Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Jade groaned as he walked into the room a little more, his arms tightening around him a little bit more. His head nuzzled into his chest and whimpered softly. "But he'll knoooow." He whined and he took a hold of Murasaki's hand, leading him back to the bed with a yawn. "I'll ... think of it in the morning." He stated and then crawled under the sheets oncem ore, letting hte shirt fall to the ground as he did so. His rear was in the air, ust trying to get comfortable as he did so. "Mama's going to kill me." he mumbled, whimpering a little more as he nuzzled into the pillows. Yep. Noot looking forward to going home.
Murasaki followed Jade back into the bed, wrapping his arms around the teen's waist and tugging him in close. "Your Mama's not going to kill you," he assured. He couldn't, however, say the same thing about himself as he was pretty sure that Rune would come after him. That, though, was something he would worry about when the time came. For now, he fell back asleep while nuzzling into Jade's soft hair.
Jade turned and nuzzled into his love's chest, sighing gently. "Yea. It doesn't matter right now." He yawned softly, scooting closer to the male and he nuzzled into him a bit more. "I love you." He whispered ,yawning softly and then falling into a slumber once more, easily calmed by his love beside him.
Neither of them were killed, thank goodness. Murasaki was quite glad about that as it meant that he was able to continue his research now for a more definite and permanent solution to their "problem". He was sitting in his living room currently up to his eyeballs in books and papers and notes, a vial of each of their magic sitting on the table next to him.
Somehow, his Mama had not freaked out. He did not know why or how, but he had not even threatened to see Muasaki to 'talk' with him like he was so very paranoid to happen. Thankfully, that was not the case. While he could see his father's frustration and that he was holding back, he had told him that he was not mad. Upset - which was clear - but not mad. Either way, Jade was content and while he had not gone crazy and pounced Mura every time they saw each other, he had indulged a few more times over the past few weeks. Murasaki was still trying to find a better solution and they did not really want to risk anything. NOt that Jade paid proper attention and would always seduce him into giving him what he wanted, but that was well beside the point.

Jade was feeling wretched. He felt sick to his stomach and like he was going to collapse. He had felt that way for a while, but he figured it was a cold or something. Now, now it was gtting annoying. He grumbled as he made his way to this love's room. He moved into the room, closing the door behind him as a groan passed his lips. HIs arms crossed over his torso while he fell forward onto the couch, curling up in the cushions.
Only when he felt the sofa collapse beside him and heard the groan did Murasaki realize that Jade was there. And he didn't look well, either. "Jade?" The professor set all of the work aside and moved over to the teen, kneeling on the floor next to the sofa. He put his hand to Jade's forehead, but felt no fever even though he was very obviously not feeling well. "Jade what's wrong?" He wanted symptoms, and it was very likely that the silver haired teen would be making his way to the emergency room.
Jade groaned softly, turning to look at Murasaki, pouting as he did so. "My stomach hurts and ..." He went wide-eyed, jumping up from the couch and running into the bathroom. Door slammed behind him as he poured out the little breakfast he had that morning. He was in there for a few moments before he opened the door - after washing his mouth out of course. He whimpered softly as he made his way back to Mura, moving into his lap and cuddling into his neck, pouting a litle more. "And that."
He was worried now, and Murasaki had slipped back onto the sofa while Jade was in the bathroom. He held the male close to him when he came out, pressing little kisses to his forehead as he ran through ideas of what could be wrong with him. "I think you need to go to a doctor, Jade..."
Jade curled up even more, whimpering softly. He nuzzled into him a little bit more, arms wrapped aroudn his love's form and he sighed softly. "Probably." He admitted, groaning a little more. He hugged him tighter, kissing his neck a few times. "I don't feel well." He mumbled, despite the fact that it was so very obvious that he did not feel well.
Murasaki nodded and easily lifted Jade as he stood up. "Lets try the school nurse first, hmm?" He'd hate to drag his love out when there was no real need to. He was careful not to jostle the teen too much as he made his way through the hallways and up the three stories to where the nurse's station was. Jade was settled onto one of the cots while Mura spoke with the young man there, telling him the symptoms and then stepping to Jade's side while he was examined.
Jade let out a gentle sigh when he was pulled into his love's arms, nuzzling into him and giggling gently. He could have walked. He was not weak or anything, but he much more preferred to be carried. It was not like he cared if anyone saw them. He should care, but he liked being with his love in public, and even more so pampered. He sat onto the cot, sitting with his back against the wall and his eyes kept to his love and the nurse, doing everything that the man told him to for the examination. He did not know what the man was looking for, but he did not really think much about it either. He gave up his arm for the bloodwork, keeping his eyes to Murasaki during that part - he never liked bloodwork - and he even went and peed in a cup for the man. Giving the thing back and then sitting back on the cot, sighing softly.
Only once the tests were done did Murasaki sit on the cot next to Jade. His arm went around the teen's shoulders as they waited for the results so they could take the prescription and go back to his room to rest up. He was pretty sure that was all that Jade needed in the first place, but they were better safe than sorry.

It was nearly an hour before the nurse came back with a rather perplexed look on his face. "Is everything alright?"
Jade curled up against Murasaki, only since they were alone in the room while they waited. He contented himself with drawing absent little symbols on his love's thigh, amusing himself with that for the moent. He tilted his head back, looking up at his love and he pressed a kiss to his cheek. "I'm okay. . . Just probably a cold or something." He nodded a little, figuring that was the case. He had been doing a lot of extra work now, so maybe it was also stress and over working himself too. He did not know.

When the nurse came back, he pushed away from Mura, looking at the confused look on te man's face and he grew instantly concerned. "What ... What is it?"

The male looked from the papers in front of him and then two the silver-haired teen. He cleared his throat a bit and then looked back at the two. "um ... You're pregnant.' He stated, still unsure of his results. "We ... Maybe there was a mix-up." he mumbled, knowing that that was unlikely. He had no other samples to go through and he just did not know anymore.
Murasaki nearly choked. Pregnant? Pregnant!? Oh well if Rune didn't kill him because of the sex, he would not live to see Jade through his first trimester! "It's not a mistake," he whispered softly, resting his head back against the wall with his eyes closed tightly. This just could not be happening. Really? Pregnant? But they had blocked the magic and there had been nothing that said that it wouldn't prevent pregnancy! It was the magic that caused the pregnancy!!
Jade went wide-eyed. Pregnant?! He stared at the man before turning to look at the man beside him. He gripped his love's pantleg tightly. "But ... You ... and the ..." He stopped and turned to look at Murasaki, eyes a little pathetic. "It ... doesn't make sense." He whispered softly and he gripped his love's pantleg all the tighter. "Oh ... Oh god. Mama ... is not going to be happy." He gasped, his hand moving to his lips and he tared in front of him now. Mama was not going to be happy.
This couldn't be happening. Rune wouldn't be happy, and he would be dead. Oh that was just lovely. Murasaki sighed a little before he stood up, holding his hand out to Jade. "We might as well get telling them over with." This was a visit he most certainly wasn't looking forward to. "Just remember I want to be cremated after your Mama kills me, okay? And to take my amulet."
Jade took in a deep breath, standing up and gripping his hand tightly. He nodded a few times, utterly paranoid right now. "Yes... Um ... Mama and PApa should be in Papa's room." He stated, chewing his bottom lip and he walked down the hall. He had no idea what was going to happen. He really did not know. He gripped his love's hand tighter, lacing their fingers together, thumb trailing along the back of his hand and he looked around a little bit before once more turned to look at the man beside him. "That's not going to happen, Murasaki ... I love you too much to let it happen."
"France sounds nice about now, then." He sighed and nodded as they headed for Calder's classroom. He walked slow, dragging his feet a little bit, wishing that something would come up from under the floor and just swallow him whole. It obviously wouldn't happen but he could hope...

Before he wanted to be they were at the classroom door and he knocked, entering meekly when Calder called them in. Murasaki's heart twisted when the blond greeted them so cheerfully. He felt as if they'd betrayed both Calder and Rune.
Rune was sitting on the blond's desk, arms crossed over his lower torso as he had been whining a little bit to Calder, trying to persuade him into a little afternoon snack. Of course he was not giving into him, which he did not like. He had wanted to have fun with him! And now that was not happening, especially with whoever was at the door. HE sighed heavily, sticking his tongue out at the blond before he turned to look at the two entering. "Yea?"

Jade walked into the room, hand gripping tighter to his love and he moved toward the two with a nervous little smile. "Um ... Mama, Papa .." He took in a deep breath, knowing it was like a bandaid - better to just rip it off right away. No beating around the bush. That would just make things better.... or at least less mental anguish. "I ... I don't know how to tell you. Well ... I do but um..." He took in another deep breath, eyes closed and he did not want to look at his parents right now. "I'm pregnant." And time to wait for the end of the world.
Calder smiled and moved to kiss Jade's cheek. "How are y--" He stopped mid sentence at the words, eyes going wide with the news. This could not be happening! Jade was not only just thirteen, but he was a boy with only human DNA! The blond stepped back, needing some sort of solid support. He preferred Rune, but had a feeling that his lover would soon have his hands otherwise occupied around Murasaki's throat.
And oh how right Calder was. Rune was frozen at first. He stared at the two, knowing it could not be a prank. He would not risk his love's life for something as silly as a reaction. He stood from the desk, glaring at the two. He walked forward, his hand wrapping around Murasaki's neck and he then walked past him, gripping him tightly as he dragged the male out of the room, growling all the more.

Jade gasped, turning to look at the male and he held onto his love a bit more, eyes pathetic as they looked at his Mama. "Mama! No ... Don't ... don't hurt him!" He protested, turning and about to follow before he saw the look his father gave him. He gasped once more and pulled away, looking like he was about to cry. Oh no no. "Mama ..." He mumbled, eyes staring at the male and he wrapped his arms around his form a little bit more.

Rune continued to drag the male through the hall, cursing under his breath before he found an empty room, shoving the purple-haired male inside and then following afterward. His arms crossed over his lower torso, eyes narrowing at the other. "What are you going to do?"
Calder was worried, but knew that Rune would not actually kill him, unless Murasaki said something stupid. The blond gave the other man more credit than that. He let the door close before pulling Jade into a hug and then to one of the desks, sitting the boy down in one while he sat in another. "Okay. Lets here it."

Murasaki gasped, but moved with Rune. He didn't have to-his magic would have thrown the man off of him if he'd so desired. But while the grip was strong and the mood angry, he felt no ill intent (yet) from the man and so he moved with him, gasping out for breath when the hand was taken away. "What do you mean what am I going to do? There are two options, right? Be killed, or be honorable!"
Jade moved with his Papa to the desk, sitting down and letting out a heavy sigh. He flopped against the desk and his eyes slipped closed. He rested his head against his arm, remaining silent before his head lifted and he looked over at the male questioning him. "It's ... something to do with the magic. I don't know the whole thing and Murasaki could explain it better but um .... It's just something about them and we thought that it was safe and okay but um ... Apparently ... not."

Rune rolled his eyes as he listened to the other's response. "Not the proper answer." he informed him, arms crossed over his lower torso while he took a step toward the man, holding onto his form and really was trying to not kill the man. "I get that you're not the type of person to abandon him, but what type of plans do you have now? Have you thought about it? You have more than those options. I want to know what you want to do."
"No, apparently not." Calder sighed a bit. Jade really was in a pickle now, and there wasn't much he knew how to do to help his son.

"No," Mura answered confidently, keeping his head held high. "Jade and I received the news five minutes before we came down to tell you, so we haven't spoken about anything." He wasn't sure what other options he had, really. Perhaps a day or two to think and speak with Jade would open up the possibilities for him. Murasaki stepped forward to pass Rune. "I get that you're pissed. And I do apologize for taking advantage of yours and your husband's trust. But I need some time-preferably with Jade-to process and talk and think. You know where to find me." Murasaki made to leave the room, head still spinning.
Jade whimpered softly, burying his face into his arm, feeling horrible at the moment.

Before Mura could leave, Rune wrapped his hand around the back of hisshirt, pulling him back to where he was. "Listen. I like you. You are good for Jade and while I do not like that he is only thirteen, technically, I know you will do well with him. You'll take care of him. Be there for him. I know that much. And if you even think of taking him out of my house, I will have your balls on my Christmas tree. Feel free to move in with us, but you're not going to go run away and get married. That's retarded.' He released him and then walked out of the room as well, making his way back to the classroom his love was in.

He moved inside and then walked to where the two were, ruffling Jade's hair and sighing heavily. "Come on. Go to Murasaki. If you need support, we're here for you. If you have any questions, I suggest going to see Gabriel. He's huge so you can even prod at him a bit."
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