Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Remus was nervous, too, but it seemed that today Romulus was more nervous and so he had to be the strong one. "Don't worry, Rommy. If they were going to be as mean and horrid as Rune then Dad and Daddy would have warned us." He truly believed that, anyway. They'd been warned about Rune, hadn't they?

Joshua smiled as the doorbell rang and he moved to answer it, greeting all four with a warm smile. He was trying hard to get past his dislike for Relic, though it was easier now that he didn't come bounding into their dorm room like an overly hyper active four year old girl.
Romulus nodded to his brother's words. "I know" He informed him and pressed another kiss to his btoher's cheek before they moved to the door. STanding behind their parents, his hand gripping his brother's shirt tightly, not wanting to be separated from him even to just go into the house.

Relic grinned. "Hey there, Red." He chuckled, kissing the male's cheek and he bounced his way into the house, grinning as he spotted Sully. "SULLS!" He chimed, rushing toward the man and tackling him out of his chair, hugging the man tightly and nuzzling into his head a little bit. "I've missed you so horrible! Have you seen my boys? They're fantastic! And adorable and and ... SO cute!" He giggled and bounced up and down on the other's form.

Sulliven sighed heavily, pushing the man up and off his form, groaning lightly. He pushed himself up from the ground and shoved Relic away from him. "Would you take some valium already?" He mumbled before walking over to his mother. His hands set themselves on the back of her chair, smiling gently to his friend. "This is my mother, Donella ..."
Josh growled at the sight, but turned to greet their other guests warmly. It wasn't their fault that their father and husband was annoying.

Tanner shook his head and moved over to Relic, wrapping his arms around the man's waist and nipping sharply at his neck. "Don't forget who you belong to," he growled lowly with a possessive little flare. He couldn't help the jealousy at the act that had just been done. The blond looked up and greeted the woman, though he didn't let go of his husband's waist.

Remus hung back with Romulus, giving a soft hello to the redhead who greeted them. He only stepped forward when his shoulder was held softly and they were urged forward.
Relic pouted when he was taken hold of by his love, hands resting upon his arms and he looked over at his friend and then the woman. He gave a little giggle. "hello!" He chimed happily and rested his form into Tanner's for a while. He then moved out of his embrace to go get their little kiddies. He rested a hand on their shoulders, leading them toward the kitchen with a happy little grin to his lips. "Sully, Joshy-kins, and Sully's mom, this is Romulus and Remus." he stated, resting a hand on their heads corelating to the child whose name was called.

Romulus turned a faint pink, giving a gentle bow of his head as he looked over at the three they were being introduced to. "Um ... Hello.' He said softly and gave another little tilt of his head, gripping his brother a bit tighter for support.
Moving back into the kitchen, Josh poured tea for the two older males, and hot chocolate for the twins. While they were old enough for tea, he was sure that hot chocolate would soothe their obvious nerves a bit more. With a smile the redhead handed them each a mug, offering them a seat at the kitchen table with the rest of them.

Tanner sat, patting the two seats next to him. Maybe by sitting next to their parents would help them to relax a little bit.
Romulus slowly walked to the table, sitting beside their Dad and keeping the mug within his hands. He did not want to cling too much to his brother. he did not want anyone else to know their little secret. He really did not. It was bad enough their parents knew, no need for strangers to as well.

Relic looked over at Sully, sighing heavily. "What'd I tell you about hurting yourself, anyhow?" He asked, walking over to him for hte whole reason they were here - to heal the man's bruise. He turned his head to the side, looking over the bruise a bit and he rested his hand over the flesh. His hand glowed a lovely white light and after a few moments, the man's cheek and anything else ruined in the impact were perfectly healed. He kissed the cheek once before moving over to the twins, sitting on the other side of Remus and smiling a little bit more.
Remus held onto Romulus as they sat and sipped his hot cocoa. The chocolate did help to calm him a little, and the brunette fed that energy into his twin to help him, too. His grip loosened to release any unneeded tension as the calming vibes flowed through them, Remus using a common technique they would use together to help the other to sleep when they had trouble. And while these types of sessions would almost always turn into a session of love making, he made very sure to not allow those vibes to flow through. Remus agreed with his brother: No one needed to know about what they did or how they felt.
Romulus stayed close to his brother, but just not close enoguh to be thought of as 'too close'. He remained where he was, sipping the hot chocolate and he sighed heavily. All this was so very new for him. Being showed off as someone's child, and then having Relic so giddy that they were there. He did not know what to say or do and so he was going to just remain quiet until further notice. Well, at least until he was spoken to.
Scooting closer to his brother, Remus nudged him with his shoulder. "Boring, huh?" he asked, not really hiding that they were talking but keeping his voice low so that their language would not be overheard. It was ever changing-no fear in it being figured out-but it wouldn't feel like it was theirs if other people knew about it. "We should have brought something to do." He pouted a little, trying to have fun with Romulus to get him to relax a little bit.
Romulus smiled with a very soft laugh at his brother's words. A grin kept to his lips and he linked his pinky with his, holding onto him happily and he kept his eyes in front of him at the others, glad to see that they were amused for now. He turned to look at his brother once more. "Yes ... But our parents seem to enjoy themselves." He stated with a gentle giggle, chewing his bottom lip a little bit and he looked in front of him for a few moments, staring at the others before once more back to the mirror image of himself. "Yes. Cards or tic tac toe."
He nodded. Yes, their parents looked as if they were enjoying themselves. It surprised Remus to know that he cared about such a thing.

The brunette looked around, though, trying to find something else to do. He spotted a playground just down the street a little, with a crane of his neck and smiled before tugging on Tanner's sleeve. "Dad. Can Romulus and I go play?" he asked. The blond looked over at the area, and then to Relic. "It's alright with me so long as you don't go running off or get into any trouble... Be sure to ask Daddy, too."
Romulus spotted the playgroudn when his brother had, looking over at the area and he perked up a little bit more. Oh. That would be nice to go play around. He turned to look at Remus, listening to him ask their Dad and he nodded a little in agreement with the question of whether they could go or not. He really wanted to be able to go. It would be nice to be able to get amused while their parents spent time with their friends.

Romulus turned to look at Relic when they were told to ask him, a pleading look to his features. "Can we, Daddy?" He asked, eyes staying wto his eyes and he tapped his fingers upon his thighs, tugging at the fabric of his pants a little.

Relic looked over at the two, knowing that they had to be bored. He smiled warmly and nodded, letting out a little and soft giggle. "Yes. Go have fun. Just ... check in every once in while, okay? Or, well, I'll come check in on you guys in a bit. I don't want anything happening to you two.' He stated, smiling warmly at the two.
Smiling, Remus jumped up and pecked both Relic and Tanner's cheeks before taking Romulus' hand and leading him outside. Yes, playing around on a playground would be much more fun than sitting and listening to the others talk. He had let go of his twin's hand as they ran, not wanting to actually pull the other along. The brunette was barely out of breath by the time that they reached the wood chipped area, and he stopped there to wait for his brother.

"Lets swing!" Remus always liked to swing the best because it made him feel like he was flying.
Romulus ran beside his brother, smiling all the more when they came to the park. He smiled happily and walked over to his brother. He glanced to the house they just came from and then leant toward his brother, pressing their lips together in a soft embrace, pulling back after a moment with a deep breath. "Want me to push you?" He questioned, setting back and then walking over to the swing, holding the chains and he kept it still for his brother to sit down.
Remus smiled and tugged Romulus in for another, sweeter kiss before nodding and slipping onto the swing that was being held still for him. They played together like they were still children, and enjoyed every minute of it. They weren't really allowed to play like this in the orphanage in Australia, so when they slipped away sometimes, they would go to local playgrounds to have a bit of fun. Maybe they could talk their fathers into installing a mini playground in their yard for them. They could use it for Dawn and Ella as the two girls got older, too...

As he got too high for Romulus to push him, Remus leapt off of the swing, using his own wings to guide him down to the ground gently.
Romulus continued to push his brother back and forth, being sure to avoid the swing hitting him and knocking him onto the ground. He soon scooted to the side and he watched the other swing before he jumped off. He grinned happily, rushing toward his brother and he pouced him, tackling him to the ground and nuzzling into his neck a little bit. He smiled gently now, his arms wrapping around his brother's form and he hugged him tightly to his form, kissing his neck a few times to just amuse himself. He really enjoyed being alone with his brother.
Remus gave a soft 'umph' as he was tackled, but laughed as his arms wrapped around his brother tightly. They were most comfortable alone together as that was the way it had always been. Sure, they felt bad that their parents couldn't have the bubbly and outgoing kids that they probably had wanted, but it was going to take a very long time to undo the work that the orphanage did.

He reached down and tilted his twin's face up, kissing him suggestively.
Romulus lifted his head, kissing his brother back ever so passionately, always loving the feel of their lips together. His eyes kept closed an he continued to kiss him happily, his hands sliding down his torso and resting on his brother's hips, staying there for a while. He kissed his brother for a while, still remembering the little tease from earlier.

Slowly, he pulled back a little and looked around them, trying to find a nice secluded place. He pulled back and stood up from the ground. He reached down and took a hold of the other's hands, pulling him up from the ground. He wrapped an arm around his hips and he began to lead him over to the trees. He pressed a few kisses to the side of his neck, nipping the flesh gently and kissing it once more. He then tugged his brother against his form, grinding his hips into his and kissed his lips happily.
He followed, grinning as they walked. It didn't ever matter to Remus where they were, so long as they were together. The brunette's hands rested at his brother's waist as they kissed, and a soft moan passed his lips with the grinding of Romulus' hips into his own. It didn't take too long before Remus exerted some force and flipped their positions, so that his twin's back was now the one who was trapped between himself and a tree. He drew the bottom of Romulus' shirt up, fingertips ghosting over the male's belly and side.
Romulus let out a soft little squeak when he was pressed into the tree, smiling lightly behind the kiss. He giggled softly and leant toward the other male, kissing him back just as passioantely. His arms lifted and wrapped around his shoulders, of course after helping his shirt be removed. He did not care about where they were. No one would miss them for a while. So, they should have more than enoguh time to have a little sensual moment Well. more than little and more than a moment actually.
Sure to keep his hands between Romulus and the tree, Remus pressed himself tighter to his twin. The brunette moved his lips down to his neck, nipping softly at the flesh there. He was glad for the time alone-they were always more relaxed after sleeping together.

With one swift motion, Remus wrapped his arms more tightly around his twin's waist and lifted him off of the ground, lining up their matching erections perfectly. He groaned and thrust his hips up a bit, his lips moving down to the other male's chest.
Romulus glaldy continued moving with his lovely brother. He stripped them both of their clothes, grinding into him and grumbling a little bit more. His eyes kept closed and he pulled his brother tighter. He moved with him, grinding into him and moaning into his lips. He pressed into him, eyes closed while he let out a gentle little moan, pulling him tighter to his form, not wanting to let go anytime soon.

Relic was getting concerned. He had looked to the park through the window and had not seen them. When he looked back, he still did not see them. So, he went off to try and find them. He went off to the park, telling his love to stay and chat while he did so. He wandered aroudn before hearing something in the woods. He walked to the source of the sound, stopping instantly and going wide-eyed at seeing the two boys in the position they were. He cleared his throat a bit. "Er ... Sorry.." he mumbled, turning on his heel and beginning to walk away and toward the house once more.
Remus randomly mumbled words and sounds, both in English and their own language. He was easily getting very worked up, and the brunette guided his brother's legs to wrap around his hips, opening himself up. His lips had moved to Romulus', kissing them passionately. Gradually, he guided his head to the other male's opening, only to stop and pull away as much as he could when he heard the gasp, and then their Daddy's voice.

As Relic walked away, Remus' head flopped forward onto his twin's shoulder with a groan. "Shit shit shit shit..."
Romulus went wide-eyed at the voice, turning his eyes to stare in utter terror at the man. He felt all the blood rush to his cheeks and ears, feeling like he would just die. He gripped his brother tighter, both legs and arms tightening around him. He pulled him tighter and buried his face into the crook of his neck. "This is bad, Remmy ... Really really bad." He whimpered a little more, nuzzling into his brother a little bit more. Oh, he felt wretched. Horrible. This was not going to be good. How could they face their parents now?
The same thoughts were passing through Remus' head. He nodded, then shrugged to the unasked question of how the hell they would ever stand face to face with their parents again. But the only answer that came to mind was to put some distance between himself and Romulus. Maybe they were too close because they had had to be. Now... Now they didn't-they had other people wanting to love and protect them.

Remus set his twin down carefully, tilting his head down to press a soft little kiss to his lips. "I love you, Rommy." With one last little peck, and a heavy heart that felt like was in his feet, Remus stepped back and gathered his clothes before leaving the wooded area.
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