Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

He hadn't even fully recovered when Abbadon had begun to talk once again. The brunette was a bit stunned in what had happened, and very confused with how he felt. He felt that he wanted to be closer to Abbadon, but that couldn't be right, could it? They were friends... And the only reason he felt the way he did was because Abbadon had saved him. If Charlie had never happened, then he wouldn't feel this way about his friend...right? There was no way to know, and he couldn't deny that he felt for Abby now what he'd felt for Charlie in the beginning.

He leaned up once more, knowing that he probably shouldn't but wanting to anyway, and very lightly touched his lips to the horned male's.
Abbadon had been debating to go, get up, and then leave, but then the other leant toward him once more. He felt his lips against his and his heart did a lovely little backflip. He leant toward the male, an arm snaking around his hips and pulling him tighter to his form. He pressed his lips back, kissing him ever so passionately as he did so. His eyes kept closed and his hand lifted to rest delicately at the side of the human's neck. Yes, this efinitely was better when the other returned the embrace.
Tobias willingly leaned into his friend, wanting nothing more than to be closer to the other male at the moment. The warmth and weight of his arm around his waist helped to make him feel even safer, though the brunette felt fully safe even with only Abby's presence. He kissed the other for only a moment before pulling back and burying his face into his friend's neck, closing his eyes tightly as he did so. Tobi's arms wrapped around the other male's waist and hugged him.

"I feel safe with you."
Abbadon remained where he was, his eyes to the book in front of him. He toyed wth the front cover of the book, slowly turning to look down at the male that was beside him at his words. He lifted a brow in question and he blinked a few times in interest. "I'm ... glad." He admitted, quite content that that was how the other felt about him.
He pulled away enough to look at his friend. "You're disappointed," he observed, unsure of how to feel. He didn't know if he should tell Abbadon how he was feeling and what he was worried about, or if he should just keep his mouth shut. But with how the other male had reacted... Well Tobias was more confused than when the night had started out.
Abbadon looked down at the other male and pressed a soft kiss to his temple. His eyes slipped closed and he pulled the other male against his form. He kept his eyes to him for a short while and he hugged him closer, kissing his head again. "I ... am not disappointed." He said softly, nuzzling into his head a little bit more. He held onto him a little bit tighter and kissed his temple once more. "I am just not sure what to do. I have never been good with these type of things and I do not know what I should do."
He leaned into the kisses, revelling in the attention that he'd craved from Charlie but was constantly denied. People always said that you shouldn't compare your past relationships to your current one, or to someone you may want to start one with, but he couldn't see how doing it with Charlie and Abbadon was bad. Charlie was an asshole and everything he did was bad or mean. Abby was different in every way, and comparing what they did and how he treated him only helped Tobias to see how wonderful his friend really was.

"I like it best when you're you," he answered, curling further into Abbadon's side and relaxing once more. "Will you stay tonight?" He hadn't felt this safe since before meeting Charlie, and it would be nice to not worry all night.
Abbadon looked down at the male beside him, listening to his question and he nodded. "Of course." he said gently, kissing the top of his head once more. He really did feel better when he was aroudn the male. He felt much more at ease than he normally would. He pressed another kiss to his cheek and then sunk back into the couch a little bit more.

He waited a few moments, staring in front of him and he remained quiet for a while and then turned to look down at the male once more. "Um ... Tobias, may I ask? And, I know it is very soon, but ... Are we something now?" He asked, unsure of what he wanted or even what he was completely asking. He could not word it, he really could not word it properly, no matter how badly he thought.
Were they something? They were friends, right? But Tobias supposed that after kissing like that, it wasn't what Abbadon meant. "I... I'm not sure," he whispered, feeling a little sad. "I like you... A lot. I just don't want to be hurt again." The brunette took a moment to collect his thoughts before speaking again. "It's like. We were friends before, right? But I didn't feel this way towards you... Or I don't think that I did. But then Charlie and...well you saved me. And what if I feel like this because of that? Then we'll both be hurt..."
He listened to the other, understanding what the man was saying. Yes. He did not want to hurt him either. He looked down at him once more and nodded, not wishing to break either of their hearts. He kept his arm loosely over the other's shoulders, not wanting to let him go, yet knowing that maybe it was not truly the best idea. Oh how he did not know. "We can wait, then. Give you time to heal and so that you are sure you do not love a knight in shining armor." He informed him and nodded and then kissed the top of his head. He hugged him once more and then relaxed.
He was already moving when Abbadon went to kiss his head once more. Tobias swung his legs around so that he was now straddling his friend's legs, his rear end resting on Abby's knees. It wasn't a sexual thought or urge that brought him to that position, but he simply wanted to see the other male's face.

"But you'll always be my knight in shining armor, Abby..." No matter what happened, nothing could change the fact that Abbadon had saved him. And Tobias didn't want to change that, either.
Abbadon perked up when the man moved onto his lap. His eyes lifted up to the other's eyes, his hands moved to, a little awkwardly, rest on the man's hips, not sure where else to put them right now. Any place else would be too close to other parts of hte body and oh how he did not wish to do that. He remained silent for a few moments after his statement, just not sure what he should do. He did not know, but he would not mind being something more than friends with him.

"Then ... Should we become a couple? Or what is it that we should do then? It is your choice, Tobias, what we will do. I ... I do like you." He said, a very faint pink twinged over his cheeks at his admission.
He considered his options for a moment. They could date, or they could stay friends. In either situation, Tobias felt that he won but it was hard to ignore the more-than-friendly-feelings that bubbled at the pit of his stomach every time he saw or was near Abbadon. It was especially hard to deny when they were sitting like this.

The brunette bit his lower lip for another second before leaning forward and kissing the other man's lips once more.
The demon kissed the other male back gladly, not really one to deny the embrace of one he cares for as he does care for Tobias. His arms wrapped around his form and he kissed him for a while beore before pulling back, resting their foreheads together, being sure to not poke him iwth a horn of course. "Is ... that a confirmation kiss or is it a 'this will not work out' kiss?" Yes, he needed it to be spelled out for him. He was so oblivious and he just needed to hear the answer from the man.
Tobias had to giggle at his friend a little. Abbadon was cute, and his little quirks only made him cuter. To Tobi, at least. "Confirmation," he whispered before leaning in for another kiss, quite liking them. For another positive comparison, Abbadon was an infinitely better kisser than Charlie had been. Charlie had been very forceful, and rough. Abby was soft, and careful, and Tobias could simply tell that he was cared for.
Abbadon leto ut a breath, he had not known he was holding in the first place, and relaxed infinitely. His arms wrapped around the male's form tighter, pulling him closer and he glaldy kissed the man back. His hands slid over his thighs to wrap around his lower back, pulling him closer. His eyes kept closed and his lips caressed along his, so very happy at the moment. He had not expected this to have happened at any point in time, yet alone so soon. Yes, he had figured out his feelings were more than merely friendly toward his friend, but he only figured he would have to ignore them and move on. Now, he did not have to.
They stayed as they were for a long time, Tobias fully enjoying the kiss as well as the embrace. Only when he needed to breathe did he pull away only enough to rest his head on Abbadon's shoulder, face buried into his neck happily. He was comfortable, more at ease now. He felt like a weight had been lifted off of his shoulders, though the brunette wasn't sure at all what the weight was.
Abbadon pulled back with a deep breath, his eyes closed for a short while before he looked down at him. His eyes traveled along his form a bit and he remained where he was for a short while. He glanced over at the clock, seeing that it was getting quiet late. He turned his attention back to Tobi, leaning up to kiss his lips softly before he pulled back again. "Are you tired?"
Tobias took a full minute to answer the question. It wasn't that he was tired, it was simply that he was fully and completely relaxed and comfortable. The brunette shrugged a little, unable to muster the strength that it would require to give a verbal answer. Instead, he pressed a series of small kisses to the horned male's neck, happy. "Are you?" he asked, finally able to put words together.
"I don't ... think so." He admitted, truly unsure himself. He was just completely and utterly relaxed at the moment. He wanted to cuddle up with the man, that was what it was. HE wanted to be able to curl up beside him and hold into him and just stay with him under the covers. He was just in that sort of a mood, though he was sure he was not tired. He shook his head after a moment. "No. I am not,."
Tobias was very comfortable simply sitting where they were for the moment. His arms were wrapped loosely around Abbadon's shoulders and the brunette allowed the feel and sound of the other man's heart beat to lull him into a deeper trance. Until, that was, there was a loud and strong knock on the door. Tobias immediately tensed, pressing himself closer to Abbadon and burying his face deeper into the man's neck. Who was that? They hadn't ordered anything and he never had any visitors... He wasn't friendly with his neighbors at all, paranoid that Charlie was connected to them and would find him through them.

With another knock, Tobi whimpered as he slipped off of Abby's lap to check the peephole, though seeing a complete stranger on the other side of the door didn't help his nerves at all.

Another knock.
Abbadon kept his arms around Tobias, not wishing to let him go anytime soon. He was glad that he seemed to be just a little bit better. He nuzzled into him a little bit and he, too, perked up when there was a knock. He groaned a little, turning to look at the door where Tobi was and he aw the male looking utterly concerned. He stood up and moved to where he was. He looked out the door, a brow lifted in question as he did so. He took a hold of Tobias' hand, pulling the door open with confusion to his features . "Terraida?" He asked, staring at the raven-haired demon in front of him.

Terraida perked up when the door opened, seeing the other and he gave a low bow. "Sorry, your highness." He said simply, pulling back and taking in a deep breath to look at the male who looked confused and a bit annoyed. He let out a little laugh. "Sorry about that too. Um ... Your ... father. He is causing chaos again. I know that you do not wish anything to do with us and you do not wish to be disturbed in your life, but I cannot help it. The world ... It's in utter chaos and I did not know who else to go to."
The heavy hand in his own helped to ground him a little bit, but Tobias couldn't help still being scared. Who was on the other side of the door, and what did they want? Were they friends of Charlie and they wanted to kidnap him and bring him back to his ex? But why would Charlie still want him anyway? It was obvious that he hadn't been happy and he didn't take care of the other man the way he'd been expected to...

But when Abbadon apparently knew the other person...well that was confusing too. How did they know to find him here? And why was he calling Abby 'your highness'? Chaos? World? There wasn't any major chaos going on in the world right now... Tobias was so confused, and he buried his face into the other male's shoulder, trying to weed out some unneeded stimuli.
Abbadon listened to the male tell him about the problems of their world, nodding a little bit here and there. He let out a heavy sigh, looking at the male on his arm and then back to the demon. "Terraida. Give us a moment." He said, closing the door - not really wanting to invite him into a house that was not his. He then turned to Tobias, his hands sliding to cup the other's chin, tilting his face to his and he pressed a very delicate kiss to his lips. "He is not involved with Charlie. He knows no one by that name, and only found me by his powers. Not you." He kissed him once more then pulled back to look down at him once more. "Are you okay?"
He felt his face being lifted and allowed it, knowing it was Abbadon. He listened to the words and while Tobias had no idea how any of that could be true, he nodded in understanding. Abby wouldn't lie to him, and Tobi trusted the other male completely. There was no reason not to. "Yes," he answered very softly. "I'm alright. Just... Startled is all." He leaned up and kissed the other male's cheek before taking a step away to head towards the bedroom. "You can talk in the living room," he offered. "I'll get ready for bed."
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