Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Jade shuddered when he felt the lips of his love upon his flesh. Shivers rushed down his spine and his fingers wrapped around the baggy fabric of Murasaki's pants, gripping them tightly and he let out a soft little moan. His head lifted, looking at the smirking face of his love. He leant up and pressed their lips together for quite a passionate embrace. He whimpered softly and dragged his fingernails down the front of his chest, annoyed at the man. "Don't ... Do that ... It only makes me want you more." He stated, leaning forward and kissing along his jawline a little, his heart already beating faster than normal.
"You asked for it," he answered with a soft chuckle, leaning down to nuzzle along Jade's cheek softly. Murasaki held the teen closer as he relaxed further into the bed, getting comfortable. He'd almost forgotten how nice Jade felt in his arms-Calder and Rune weren't so quick to allow their son to spend the night anymore after the talk they'd had with him.
Jade whimpered a moment before he sunk against him a bit more. HIs head nmuzzled into his neck a little and he yawned softly. "No. I asked for sex." He clarified, groaning a little more. He sunk against him a little more, his arms wrapped around his love's form and he yawned once more. He gripped him tightly and nipped his neck gently. "Meanie." He whispered and slid lower on his form a bit.
He slept soundly, comfortable with the weight of his love in his arms. Mura woke early, as he usually did, and slipped from the bed after a soft little kiss to Jade's forehead as he slept. He was anxious to get some research done. Murasaki wanted to know what they were in for, and he was sure Jade and his parents did too.
Jade woke up a little bit after his love did, nuzzling into the pillow and he yawned, grumbling afterward. He slowly pushed his head up, looking in front of him and pouting. Where did Murasaki wander off to? He sighed heavily, sliding out of the bed and he yawned softly as he walked out of the room. His arms stretched above his head, cracking his spine a little bit more. He made his way into the kitchen, his hand moving to rub at the back of his neck a little. "Mura?"
He hadn't heard Jade wake up and Murasaki jumped out of his skin when the voice interrupted his reading. Only when his heart rate had gone down a bit did he answer. "Good morning." The violet haired man smiled brightly at the teen, setting the book down after slipping his bookmark into his place. "Sleep well?"
Jade giggled happily as he boucned over to his love. HIs arms wrapped around his shoulders and he nuzzled into the crook of his love's neck, gripping him to his form and he giggled excitedly into his ear. Kissing it once more before relaxing. "Love you lots." He whispered, kissing his cheek. "I slept pretty well ... until there was no one next to me.' He admitted and kissed his cheek once more. "You?"
"Fair." He'd been thinking about their magic and trying to find a solution for it part of the night. Murasaki hugged Jade, kissing him good morning as they settled into the sofa. "We have some light work to do today," he mentioned casually. It would take all of three seconds and it wouldn't tire the teen out at all, but he liked to tease Jade because his pout was absolutely adorable.
Jade stopped his movements as he heard the other's words, whining a second later. His lip poked out and his brows furrowed with a little whimper. "Nooo..." He protested, nuzzling into Murasaki's neck a bit. "I don't want to do wooork." He protestedand whimpered once more. He leant down, kissing along his neck and then sinking his teeth into the flesh, barely even putting pressure where his teeth were, it was more so pressing his teeth against his neck.
He laughed, reaching around to give a playful smack to Jade's rear end. "Stop that." Sooner or later, Murasaki would lose his resolve and then who knew what would happen. He wasn't ready to face those consequences just yet. "And you must. It's for my research." He left unsaid that the quicker the research was done, the quicker they could get to what Jade wanted.
"Research for what?" he asked, ignoring the male's protests and still continuing to kiss along his neck. His eyes stayed closed and his arms tightened a little around his shoulders. Lips traveled down the lovely flesh of his neck, moving to the base and wrapping around the flesh there, planning to leave a lovely little mark as his own bit of revenge to the man. That andi t would be funny to see him having to hide it. Though ... His magic could take care of it, couldn't it? That was no fun. Still, it did not stop him from trying to get him flustered over a 'love mark' or whatever people called them.
Murasaki easily unwound himself from Jade and moved a safe distance away. It was a dangerous game that the teen was playing, and someone had to have a level head about it. "For exactly what you're attempting to do," he answered rather primly as he got up and moved to the kitchen. Distance, at the moment, was good. He needed it or else they'd both be in a lot of trouble.

"What would you like for breakfast?"
Jade flopped over the back of the chair when Murasaki moved away, his eyes closed and he bit into his bottom lip in his annoyance. He was not even going to let him do that? Sure, he may have been trying to get the man to turn to putty, but that was only part of his motivation. He slowlyp ushed his form up from having been draped over the chair. Turning on his heel, he made his way to where the man was in the kitchen. Arms crossed over his lower torso and he rested his shoulder against the doorframe, watching the man walk around and growing a little bit more annoyed with him. "You" was all he said in response to his question, yet did not move to try and get what he wanted. He asked, and that was the answer he got.
"Other than that."

Murasaki was growing annoyed now, too. He knew what Jade wanted, and while he wanted to give the male the world, he simply could not give him that yet and it was frustrating to have that thrown back in his face with every turn. He moved around the kitchen, taking out a pan and the eggs, toasting a few slices of bread while he was at it. Whatever Jade wanted, it would require eggs and toast.
Jade sighed heavily. "Eggs work." He mumbled, turning on his heel and walking off into the other room. He disappeared into the bathroom, figuring a nice chilly shower would be a good thing. Besides, he needed to get cleaned up for the day and well, if he stayed there, he would only try to pounce Murasaki even more. So, instead, he showered. Showering was a good thing. It definitely would help to calm him down, if only a little. While it would not change what he wanted or how he felt, at least he could stop trying to get his love naked, among other things.
Mura cooked. He wanted to go after Jade, to join him in the shower. But he knew better. While Jade wanted to sleep with him, Murasaki knew that he wasn't thinking of what could and likely would (from what he'd read) come after. Perhaps over breakfast he could gently explain what he'd read. If Jade would listen, that was.

As the food was ready, the plum haired man set it on the table along with plates and forks and napkins and whatever else they would need to eat.
Jade took in a deep breath as he turned the shower off. Stepping out and brushing his silver hair out, staring at his reflection in the mirror for a while and he shook his head a little bit. It was not him that Murasaki did not want to sleep with. NO. It was the situation. Because something could happen, Murasaki did not want to risk them getting hurt or something like that. It had nothing to do with not wanting him, right? But, then again, what if it was just an excuse? No no no .... That was not the case. If it was, they would not even be together. Yes ... He hoped. He really was self-conscious at times like these. Sometimes, he just needed something to remind him that he was good enough to be with the man he so deeply loved, and well, he was not sure sometimes that he was. It has been a few months since they were together and things were good so ... he was happy. Really happy, but he just wanted to showh is happiness.

He sighed heavily, making his way out of the bathroom, towel around his waist ash e walked to the kitchen. He took his plate full of food and kissed Murasaki's cheek with a simple "Thank you" before he moved, sitting at the opposite end of the table, chewing on his toast and keeping his gaze to the plate.
He sighed and sat to eat, too. He felt bad. Jade wanted to show him his affection and he wouldn't allow it. But... The consequences were too much. And Murasaki felt as if they were right back to the very beginning when Jade wanted to be with him, and he wouldn't allow it. He didn't want to be back in that place again, ever. Mura watched the other male as he ate his own breakfast, trying to size everything up. He didn't bring up his research. That had been one of the problems before, hadn't it? Jade had felt like he was beating a dead horse.

Mura stood and moved to the end of the table. He took Jade up by the arm gently until he stood on his own before leaning down and kissing him passionately, pulling his slim frame to his own tightly. It was several minutes before he pulled away again, breathless.

"I love you."
Jade had wanted to resist, he had. He did not want to be closer to Murasaki again. The temptation was too much for his weak will. But, he could not deny his love anything. Stood he did, and kiss he returned, matching the other's passion easily. His fingers weakly wrapped around the front of Murasaki's shirt, gripping it tightly while their lips meshed together. He took in a deep breath when their lips parted once more, a bit out of breath now. The words got a small little smile from Jade, still not used to hearing them from anyone but his family, but he definitely liked to listen to them.

He flopped his forehead against the plum-haired male's chest, grip tightening around the front of his shirt and a few pathetic little tears passed his eyes. "Why does fate have to be so cruel?" He asked, holding onto him and taking in a few shaking breaths. "First ... I couldn't have you because you are my teacher and you're older than me ... Then I get you and ... when I want to show my love, I can't because our powers could blow us up or something... It's not fair, Murasaki! It's not. I finally have someone who loves me for me and ... someone that I can make love to ... and ... and I'll never know what that's like! I won't ever know what it's like to be with the one I love and who loves me back in that way. It's not fair.."
He held onto Jade, though was greatly surprised by the words. "Jade, what on Earth are you talking about sweetie?" Never? Who said never? What did he think the research was for? Surely they weren't the first in this situation and somewhere, it had to be documented. The only trick was finding it, and Murasaki wasn't worried about that. He was a master researcher and always found the information he was looking for.
Jade took in a deep breath and he pulled his head away, but the grip on his shirt remained. His eyes lifted up to his, looking pathetic as ever. "What if you can't find a solution? Whati f there isn't one? Then ... Then we won't be able to have sex and I won't ever know what it's like to have sex with someone that I love! That's what you're supposed to do with sex, right? Have it with someone you care greatly about and ... I want that! I love you Murasaki and ... I want to have love-filled sex with you and I .... What if you can't find a solution! Then .. I'll never be able to know what it feels like and I won't be able to get the feelings of all those men away.." He let out a little pathetic sob, burying his face into the other's chest once more while he cried, arms tightly wrapping around his love's form and he gripped him tightly.
"Oh, Jade." He hugged the male tightly, offering any and all support that he could give, allowing Jade to take it freely. He pressed a kiss to the top of the teen's head and hugged him even tighter, rocking them from side to side a bit while he waited for Jade to calm down a little bit. "Jade there isn't anything that I've set out to research and haven't found. I'm going to take a little bit of your magic to experiment with, too... I'll find a solution, sweetheart." He couldn't promise a time frame, but Murasaki had faith that he'd be able to find a fix for their situation.
Two weeks passed and while he teased Murasaki here and there, Jade had stopped trying to have sex with him. Murasaki was doing research to hopefully get it so that they won't kill themselves or whatever could happen, so it was not like his love did not want to have sex with him, merely that, for now, they could not. Of course, Jade was impatient, but he behaved. While he did not spend too many nights over there, he spent a few since he really did not want to be apart from the man.

Currently, Jade was sitting patiently outside of a bookstore, waiting for Murasaki to come out so that they could go to dinner. That was their plan for this Saturday evening. Get the book that he needed for more research on their magic, go out to dinner - nothing fancy of course - and then they would go back and cuddle up in front of the fire. It soudned like a very nice plan, and Jade was quite giddy about going out to eat with him. They never really went out for fear of being caught or someone thinking that they were a couple. THat would be bad for another three years.

Jade groaned, stretching his arms above his head and he bent over the back of the bench he was sitting on just a bit, at least until he spotted someone beside him from the corner of his eyes. He gave the man there a weak smile befre he let his arms fall back onto his lap, not really wanting to look at the person there.

The man, of course, had other plans. His eyes stayed with the boy that was beside him for quite some time. He had seen him somewhere else before. He looked him over before he spotted a birthmark at the side of his neck. He would recognize that anywhere! "Jade!" He said, a smirk pulling to his lips, even more so when the boy looked over at him. The male scooted closer to him and his dark eyes got qutie the perverted gaze within them. "Haven't you grown up nicely ... I remember when you could stand and give me a good blow job ... Now it seems like you've had quite the growth spurt..." He said, eyes hungrily traveling over the male's form, a hand reaching forward to brush through the silver lockso f the male.

Jade went wide-eyed when he finally saw the man besid ehim, all color draining from his face as he did so. He moved away, shoving his hand away from his hair and he was now sitting on the edge of the bench. "No ... I don't do that anymore .. So please just ... Stop."

The man pouted and he closed the distance between them once more. "You sure? I always thought we had such a great time together ... I can even pay you double." he whispered, leaning toward him to try and kiss his neck, only to fall forward when Jade jumped up from the bench with a simple "No"
Murasaki couldn't help but browse a little more than was completely necessary. He was a complete bookworm, and with the situation he was always nervous that he'd pass up a book that could help them. The professor was standing in line to pay when he happened to glance outside. The scene that he saw frightened him greatly, and before he realized what he was doing, Mura had dropped the book on the counter, absently telling the clerk that he'd be right back, and ran outside to Jade's side, an arm going protectively around the teen's shoulder.

"Is something wrong, Jade?"
Shit. Jade did not want Murasaki to see what was happening. He badly did not want him to. He knew he knew what he had done in the past, but that did not mean he wanted him to come into contact with his past! The two were completely and utterly different and ooh he was not happy right now. "N-no ... I'm... I'm okay." He whispered, turning to look up at the man with a bit of a pleading look.

The man chuckled when he saw the male beside Jade. "Got yourself a new pimp, do you?" He questioned, sliding off the bench and walking to the two, his arms crossed over his chest as he narrowed his gaze at Murasaki. "You know that he's probably fucking three other men other than you, right? That's what he does. He flirts and teases until he gets you so riled you can't bear it anymore and won't even think twice about spending half your paycheck on him just to get a good ride out of the kid. And oooh it is a good ride. But he'll leave you once you give him the money. Babble some bull about needing to go to his brother and sister. It's utter nonsense ... It's better to just stop now before you get too involved with him. He only wants you for your money., That's all the reason why he ever stays with one at a time, or why he goes back to the same people ... because we pay him well... So, why don't you do yourself a favor and stop now before he fucks you out of home and job?"
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