Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

His brother? When did the conversation turn to Luka? The brunette bit his bottom lip, worrying it with his teeth for a few minutes. "I... I don't know." His words stayed whispered now, Tobias clearly and truly ashamed that he had to answer that question with that answer. "But... But I have to go back! Charlie took care of me! It's rude to leave him like this!"
"NO." Abbadon said firmly, pressing his clawed hand to the front of the other's chest, keeping him there and his eyes stayed to hte male. "Why haven't you spoken to your brother in so long?" He asked and his eyes stayed with the other and he refused to let him leave his sight without the other knowin that hw should not go back. "He did not take good care of you. He secluded you. We were supposed to meet up three weeks ago, and I have not gotten a call from you since a month and a week ago. He is controlling you ..."
"But... But because he wants to spend time with me... Keep me all to himself..." He wouldn't want to do that if he didn't care, right? Tobias took a step away from Abbadon's hand, wanting to try to put some distance between them. He didn't understand why the other male would be so upset. He was being taken care of, right? So why was Abby trying to keep him away? "I need to go back, Abbadon... Honest!"
Abbadon moved after the other male and he kept his arms over his lower torso, looking at the male. He would not trap him in the house, but he would not let him leave to go back to that abusive male. "Tobias ... Please, do not do this. When have you ever seen a proper relationship with a male that is that possessive? Your brother ... Luka ... does he and that ... Eros ... Do they act like that?"
"N--no..." Tobias thought hard, trying to answer the questions that Abby was asking in his head before speaking them. At least... He didn't think Luka and Eros did... But what did that have to do with him and Charlie? Everyone was different, right? The brunette was now confused, though. He worried his bottom lip even more, though it was already quite red and swollen. "But... He took care of me..."
Abbadon sighed softly and he kept his eyes to the back of the other's head, shaking his head a little. "That is all that you say, Tobias. 'he took care of me. he took care of me.' He also secluded you from family and friends. Kept you from going back to your home town and from school. He forced you to stay away from your brother. Your brother, Tobias. I could understand not wishing you to be around potential threats to your relationship, but your brother is not one to be worried about." He moved over to the other and gently rested his hands upon his shoulders. "You ran away for a reason. It is not much to say he took care of you. I can take care of you ... and without the limitations.."
Someone wanting to take care of him was all he really needed to hear. Charlie had pushed so hard to get him to believe that no one else would want to, and it eventually worked. Tobias turned and once more collapsed into his friend's arms, this time openly sobbing. He clung to Abbadon and buried his face into the man's neck for comfort. He was beside himself, unsure of what to do or what he should do, let alone what he wanted to do.
Abbadon let out a heavy sigh, pulling the other to his form and he rested his chin against the side of his head. He kept his eyes closed for a short while and he soon made his way toward the couch. He sat down, pulling the other into his lap and he kept his arms around him, wanting him to be comfortable while he sobbed and cried for as long as he wanted to. He just .. He felt so helpless, but he knew that the male would get better. Of course he would. He just needed someone there for him.
Tobias, between sobs, poured his heart out. He told his friend everything that had happened in the past month, starting from that fateful dinner on the last day that they had seen each other. He told him about how he'd begged Charlie to just let him go have lunch with Luka, or to let Luka come have lunch at the apartment and how he had wanted to call him (Abbadon) so badly. "There... He didn't have a phone in the apartment... And he took my cell..." He kept his face hidden out of embarrassment now. "If something had happened..." He shook his head.
Abbadon let out a heavy sigh. He settled back to the couch and looked down at the other, shaking his head a little bit as he did so. "NOthing did, Tobias. Your brother is okay. I have spoken to him a few times and your family is still okay ... If anything had happened, I would have found you. Okay?" He sighed sotly and then hugged the other male a little bit more. "It's okay now. You're free. You are away from him." He hugged him a little bit more, wanting him to just feel better.
He cried it out, letting the other comfort him. He needed it. Charlie never did these sorts of things for him, despite everything else that he did, and Tobias felt better with just that little bit of affection and attention. It was several minutes-maybe a half hour-before he was cried out and yawning, easily snuggling into Abbadon's warmth and strength.
Abbadon moved his arms aroudn the other's waist, pulling him against his form and letting him get as comfortable as he wanted. Once the other fell asleep, which he knew was inevitable, he would call Luka to let him know that his brother is perfectly fine. Well, that he was okay. He was not back to normal yet, that was ever so obvious. He knew Luka would be happy to hear his brother was okay.
Tobias snuggled deeper, eventually drifting off into a very peaceful sleep. He couldn't remember when he slept so well, and it was nice to feel safe enough to do so again. Abbadon's hold around his waist was nice, too. It was protective and caring, rather than Charlie's possessiveness. The brunette liked this much better.
Abbadon scooped the other up and into his arms, standing up from the couch to go and set the other onto his bed. He tucked him in and sighed softly. Poor thing. He shook his head before leaving to go call Luka. He called up the male, telling him that his brother was okay, and once he was feeling better, he would ensure that he visited him.

For now, the male went around the kitchen in his apartment, making a nice, healthy meal for the male to eat when he was up. He wanted the male to feel better, he badly, badly wanted to have the other male feel better. He did not like that Charlie fellow. He would definitely have to confront him if he ever came near him. He did not want him to feel threatened anymore. That would be bad.
The smell of food drew Tobias out of his slumber. He felt refreshed and rested, rather than exhausted and listless and hopeless. He climbed from the bed and shuffled out into the kitchen sleepily, rubbing the gunk from his eyes as he entered. "Smells good." He didn't really want to talk about it anymore right now. He wanted to have a nice meal with his friend and then, maybe, they could talk more.
Abbadon perked up, looking behind him at the male and he smiled with a little nod. "Yes." He said simply and then took a plate, placng some of the food onto it and then he held the dish out to the other. "Here you go.' He said, smiling a bit and he set a fork on the edge of the dish. "Go sit and eat. I'm sure it will help you feel better. Some milk may help as well. Want some?"
He smiled and thanked his host, taking the plate and moving to the kitchen table to eat. Tobias only picked at it for a few minutes, thoughts whirling around in his head as he played with the food that was on his plate. The brunette nodded and accepted the glass of milk with a soft thanks and a little smile. Tobias wasn't really sure how he'd gotten himself into such a mess.
Abbadon took up a plate for himself, resting it onto the table and he sat beside the other. He took the fork and began to twirl the spaghetti aroudn his fork, eyes to the male for a short while. He took a bite before he looked back to the male. "I finished that book you suggested." He stated, eyes to the brunette, just wanting him to get his mind off everything.
They talked about books, though Tobias had to admit that he hadn't read much in the past month. Even with Charlie by his side, he was rarely allowed out of the house at all. Still, it was nice to talk about the books that he had read.

After a couple of days, the brunette felt well enough to go out, with Abbadon by his side, of course. They made plans to meet Luka and Eros for coffee, though not at the same cafe that he'd originally met Charlie at. When they got there, Tobias made a beeline for his brother and hugged him tightly, apologizing over and over again for not seeing or calling him. But Luka said it was okay and hugged him, and he looked okay, too. Once he was satisfied that he was okay, Tobias greeted Eros and they all sat down, the brunette on the inside of the booth with Abbadon at his side.
Abbadon was happy to get Tobias out of the house. He definitely needed to get some air and some sun. He followed him to the cafe, giving a little wave to the two. He then moved ot hte booth, sitting on the outside and h began to look over the menu in front of him.

Eros slid into the booth beside Luka, happy right now. His love had been very concerned about his brother, but he was very happy right now. Now that everyone was back and things were better now. He smiled pleasantly, his hand moving to link with his, intertwining their fingers and he ran his thumb along the backside of his hand absently.

Walking into the cafe, Charlie instantly spotted the brunette that had abandoned him. His eyes narrowed and he beelined for the table, his arms crossed over his lower torso, ignoring the others that were in the booth. "What are you doing, Tobias?!" He hissed, glaring at the man and he gripped his torso tighter. "Why did you leave?"
Tobias gave a rather loud 'meep!' when Charlie appeared at the table. The brunette sunk into the booth and lowered his head, eyes closing. Maybe he could pretend that the other man wasn't there? But then Charlie spoke and so that was just out of the question. "I... I mean... I wan--needed to...to see Luka... And Abb...Abby..."

Luka, not liking anything right now: the closeness of the stranger and his brother's reaction, stood up and puffed his chest out. "I think you are not welcome."
Abbadon looked up at the man and a low growl could be heard coming from the base of his throat while he listened to the other. He glanced over at Luka, knowing he did not like to be touched or near anyone. The demon [king] stood from the booth, glaring down at the male. "I know you are not welcome." He growled, his eyes easily looking murderous and he took another step toward him, planning to scare him out, if not beat him out, of the cafe.

Charlie looked a the demon in front of him, straightening even more and not backing off. His eyes kept to his and he took a step toward him. "I'm not scared of you."

"You should be." he hidded, taking a hold of the back of his neck, gripping it tightly, his long, black nails digging into the side of his neck while the demon led him out of the cafe and he literally tossed him onto his ass in the middle of the sidewalk. "I do not want to see you near Tobias. If I do, no one will be able to find the pieces of you." He turned on his heel and made his way into the cafe once more. He took in a deep breath, calming down once more and he rested into the booth once more, eyes closed.
Tobias was scared when Abbadon got up, thinking that it was an opening for Charlie to get to him. He couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when his friend pushed away the threat, and physically removed him from their immediate area. He couldn't help but curl into Abby's side when he returned, clinging onto his arm and nuzzling into his shoulder. "Thank you..."
Abbadon turned to look at the other beside him, nodding a little bit. "You're welcome." He said softly, wrapping an arm around the other's hips, holding him where he was crumbling. He shook his head and then went back to the menu in front of him, very annoyed at the moment. He could not believe that that happened. He did not like that Charlie man, at all. He just gave off a bad vibe. He sighed heavily and turned to look at the other. "you okay?"
It took him a few minutes to calm down, and the arm around his hips helped him to do so greatly. He nodded when he was asked the question, though Tobias stayed where he was to look at Abbadon's menu with him. He just wanted to be close to someone he trusted at the moment and while his brother was a good candidate for such a thing, Eros was properly attached to him. They made a cute couple.

When the waiter came, Tobias ordered lightly-just a cup of soup and some tea.
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