Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Romulus blushed faintly, nodding a little. Yes. He definitely had to shower once more. A little brief ione would do. He moved over to the shower, stepping inside and he pressed another kiss to his brother's lips before beginning to wash up. Making sure he was no longer sticky in places he definitely should not be. He cleaned up and then stepped out of the shower, wrapping a towel around hish ips. With his hand holding onto his brother's, he began t lead him out of the bathroom, wanting to be able to cuddle up with him.
Remus followed his brother out. He had to admit that he was much more comfortable when they reached their room and were able to close and lock the door behind them. It meant privacy, and it meant that they didn't have to be uncomfortable if one of their parents saw them. They knew-they knew that their fathers knew and didn't care, but that didn't make it any less awkward.

Climbing into bed, the brunette shed his towel and tossed it onto the floor, being sure that Romulus' followed before they climbed under the covers together. Dinner would have to wait until the next day. He was too tired to do anything but wrap his arms around his twin's waist, peck a kiss to his nose and slip off into a very comfortable sleep.
Romulus sunk low into the mattress. His arms wrapped around his brother and he kept a firm grip upon him, burying his face into his chest and he took in a few deep breaths. That was all he needed to soothe him enough, to know that his brother was there, before he was falling into a soft sleep. A very, very happy one too. He nuzzled into his brother for a moment and he then relaxed once more, yawning and finally he went off into his little dream world, happy as ever. He had missed his brother so much, far too much.
Moving through the hallways to his rooms, Murasaki greeted a few students as he passed them. The violet haired man wanted to make something special for Jade for dinner. They went out often, though to places where students weren't known to frequent, and a lot of the time they stayed in with whatever he had in the freezer or fridge to heat. Tonight he wanted something nice, simply to show his appreciation for Jade, and also to encourage him to keep working with his magic. He was doing really well, and it was getting harder. Mura didn't want the teen to get discouraged.
Jade was very happy recently. He loved Murasaki so much. Hel oved to spend time with him and be around him and oh it was all so lovely. He made his way to the man's room, finding it there easily. He poked his head inside, stepping in and softly closing the door behind him. He then made his way to his love, arms wrapped around the teacher's form. He nuzzled his head into the crook of his neck, holding him tightly to his form and smiling a little bit more. "I missed you" He whispered softly, nipping the side of his neck gently.
Murasaki was a little surprised by Jade's appearance, but happy as always. His arms slid around the teen's shoulders and hugged him, shivering a little from the bite to his neck. "None of that now," he warned, pulling away just slightly. He loved Jade a great deal, though he'd never said so to the other male as of yet, and he was worried that Jade wasn't ready for a sexual relationship, despite the magic mishap a few months prior. The plum haired man kept a decent distance with anything remotely sexual for that reason.

He did lean down and press a soft kiss to Jade's lips in greeting before stepping away completely to continue to cook. "How are you?"
Jade pouted as he looked up at the male. Well, that was no fun. He sighed softly, his arms loosening a little around his form, kissing him back so very happily. He then let his hands slide to rest upon his love's hips, staying there and just looking up at him as he shrugged. "It was okay." He stated, leaning forward to nuzzle his head against his neck ever so pathetically. "It's not as fun without you being my teacher." He added, looking up at him and he gripped him tightly to his form, kissing his neck a few times.
Murasaki pressed a kiss to Jade's temple, and stepped away when the teen began to kiss his neck once again, giving a light smack to his rear end as he did so. "I'm sure your teachers are great," he insisted. "And you're easily doing the work of my class. And you get private lessons." The violet haired man looked over at the other and smiled at him while pushing the tray of chicken into the oven and setting the timer.

"What time do you need to be home?" he asked, turning to pull the teen into another tight hug.
Jade took his arms back, his hands linking behind his back while he watched the other walk around the room. His head tilted to the side in question and interest, rocking back and forth. He sighed softly. "Yes ... But I don't get to see you as much.' He added and then gladly nuzzled into his chest, shrugging his hsoulders a bit with arms once more going around his form. "A long while." He informed him, tilting his head back to look up at him, gripping him happily.
He could only shake his head at Jade's vagueness. Mura leaned down and kissed his forehead before leading him from the kitchen and into the living room. "You get to see me every day," he argued while they sat on the sofa, Murasaki's arms still around the teen's waist tightly.

Changing the subject, "Lets get some work in before dinner." He smiled and let go of Jade, wanting him to practice the spells they'd been working on the night before.
Jade moved with him, gladly sitting beside the male on the couch. He groaned when he suggested they do spells. A pout came ot his lips and he flopped over the man's lap, his arms over his thighs and he buried his face into his arms, shaking his head. "Do we have to? Why can't I just spend some time with my boyfriend?" he asked, turning his head to look up at him with a pathetic little look. "One day of not practicing will be fine." He pushed his form up, moving to straddle the teacher's hips, his hands sliding to his love's form, resting on his hips. He leant over, beginning to kiss along his neck and he nipped ever so gently upon the flesh. "Or ... we could practice something else." he whispered, lips still continuing along the teacher's neck.
Murasaki laughed with Jade's overreaction. Until he began to kiss and nip at his neck suggestively. He groaned softly, allowing it for a moment before realizing what he was doing. The purple haired man pushed Jade firmly at the chest to put some distance between them, their eyes meeting. "None of that," he repeated firmly, slowing moving his hand away, slipping it around to the teen's back. He didn't like having to say 'no' to Jade, but Murasaki knew where it would lead, and he didn't want regrets or any negative feelings afterward. It was just easier to not allow it.

Leaning up he kissed Jade's cheek, and then pecked his lips softly.
Jade whimpered when he was pushed away, seeming like a kicked little puppy. His hands gripped the front of his shirt tightly, holding the fabric between his fingers as he looked at the male, sighing heavily. He still refused? He whimpered a bit more, kissing him back nonetheless. "Why not? Is it not obvious that I care for you, Murasaki? I do ... I really really do care about you and ... I just want to show it a bit more." He leant forward, kissing his lips and then moving to kiss his neck once more, being a persistent little boy.
With a little sigh, Murasaki moved back this time, leaning as far as the sofa would allow him to. "I know that you care for me, Jade," he assured. "And I care just as deeply for you-if I didn't you wouldn't be sitting here, in my lap with me kissing you." He leaned forward for another small peck. "But it's not time for that step."
Jade pouted at his words, looking up at him and he set back just a little bit. "And why not?" he asked, his hands still gripped his shirt but stopped sneaking to begin and undo the buttons there. They both cared for each other, so what was the big issue? He knew he loved Murasaki, and while he may not have said it for other fears he had, he still felt the emotions. "Are you scared that Mama will be upset?"
He rested his hands on the other male's hips, keeping a firm grip there, but not enough to hold Jade against his will should he want to move. "No, sweetheart. That's not it." Murasaki leaned back, resting his head on the wall behind the sofa, trying to put into words what he wanted to say. "I don't know why not," he came up with. "It just...isn't." Anything else he wanted to say would bring an argument from Jade and he didn't want that.
Jade groaned, a pout to his lips and his cheeks puffed out as he did so. He tugged at the front of his shirt and he fidgetted with the material a little bit. He whimpered softly and then leant toward him to press their foreheads together. His eyes closed and he grumbled a little bit more. That was not the answer he wanted. "But ... I love you. I love you a lot, Murasaki ... I really do. And I ... I don't know."
He... Jade loved him? Murasaki watched the teen, easily noticing the angst or discomfort or worry or whatever it was that was not Jade rush through him. The professor leaned forward and kissed the other male softly, lips lingering together for a few moments. "I do love you, honey," he whispered, nuzzling along Jade's cheek softly. "Loving you-loving each other-doesn't mean that it's time to sleep together." The purple haired man kissed the teen in his lap once more.
Jade let out a heavy sigh and shook his head a little bit. 'I know, Murasaki. But .. I ... I want to be able to have sex with someone that do love.' he let his head fall t rest on the other's shoulder, his arms wrapping around his form tightly and he hugged him tightly to his form. He grumbled a little bit. "That ... That's why I'm so impatient ... I want to experience ... it with someone I love."
"Oh, Jade..." Murasaki wrapped his arms tightly around his waist, hugging him to his form. His fingers carded through the other male's hair. "We will, Jade. I promise you that when the time is right, we will." He sat holding the male, rubbing soft little circles over his back while pressing soft little kisses to Jade's temple. "Please have patience with me?"
Jade kept his eyes to the other, chewing his bottom lip a little bit as he did so. "Okay." He whispered softly, gripping him a little bit tighter before he kissed the side of his neck once more. His arms lifted to wrap around his shoulders, hugging him against his form and he kissed his lips softly. " I really do love you, Murasaki." He kissed him once more and he smiled gently, just happy right now.
"I love you too, Jade."

Murasaki nuzzled into the teen's hair as they sat for some time while dinner cooked. Only when the timer went off did he set Jade on his feet with a little peck and move to fix the rest of the food. It didn't take long to set everything on the table. "Has everyone gotten used to the new you?" he asked, teasing. Ella had had a difficult time, from what Calder had told him, accepting the "new" Jade. Murasaki had found it rather amusing.
Jade followed him to the kitchen and pouted as he sat himself down onto the chair, sighing heavily as he did so. He shook his head a bit. "Barely." He admitted and shrugged his shoulders a little bit more. "Ella has gotten a little bit more used to me. She's stopped crying at least." He giggled gently before another groan passed his lips. "She tells me she misses the old me ..." He whimpered softly, inking against the table, head on the surface as he did so.
He chuckled softly, moving over with two full plates in his hands. Murasaki set his own down, and then reached over to gently lift Jade's head before setting his down, too. "There will come a time when she does not remember an 'old you'," he assured. The professor leaned down and gave Jade a slightly drawn out kiss before sitting to dig into his own dinner.
Jade sighed heavily, lifting his head with his love's finger urging him. He cloesd his eyes, kissing him back and kissing away the pout as well. He chewed his bottom lip a little bit ahd his head nodded a little bit more. He began to cut up his food, keeping his eyes to the dish and he stabbed the food, stopping for a moment. His head lifted to look at the male in front of him again. "Murasaki ... Do you miss the old me?"
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