked, praying beyond all readon for a solid answer. 'iI don't know' would make him weap.

The woman took in a deep breath, a red tinted to her cheeks and her golden eyes flicked to the side and slowly back to her child. "Azeris..."

"WHAT?!" His eyes went wide and he stared at the woman, looking his mother over and he shook his head. "Shit ... That is ... oh wow." He looked at the blushing woman, never before having seen her like this. It made her seem so human! He pushed his hand through his hair and brushed it aside, resting his hand at the back of his neck. "You slept with ... the cook's son." He laughed lightly, smiling warmly as he looked over at his mother. "Nice taste." He said and then groaned a little bit more. "You can't go home..."

She nodded, fidgetting with the end of her gown and she took in a deep breath. "Yes ... This is why I am here, Sulliven. I cannot go back. Your father will kill me ..." She took in another breath, looking over at the two and she truly was crushed. "I know I have not been a great mother and that you do not like me ... but will you please let me into you home?"​
He hadn't realized that it was so serious. He probably should have considering Sully's father's attitude when they had been called up there a few months back, though. Joshua looked at the woman, and then his lover before making the decision for them. "Yes. You can stay here." He knew that Sully wouldn't let her go back to be harmed or disgraced, even if he was having a hard time voicing that. And Joshua knew that the woman in front of them wouldn't be asking if she had any other choice.
Sully nodded and sighed softly. He could not believe all that had happened. He really, reallly could not. He stood up and moved over to his mother, holding out his hand. "I'll show you to your room." He stated, looking the woman over a little bit and he knew that she was probably falling apart at the seams.

She nodded and took her son's hand, pulling herself up off the couch, grip quite tight upon the other's hand, very nervous and on edge right now. "Sulliven ... I do not have clothes. I just ... When I found out, I had to leave. Without telling anyone ... I only got here because your friend, Junay was so sweet." She informed him, looking so very frail at the moment.

He listened to the woman and sighed heavily, groaning a little bit. "Yes, mother." He said softly, continuing to lead her toward the stairs to bring her to her room. "I cna lend you some of my pajamas so you can sleep comfortably ... I'll call Relic and see what he can lend you for tomorrow. Then we can buy you something to wear later."​
Joshua watched, sitting in the living room for Sully to reappear. He didn't know what they were going to do, especially if Sully's father came pounding on their door. Would they lie? How would they stop him from getting into the house? But, really, his main concern was the woman's safety.

The redhead was immediately on the phone with Relic, explaining the situation in as little detail as he could. "You don't happen to have some extra, modest, clothes lying around that we could borrow, do you?"
Relic squealed with the question, instantly going into babbling conversations about the many different things that he had lying aroudn that no one else would wear, or that he had yet to find someone to put it onto. With another little squeal, he hung up the phone, telling htem he would be over once hte items were gathered.

Sully dropped his mom off, gave her his clothes, told her where the shower is and everything else. He then made his way down the stiars, spotting Joshua on the phone and he sighed heavily. Walking to hte male, he wrapped his arms around his waist and buried his face into the back of him, gripping the male tightly as ever, needing a bit of his strength
He had to pull the phone away from his ear when Relic squealed, and he had to resist telling him that he didn't care why the clothes were lying around and to just bring them over. Joshua was nice, and good and instead said a polite "thank you" and hung up the phone. Once he did, the redhead turned around and wrapped his arms securely around his lover's shoulders, hugging him tightly.

"What's going to happen?"
Sully took in a deep breath, eyes closed as he listened to his love's question. He grumbled and nuzzled into his chest a bit. He pulled back a little and looked up at him. "She'll go through to term. Give birth. Possibly give the child up to someone to care for, or claim that the child was one she had found, then more than likely, she will go back. And that is as long as my father does not interfere. I see no reason why he would. He probably does not even know she is not there." He stated, shruging a little bit and he chuckled softly. "It's bad, but I do not wonder why my mother strayed, I know why." He shook his head and nuzzled into Joshua a little bit more.​
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