Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

As long as he was eating, he did not mind just what he ate. Sure, Abbadon mostly ate healthier things, except for the random bad thing here and there, ro going out like he was right now, but as long as he ate, he did not mind what it was. He perked up and nodded. "I like Prometheus. It is very nice there. The teachers are nice ... Though one of them had gotten a student pregnant."
"Oh?" That was news to him. Though Luka never knew such things because it never interested him so it didn't really surprise Tobias that he was in the dark. "I hope everything turns out alright for them..." They ordered when the waiter showed up, and continued talking when he'd left.

"Are you going to get to visit home a lot?" he asked. Ireland wasn't really too far from Italy, so perhaps Abbadon would get to go home to see his family more often than not. "Do you miss your home?"
Abbadon nodded a few times to what was asked of him. He sighed gently. "I do miss Father." He admitted and shrugged his shoulders a little bit. "I will probably visit him soon. I believe a three day weekend is coming up, so I will visit him then." He looked back to Tobias, curiosity to his features. "Have you gone back to your family yet?"
"No," he admitted. "But I don't like large crowds yet so the airport is...difficult for me." He shuddered at the thought. "I've spoken to them, though. And they understand. I think my parents will be coming out to visit for a few days soon." Tobias was excited to see his parents, really and wished that he could go home to see them...to move back home. But moving back home would mean leaving Abbadon... He didn't want to leave his friend.
Abbadon nodded a bit. He could understand how the other would feel uncomfortable in big crowds. He knew that the twins' father had a private plane. He heard them speaking of it many times, when walking in the halls, but he did not wish to ask them for numerous reasons. Top of the top was that he did not want Tobias to leave. He ... liked him. A lot. He ... was falling for his friend. He knew that he was beginning to get a little too attached to him, but he could not stop his feelings from forming. He would just let them come and go, though. There was no possible way Tobias would want to be with a demon like him.

"How is living alone?"
"It's...lonely sometimes," he admitted with a soft smile to his lips as their dinner was set in front of them. "Scary sometimes, too." He didn't mention that he always kept the blinds shut for fear of seeing someone looking in on him, despite being on the sixth floor of an apartment building. "But I missed being independent." It wasn't that he didn't want to live with someone else ever again, but to do so he needed to re-learn how to live by himself. "You should come over one night. We can watch a movie or something."
Abbadon listened to him and nodded a bit to what he was saying. "I would like that." He offered, smiling gently and setting back a little to let the waiter place the dish in front of him. He said a soft thanks before turning his attention back to hte man in front of him. "If you ever feel too uncomfortable, you can either come to my apartment, or I can come over. I do not mind." He informed him, wanting him to feel completely safe within his house.
"Thank you." The offer meant a lot to him. "I want to try to stick it out, though..." Tobias knew that if he continued to call Abbadon over, he'd never feel completely safe or comfortable in his own apartment, and that would just defeat the purpose, really.

They had a nice conversation throughout their dinner, and Tobias realized how much he really had missed his friend. As they got up to leave, the brunette thanked Abbadon for having dinner with him, a little sadness in his voice that their apartments were in the opposite directions of each other.
Abbadon stopped outside of the restaurant, thinking a little bit. He slowly turned to look at the brunette with him a bit of curiosity to his features. "I do not have any classes tomorrow ... If you would like, we can go to your apartment and I can make dessert."
Dessert? Tobi turned and smiled brightly. "Yes, I'd like that." The brunette began to lead the way to his apartment, strolling along slowly and enjoying the time with Abbadon. They chatted about books and school and home, nothing in particular or pressing but stimulating conversation nonetheless. When they arrived to his apartment, Tobias pushed the door open and waited for his friend to enter before closing and bolting the door shut. It was habit and done out of sheer terror his first nights alone.

"I'm not sure what I have to make but feel free to raid the fridge and cabinets."
"I'm sure I can find something." He stated while he walked past the other and to the kitchen. He moved around, managing to find something to make peanutbutter cookies. Those were always good. He continued on, glancing over to his friend before once more back to the bowl he was stirring in. "So ... How is your brother? Have you spoken to him today?" He asked, just wishing to speak of something other than their books. OF course, those worked beautifully and he loved to, but he was also curious about how ihs brother was.
"Luka? Not today, no. I speak with him every few days I suppose." It was difficult to get Luka to answer his phone because he rarely had anything to say, and he usually didn't realize it was ringing while he was playing whatever instrument he could get his hands on. Every now and then, though, Tobias would manage to call at just the right time.

He put his new books away and then moved into the kitchen. "So whatcha makin'? And what can I do to help?"
Abbadon looked over at the male and then to the dough in front of him. He stirred it a little more before he took out a cookie sheet. He rested it against the back of the counter and the bowl between them. "Roll balls." He stated, taking a bit of the dough and he rolled it up before he rested it on the sheet. He then turned his head to hte male beside him, nodding a bit to what he had said. "Well, he should be fine. That Eros boy looks okay so he has to still be fine. I ... see him in the hall sometimes."
"Yes," he agreed while taking some dough and doing as he was told. "Eros is good for Luka...he grounds him a little." His brother's head would be in the clouds twenty four seven if Eros wasn't around to keep him on earth a little bit, and Tobias was grateful for the little blond's ability to do so. "Luka's enjoying his first experience with a boyfriend, too." The topic of conversation when they did talk ultimately always wound up back to Eros and Luka's relationship with the boy.

Tobias tasted a little of the dough. "Mm this is good."
Abbadon nodded a little to the other's words. It was true. Seeing the two together, having the dinner that they had, he was glad to see that they worked so well together. The two looked adorable together, for one thing. He liked to see happy couples sometimes. Maybe because he never got to be in a relationship like that himself, but that was beside the point. "Thank you." He said softly, turning to look at the male that was beside him once more. HIs eyes traveled along the other's form and he nodded a little bit absently. "It's easy to make ... most of hte time."
"Maybe you can teach me sometime," he asked as the cookie sheet was placed in the oven and the timer was set. Tobias was very comfortable in Abbadon's presence, and he was grateful for the calm that his friend brought into his life. "What should we do while they bake?" he asked, already moving to the sink to start cleaning up the mess that they had made.
Abbadon nodded a little. "Yes. Defnitely." He agreed, watching the other go off to wash the dishes. He followed after him, taking up a towel and beginning to dry off what he had just washed. He put them back where he found them and then turned to look back to him, arms crossed over his lower torso. "I am not sure. What do you wish to do?" He asked, never really one to care one way or another what he would do.
He shrugged as the last of the dishes were put away, and the dish towel was folded and hung over the edge of the sink. "I don't know..." Tobias was never good at entertaining, and even less so now that he never trusted anyone enough to have them over. The brunette bit his lower lip a little, trying to think of what they could do. "We can watch a movie or something..." His movie collection wasn't nearly as vast as his library of books, but reading was an individual past time-it was hard to read with someone.
Abbadon listened to the other, his eyes keeping to the male while he thought for a little bit. To be honest, he did not really like movies. He did not even own a television in his house. He barely had a phone -- a cell phone so that his Father could get a hold of him, or Gabriel and that was it -- and he was not really one into electronics. Lights were good, television and things of that sort, he did not like.

He turned on his heel as an idea popped into his head. He disappeared into the room he had seen his friend go into with his books. Coming back out, he had one of the ones he suggested to the man earlier. He returned to TObias' side, holding the book within his hands. "I can read it to you. I know that when I was reading the book ... I thought it would be nice to be able to have it read to me ... Easier to visualize, I think."
An eyebrow raised when the other male disappeared into the back of the apartment. But he trusted Abbadon, and so he didn't question anything. And he couldn't help that his face lit up with the idea of being read to. Tobias nodded enthusiastically to the idea and moved over to the sofa, sitting and waiting for Abbadon to do the same.
Abbadon followed the other into the living room. He sat down beside the other, his right leg lited to drape over his left knee, flipping through the pages to the first one and he then turned his attention to the man beside him. "Are you ready?" He asked, eyes to the male with interest. He did not want to start reading if the other male was not comfortable enough to be read to.
Tobias shifted his weight, pulling his legs up beside him and leaning into Abbadon's side, head resting on his friend's shoulder. Only when he was fully comfortable did he nod that yes, he was ready to be read to. The brunette had to admit that he quite liked sitting like that with his friend, and made a mental note to ask Abby to read to him more often so that he could sit like that more often.
Abbadon watched the man get situated, being sure he did not move too much while he read. He read the story outloud, actually getting a bit into character as the book went on. Changing his tone to different accents here and there and he got through a few chapters before his mouth got too dry. He placed a marker in their place, closing the book softly, turning to look down at the male at his side. His heart fluttered a little bit as his eyes traveled along his form. Before he could truly stop himself, the demon leant down closer to the brunette, and a second later, his lips connected with his.
Tobias sighed softly and settled in to be read to. His eyes closed as he fully relaxed into his friend, picturing the story in his head. He didn't stir when Abbadon stopped, or moved a little-he figured that the other male was simply shifting his weight and pausing to get some moisture back into his mouth. And so the brunette was quite surprised when he felt lips against his.

His chocolate eyes shot open as his brain quickly tried to catch up with what was happening.
The demon's lips stayed with the other male's for a short while, just enough to get the urge out of his system. He pulled away, looking down at him and he took in a deep breath. "I am ... sorry, Tobias." He whispered, closing his eyes once more. "I could not stop ... Even knowing it is too soon." He shook his head a little bit, getting the clouds to disappear, or so he hoped. He closed the book once more and then rested it onto the side table. Yep. He should not have done that.
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