Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

He supposed that it did... Remus wasn't used to trusting people, though. He still questioned everything: that they were loved, and that they were loved unconditionally, and that Relic had known before that night in the woods... It was just in his nature to not trust what was said, or even what was shown. And he really did want to change that. He just didn't know how to.

But he would have to take Rune's word for it because there wasn't anything anyone could say or do to prove it to him. The brunette was sure that sooner or later, something would click in his head to tell him that everyone was telling him the truth all along, but until then... Well until then he would just have to tell himself that he believed it.

Remus sat up and leaned over to give Rune a little hug. "Thank you." He didn't feel completely better, but he felt better enough to stop torturing himself and his twin.
Rune hugged the other back, pulling him up from the bed and he draped him over his shoulder. He slid out of hte bed and turned to make his way out of the bedroom. He walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. He set the teen on his hsoulder down onto one of hte chairs at the counter, turning to look at Romulus and he rested a forefinger onto his forehead. "You. It's your job to make sure this b.s does not happen again. If it does, call me and I'll beat the piss out of hte brat." He then turned to look at Remus, flicking his forehead. "And you. Remember you're loved. I realize it will take a while to fully click, but stop running away.' He pushed his forehead back and then turned t Relic, narrowing his eyes at the other.

Relic squeaked at the look, pulling back a bit and he moved behind Romulus, pouting as he did so. "Whaat? He looks better already!" He let out a nervous little laugh before rushing off and taking a candy bar out, throwing at his brother and smiling nervously. "I looove you Ruuune."

Romulus perked up and looked from one to the other, waiting for everything to calm just a bit before he leapt off his chair and at his brother. His arms wrapped around his form and he buried his face into the crook of his neck, having missed him far too much to care about the others around him. "I missed you Remmy ... Don't ever leave me ... Ever!"
Remus gave a squeak when he was lifted, and he fought the urge to wiggle himself away. Being set down, he was a little wobbly on his feet from having laid in bed all week and Remus barely listened to anything that was being said. He didn't really hear or see anything until Romulus was lunging himself at him. The brunette wrapped his arms around his twin's waist tightly, burying his face into his neck.

"I'm sorry Rommy... I'm so sorry!"
Romulus nodded, nuzzling into him a bit more. He really did not and would not let him leave once more. He gripped him and kissed his neck quite a few times, just needing the contact. "I missed you so much, Remmy ... don't ever, ever, ever leave me. Never ever. Ever." He gripped him once more and he whimpered a little bit more. He really had felt so many different ways of broken because his brother was not with him. He did not like it. He needed his twin. He needed him to be by his side.
Remus continued to nuzzle into the other male's neck while they stayed glued together. "Never," he promised. "I'm sorry, Rommy... I love you..." He wanted to explain everything, but knew that it was hopeless to try and find the words. His heart and his brain were fully on having his brother back in his arms, and his soul was busy reconnecting with its other half. "I promise I'll make it up to you."
"You better." he whispered, pulling him tighter to his form and he gripped him a bit more. He kissed his neck a few more times before pulling back. A faint pink tinted to his cheeks, glancing behind him and seeing that their Daddy and Rune were not even paying attention to them, off in their own world in a little spat of their own. Heb linked a few times, looking at the two before he looked back at Remus. Smiling gently, he leant toward him to press a soft kiss to his lips and pulled back. "I love you"
Remus was a little surprised that the two other men weren't paying them any attention but he supposed it was for the best. It helped him to realized that they really didn't mind...even though those thoughts would be back by morning, anyway. The brunette pressed a few more kisses to his brother's lips before wrapping his arms around the other male's waist tightly once more. "Lets go shower?"
Romulus nodded to his words, wrapping an arm around the other's hips and he began to lead the way out kitchen, not caring to tell their parent where they were going. They were not leaving the hosue, so what was the issue? He continued down the hall and made his way toward the bathroom, keeping a hold of his twin and he moved into the bathroom, closing and locking the door behind him. He then turned to his brother and pressed a firm kiss to his lips, having missed the contact.
Giving a soft groan, Remus pulled Romulus tight to him and kissed him hard. It was only after several very long minutes that he pulled away to catch his breath a little. "I missed you, Rommy." He kissed his twin once more before he was satisfied enough for the moment. Remus reached over to turn the warm water on and then turned back, beginning to undress his twin.
Romulus kissed him back happily whenever he kissed him. He pulled back with a deep breath and he smiled lightly at his brother, kissing him gently before he helped undress Remus as well. Once they were both nude, he began to make the way to the shower, steping under the spray and he pulled Remus with him, kissing him and then finally calming down. He let his brother shower first, knowing he would need to clean up more than he did.
After stepping into the tub, Remus washed up. It was amazing how something so little could make you feel so good. He loved being clean. Only after the soap was washed away did he pull his brother under the water with him and kissed him again, his hands roaming over Romulus' now water slicked body. "Maybe Daddy and Dad will let us go out alone," he suggested thoughtfully. "A date." Not that they'd tell their fathers that it was a date, but that wasn't important.
Romulus wrapped his arms around his brother and he kept his eyes with him, thinking silently and he tilted his head from side to side a little bit. He nodded a moment later, beaming happily and excitedly. He leant forward to press a soft kiss to his lips and he pulled back once more. "Yes. We should go out for dinner tonight." He stated and kissed him once more. He then rinsed off a bit and turned the water off. He stepped out of the tub and wrapped a towel around his waist, holding one out to him for his brother to take.
Nodding, Remus stepped out of the tub with his brother. He took the towel that Romulus had just put around his own waist and dropped it to the floor before pressing his own nude form against his. He grinned at the sensation, having missed it terribly. "You feel nice against me," he whispered as he dipped his head to lick a bead of water from his twin's neck.
Romulus blinked a few times when his towel was dropped, looking over at his brother and he turned a very faint pink when he was pressed up against. His arms loosely wrapped around his shoulders and he shivered when he felt his tongue along his neck and the very fact that his brother was pressed up against him. Oh, it felt far too nice, and his body showed what he felt as well. He took in a deep breath, nodding a little absently. "Mm... Y-yes..." He whispered, not thinking of anything else to say at the moment.
Remus grinned and lifted his head, kissing his twin. The brunette's hands rested on Romulus' hips, pulling them forward and pressing their growing erections together. With a soft groan, he pulled his lips away just enough so that they could breathe a bit. "I missed you terribly, Rommy." His words were whispered and he didn't give the other male a chance to answer before connecting their mouths again, Remus' tongue reaching out to taste his brother.
Romulus let out a faint little moan when he felt the other pressed against him, having missed the sensation far too much. His arms kept around him, panting gently with their lips parted, needing to breathe a little before they were once more lip-locked. He slowly moved backward, waiting until he felt the wall behind him, needing the support since he felt his knees would give out on him at any moment. He pulled his twin closer, lips continuing to collide with his, grinding his arousal against his with a soft little moan once more.
Moving with Romulus, Remus attached his lips to the other male's collarbone. He wanted to taste the sweetness of his twin's flesh after having denied himself (and Romulus) for longer than either of them had ever gone without contact with each other. He kissed Romulus' chest and shoulders and neck, his hands roaming freely over his body. "Bed?" he asked, nuzzling along the other's jawbone softly.
"Maybe later" He whispered, leaning forward to kiss him more heatedly. His arms wrapped aroudn him tighter and he pulled him against his form. He ground his hips into his and he let out a little moan of contentment. Yes. He definitely did not want to wait. Travel throug the halls, try and avoid their parents. It was just easier to have fun now, correct? That was the only thing that made sense. He just wanted his brother now, and the male teasing him so much was not helping him.
Nodding, Remus pressed another series of kisses along Romulus' neck as his arms wrapped around his twin's waist and lifted him up, pressing him securely between himself and the wall, and guided the other teen's legs to wrap around his waist. With little effort, Remus easily slid into Romulus' body with a deep groan.
Romulus helped his brother as much as possible, legs tightly wrapping around his waist, pulling him closer and grinding against him with a little groan. His arms wrapped around his shoulders and leant down to press their lips together, kissing him passionately before a deep breath pulled into his lungs. A lovely little moan passed a second after, head tilting back to rest against the wall. Oh how lovely his brother felt within him. He moaned gently, rolling his hips against the other's and already his breath was rapid and his heart began to pick up its pace.
He held onto Romulus' hips, lifting them up a little before guiding them back down, Remus moaning softly. He moved slowly, knowing that neither would last very long but wanting to make it last as long as possible. Remus leaned forward to kiss over his twin's chest as he guided his hips a bit faster with each passing moment.
Romulus took in a deep breath, his head tilting back and pressing into the wall a little bit more. He groaned, grinding into his brother and his arms kept around the other's form, pulling him tighter to his form. He ground his hips into him for a bit and then pulled up, pushing right back down onto him and he moaned once more. He continued for a while before he could no longer stand it. One last moan passed his lips and he moaned out into his brother's ear, releasing into his hand a moment later, not being able to hold out much longer.
It took only seconds after Romulus for Remus to explode within in his brother. The brunette whimpered softly as he emptied himself, using the wall a bit more to help hold the other male's weight, as his knees were shaking badly. Remus leaned up and kissed his brother's lips, his tongue sweeping out across the bottom one playfully. He slowly helped his twin untangle himself and set his feet on the floor, being sure to hold onto Romulus so that he didn't fall, but more so just to hold him.

"I love you."
Romulus panted gently beneath his brother and he wrapped his arms loosely around his form. He leant forward into the kiss, returning the embrace ever so happily. He took in a deep breath and settled down once more, legs a little bit shaky. "I love you too" he whispered back, pressing their lips together in a passionate embrace, gripping him and kissing him. "Should we go to bed now?" He asked, considering he had not really slept well the past few days. He had been missing him so much and so worried about everything that he did not sleep well at all.
He nodded lazily, nuzzling along Romulus' neck a bit. "I think we both need another shower first," he laughed, cringing at the stickiness on his belly and chest. "At least you do..." His torso was easily cleaned with a wet washcloth. Romulus had a bit...more to do. Remus kissed him again and turned the water back on for him before wrapping a towel around himself. "I'll be there," he promised with another light peck.
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