Romulus gripped his brother's hand tightly, eyes wide as they watched their Daddy bound off to the outside where their Dad was. He then turned his attention back to Remus, nodding and giving him a warm smile. "Mhm. I really want to." He stated, leaning over and resting his head against his brother's shoulder, nuzzling into him a little bit more.
Relic squealed happily, resting the books onto the chair nearest him. He ran to his love, tackling him to the ground and he ripped him happily with a little squeal. "I LOVE YOU!" He yelled, kissing his lips firmly and grinding his hips into his happily. He giggled and he set back and straddled the other's hips, hands on his chest and rubbing at his abs a little bit here and there. "I was talking to Murasaki today, well like five minutes ago, whatever ... Adn and and I MAY BE ABLE TO GET PREGNANT! I'm not sure yet so I don't want to get you too excited but I still want to wait a year, get out little boys settled ... but it'll be great!" He giggled and bounced a little bit more on his hips.
Jade whimpered and buried his face into his love's chest, crying a little more. "I ... I was trying to make you dinner ... and I was boiling. .. something and it looked okay for a little bit and ... and then it just suddenly went BOOM! and ... I don't know what went wrong! I just wanted to ... surprise you! "He sobbed once more, whimpering as he buried his face into the other's chest.