Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

The raven haired male looked down at his son's lover, upper lip pulling back in distaste as he glared at the short redhead. "No you can't." He hissed before looking back to the silver-haired boy. "Where is she? I know you know. Her essence is surrounding this house." He stated, glaring at him all the more.

Sully took in a deep breath and he shook his head a little. "Father. I'm not letting you near her. She's resting right now. She's safe. That is all you need to know. NOw, please, go back to the castle." He stated, staring up at him, standing his ground. He had grown quite close to his mother in the time she was here, and he was not going to give her up to be murdered after the baby was born and no longer [technically] needed a mother's nurture. Since she was showing now and a few months along, they could not do anything. They felt it would be killing hte innocent child as well when it was the mother who was the sinner.
"Well maybe if you'd been nice to me I'd have let you in," he grumbled, quite obviously not serious as Joshua took a step back and swung the door closed in the man's face. When Sully's mother had appeared on their doorstep, there had been an air of desperation around her which was the only reason that he hadn't turned her away right away. And he now was glad that he hadn't. This man? Josh really couldn't care less.

"Do we need to call the cops?" he asked, though doubting of that would really help.
Sully looked at the door as it slammed in front of his face as well. He stared at it and then turned to look at his lover, shaking his head a little bit. "Police will do nothing." He stated, looking to the door before he turned and ran up the stairs. He skidded to a stop in front of his mother's room, just in time to see the gust of icy wind his father arrived in. He glared up at him and shook his head. "No! You're not going to see her." He took a step back, resting against the door as he did so.

Before anyone else could do another, the door opened and his mother stood behind him, resting a hand on his shoulders, keeping him from falling and also as a tahnk you gesture. "Kheelan... I am here." She gently pushed her son to hte side, kissing his cheek softly and she looked over at her husband, a hand gently resting on the little bump in her dress. "And Yes, the rumors you have probably heard are true."

He stared at her, his eyes narrowing upon herform and he did NOT look pleased at all.​
Once Josh heard the mutters from upstairs, he knew that there was just nothing that he could do. Sully was up there with his parents and would yell for help if it was needed. For the time being, he wanted to give the woman and her son a bit of dignity to handle their dirty laundry in private, even if he did know everything already. The redhead returned to the sofa with his book, keeping a sharp ear out for any trouble upstairs.
The three stayed up there for a while and after a good half hour, there was a loud smacking sound and then poof! the man was gone with another gust of ice. Donella was instantly at her son's side, the male being punched in the jaw and ended up on the ground. She rested a cool hand against his cheek, gently chilling off the flesh. She kept herself knelt at his side, kissing his forehead softly. "Thank you for sticking up for me, Sulliven." She whispered, truly feeling grateful. Beside of her son, she did not have to go back. While she was basically dead to her husband, she was not literally dead, which was a good thing in itself.

Sully smiled warmly, resting his hand on the woman's hand and he straightened up a bit more. He gently pulled her hand away and then pushed his form up and off of the ground. He helped the woman up to her feet once more, resting his hands on her hips, being sure that she was perfectly fine.​
Josh heard the noise and quickly bound upstairs to see that everyone was alright. He could see his lover's jaw beginning to swell a bit and he rushed to him, physically checking him over for any more injuries. "Are you okay?" He reached up to brush his fingertips over the man's injury lightly before stepping away a bit. He didn't want to hurt Sully, after all. "Maybe you should call Relic," he suggested, even hating having to suggest such a thing. "To help heal it I mean..."
Sully sighed heavily and shook his head a little bit. "It's just a bruise." He stated and then pushed himself up off the ground and held a hand out to help the woman up.

Donella perked up and looked over at her son, a bit of concern to her features. "You still talk to that boy ... Relic? Didn't he refuse your love?" She questioned, concern completely and true within her eyes.

He let out a little laugh, looking at his mother and smiling warmly. "No. I have Joshua now ... But yes, I still talk to him. He is the one who gave you the clothes." He smiled happily and then looked over at Sully and his concern, sighing softly. "I am fine, Josh. Honestly."
He could only nod before moving in to wrap his arms around his lover's waist for a quick, reassuring hug. The redhead nuzzled into Sully's chest before stepping away once again, not comfortable showing such affection in front of his mother. "Lets go have some tea and call him," he offered, gently taking the man's hand. "And then you can fill me in." He was curious to know what had been said before the fateful punch that had drawn him upstairs.
Sully groaned, following after his love and he shook his head a little bit. "Noo... I told you, I don't need it! It's only a bruise. A bruise!" He grumbled a little bit, wrapping his arms around his love's shoulders while he walked behind him and kissed his cheek softly. "I'm fine, sweetie. I really am." He stated, kissing his cheek once more while he kept behind him.
"So what if it's only a bruise?" he countered, shaking his head at the other man. "Relic can make it go away in minutes, rather than days." He leaned into the kisses, unable to help himself. Of course, he was always unable to help doing so when it came to Sully. "And think about any photographer who may or may not be stalking around the house." They hadn't run into any, but that didn't mean that they weren't there, or at the market or anywhere else that they chose to go. "What happens if they catch a picture of you with a big black eye? They'll try to tell me I'm abusing you." Okay, so that was a bit dramatic. Still, it could happen.
Sully let out a groan, hugging his love even tighter at his words. Must he make such sense? He bit the side of his neck, annoyed at him for being so persistent. "Fine. But if I leave you for him, it's all your fault." he teased, kissing his love to help him know that he was kidding. "Ooh! Maybe he'll bring the twins over! I haven't met them yet. I really want to." He grinned and bounced a few times before he left the male to go skip to thep hone. Picking it up and dialing his friend easily. He soon was in happy chatter with the other man, telling him about the bruise and then suggesting that his boys and husband come over for dinner and to heal it up.

Donella followed the two and moved to sit herself gently into one of the chairs in the kitchen. Her right leg crossed over her left and her arms rested on top of table, looking at Joshua and smiling happily. "I am glad Sulliven has found you."
He growled with the statement. Teasing or not, Joshua was still rather insecure about Sully's relationship with Relic. The redhead had no doubts that his lover was in love with him, and really he knew that he'd never be left. But he couldn't help being jealous and antsy whenever the other man was over or around. It was Relic he had wanted in the first place.

When Donella spoke, it drew his thoughts to the back of his mind. Joshua smiled at her as he moved to get some tea going. "I suppose in some weird and twisted way, I have Relic to thank for it." He shrugged a little and set a few mugs out. "Don't know what I'd do without him."
Donella smiled warmly as she pulled the mug closer to her, a slender forefinger traveled along the rim ever so absently, perfectly manacured ice blue nail tracing the rim. "I am glad. You take very good care of my son." She let out a soft little sigh, shaking her head a little. "I am sorry I was so harsh upon our first meeting, Joshua. I had not seen just how in love the two of you are. He has a certain glow to him when he is with you ... I enjoy seeing him so cheerful."​
He nodded. "It's alright." Joshua had known to expect her reaction when they had shown up to their home, and while her actions were bad, her intentions and motivations were good: She wanted her son happy. "What will you do now?" he asked, pouring the boiling water into three of the mugs. "After the baby is born, I mean."
Donella shrugged her shoulders just a bit with his question. "I, and my child, will probably find some place to settle down in. Maybe Greenland or the North Pole ... I do not expect you guys to keep us here. My husband has abandoned me. To him, and my country, I am dead. I have some friends in thep reviously-mentioned places that I would not mind talking to or staying with for a little. It is no big deal."

Sully came back into te room and shook his head a bit. "Mother. You are welcome here as long as you wish." He stated, walking to her and pressing a gentle kiss to her cheek. He moved and sat down beside her and pulled a mug to him and looking into the liquid. "As long as Joshua does not mind, I think that you and my sibling will be welcome. If not, then you can at least stay in Italy, right? I want to be there for you, Mother."
Josh reached over and squeezed Sully's thigh as he sat down, letting his hand rest at his lover's knee as he nodded. "You will stay here for as long as you wish, and when you're sick of us we will help you find a home that is close enough that Sully doesn't get too antsy and so that you can have your own life." He nodded at that, leaning over to press a kiss to the other man's cheek, nuzzling the soft flesh there a little bit.
"See?" Sulliven smiled and he kept his eyes to the woman. "You're welcome for however long you want, mother."

The woman perked up, quite shocked, yet very pleased about the whole situation. IT was nice to know her son wanted her to stay here. She had someone who wanted her.​
They were going somewhere? Remus shrugged and moved into the bedroom to get dressed as Daddy had instructed. The brunette slipped into the room quietly and closed the door, moving to flop onto the bed first for a minute. It wasn't like he didn't want to go, just that their last "outing" had been such a disaster that Remus was a little scared about how this one might turn out, too.

"Rommy?" he called out after a minute, not even sure if his brother was in the room or not.
Romulus perked up when he heard the other speak to him. He stepped out of the closet, already dressed in a nice pair of black pants, white embroidery of swirls and a few dots and a butterfly or two along the sides of it. He wore a nice white shirt with a black vest over that, a few white swirls along the edges. He walked over to his brother, sensing his discomfort already. He walked to him and wrapped his arms around his brother, pulling him against him with a soft kiss pressed to his lips. "It will be okay."​
He snuggled into his brother, drawing out the kiss before engaging Romulus into another, more heated one as he guided them both to lie on the bed, himself lying atop the other male. "It's too bad you're dressed already," he teased, fingertips running up his twin's side lightly while his slight erection was pressed into his hip a bit. Another kiss and Remus was up and moving to the closet to get dressed for himself, picking out the matching outfit, though his was in a chocolate brown, that Relic had made for them.
Romulus took in a deep breath when he was pushed to the bed and he groaned into the kisses his brother happily gave him. He took in another breath, whimpering a little bit when he began to tease him a little. Oh, why must he do this when they had places to go? He could not help but want to be with him, especially in how he was playing with him right now, and feeling the bit of arousal. Oooh, it all truly was too much sometimes. He whimpered as the other slid off him, blushing faintly before he slid off of the bed, pulling the covers so that they were nice and neat once more. He tugged at the bottom of his shirt, blushing horrible while walking toward the door, eyes to his feet and just trying to not get excited before meeting new people. Oh, that would be bad.​
Remus smiled a little at his brother, loving the look Romulus got when he was aroused, or nearly so. The brunette moved over to his brother and nuzzled along his cheek, wrapping his arms around him. "Just relax, Rommy," he whispered, truly not trying to tease this time. He didn't want his brother to be flustered for a whole different reason than the one that they would both be flustered about.

After a few minutes, Remus took his twin's hand and lead him downstairs to their waiting parents.
Romulus happily gripped his brother's hand, making his way to their parents who were waiting for them. He gave them a weak little smile, taking a small step toward his brother for comfort. He laced their fingers and ran his thumb along the back of his hand, just feeling very needy at the moment.

Relic perked up, smiling instantly. "Oooh goodie! You two look great and we're all set to go!" He giggled happily, taking Tanner's hand and practically dragging him out of the house and toward their car. It was a long walk to visit his friend and well, a drive would be nice anyhow.
Remus let go of his brother's hand only to wrap his arm around the male's waist as they made their way to the car. They likely wouldn't be so informal once they got to wherever they were going, but it was becoming easier to be this way around their parents, and their new family that lived in the other portions of the house.

As they drove, Remus wrapped his arm around Romulus' shoulder and tugged him close, whispering nothings in their own little language that they still had from when they were very young. All twins had a 'secret language', but most lost that when their parents forced them to use English. No one ever cared enough to force them, and so the language between them stuck. He liked that they could speak and that no one else could understand them.
Romulus nodded and he nuzzled into his brother, feeling quite relieved with the words his brother spoke to him. He wrapped his arms around his brother and he kept his head against his shoulder, eyes closing and he continued to nuzzle into him, quite content just being with him. He was nervous. He did not know who they were meeting, but his brother was easily making everything feel better.

Soon enough, Relic pulled up to his friend's house, turning off the car and he instantly was out of the car. He bounced over to the door, knocking the door happily, bouncing up and down on the balls of his feet while he waited for hte dor to open.
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