Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Rune stopped walking when he heard the other man's words. What would happen if something happened to him? Nothing will happen to him. He rolled his eyes. "You have my genetics, freaky shit with you now. Being decapitated won't kill you." He rolled his eyes once more and then began to make his way past him and to their bed, needing to take a little nap now. "So, there's nothing to worry about 'what if's."
"I wasn't just talking about health and death," he muttered, moving out of the bedroom and back towards the living room. New thoughts had stuck to his brain and Calder needed to work through them, and the insensitive side of his lover. He knew that Rune meant nothing by it, but it still stung sometimes when he said things like he just had.

The blond moved into the kitchen first to make himself a mug of hot chocolate and a sandwich before making himself comfortable on their sofa. He nibbled at his lunch while thinking, though he never really got anywhere other than back at the beginning of the thought process.
Rune blinked a few times, turning to look at his love walking away. He groaned, following after him, arms crossed over hils lower torso as he followed. He rested against the doorway, watching him walk around, staring at him. "What? What's the issue?" he mumbled, annoyed with the other's reaction at the moment.
Calder jumped. He hadn't expected Rune to follow him, really. Hoped, maybe, but not expected. Looking over to his lover, the blond shrugged. "Dunno. Just worried, I guess." He paused, trying to put his thoughts into coherent words. "Just because I have your ability to heal, and live a long time doesn't mean I'm immortal... So if something were to happen then... I'm just worried about the kids." What were to happen if he got into another car accident and someone couldn't get to Rune on time? Or he was diagnosed with some disease that couldn't be healed or fixed or cured?
Rune rolled his eyes. "Then I'll just kill anyone in my way." He stated, knowing where the other was going, and not wanting to go there. So, he turned on his heel and left. He did not care right now. He did not want to fight. He did not want to get married. He shuld be happy that they were bound as they were. HE did not want to do anything else. He knew the other's fears, but just did not see the point in trying to fight at the moment. If something happened to him, he would deal with it then.
Calder felt horrible. He felt that he was constantly asking Rune to compromise on what he wanted, and the blond knew that it wasn't fair. He knew that Rune had every right to say no, but he couldn't help but worry about the what ifs. He stayed in the living room for a few minutes before moving back into the bedroom, curling up into Rune's side and burying his head into his lover's chest. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry that I always worry and that it turns out worse for you than anyone."
Rune rolled his eyes at the other's words, a bit miffed at the moment still. He turned onto his side, his back to the other male with a short, "Whatever" passing his lips. He pulled his pillows tighter to his form and nuzzled into them for a moment. His eyes forced closed and he tugged the sheets up to his neck, pretty much justi gnoring the man behind him. He did not want to deal with this right now. He was happy with how their lives were right now, and th ought that Calder was too. But this constant mentioning of the 'what ifs' and hinting at getting married was driving him insane. He hated marriage. The whole idea of it just was not anything he wanted to deal with. Why the fuck did he need a piece of paper and a priest to tell him he would be with someone for the rest of his lives? He knew that already. He was not going to deal with a marriage and the papers and everything else. What if it turned for the worst, hm? That's even MORE of a hassle and he did not want that either.
His heart broke when Rune turned away from him and gave him the cold answer of 'whatever'. His throat tightened and tears threatened. The blond slipped from the bed quietly and left the room, and then the house. He hadn't meant to upset Rune. And he couldn't help that he always worried. But there had to be another answer...right? The blond rung his hands as he walked through the streets, worrying. He wasn't really looking where he was going, but knew that he some how had landed in the middle of town. Looking up, there was a sign for a lawyer's office and the blond's heart healed just a little. At least he could have his questions answered, right?
Rune remained in the bed, not wanting to deal with that whole thing right now. He really did not want to. Calder knew how he felt, and if he chose to ignore his feelings, then he did not see the need to run after him. He would just stay in bed and wait for the man to get back home safely. At least one perk of their genetic-sharing whateveri s that he knew if he was in trouble. So, he had nothing to worry about.

Trevor had been walking through town, trying to find something nice to get Bohdi. He wanted to buy him something for Valentine's Day. He did not want to do the cliche chocolates or teddy bear or anything like that. It was his first time ever having a boyfriend to buy something for, so, he wanted to get him something nice. Maybe a sketchbook or a CD or something. Bohdi drew, didn't he? Oooh, now he was second guesssing himself! He bit his bottom lip, his canine pulling in the flesh as he walked through the streets. Oh shoot.

When he spotted his Papa, he perked up. "Papa?" He questioned, walking over to the man in question, utterly concerned for why he was out here -- especially without Mama.
Looking up, Calder forced a smile to Trevor, waving. "What are you doing here?" he asked, not upset or angry but simply curious. He was antsy to get up to the lawyer, wanting answers but their kids always came first, no matter what he wanted or needed. Reaching forward, he touched Trevor's shoulder simply to guide him to the little cafe for lunch.
Trevor spotted his Papa's demeanor and was concerned for the man instantly. He let him lead the way to the cafe that was there, his head turned to the side to look at him with interest along his features. "I was looking for a gift for Bohdi but ... Papa what's the matter?" He asked, his eyes curious as he looked at the blond, wanting to know what was ailing [sp?] the man.
"Oh?" he asked, thinking it was sweet that Trevor was shopping for his boyfriend. It reminded him that he had to get something for Rune, too. They were seated, Calder ordering a cup of soup for himself and some tea, smiling at the waitress as she left to place their order. "What are you getting him?" He had heard the question, but didn't know how to explain it to the younger male, and not wanting to worry him either.
Trevor arched a brow as he looked at the male in front of him, sighing heavily. "Avoiding the question will not do you good, Papa." he stated before he shook his head. "I was thinking that I would get him a nice sketchbook and maybe some charcoles or something of that sort. I always see him doodling in his notebook and I figure it may be a nice gift. I do not want to give him the boring old chocolates. Well, I may still add it to the gift ..." he shook his head a little bit and then gladly took his hot chocolate from the waitress, smiling gently and then turned his attention back to the male in front of him. "Papa, what happened? Did Mama do something?"
"That sounds like a lovely gift," he agreed with a little nod, sipping his tea after fixing it with a healthy dose of lemon and sugar. "Perhaps you can find a nice portfolio to give to him, too. And you and I can make the chocolates after dinner tonight, hmm?" Homemade chocolates were always infinitely better than store bought. And more personal. "What sorts does he like?"

The blond shook his head. "Don't worry about me, Trevor," Calder answered softly. "Lets eat our lunch, and then I have an errand to run before I head home. And the store-I'll need the ingredients for the candy."
Trevor let out a heavy sigh and shook his head. "But, Papa, I worry. Mama loves you so much, but I know he says things he should not and then he will never apologize and I am just worried about you, Papa. You love Mama but then you have your bits of doubt, I am sure, and you are far more sensitive than he gives you credit for, I believe." His eyes truly showed his deep concern for the blond in front of him. He began to trail his spoon through the chocolate mixture, finding the movement a bit theroputic.
Calder smiled. He reached across and patted his son's hand lightly. "It's nothing, Trevor. I promise." There was no reason for the teen to worry like he was, and it made him upset to know that he was. He was glad for the interruption of their food being set in front of them. The blond thanked the girl and set to fix his soup with a little pepper. "How are your classes?" he asked, changing the topic once more. "Do you like them?"
Trevor sighed heavily and he shook his head a bit. Fine. He did not wish to tell him about it. He took a sip of his hot chocolate before his shoulders lifted into a nonchalant little shrug. "They are fine. I do like them, too. They're all very nice and I like the professors too." He informed him, tilting hish ead up to look over at the male in front of him.
They ate, chatting in between. It was a nice distraction from what was going on in his head and Calder was grateful for it, even though Trevor had no idea that he was helping him. After paying the bill they went their separate ways, Calder finally getting into the lawyer's office, and he was lucky enough that the man was willing to sit down with him. It helped him immensely, and he was in a much better mood by the time he got home.
Trevor was glad that, by the time their meal was done, his Papa seemed a bit better. He was not completely cheerful or anything, but he seemed just a little bit calmer. That was what mattered. He gave him a little kiss to the cheek of his Papa and then made his way through the streets and toward the store he had initially been heading for. He bought the few things he wanted, even the groceries to make chocolate, and then back home he went. Putting the items away and he then disappeared into his bedroom to begin wrapping them up.

Rune perked up when he heard Trevor moving around the house. He stood from the chair he wound up sitting in, pulling on his zipper-up hoodie and he zipped it to the center of his chest, bare flesh still being seen beneath the garment. He made hisway to his son's bedroom, giving a little warning knock before poking his head into the room. "You saw Papa?" He asked, knowing the aswer already.

"Yes. He was okay, Mama." Trevor stated, his rump on the ground and he looked up at the tall male in the doorway. "You really should stop making him feel bad. I know, I know. Not my place." He shrugged his shoulders a little bit and then went back to his wrapping. "Maybe you hsould take Mama somewhere for Valentine's Day." He offered, his eyes tilting up to the male in front of him once more. "Jade, Ella and I will be fine if you wish to take a few days or a week or something and go to Paris or ... anywhere really."

His eyes narrowed at the male on the ground, though his little lightbulb went off in his head at the same time. "Mm ... That does sound nice." he admitted, resting against the doorway, eyes still to the other, but now he was more so thinking to himself. "Though, I think I would more so have to guys go to Relic's side of the house. You can play with the twins and ... Relic can make sure that pedo doesn't come near Jade... Knocking him up.." he mumbled the last bit under his breath, still utterly pissed at the man for that.
Calder took his time getting dinner ready. He didn't seek out Rune and he blocked his thoughts as best he could. There was no need for a fight. When his lover was ready to talk about it, he'd approach him. Until then, the blond kept his thoughts and his findings to himself. He was a little sad that Trevor had wrapped the presents for Bohdi before he could see what he'd gotten him, but that was okay. They would have a nice time making their candy after dinner.

"Dinner!" was called out as the salad and meat were set into the middle of the table.
Rune wound up staying with Trevor the rest of the afternoon. Helping him iwth the gift wrapping and talking to him about his classes, even whining a little to him about Jade and 'the pedo'. It really was a nice time. He stood up easily when hearing the call for food. Taking Trevor's hand and helping up the other. He soon was out the door, hearing the running steps of Jade and his hand instantly wrapped aroudn the back of his shirt, pulling the other back to his form. "Don't run! You're pregnant. What if you fell? You could hurt the baby." He stated, eyes narrowing at the other.

Jade squeaked and fell into his Mama's side, looking up at the male and he pouted ever so pathetically." But ... Dinn--"

"No. Walk. Like a civilized person." He released him with a little growl before turning on his heel to go retrieve Ella. He got the little girl who instantly attached herself to his neck, gripping her Mama tightly while they made their way down the stairs, Rune constantly watching Jade to be sure he did not run or anything of that sort.
Calder hugged Jade as he entered, kissing the top of his head to take away the little pout that was there. "Mama means well," he promised. The blond bustled around to finish gathering everything that they would need before sitting down and serving everyone. Dinner was nice, and neither what had been bothering him that afternoon, or Jade's physical state were talked about, which was nice too. It seemed that their lives were revolving around one of those two things for the past couple of days and Calder was anxious for it to return to normal.

As they were cleaning up, he bumped Trevor's hip lightly with his own. "So what sort of chocolates are we making?"
Trevor gathered up some of the plates, turning to look at Calder and he thought for al ittle while. "I was thinking milk chocolate and white chocolate ... truffles I think too." He loved homemade truffles! They were always so delicious and he just had so much fun making htem too. It would be nice to have Calder there to cook/bake with him.
"Alright. Truffles it is." He smiled and set the dishes he had in his hands in the sink for Trevor and Jade to take care of, while he pulled out his recipe box and the ingredients they would need to bake with. Calder set everything up in an orderly fashion, wanting to be sure that he really did have everything, and that each bottle or box would be easy to read as they went along. The pans and pots were set aside, too.

"All ready?"
Trevor helped his Papa get the ingredients out and everything else. He wandered off, starting the water on the stove and he then got out the wisk, holding it in his hand as he walked back to where his Papa was. He smiled warmly at him and he nodded. "Yes." He said happily and he then began to start the food, not needing to look at the recipe. He never had one before, he just did it by memory, or by taste. He looked over at his Papa, interest to his features. "Did you solve your problem?"
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