Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Abbadon did not mind the other resting against him. Anything to be sure that hte male felt better, he did not mind. He ordered a simple chicken meal and a glass of water for himself, handing the woman their menus and he then turned his attention to the two in front of him. "How have you two been?" He asked, truly curious. He had not really spoken to them, and especially not so much after he had Tobias in his care once more. He figured a conversation going on should help to distract the man from his thoughts and paranoias as well.
Tobias gradually got better as the four of them talked, and then their food came. It was nice to feel normal once again. He had found himself wondering in the past couple of weeks if he would ever feel normal again. The brunette even unlatched himself from Abbadon eventually, allowing the horned male to breathe properly once more. And so that they could both eat. His stomach was rumbling a little bit.

"We should go shopping for some music," he told Luka with a little smile part way through their meal. The dark haired male nodded. "Yes. That would be very nice."
Eros perked up and nodded. "Yes! I want to get the new Heavenly Demons CD!" He chimed happily, grinning at the thought of it. "Well, it's not new ... but um ... It'd be new to me." He laughed lightly and shook his head a little bit.

Abbadon arched a brow, looking at the male and his eyes were truly curious. "Isn't that Rune and Relic's band?"

Eros blinked a few times and then nodded. "Yes. Mr Lin and Mr Reed ... that is their band, why?" He asked, head tilted to the side in question.

"Why not just ask them for it? They like you." He offered nonchalanlty shrugging. He had only met them once or twice since they visited Gabriel when he was there a few times, but Relic would probably give him a free signed CD.
The past couple of weeks had been a real whirlwind. The doctor that Valerius had suggested did come to visit them, and did a complete check up on Gabriel. It made them both feel a little better that they now knew that the baby was fine, though Sergei could have said that from the healthy and bright glow that surrounded his lover's stomach.

They were planning, slowly, the wedding but more so the nursery. Sergei knew it was a boy, but he hadn't told Gabriel that yet. The Russian didn't even know if his fiance wanted to know or not. He was currently in the soon-to-be nursery, looking over, once more, the wallpaper patterns and the catalog pages they'd ripped out to look at furniture.
Gabriel was blossoming, really. There already was a little bump in his belly. It was nothing huge, but it was more so just a slight little layer of fat it seemed. His clothes still fit fine. While he bought more flowing things, just out of paranoia, he could still wear his shirts from before if he wantd to. Which was why he had to talk to his mother NOW. Before it was blatantly obvious that her son was not normal.

He moved up to the room that would be the nursery, poking his head inside and smiling at his love. He walked over and pressed a kiss to the male's cheek. "Sergei, are you ready to leave? I wish to go see my mother tody." He stated, chewing into his bottom lip and he really, really wanted to o soon. He would drop the whole 'i'm gay' thing then tat he is engaged to him. Give her the invite and ... as long as she was not passed out, tell her that he was pregnant.
Looking up, Sergei smiled at his lover, leaning back into his strong embrace for a moment. "Mmm. Yes. This can... Em... Wait." They were still well inside their first trimester-they had plenty of time to choose and decorate. Still, the thought of meeting Gabriel's parents now was... Scary, to say the least. But it was what his love wanted and so...he would do it.

The Russian nodded. "We are going..." He stopped, knowing that he had the order of his words mixed up. Pausing for a minute, he pulled them all together and into the right order. "Where are we going?" Yes, that sounded better. The redhead stepped away and turned to leave the room, taking Gabe's hand as they left.
Gabriel smiled warmly, kissing his temple softly. He laced their fingers as he led the way to the cab that was waiting for them. "Right now, they are in France. Paris, actually. We will take a train and get there in a few hours." He smiled and kissed his love's lips once more. Taking the bags on teh way out, he moved to the cab and put the bags into the trunk, the two heavier ones were already put in there from the taxi driver, Gabriel not wanting to lift too much of a weight. Bad for the baby or something. He continued toward the cab, pushing the bag in before pulling his love in with him.

He buried his face into the other's neck and he closed his eyes, sighing heavily. "I ... think mother will not be upset."
Sergei nodded and slid into the cab with Gabriel. He worried about the stress that traveling would have on his lover-travel always caused some sort of stress on people-but he tried to push that away. The glow around Gabriel's stomach was still very bright, and very strong. Sergei could monitor the health of their son that way.

The redhead leaned into the other man, nosing into his silky hair a bit and taking in the lovely smell of his shampoo. "She does know that we are coming?" he asked, holding the other man close to him while his fingers trailed a pattern over the other man's stomach.
Gabriel nodded, turning to look at Sergei and he smiled a little bit more. "Mhm. I told her I was coming ... and that I had to tell her something. She does not know about you yet ... I shall tell her that first. I ... I do not think she will be upset." He chewed his lip, truly unsure of what her reaction would be. He sighed heavily, letting his head settle on top of the other's and he gripped him tighter.
He nodded, worrying a bit. Gabriel hadn't told his mother? That made him a little unsure. But it was Gabriel's mother and he had to trust that his love knew what he was doing, and that everything would be okay. Sergei nodded and curled more into the man for the rest of the ride, only to resume that position on the train. He liked being close to Gabriel.
On the train, Gabriel was happy to cddle up with his love. He rested his head against his, nuzzling into the hair of his head a little absently, smiling to himself. He sighed softly, hugging him tightly and he waited patiently for the rest of the ride. It was a few hours. Gabriel wound up falling asleep, curled up against his love with an arm draped over his lower torso, just happy about everything right now. For the moment at least. He hoped it did not get messed up though.

The train stopped, Gabriel was woken up, and out of the train they went. Dragging the wheely suitcases into the station, he was sure ot not lose track of his love, keepin an eye on him at all times.

"Mister DeMarquis!" Came a voice from a man in a suit, walking toward htem.

Gabriel looked over at the male, smiling gently. "Hello Michael." He said, smiling all the more pleasantly. He handed the male one of his bags, letting his free arm wrap around Sergei and he then followed the suited male toward a nice black car waiting for them.
Sergei nuzzled into Gabriel's hair throughout the trip, using the scent to calm him. The redhead bent to kiss his lover, drawing him from his slumber as they announced they were close to the destination. He had to force himself out of the kiss with a soft whimper and a little nuzzle to the other man's cheek as they came to a stop.

The Russian wondered how the man had known Gabriel, but decided to just ask later. He was sure that his fiancee had more on his mind than such trivial things, anyway. He slid into the car next to his lover, curling into him this time.

"How far long is it?" he asked, knowing he had added an extra word in there, but not caring to correct himself.
Gabriel looked down at his love, smiling warmly as he did so. He loved him so, so very much. His little slip-ups in words were only added to his utter adoration. "Little under twenty minutes..." he sated, kissing his love's temple once more and he wrapped his arms around his form, pulling his love against his torso a little bit. He nuzzled into his head and sighed heavily, very content.

Soon enough, the car pulled up to a very large house. The car coming to a stop at the front of the large and beautiful building. Gabriel opened the door, sliding out and taking a hold of Sergei's hand as he did so. He kissed his temple once more, the male who drove them giving the couple an odd look before Gabriel began to head toward the door, walking up the front steps and ringing the dorbell and a little impatietnly waiting for his mother
The ride was nice, though the house blew him away. It wasn't at all what Sergei had pictured in his head, though the Russian wasn't really sure what he'd pictured, really. Just... Not this. He held onto Gabriel, walking close to him. He couldn't help but be a little shy, especially knowing that he had to meet the man's mother...again. Was it 'again'? He'd met his love's biological mother but he didn't know if they would be very similar or not. The redhead could only hope that the woman had a nice glow, too.
Gabriel smiled lightly and pressed a little kiss to the side of his love's head. A gentle, "It will be fine." passed his lips a moment before the door opened and he straightened up. A cute little brunette stood there, her hair pulled back into a clip and a smile to her lips.

"My Gabby!" She said warmly, reaching forward and wrapping her arms around her son, pulling him against her form and kissing his cheek hapily. She giggled and then looked over at the male beside him, looking at him with interest. "Gabby ... Who is this?"

Gabriel hugged her back and then turned to look at the male beside him and smiled a little more. "Um ... He's Sergei.." he stated and then turned to look at her once more. "Mother, can we come in ... I have some .. announcements." He said, smiling a little and then following her into the house.
Sergei squeaked when he was addressed and tried to slink into the background. It didn't work too well, though, when they were lead into the house. He really didn't like new social situations, and while this wasn't exactly 'social' it was very much new and that was all the same to the Russian. The woman's aura was bright, though Gabriel had hugged her so quickly that the redhead couldn't get a good read on the color. Still, bright was a plus and that knowledge put him a little more at ease than he had been before.

He stayed quiet until Gabriel wanted to introduce him, not wanting to ruin whatever his lover was going to say and not wanting to make a bad impression, either.
Gabriel followed the woman to the living room, sitting down with Sergei on the couch, his hand still tightly held within his. He smiled weakly toward the brunette, the woman sitting in a chair beside the couch. He took in a deep breath, calming himself and trying to not think anything negative. His mother loved him. She would love him no matter what. One more deep breath and he looked over at his mother. "Mother ... Sergei is my boyfr -- no, He is my fiance. We are going to get married. I love him." he stated, needing to get it done before anything else.

The woman froze when she heard the news, staring at the redhead beside her boy and she smiled a little bit to the two men. "I figured. You never really seemed interested in women." She giggled softly before looking back to the two. "Congratulations!"
He held his breath for the woman's reaction. When she froze, Sergei was scared that she would get mad and throw them out of the house. But he didn't see a change in her aura, and her words cemented that she wasn't mad. The little giggle helped, too. He was glad that the woman would accept him and still love Gabriel. Well, for now. Who knew what would happen when Gabriel told her the rest of their news.

The redhead gave a very soft thank you, bowing his head to try and hide the faint pink that now tinged his cheeks.
Gabriel smiled weakly to the woman and shook his head. "That's not all.' he mumbled, lifting his eyes to her and he chewed his bottom lip just a little. "Um ... I'm not sure how exactly... it is possible but ... I am ... pregnant.' He closed his eyes, grip tightening on the Russian's hand for support.

The woman blinked a few times, setting back a little and she was in utter awe. She stared at hte two before hopping up from her seat. "James! JAMES!" She yelled, turning and rushing out of the room to go retrieve her husband.
The yelling scared Sergei and he scooted closer to his lover, holding onto his arm and burying his face into Gabriel's shoulder. He felt like a young child trying desperately to hide from the boogy monster by applying the 'I can't see you so you can't see me' technique. Why was she yelling? Had they done something wrong? Was it wrong of them to tell her? The redhead didn't think that it was but the reaction was making him question himself...

"Is... Em... Is she... Ehh... Good?"
Gabriel looked at his mother before turning to look at Sergei. "I ... I do not know." He took in a deep breath and wrapped his arm around the Russian', knowing he would need a bit more of comfort. He pulled him tighter to his form, kissing his forehead once more before he turned to look in front of him once more, hearing the footsteps coming nearer.

His mother returned to the room, a taller blond in tow and he looked over at the two on the couch. His mother smiled at the two and walked over to wrap her arms around the two of them. "I'm going to be a Grandma!" She giggled once more, hugging the two and she really just needed to tell her husband. She had been too excited to just sit there and not tell someone. "Oooh! I'm going to go call my mother!" She giggled once more and then was off bouncing out of the room once more.

His father watched her leave and he shook his head, walking to his son and he held out his hand to the silver-haired male. "Congratulations, Gabriel." He said, stern yet it was obvious that he approved. HE was never the touchy-feely-huggy type of guy. Serious and more quiet.
Sergei squeaked when he was hugged, but his arms snaked around the woman at the last second to return her congratulatory hug. This trip was a rather odd one. Not at all like the Russian had expected, anyway. Then again, he wasn't too sure about what it was he had expected.

It was going rather well, though. No one had been thrown out or hurt or called nasty things, and no auras got darker-just the opposite with the woman, as hers had gotten impossibly brighter.
Gabriel smiled to his father and then watched as the man left to go stop his wife from telling the neighbors. He turned his head to look at the male beside him. He sighed heavily and leant over to press a kiss to his lips softly. "That went ... fairly well." He whispered and then wrapped his arms around the other male's hips, pulling him to his form and he buried his face into the crook of the other's neck.
He nodded and hugged his lover, nosing into Gabriel's flowing hair as they hugged. "Their glows are... Very different." He often wondered how people with a red, angry aura could fall in love with someone who had a soft, pale blue one. Hers was so bright and vibrant and blue. His was dark, but in a good way, and deep and a rich purple. Perhaps they simply balanced each other out.

Sergei easily slipped into Gabriel's lap to cuddle a bit more.

"What... Em... What will we name him?"
Gabriel smiled a little before he stopped. Him? He blinked a few times, pulling back to look down at his love. "him?" He questioned and he rested a hand on his stomach, looking down at his stomach and he then lifted his eyes back to his fiance once more. "It ... it's a boy?"
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