Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Jade blushed horribly, finally feeling very guilty. Actually, he felt like he was going to cry. He gripped the male tighter beside him, taking in a deep breath and he stared at his feet now. He fidgetted a little bit, blushing a little more and he then buried his face into the crook of his father's neck, tears passing his eyes and he wrapped his arms around the other. "I"m sorry Papa! I am ... I did not mean to ... I ... I did not mean to!" he whimpered a little bit and gripped his Papa tighter, still blushing horribly.​
Calder felt bad that Jade was crying, but he had to get it through his head that what he did was wrong and that he couldn't do it again. It was dangerous. "What if you did something that hurt you, Jade?" he asked, hugging him more tightly and pressing a kiss to the top of his head. "Mama and I wouldn't know what to do with ourselves if something happened to you or Trevor or Ella." He shook his head but eventually turned to Trevor, asking him to go find Rune on his way to Bohdi's dorm. Someone had to be there to control his temper so that the story could be told!
Jade took in a deep breath and he shook his head a little bit. "But ... I didn't mean to do this spell! I didn't want to get ol-- okay, I did. I did want to get older but ... I did not want to do it this way. I thought that this spell was something else. I think I confused this one with another one. The one I had wanted was supposed to be to change the wall colors ... Not me." He admitted, blushing even more and he looked down at his feet, arms wrapping around his lower torso, grpping himself tightly.

Trevor nodded, moving to his brother to kiss his cheek before he headed out to find his Mama on teh way. He found him, easily, sending him to Calder's room and then he continued toward Bohdi's.

Rune moved into the room a few moments later, stopping dead when he spotted Jade, his eyes a bit wide and his jaw dropped just a bit. "Jade?! What did you do to yourself?!"​
"Well next time double check what you're saying, right?" Calder asked, ruffling Jade's hair just as Rune entered. The blond moved over to his lover and leaned up to kiss him, arms wrapping around his waist tightly. "Listen before you get mad." He nuzzled along Rune's jaw for a moment before leading him over to one of the desks, motioning Jade to follow.
Rune sighed heavily, walking to the desk and he sat down at Calder's chair, pulling his love onto his lap. His arms wrapped around his form and he rested his head against the side of hte other, looking at the male and he waited for him to begin to tell him.

Jade blushed, taking a hold of Murasaki's hand and he began to walk toward the desk his parents sat at. Once more, he told them the story of how he was as he was, blushing and fidgetting the whole while, truly feeling silly by now. He had been happy. HE waso lder and it would make Murasaki happy! They could be more open now, if only a little bit. But, he knew that was not the main issue. He knew he should not think that way, he sighed softly once he finished, staring at his feet again.

Rune listened and he looked up at the male, shaking his head a little bit. "Great. Now you look like you belong to my mother." He stated, groaning a little bit and he took in a sharp breath, knocking on the wooden desk, praying that it would ward off the woman. Okay, that was how his mind was working right now. He idd not want her to show up ... She had yet to, so he was happy. "It sucks. I agree with the things Papa has said ... but, we can't change it." He stated, looking over at the two and he smiled warmly to his son. "Just ... Read things a bit more, kay? I don't want to lose you or blow up our house."​
Murasaki was thanking someone that he wasn't blamed and killed for this. Goodness knew that Rune was capable of both things without a second thought. He sighed a bit in relief and began to leave the room, knowing that Jade would follow soon after him.

"We're going to talk about dating rules when you come home tonight," Calder added a bit sternly. "And make no mistake that you will be coming home tonight, mister. No falling asleep on Mr. Konani's sofa, or bed, or any other part of his rooms."
Jade pouted. Damn. He nodded with a soft, "Yes, sir." Before he turned and made his way out of the room. He took a hold of Murasaki's hand once more, lacing their fingers again and he nuzzled into his shoulder a little bit. He smiled lightly, tilting his head back to look up at hte male. He leant over t kiss his cheek softly. "I'm sorry." He whispered, still feeling a little bit bad for everything. He tugged him a little closer to his form, looking over the purple-haired male and he just wanted to keep him by hisside, and then stay the night. Apparently, that was not the case.
Murasaki smiled and tousselled Jade's hair as they walked, keeping a firm grip on the boy's hand. "I know. But we'll go over spells and such tonight. And pronunciation." Latin could be tricky, and translating it into English could be ten times as tricky. Jade would need a lot of practice. "We'll just make sure to not use too much energy practicing the spells so that you can get home, hmm?"
Jade smiled and kissed hils love with a little nod. "Okay." He said and then bumped his hip against his. He continued toward the other's room, humming to himself as he did so. He would have to wait to see what his parents said tonight before he would bother Murasaki for maybe a little more than kissing. Or at least a little bit more. He just ... He wanted to be able to love him properly. At least now it could be an option, right?
The night was well spent with only a few 'breaks' and 'detours'. Murasaki was careful to not allow either of them to get too out of hand or too exhausted, and he personally brought Jade home later that evening. The wizard waited to make sure that he got into the house okay before driving back to the school and falling into bed, exhausted from the events of the past few hours.
Jade kissed Murasaki a few times before he moved down to his house once more. He made his way inside with a cheerful, "Honey! I'm hooome" and then made his way to the kitchen, wanting to get a little something to eat. Maybe some candy or something. He was not sure what to expect. His parents wanted to talk to him. He alreadywanted to ignore them and go into his bedroom, go with his own ruiles of what he and his love could do.
Calder smiled as he moved around the kitchen, greeting Jade when he entered the room. He set out a plate of cookies that he'd been baking, and turned to get a glass of milk for his son. "How was your night?" he asked, sitting down next to him and taking a cookie for himself.
He smiled warmly, sitting on the counter and he took up a cookie, eating it happily. He giggled excitedly before looking at his Papa, smiling even more. "It was lovely!" He chimed, truly happy about all that happened.

Rune soon moved into the room as well, having smelt the cookies a long time ago. He bounced into the kitchen and took a cookie, groaning at the food, melting into it. "Oooh I adore you." He said, looking at the cookie in his hand, kissing it before he finished off the rest of it. He bounced upon the balls of his feet, his eyes then moving to the boy in front of htem. "You're not avoiding your rules, either."
Calder pouted at Rune's confession to the cookie. He rarely heard such words from his lover, and even though he felt silly for feeling jealous towards a cookie... He did. The blond was glad for the mention of rules, though, as it pulled his attention away from his jealousy and back to their youngest son.

"Yes. Rules." He smiled at Jade. "Lets start with what you want, and then we'll tell you how much, if any, of it you can do or have."
Jade sighed softly and they went through the whole yes and no process. Yes, he could sleep over Murasaki's every so often. No, he could not do more than kissing. Yes, he could go out on dates with him if the teacher so wished. No, he could not have sex with him. [That came up quite a bit actually.] He pouted at the end of the rules, staring at his parents, cheeks puffed out and he stared at him, sinking low and against the counter a little bit more. "Why can't I get closer with him?" He whined, knowing that even Murasaki would not allow him to do so.

Rune rolled his eyes. "Because you're still young. Your body aged, your mind stayed the same."

"That's just it!" He yelled, straightening up and he looked at the two. "I'm not a normal eleven-year-old. Even before .. this! I finally feel that my outward appearance reflects my ... What happened to me! Why won't you let me make a positive out of hte negative childhood that I had grown up with? I've had sex. I've had a lot of sex. Why won't you let me erase all those bad memories with one of love with the man that I love!? I won't have sex with him tomorrow, but I just ... I just want to be able to have the option when the time is right... Why ... Why won't you let me?"
Calder sighed softly, listening to Jade. He hated to agree with him, but the blond knew that he was right. Still, that didn't change his mind and he was fairly sure that it didn't change Rune's, either. He scooted over and rested his arm on the back of Jade's stool, turning to face him a bit.

"Jade, listen. We do want you to have happy memories. That was part of our decision to bring you three here and adopt you. But there's plenty of time for sex. We know-we understand that you want to; that you want the option to. But we want you to explore all those other things first-the things that you didn't get to explore when you... Before you were here."
Jade groaned and rolled his eyes. He slid off the stool wit ha short, "Whatever" passing his lips before he left the room to go escape to his bedroom once more. Slamming the door closed and he locked it behind him, sinking onto the ground and he pulled his knees to his chest. His face buried into his thighs and he nuzzled into his lap a little, just trying to relax a little bit again.

Rune sighed heavily, his eyes slipping closed and his head dropped a little bit, feeling bad about the whole situation. He knew that half the issue was probably just them refusing to let him. That if he just knew he had the freedom to choose, it would be better, but he just did not want him to have sex so soon ... At least another year. He was twelve when he had first had sex, so ... that was a bit more acceptable.
Calder could only shake his head. He really didn't know what else to do. He knew that Jade was upset, but what could they do? Encourage him to go and have sex? Yeah, that wasn't going to happen...ever. But neither he nor Rune wanted the boy to be miserable, either. He sighed and flopped his head forward, wishing that there was a way to compromise and have everyone happy.

"We're doing the right thing, right?"
"No." Trevor said, just coming into the kitchen and beginning to make a little snack for ade, knowing just what the boy would like, and what would end up making him feel better. He turned to look at his parents, knowing - especialy by the annoyed look in Rune's eyes - that they needed more explination. "For a different child, you would. For Ella, your rules will be perfectly fine. For me you would be as well. For Jade ... He is a different type. He has always been physical. He has always been one that needs to show his lowe. He never feels that just saying it is well enough. And after all the things he has been through, all the creepers mindlessly saying that they loved him for their own warped pleasure, he wants to be able to be with someone he loves, truly loves."

He looked up at the two and stopped in the middle of stirring the batter together. He sighed softly as he kept his eyes to his parents. "He won't do anything until he is ready, you know. Until he truly knows he is in love, he won't have sex. He has told me this many times that when he is finally out of our circumstance, however it was, when he found someone he loved, he was going to make sure that it would be someone he completely and utterly loved by that person. He is smart. He is wise for his years ... The body he is in now, that fits him more than you know."
Somehow, without Trevor ever saying those things, Calder knew that he was right. And while it was their instinct to protect Jade from everything that they possibly could... Well that just wasn't possible, was it? The blond looked to Rune pathetically. "He's right." He didn't want Trevor to be right, but he was. He slipped off of the stool and reached out for Rune's hand, knowing that the conversation had just begun, really.
Rune let out a heavy sigh, listening to Trevor and he groaned. Turning to Calder, he nodded to his words. He took his love's hand and left the room to make his way up to Jade's room. HE knocked on the door. "Jade, can we talk, please?" He asked, looking at the door and slowly opening it. He poked his head inside, seeing the boy sitting on his bed, curled up.

Jade lifted his head, looking over at the two and he turned his head to stare at his wall. He pulled his purple teddy bear tightly against his chest, arms wrapped around the bear tightly, burying his face into the purple fur.
Moving over, Calder sat on the edge of the bed and rested a hand on Jade's leg. "Jade you know that we only want to protect you, right?" He sighed, hating to see his son so upset.
Jade nodded a little, burying his face into his bear's head and he groaned a little bit at the thought of this conversation once more. He took in a deep breath, turning to look at his parents, Mama standing beside his Papa and he looked back to the blond, looking at him. "Yes ... I... know." He admitted, feeling wretched about it all. He knew that that was the case, but he still did not like it anymore.
Calder nodded, relieved that at least Jade knew that. "And we want to help you to make good decisions. Because that's what parents do." The blond looked up to Rune and took a deep breath while leaning into his side a little bit. He didn't like what he was about to say, and wished that everything would be okay without him having to say it. But the blond knew that that wasn't the case at all.

"And we're not telling you to go and sleep with Murasaki the next time you see him. Or even the next hundred times you see him. But... we're not going to expressly forbid it, either."
Jade listened to the blond and he let out a heavy sigh with the male finally telling him what he needed to hear. He let out a little whimper and moved toward the two, wrapping his arms aroudn them and he nuzzled into his fathers' necks, eyes cloesd with a soft, "Thank you" passing his lips. He slowly settled back and he looked at Calder, smiling a little weakly. "I just ... I just needed that. To know you won't hate me in case something happened." He kissed his Papa's cheek once more and hugged him again, just happier at the moment right now. "I really do love him, and I do not plan to do anything soon ... but ... thank you."​
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