Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Charlie disappeared into the other room for a bit, changing into a pair of pajama pants and a tee shirt. He then moved back to the living room, sitting down and turning on the television. "Is dinner almost ready?" He asked, turning to look at the male in the kitchen, eyes traveling along his form. Oh, he really caught himself something lovely.
The question drew him out of his thoughts and Tobias just left the sauce the way it was. What else could he do? The brunette turned around with a forced little smile to his face while moving the carrots into the pot to steam them and to finish the salad. "Yes. A few more minutes. Would you please set the table for me?"
Charlie sighed heavily, turning off the telelvision and standing up with a simple "Yea, sure" before he moved to the cupboard. He took them out and then set them ont othe table with a fork and knife for each. He then moved to sit in the chair at the table, staring at Tobias, impateitnly waiting for his food.
Looking over, Tobias couldn't help the slight disappointment on his face. He'd hoped that they could maybe finish cooking the meal together. But maybe Charlie had had a hard day at work. The brunette forced himself to not feel hurt by his boyfriend's actions. Instead, he finished cooking and began to move everything to the table, getting the items that Charlie overlooked (that had to be what it was--the other man wouldn't do such a thing on purpose!) before sitting down and smiling. "Did you have a nice day?"
Charlie straightened up when teh other set the food and everything else down. He then began to pile on some food onto his dish. He took up his fork, taking apart a few pieces and eating them before the question hit his ears. He looked over at the male and he shrugged his shoulders. "It was okay."
He nodded, disappointed that Charlie didn't say more about his day. Tobias really was interested! Well, he pushed forward and maybe telling the other man about his own day would spark some conversation! "I went to lunch with Abbadon today. He's reading this book that I haven't read yet, and I thought that maybe I'd pick up a copy tomorrow, maybe have lunch with Luka and Eros or something..."
Charlie arched a brow. Abbadon? Luka ... Eros?! He straightened up even more, his eyes fixed on the other male, eyes narrowed a little bit. "How about we do something tomorrow instead?" he asked, not liking the thought of him with anyone else. Oh no no n o. That would not happen. "I don't like you hanging out with other people." He stated, keeping his eyes to the other male.
He...he what? "O-oh... Um... Well I've made plans with Luka already... I mean... He was the one who asked me to visit and all..." What else could he say? Luka was his brother! And that didn't mean that he liked breaking plans with anyone else just because Charlie said so, but he'd feel much less guilty if it were anyone else but Luka. "But it can be a double date and then we can go do something together!" That was the perfect solution!
Charlie shook his head, no longer interested in the food in front of him. "but ... I had our whole day planned." Yes. He was lying, but he knew that otherwise, the man would go without a care to the lunch with his brother. He did not want him to hang out with his brother. "I want to spend more time with you, Tobi... Just us." He said, a litle pout to his lips. He stood up from the chair he was in, his arms wrapping around the other's form and he pulled him closed, kissing along his neck with a little grni to his lips. "It would be very nice.." He whispered, nipping his neck.
He was completely torn now. Tobias whimpered a little bit and pulled away from Charlie, knowing that he'd never be able to think with a clear mind if he didn't. "Charlie... We can do everything you planned. But I have to see Luka. It's my last day to before he has classes again, and then I leave to go back home." He looked up at his boyfriend with pleading eyes. "It's only one lunch. Luka won't want to do anything after-he can't keep his attention held for any length of time." It was cruel, and he would have invited both Luka and Eros out afterward but... Compromise, right?
Charlie shook his head to the other's words. "No ... It's only more time spent away from me. I don't want to share you. You said it yourself that you're going to be going soon .. I don't want you to. I want you to stay here with me." He said, leaning over to press another kiss to the side of his neck, nipping the flesh gently and then nuzzling his nose into the side of his neck. His arms wrapped around him once more, biting his neck once more and pulled him a little bit more. "Just ... stay here. With me ... Your brother will get over it. I don't like you being away from me."
"But... But I won't be away from you," he tried, pulling away once more. "Like I said, we can double date. It's just lunch, Charlie... What's the harm?" He looked up and smiled, nuzzling along the man's chin a little bit in the hopes of coaxing him to agree. "I can plan a trip here just to spend time with you in a few months when I have some money stashed away..."
Charlie shook his head at the other male's words, still not accepting them at all. "No. I want you to stay here. I want you to stay with me. I won't let you go." He stated, thought the other male probably did not realize he meant he would not let him go home either. He did not want to lose him. He would keep him here for as long as possible, not letting him go. Who cared about his brother or anything of that sort? He meant nothing, now that he was here, right? And that ... Abbadon? Oh, he would not be hanging out with him ever again! Nope. He would not let him leave the house.
Tobias chuckled a little bit with the words of not allowing him to go. The brunette really didn't think that the other man was serious at all. Not let him? Charlie wasn't his parent. "It'll be fun, honey." He pecked a kiss to the man's chin and settled in his seat again, convinced that the other was pulling his leg. "And then we can go shopping together after and I can get that book to read on the plane ride home and we can get something to cook together for dinner!" Yes, that sounded like a nice day!
Charlie shook his head and he pulled the younger male onto his lap, arms tightly secured around his hips as he did so. "No. I'm not letting you go see your brother. You're staying here with me tomorrow." He stated, keeping his arms tightly around the other so that he could not easily get out of his embrace. Maybe he would realize he really was not joking about htis.
The tight hold scared him and Tobias struggled to get away, standing a good distance away once he had. "You can't... Forbid me to see my own brother!" This...wasn't right. He wanted to see Luka before he went home. It was the right thing to do and he loved his brother!
A month passed by, and Charlie was ecstatic! It took a bit of coaxing, but Tobias was definitely turning into someone he quite enjoyed ... to control. The other male had not seen his brother since he whined about it, heck, he had not even returned back to his house. No friends. No family -- perfect! He loved it so, so very much. Not him. Of course not him, merely the fact that he could do what he pleased with and to him!

Abbadon, on the other hand, was concerned. He had not seen the male in such a long time, and that was unlike the other. He normally would at least call him to let him know where he was, how he was doing, what book he may have started to read. He ... did not like this at all. The demon, currently, was wakling down the street, book within his hands again and his mind racing a mile a minute, trying to think of where the other would be, not really paying attention to the novel and the words written.
The month was... Well it was a blur, really. Tobias couldn't really remember how he'd gotten to this point. He was desperate to get out; miserable in general. And yet...he stayed. He stayed because he was in love; because he thought that Charlie loved him. But he missed Luka. And he especially missed the bond that he'd been cultivating with Abbadon. The brunette was pale and sickly looking from staying inside all day. He had large, dark bags underneath his eyes and they were always puffy as he cried regularly.

But something...clicked. Tobias didn't know what it was, or what had made him open his eyes, but it worked. The brunette waited for Charlie to leave for work before rushing. He had to rush because Charlie always surprised him by coming home at random and obscure times of the day. He threw what meager items he had into a backpack before rushing out the door...and not looking back.

He ran into town, always looking over his shoulder. Was Charlie just watching him; waiting for the perfect moment to snatch him back up? While Tobias was looking behind him once again, he ran into someone hard enough that he fell to the ground and he had no desire to get back up, either. He sat there with his head down, waiting for whoever it was to go away so that he could keep running.
Abbadon gave a gentle 'ooph' when he was ran into by someone. He looked down at the male on the ground, taking in a deep breath as he knew who it was. "Tobias!" He said, actually looking happier upon seeing him than he normally would for anything really. He reached down and helped the other male up, making sure he was on his feet before he cupped his chin, looking him over and concern flooded his dark eyes. "What happened to you?"
The voice perked him up just a little. Really, Tobias wasn't sure that anything else would have been able to. When he looked up and saw Abbadon, he nearly collapsed into the male's chest, sobbing and clinging to him. He wanted to talk, sort of, but his fear got the better of him and he pulled away, shaking his head. "No. No I can't stay here. He'll find me..."
He'll find him?! Abbadon instantly was more concerned, but he could understand a bit. He wrapped an arm around the other's shoulders, leading him down the street and holding him against his form. "I have an apartment near by ... We can talk there." He said, continuing to moved him out of the town, through a few side streets and he really just wanted to stay out of hte public eye, wanting to hopefully make his friend feel better. He soon arrived at a very nice looking apartment building, quite a ways away from Charlie's building.

He lead him up the stairs and soon opened up the door to a very nice looking apartment. Nothing spectacular. Nothing like hte twins would get, but it definitely was nice. He moved inside with the other male, closing the door behind him and he looked over at him. "What's the matter?"
He trusted Abby. He moved with him, curling close into his side and trying desperately to hide his face. Tobias didn't want Charlie popping up out of nowhere-that would simply cause trouble for the both of them. Abby didn't deserve any trouble, especially from Charlie! He couldn't help the little sigh of relief that came with the click of the door behind him. It usually brought dread and concern and despair. But Tobias knew that he was safe here.

The brunette twisted the bottom of his shirt nervously as he stood in the middle of the room, unsure of what to do anymore. He was about to betray the man who had given him somewhere to live and food to eat and clothes to wear for the past month or more. Charlie had taken care of him. How could he speak badly about him? Tobias stood there and agonized over what to do.
Abbadon had seen this before. Many, many women had come into his father's office, looking just as haggard as the other. Looking just as broken, and he knew what the issue was. Tobias was being abused. It truly crushed his heart to see him like that. He made his way over to the other male and he gently cupped his face again, tilting it up to look into the other's eyes. "Tobias ... I know what happened." He said softly and he then led the other to the other room. "I think you need to sleep. Sleep soundly without worry."

Tobias' mind was racing now. Abbadon knew. And soon, Charlie would know that he betrayed him. "No..." At first his voice was a whisper, but as he repeated the word a few times, it got stronger. "No... No Charlie will worry about me... I've... I've made a mistake... I need to go back..." The brunette tried to pull away from the horned male.
Abbadon stopped when he heard the words from the other's lips, looking down at him and he stared at the male for a short while. He sighed heavily and he shook his head a little bit. "Tobias ... Charlie does not care about you." He whispered softly, stopping right where he was. He straightened up, his arms crossed over his toned torso and he kept his gaze to the male. "When was the last time you even spoke to your brother?"
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