Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Abbadon slowly released his chin and he nodded a little to his words. He pressed another kiss to his lips. "Thank you, Tobias." he whispered, kissing him once more and he straightened again, just wishing to show the other affection, show him that he was in no danger. He waited for the man to leave before he turned to walk to the door once more. He opened the door, letting the male come in and gestured to the living room. "Come in and explain to me what is going on, Terraida." He said softly, eyes to the other while he did as told. The door closed behind him and he followed to the living room, sitting besidee him and resting his hands in his lap, attentino to the other.
Tobias nodded and moved into the bedroom, pulling his blinds down and closing them immediately, before he even turned on the light. The brunette got ready for bed as he normally did, stripping out of his clothes and putting them in the hamper before slipping into a pair of cotton pajama pants and a lightweight t-shirt. He brushed his teeth and then crawled into bed, picking up a book to read as he leaned against the headboard.
Abbadon and Terraida talked for a while before the taller demon told him to go back, do the few suggestions he gave, and then if it did not work, then he could come back. He gave him a hug and kiss to the cheek before closing and bolting the door behind him. He made sure that everything else was locked up for the sake of his newly-made boyfriend. He headed to the bedroom, moving to the bed with the other male. He slid under the covers and wrapped his arm aroudn the male's form. Kissing his temple, he nuzzled into his temple contently. "Thank you." He said softly, kissing his temple once more.
Looking up as someone entered his bedroom, Tobias smiled gently. He'd known that Abbadon was in the living room and wouldn't let anyone into the apartment that wasn't supposed to be there. The brunette set his book aside and easily cuddled into the other male's strong and warm embrace, relaxing quickly once again. "You wouldn't have answered the door if it wasn't important," he answered softly, nuzzling Abby's chest a little.

"There are pajamas and stuff in the dresser," he offered, though Tobias half wished that his new boyfriend wouldn't take him up on his offer just yet. He was comfortable cuddling with him.
"In a bit." He murmured, kissing his forehead once more. He wrapped his arm around the other's hips, pulling him closer and kissed his neck once more. He let out a soft little sigh and sunk into the mattress a little more. "How are you feeling?" He asked, turning his attention to hte male once more and he truly was curious for the other man.
As soon as Jade was feeling better, Murasaki poured himself into his research once more. There had to be a way to stop pregnancy from happening. The traditional birth control methods weren't going to work-they stopped sperm, not magic. And while there were a some steps that he found in order to aid someone who was not a wizard to get pregnant, it was very hard to find something, even a hint, as to how to stop a wizard from getting pregnant. The professor simply didn't understand how this could be, and by the end of the week, his rooms looked as if they'd simply moved the library into them.
Relic slowly made his way through the halls, heading to Murasaki's classroom, truly curious with the numerous thoughts that were coursing through his mind. He stopped at the room, giving a little knock onto the door as a warning before he turned the knob. He poked his head inside, seeing the man behind the stacks of books and he tilted his head to the side in interest. He moved to the male and then rested his hands on the desk in front of him and peeked over with a bit of interest to his features. "You okay back there?"
Looking up for only a minute to greet Relic, Murasaki nodded a little bit. He was unsure of how to answer the male, but was too engrossed in his research to stop reading. What if he stopped and on the next page was the answer? That wasn't acceptable to him and the purple haired man was determined to read every single piece of information on the subject until there was simply nothing left to read.

"What can I do for you?" he mumbled softly, not really paying attention at all.
Relic arched a brow in question at the other. He leant over the books a little, seeing the books he was reading and shrugged his shoulders a little bit. "So, I have been thinking." He stated, moving over to the other side of the desk, moving around the stacks of books and he rested his hip against the man's shoulder, looking down at the books once more. "Since your magic can make Jade pregnant and I am sorry about that ... but he seems to be doing well,I think. Right? Anywho ... um ... Have you found anything else in your research to get ... me pregnant?"
He looked up at Relic, blinking. He wanted him to get him pregnant? Rune would kill him! But this was an adult-a married man-not Rune's teenage son. And they weren't talking about sleeping together. Still, it was a bit sudden, really, wasn't it? He looked over his colleague seriously, trying to gauge the seriousness of the request.

"I...I don't know," he answered honestly. "There were mentions..." He stopped speaking and moved to root through the books on his desk, trying to find the ones which had said something about making a non-magical male pregnant.
Relic looked down at the male and he nodded a bit to what he was saying. "Oh? I know you're trying to get this situated for you and Jade ... But, if you come by anything in your reading, then I would definitely love to know." He said happily and leant down to press a kiss to the temple of the male beside him. He straightened once more, his hands sliding to rest on his rump and he looked over the books in front of them. "How is the research going anyway?"
He'd become distracted in his looking for the books. "Hmm? Oh. Yes. Yes of course I will let you know." He nodded to the question. "Frustrating," he answered. Murasaki closed the books in front of him with a frustrated sigh, dropping his forehead onto the cover of it. "Nothing about prevention at all."
Relic blinked a few times, looking at the books and he picked one up from a pile. He took it up and rested it against his form, looking over the pages in front of him and then back to the male next to him. "Oh? Would you like some help? I don't mind assisting you, if it'll help and make you feel better." He offered, just wantin to help out. He knew it would be good in the long run. Rune would no longer try to kill him for getting his son pregnant, and hey, he may be able to help as well with getting him and his husband a child.
"No," he answered with a tired sigh. "Thank you for the offer but... Well I researched all of the obvious leads. Now I'm onto the obscure ones." If the obvious ones didn't get him anywhere, then he knew that the obscure ones wouldn't, either, but Murasaki couldn't bring himself to stop researching. With a little sigh, he rummaged through the books again, pulling three out and tagging about ten pages in each of them. The professor then handed them to Relic. "Those should tell you what you're asking."
Relic took the books, holding them against his chest and grinning happily. He leant down and kissed the purple haired man's cheek, straightening up once more. He looked over the man for a little while before he perked up. He jotted down a number ont oa post-it and then placed it over one of the books. "Call him. He may be able to help. I'm not sure ... but he is very knowledgable. Kinda like a real-life Dumbledore." He chuckled and then kissed the teacher's cheek once more before turning to bounce his way out of the room. "Thank you!" He chimed as he disappeared out the door to practically prance his way back home.
Murasaki breathed a little sigh of relief with the number. Sure, he had no idea if the person would be able to help him at all, but it was another avenue to check down, and it wasn't as completely hopeless as the books and websites were becoming. "Thank you," he called after Relic, putting the slip of paper into his pocket as he stood to abandon the books for the rest of the night. Perhaps he and Jade could have a nice quiet night in tonight instead of one filled with research and sorrow.
Relic giggled as he bounced his way through the halls, humming giddily and making his way back to their house. He had too much energy to take the car home. He gripped the books tightly and rush to their side of the mansion. Running through the halls wth a loud "TANNEEEER!" passing his lips. He rushed past the twins, only skidding to a stop to turn back to htem and press a kiss to each of their heads. "Hello cuties. Where Dad?" He asked, looking around and pouting as he did so. Yes, he was excited at hte moment.

Jade was wandering aroudn the kitchen of Murasaki's room. He moved form one end to the other, looking at the stove top and he looked over it before he stepped back once more. He soon let out a yelp when, what he was making, literally blew up. Foam filled the room and the boy was covered in whatever he had been trying to make. He fell to the floor, taking in a deep ad shaking breath, letting out a pathetic little sob.
Remus raised an eyebrow to Relic's cheerfulness. This was... Well it wasn't new but it wasn't very often that they saw their Daddy in such a very happy mood. The brunette pointed towards the backyard with the question and shrugged when Relic bounded off. "Maybe now's a good time to ask if we can go out..."

Leaning back on his haunches, Tanner wiped the sweat away from his brow. The gardens were coming along nicely between himself and Nikkos and Calder working on them. The blond wasn't sure if any of their significant others did any work to them or not, but that wasn't the point either. He looked up when he heard his husband call his name, trying to discern whether or not Relic was headed out his way or not.

Murasaki heard the bang and rushed into his room to find Jade sobbing in the middle of his mess. The professor didn't say or do anything other than move in and sweet Jade up into his arms, holding him quite close. "What happened, sweetheart?"
Romulus gripped his brother's hand tightly, eyes wide as they watched their Daddy bound off to the outside where their Dad was. He then turned his attention back to Remus, nodding and giving him a warm smile. "Mhm. I really want to." He stated, leaning over and resting his head against his brother's shoulder, nuzzling into him a little bit more.

Relic squealed happily, resting the books onto the chair nearest him. He ran to his love, tackling him to the ground and he ripped him happily with a little squeal. "I LOVE YOU!" He yelled, kissing his lips firmly and grinding his hips into his happily. He giggled and he set back and straddled the other's hips, hands on his chest and rubbing at his abs a little bit here and there. "I was talking to Murasaki today, well like five minutes ago, whatever ... Adn and and I MAY BE ABLE TO GET PREGNANT! I'm not sure yet so I don't want to get you too excited but I still want to wait a year, get out little boys settled ... but it'll be great!" He giggled and bounced a little bit more on his hips.

Jade whimpered and buried his face into his love's chest, crying a little more. "I ... I was trying to make you dinner ... and I was boiling. .. something and it looked okay for a little bit and ... and then it just suddenly went BOOM! and ... I don't know what went wrong! I just wanted to ... surprise you! "He sobbed once more, whimpering as he buried his face into the other's chest.
"Umph!" Tanner was highly confused about Relic's mood and even what he was saying. The blond had to wait until his lover had gotten everything out of his system before trying to dissect what was going on. Relic...pregnant? He thought that might be a little weird, but...it would be the best of both worlds. They wouldn't have to choose between who was to father their baby with a surrogate, and neither would be disappointed to find out that nature didn't choose him. But they still had the year to think and talk, so that was a plus. Tanner sat up and pecked a kiss to his husband's nose. "We'll look into it, hmm?"

"Oh, honey..." Murasaki held Jade close and rocked him a little as he sat on the sofa and pulled his love into his lap. "What were you trying to make?" he asked softly, carding his fingers through Jade's silky hair. Perhaps if he knew, he could help figure out what it was that went so terribly wrong...
Relic giggled happily, sliding to the other's thighs so that he could sit up. He kissed his love's lips a few more times with gentle little pecks. He giggled once more and bounced on his lap a little. "Yes! I still have to do research to see what we would have to do, and then we'll have to be sure that Remus and Romulus do not mind ... and then wait, and make a nice baby's room and so much else, but it could work! It could really, really work!" He stated with a cheerful little chime, leaning forward and kissing his lips once more, just utterly giddy. "We could have a child! That's ... really, really ours! No fighting over whose sperm should be used and oooh it'll be great!"

Jade let out a little whimper and nuzzled into his chest a little bit more. "M... Macaroni and cheese." He mumbled, blushing horibly ad the tears once more passed by his eyes and he gripped his love tighter. He did not even know what went wrong. One minute, it was going okay, the next it ... went so very wrong.
Tanner couldn't help but be a little less excited than Relic. He remembered the disappointment well, and he didn't want to get his hopes up too high because of that. The blond couldn't handle seeing the disappointment and hurt in his lover's eyes again. Still, he didn't want Relic to think that he didn't care, or didn't want a child with him. The blond leaned up and kissed his husband softly, trying to easily calm him a little bit.

Slipping out into the garden, Remus watched his parents from the doorway. They looked happy, and that was good but it made him wonder what could make them so very happy, so quickly. He shook his head and moved forward, keeping to the task at hand. "Um... Dad? Daddy?" Only when Tanner looked over did he continue. "Um. Romulus and I.... We were wondering if... Um... If maybe we-he and I-could... If we could go out to dinner tonight?"

Macaroni and cheese? Murasaki ran through what could have gone wrong before realizing. "Oh honey. Next time, use a bit larger pot and don't get so flustered." He kissed his love's temple. "The foam was the starch-it had no where to go because the pot was too small. And the explosion was your energy-you weren't using your amulet."
Relic giggled happily and excitedly, kissing his love a few more times before he saw his love look past him. He turned his attention to the cute little boys that were there. He listened to the request and squealed lightly. "That's so cute!" He chimed, giggling once more as he clapped his hands together. He stood up from his love, brushing off his rump and walked over to the two boys, standing in front of them. His arms crossed over his lower torso as he looked them over a bit more. "Where are you two planning to go?"

Romulus stood behind his brother. His pinky slid to link itself with his, his thumb traveling along the back of his hand and he remained silent, letting Remus do all hte talking. That and he did not know where his brother planned to take them, so, when the questio was asked, he merely turned his attention to the male next to him to let him speak.

Jade whimpered once more and nuzzled into Murasaki a little bit more. "And ... And I missed you." He stated and leant up to kiss the side of his neck, kissing along the flesh absently. "I am sorry." He said softly, kissing him once more as he settled back against his form. "How ... How are you?"
Where were they going? Remus didn't think that they'd be asked that question, really and so he hadn't thought about it. "I... I don't know. I hadn't, um, thought that far ahead?" He had been worried only about getting their fathers' permission to go out and because of their track record... Well he didn't think they'd have said yes.

Murasaki nuzzled into Jade's cheek a little, comforting him while he transferred calming energy to the younger male. "I'm okay. A little tired, but Relic gave me a small lead towards preventing you from becoming pregnant so I feel a little better about that. And I'm happy to see you." Smiling, the professor kissed Jade's puffy cheeks. "No more tears, hmm?"
Relic let out a gentle little laugh, shaking his head a bit as he did so. "Well ... If you two wish to go out by yourselves, then I suggest the little cafe that is just down the street." He offered, looking down at the two once more. A simple little smile traced his lips and his arms tightened a little bit around his form, eyes to the two andnot really minding. "As long as you two behave. I don't see the harm in giving them another chance." He then turned to his husband, looking at him with a bit of interest. "Do you?"

Jade smiled warmly and he curled up a little more into his love's embrace, nuzzling him happily and he wrapped his arms around the other's torso tightly. He kissed his neck gently once more and nodded. "Mhm. Can ... Can we go out for dinner?" He asked, looking ever so pathetic as he looked up at the other. His hands gripped the front of his shirt, toying with it ever so absently. "After we shower?"
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