Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Romulus blinked a few times. Something was off with Remus. He remained where he was, kissing his brother back and he moved his jaw to try and say something, but by the time he had processes what he could say, the man was away from him. He stayed silent for a short while and then slowly gathered his clothes. Pulling them on and tugging at the end of his shirt and he left the area as well, walking toward his brother. Yes. Something was a lot off with him.

He walked over to his brother, his hand reachin forward to take a hold of the other's hand, wanting the comfort right now.
Remus dressed, feeling like only half of his soul was within him at the moment. He was away from Romulus and he was never whole when he was. The brunette heard his brother come up, and felt him reach, but he pulled away just slightly, his heart breaking as he did so. "We can't Rommy..." His voice was a whisper, and words in English because he knew that using their language would defeat the purpose of not being as close.
Romulus stopped walking instantly. He stared at his brother and then looked at his hand, staring it over a little and he wrapped his arms around his form, gripping it tightly and he really wanted to just cry right now. They couldn't? But ... That ... No! He took in a deep breath, his heart breaking instantly. He did not like this. He wanted to be able to cuddle and show his affections toward his brother.

Slowly, he began to walk after his brother, eyes stared at his feet and he continued forward, hugging his form even more. Why ... Why did this have to happen? He did not like this. Not at all.
Remus' own heart broke as the pain from his twin filtered through to him. He wanted so badly to give in, but knew that if he did, they'd never be able to face their parents again. With very red cheeks, and a broken heart and soul, the brunette moved back into the house. Remus avoided eye contact with anyone as he moved in and sat on the sofa in the living room, his hands clasped tightly in his lap. He kept his eyes on his hands, not wanting to face anyone, let alone his Daddy or his twin. He didn't think he had the strength to do either.
Romulus followed but wound up sitting quite a ways off, keeping to himself no matter how tempting it was to go and comfort his brother. He did not want to be pushed away. He could not handle that. He would not be able to. He would positively break down if he was pushed away once more from his brother. That would be far too horrible.

The rest of the time went by and it was not long before the four were making their way back to their home. Relic constantly glancing back to the two out of concern. He was worried about his boys. He figured that they would not want to look at him, but they seemed to be moving away from each other as well. He really did not like it. He did not comment though. He had not told Tanner what he saw or anything of that sort. The man did not need to know that. He just had not expected to walk in on such a thing.
In a way, Remus was dreading going home. Going home meant that their parents had the time and space to pull them aside and talk about what had happened. He didn't want to talk about it.

It also meant that he had to share a room with Romulus, and that would be too hard for either of them. The entire way home, short though the trip was, the brunette tried to figure out how he would survive. He wasn't sure if he could, really, and his heart pounded as they pulled into the driveway. It was a split second decision that was made when Remus entered the house and closed himself into a bedroom that was not the one he shared with Romulus. He wanted so badly to be with his brother and to comfort him. How could he share a room, let alone a bed, wit the other male knowing now that he couldn't??
Romulus moved into the house, stopping instantly when he saw that his brother disappeared into a different room that was not their own. He stared at the door, blinking a few times and he just wanted to cry. Why did his brother not want to stay with him? Well, no, he knew why. He just did not like it at all. He took a step toward the room, wanting to protest but he stopped instantly. His brother would not like that. He let out a heavy sigh, turning and making hi way to their bedroom. Disappearing into the room and closing the door behind him. He buried himself into the bed, sheets pulled over his head and he really felt wretched.
The week passed very slowly for him. Remus mostly stayed in his newly claimed room. Sometimes he cried. Sometimes he heard Romulus speaking their language to him-he wouldn't respond to it, but he didn't want to lose his understanding of it either. Other times, the brunette simply laid in bed, staring at the wall in front of him as he fell deeper and deeper into a dark depression.
Romulus did not like the week that passed. He kept waiting for his brother to come out of the room and speak to him and actually get together once more. He even went to his door and tried to lure him out with their own language, tapping his fingers against the door and he could not stand it anymore. He repeated the action quite a few times and the more he was ignored, the more he felt like he was crumbling away inside. He hated this so much.

The brunette wandered around the house, his arms tightly wrapped around his form and he walked to his brother's door once more, not even trying to say anything. He just rested his body against the door, a hand on the door and he whimpered a few times. He cold feel his brother's sorrow and his own to boot. He slowly slid down the door, sitting curled up in the doorway, head against the door and he stared at the door, wanting his brother out of the room.
The whimpers and sounds of his brother broke him even further. Remus pulled the covers over his head to try and drown them out, though he knew it wouldn't do any good. He was always able to hear Romulus when the other was speaking directly to him, so long as they were in close proximity. And now it wasn't just his twin's voice, but his heart. Their souls were looking for their other half and Remus wasn't allowing them to be together. Being miserable was better than being caught like that again... Wasn't it?
Relic made his way to the room where all the sorrow has been just oozing from. He held a hand out to Romulus, helping him up from the ground and he pressed a kiss to his forehead. "I will speak with him, Romulus." He turned the handle on the door, feeling it locked and he easily unlocked it with a hair pin, making his way into the room afterward. He gentle closed the door behind him, knowing how badly Remus had not wanted to see his brother. He walked over to the bed where the other was sitting, sighing gently. He set down on the edge of the bed, pulling the sheets back to look at Remus, shaking his head a little.

"Remus, you do not need to stray from your brother." He stated, looking down at the male and he kept his ice blue eyes to the teen, seeing the heartache clear upon his features. "I thought you two knew that I understand." He added, looking at Remus, waiting a bit for a response.
He whimpered when he heard someone try the door handle, and Remus buried himself further into his blankets when the lock was picked. He didn't want to talk to anyone right now. Why couldn't he just rot in his own self-induced sorrow? Apparently it didn't matter because he felt the blankets come down and heard his Daddy's voice before his amethyst eyes opened to look at him.

"Understanding and seeing are different," he whispered before trying to disappear into the bed once more.
"This is true." He admited, sighing softly and he shook his head just a bit. He rested a hand to the side of the other's head, pushing away his brown locks a little as he did so. "Remus ... What your brother and you do is of no importance to me. Yes, I stumbled upon something that I did not want to see, but that should not change how you two act." He informed him and he tugged the covers away a little bit more. "I cannot tell you how many times my own mother walked in on my brother and I ... It's a horrible experience and at least you two have humility. Rune just ... did not care. Oh God it was horrible." He shuddered a bit and then pushed hte thoughts away, knowing it was not important right now.

"Remus. You cannot pull away from Romulus. You two need each other. You need each other much more than Rune and I. Your bond is different, stronger. Please, stop this. You two are both so depressing and it is not a good thing for either of you two. Being close is okay. Doing what you do is okay. Yes, many people may frown upon it but I do not. Your parents still love you no matter what. We want you two happy. You two being together makes you happy, yes? Then that is all you need to worry about. Just ... Be happy."
Remus listened, and was torn.

He didn't want to believe what was being said because it could all be a lie. How could someone see what Daddy saw and not care? It just wasn't possible. But he wanted it to be true. He wanted it to be true because he missed Romulus terribly. He wanted to be with his brother, always. The brunette was torn.

"I love him... The way you love Dad. But we don't know how to be... We only know how we've always acted but when we're around everyone else... It's not okay and..." He buried his head into his pillow, more confused than ever.
He listened and a brow lifted in question. He loved him like he loved Tanner? He took in a deep breath and sighed softly. He definitely could relate to Rune more than him at this moment. He smiled gently and shook his head a little bit. "Remus, you love your brother as more than merely your brther. I can understand. No. Rune understands more than I do. I ... never have gotten that, but I have always wanted more and different relationships. The difference is that you both feel the same. Romulus mises you just as much as you do him and you two need each other."

He looked the other over a bit more, eyes traveling along his form a little bit before he brushed away a few more locks from his face, trying to comfort him a little bit more. "You two need each other. I cannot and will not come between that. Remus ... you two share a bond I cannot completely comprehend. I am not lying to you, Remus. It has to be hard to go from being so unimportant to having others care about you, but your Dad and I do. While he does not know why you two have locked yourselves away, he is still very much concerned."
Listening, he still didn't fully understand. What were they supposed to do? Be together but act like they weren't? Not care that everyone stared at them and thought that what they were doing was wrong? Remus didn't know if he could do either of those things. So instead, he was stubborn and shook his head, pulling the blankets back up around him.
Relic sighed heavily, knowing that he would not be able to reach him that well. He could not completely understand, so of course it would be difficult to say anything else. He stood up from the bed and made his way out of the room, closing the door silently behind him. He wrapped an arm around Romulus' form, beginning to lead him off toward the living room. He had a bit of an idea. He hoped it would work as well. He pressed a kiss ot the top of Romulus' head. "Let's have some cocoa." He offered, making way toward the kitchen to get some nice hot chocolate for them.

Rune perked up when he heard his brother's little plea in his mind. He sighed softly, kissing Ella whom he had been playing with, resting her in Trevor's lap and he then made his way to the other side of the large mansion. He headed to the room that Remus was in, staring at the door for a bit before he shrugged. He made his way into the room, seeing the man on the bed and he shook his head. He walked to the bed, sitting down and looking down at him. "Tell me what's on your mind."
He sighed when Relic left, though he wasn't sure if it was in relief or grief. Either way, he pulled a pillow over his head and held it in place while he cried a little bit more. He really didn't know what to do, nor did he know what to expect in a life that was lived the way they were living now. Though, he didn't expect Rune and Remus jumped and squeaked with the voice.

Peaking out from under the pillow, Remus answered. "Why? You already know." The fact that someone else knew was embarrassing, too.
Rune rolled his eyes. Little brat. He turned around a bit, moving to sit cross-legged on the mattress. He pulled the pillow from the boy's face, holding it between his arms and he kept his eyes to the male that was in front of him. "While I can read your mind, it's sometimes better to speak it. What's your worries? There is more than you're putting forth." He stated and he poked the other's side a little bit. "SO, spill it. I'm not leaving here without you talking, and I will chain you if I must." He informed the boy, just wanting him to open up a little, see just what was going through his mind without prodding.
He whimpered when his pillow-his shield-was taken from him and he tried to hide beneath the covers instead. But it was difficult.

Relic had said that Rune understood better, and the Rune that was sitting there now was very different from the one that they had met on their first day here. Remus didn't want to keep everything in, but he also didn't want to out himself and Romulus, silly as that was since everyone knew anyway.

With a little sigh, the brunette slowly proceeded to spill his entire thought process out, feeling like a little bit of a weight had been lifted from his chest as he did so.
Rune listened to the other's words, staring at him as he did so. Well then. That was something else. Actually, not really. He had had the same fears at one point, and then he no longer cared. He waited for the other to stop and he shook his head a bit. "Trust me, kid ... What Relic walked in on is nothing. And at least you have the decency to stop." he stated and shrugged his hsoulders a moment later.

"Ignoring Relic walking in on you two and officially knowing what goes on ... You realize that being apart from him will only make everything worse, right?" He sighed softly and then hugged the pillow tighter to his form, eyes staying with the man. "I used to be like you, ya know. Well ... worse probably. I love Relic the way you love Romulus. While I adore and love Calder ... There is a strong part of my heart that cannot be replaced by Calder and is always waiting for Relic to just realize that I'm the one he should be with forever. You ... You're lucky. Romulus feels the same way that you do. You two can make each other happy. Screw what others think of you two. Yea, your relationship is unconventional, but who cares? Others don't get it. They never will. You need to be happy and with the one that you love."
The words made sense, really they did. They were the words that he always repeated to himself and to Romulus, and hoped that he could really believe them one day. But Remus never really did believe them. He always cared about what other people thought about them because that was what they were taught.

"How do you learn to not care?"
Rune kept his eyes to the teen, remaining silent as he did so. He shrugged his shoulders at his question. "Personally ... A life filled with people constantly poking and prodding and abusing me made me not care what those same people thought. For you ... You just need to realize that no matter what, people are always going to be bitter toward your choices. Even if you chose another mate. Even if you had a woman on your arm ... People would find something wrong with who you chose. So, why make the people who would be annoyed at your choice not matter what happy, when you can just be happy for yourself and be with the one you truly love?"
Again, the words made sense. Remus knew them to be true: he saw it all the time. One friend liked another one's choice in a partner, and another friend doesn't. But still, he felt that his and Romulus' situation was different because of their relation to each other.

"We don't want anyone to judge Daddy or Dad because of us..." Relic and Tanner had taken them in when they thought that they were hopeless and would be in that orphanage until the second they turned eighteen. Neither he nor his twin wanted to cause their fathers any embarrassment because of how they felt about each other.
Rune kept his eyes to the otehr, shaking his head at his words and his eyes rolled a little bit more. "Relic won't be ashamed of you. he won't care what others think. You could murder someone and he will still love you." He informed him, arms crossed over his lower torso as he looked the boy over a little bit more. "How many times must I remind you that were were just like you? He gets the connection and the physical contact. That sort of stuff. He never really got why I was so determined to be with him and only him, he still does not. And what you do not understand is that no matter what, you'll be loved." His eyes lifted over to the male's, keeping them there with a gentle smile. "Relic doesn't care. Tanner doesn't care. They love you guys no matter what. Relic knew the moment he saw you two together, the way you act, that you two were initimate. He still took you in. Doesn't that say quite a bit?"
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