Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

"Oh, Jade..." Calder leaned forward and pressed a kiss to the blond's forehead. "Even if something had happened after we told you 'no', we wouldn't hate you, honey!" They could never hate any of their children, whether or not they were biologically their own. "We just want you to realize that there are many levels of love, and that you should try to experience as many as possible before having sex with someone."
Jade smiled gently and he nodded to the things his Papa was telling him. "I know." He admitted, smiling gently. "I ... I want to experience all those things first! I really, really do." He informed him and he leant over to press a kiss to the other's cheek once more. He then plopped back onto the mattress.​
It was nice to be back with Luka again. This was the second week in three months that Tobias was able to visit his brother. But Luka had classes and Eros, and so Tobias was currently roaming around the surrounding town, shopping here and there for nothing in particular. He picked up a couple of CD's for Luka, and even a new music book for him to read and learn.
Abbadon was in town. Valerius had called him up and practically begged him to go check on Gabriel and Sergei. He really had been trying to get enough motivation to actually attend Prometheus. He wanted to. He really did, but his father always was so scatter-brained and he wanted to be sure that when he left, he would not feel guilty for leaving his father without any help. But, both his father and Valerius agreed that him coming here would be good. He could check up on Gabriel while he got a feel for the school.

He could not check up on Gabriel yet since he was in classes, so he decided to wander around town a little bit. Ignoring the odd looks he was getting, the ravenette just continued through the different stores. His eyes to a book he recently bought, looking over the words and wonderin just why he had not read this book earlier.​
Personally, Tobias preferred reading to music. He moved through the bookstore without looking in front of him, instead looking at the titles of the books on the shelves. He wanted to find a few to keep him busy for a little while. The brunette was stopped short, though, when he ran into someone else that he hadn't seen. "Umph!" He shook his head a little to clear the cobwebs before looking up to find out who he'd bumped into.
Abbadon stopped when there was something against his chest. He moved his eyes from the book, seeing that there had been someone who ran into him. He gave a little bow of his head with a soft, "Sorry." He had not been watching where he was going either. He normally did not run into anyone though. He supposed there was a first time for everything, huh? "Are you okay?" He asked, eyes to the male, looking him over, a little concerned. He knew that it was not a fun thing to run into him. Most people screamed and ran off.
Tobias really didn't pay any attention to what the male in front of him looked like. Of course, he was handsome but the horns nor anything else frightened him. "Yes, I'm alright. Are you?" He caught the title of the book that the other had in his hands and clapped a little. "Oh that's one of my very favorites!"
Abbadon nodded. "I'm fine." He stated and then blinked a few times. He liked the book he was reading. He turned to look at the title and then once more back to the male that was so very happy in front of him. "I just started it ... It's very interesting." He admitted and then took the little piece of paper he had been using to save his place and put it into the book, closing it to look the thing over once more. "You like the book?" he asked, more so shocked that the man was not screaming about his horns or how scary he was.
He nodded, smiling happily. "The main character is just so dynamic. He really pulls you into his thoughts." He paused to think of what else he could tell the other without giving the ending away. Tobias shook his head a little. "I want to say more but there are a lot of surprises so...I won't." Once more the brunette paused, an awkward silence passing. "Are you from here?"
Abbadon looked at the book that, already, he was halfway through. He nodded to what the male was telling him. "The author does a very good job. I do find myself surprised with what happens. It is not what I expect." He admitted, holding the book against his toned chest and he then looked back to the male, shaking his head at teh question ."No. I'm from Ireland." he stated, the accent heard within his words, though it was not strong. He did not really like to be obvious with where he was from. Some people could not understand his heavy accent, so he tried to not show it.
He nodded, hearing the faint accent for the first time. "I've never been to Ireland. Is it nice there?" Tobias sat down on the floor, his back against the shelves behind him and looking up at the horned male he was speaking with. "Oh. I'm Tobias, by the way." He smiled up at him, scooting over to make room in the aisle that they were in, just in case the other male wanted to sit down, too.
Abbadon listened to the other and he then slowly moved to sit beside him. "Abbadon." He then tought a little bit about Ireland, a small smile to his lips as he thought about it. "It's lovely. It is not all drunkards and everything of the like that stereotypes have given to Ireland. It's beautiful. Green, the castles are positively gorgeous. It's a little foggy, but for the most part, it's always beautiful."
Tobias nodded, definitely adding Ireland to his places to visit list.

They talked for several more hours, the brunette becoming rather friendly with the horned male, even offering his phone number. "Maybe we could go for coffee and talk about the book once you're finished. I'm staying with my brother for the week, but I'm bored when he has class."
Abbadon actually ... enjoyed speaking with the male. He never once felt uncomfortable, and he was very intrigued with the conversation, enjoying it. With the male's number in his hand, he smiled and nodded a little bit. "Yes. When I finish, I will call you." He said, giving him his number as well - it actually being his house number. He did not have a cell phone to speak of. He should probably get one, though.

A few days later, walking into the coffee shop that the cute ravenette was sitting in. Charlie instantly spotted the cutie and a grin came to his lips. Getting his coffee and croissant, he headed to the table, stopping at the chair across from the other. "May I join you?"
Tobias looked up, instantly attracted to the man who stood in front of him. He nodded, slipping a slip of paper into the book that he was reading to mark his place. "Yes, please." The brunette smiled brightly and put the book into the bag that was sitting on the back of his chair, looking over to his now guest. He wondered why the man chose to ask to sit with him. There were plenty of empty tables in the cafe, though Tobias certainly wasn't complaining! He waited for the other to sit before asking.

"So to what do I owe the pleasure of your company?"
Charlie smiled happily and he set the coffee onto the table and his shoulders lifted a little bit. His arms crossed and rested upon the table, right knee crossing over his left and he moved toward the other male. "The pleasure is all mine, cutie." He winked, brown eyes pleased with the other at the moment. His brown hair cut short to his ear and straight and layered, a bit in front of his eyes. "I'm Charlie." He said, holding out his hand in greeting to the other.
Tobias blushed profusely at the compliment, dipping his head in the hopes of being able to hide his red cheeks and ears. He took the hand that was offered and shook it lightly, introducing himself softly. "Tobias." He wasn't usually so easily embarrassed, but the man across from him was gorgeous and rarely did he have anyone like that pay him any sort of attention. Generally, all eyes were focused on Luka and his abilities.

The brunette took a moment to recover before daring to look up again. "Do you live around here?" Lame.
Charlie smiled even more. Oh, he was going to be fun! He grinned and let out a little chuckle. "Why? You want to come back to my place so soon?" He asked, only partially kidding. Hey, if he won this guy over easier, then he would definitely be happier. He took a sip of the coffee he left on the table, setting it back onto the table, sighing contently. "But yes. I do. My apartment is within walking distance. . . And I've never seen you aroudn here before. What brings you to my neck of the woods?"
He gave a very soft mumbled 'maybe' before pushing on to answer the rest of Charlie's questions. "My brother goes to school here," he answered, voice still very soft. Tobias was a bit intimidated. "So I am visiting him for the week...when he's not in class. Do you go to school?" He knew that Prometheus taught all ages so maybe Charlie still did go to school? It would be interested to know his powers or whatever if he did...
He nodded a little, smiling even more. He really was too adorable! "Mm. No. I work. I don't go to school." He stated, shrugging his shoulders a little bit and he kept his eyes to the other, completely enthralled with him. Yes. He definitely liked him. "Do you go to school?"
Tobias had fallen hard for Charlie. He was cute, and nice, and tended to him no matter what he wanted. Sure, he was a little jealous sometimes but that just made the brunette feel even more special. It made him feel like he was extra loved because Charlie wanted him all to himself.

But that didn't stop him from seeing Abbadon. They would meet and talk about books they had read, or were reading. They talked about anything, really. Tobias easily began to trust the horned male, enjoying their talking much more than even he himself realized.

"Oh, I should be going. Charlie will be home and I want to surprise him with dinner. I'll call you later!" Tobias dashed off towards Charlie's apartment.
Abbadon nodded to the male and he walked out of the cafe that they had met in. He held the book he currently was talking to Tobias about. He watched the other walk off, giving him a little wave of his fingers and he smiled a little weakly to the other. "Have fun." He said softly and he then turned, slowly heading back to the hotel he was staying at for now. Just until he probably went and transferred into Prometheus, if he did so.
Tobias bustled around the kitchen to get everything ready. Some chicken was roasting in the oven along with potatoes, and he was in the middle of cleaning the vegetables and preparing a salad as well. The brunette hummed as he worked, enjoying the knowledge that he would be able to take care of Charlie for once, rather than it always being the other way around.
Charlie moved into his partment, sniffing a few times and he closed the door behind him. He slowly headed to where the man was in the kitchen. A grin to his lips. "You made dinner." He said, sliding up behind him. He wrapped his arms aroudn the other's form, pulling him against his form and grinding his hips against his rear a little. He reached past him to tkae a taste of the sauce he was making, smacking his lips a few times before he shrugged his shoulders. "It's pretty decent." He said, shruging once more and he then turned and made his way to the living room.
He smiled and leaned into the body that was pressed into his from behind. "Mmhmm. One of my m-" He stopped with the...well it wasn't really a put down, but it certainly wasn't a compliment either. Had he done something wrong? Tobias pouted a bit as he continued to chop the veggies, going over the recipe in his head. No... No he hadn't forgotten anything. Maybe it was just under seasoned? He went to add more salt and pepper before stopping himself. But what if it was over seasoned? He bit his bottom lip and agonized over what to do to fix it.
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