Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Before the other man could go to the bedroom, his arm wrapped around the other's waist and pulled him against his form, kissing his neck softly. "I am sorry, truly." He whispered, arm moving to wrap aroudn his form and he held him tightly against his form, not wanting to let him go. He nipped his neck softly and nuzzled into his flesh ever so absently. "I'm not saying that you have not sacrificed. I'm sure you would love a house separate from Relic and Tanner, especially with our history. And I'm not unhappy with you, Calder. I love you. The will was a very good idea."
Soft little shivers ran down Calder's back with the words of love. They were so rare from Rune, and the blond wasn't used to hearing them without having to ask. At the same time, he was a bit annoyed that his lover knew exactly how to melt him out of a bad mood that he wanted to stay in for a little while longer. He pulled away just enough to look at the other man, hand coming up to rest at his cheek, thumb tracing over Rune's cheekbone.

"You don't get it. I don't feel like I've sacrificed anything, Rune. That's why it tore me apart to think that I would have to ask you to sacrifice again..."
He sighed heavily, leaning down to kiss his lips softly, nuzzling his nose into his once more and his forehead rested against his, his arms keeping around his hips. He bucked his hips into his, playfully right now. "And now we don't have to." He whispered, kissing him once more. "It was very smart." He kissed his neck softly before pulling his head back a bit, looking down at him and smiling lightly. "So, it seems that Jade's pregnancy came in handy for Relic. Murasaki found some things about getting non-magical people pregnant, and if Relic can find the things he wants, they could actually end up having their own child."
Calder kissed his lover passionately before burying his head into Rune's chest, hugging him tightly. "I love you." He stood there, listening to the other man ramble on about something, though 'pregnancy' and 'child of their own' came into his head. The blond pulled back once more, looking critically at Rune. "You are not getting me pregnant."
"What?" He asked, looking down at the other and he shook his head with a little roll of his eyes. "Not you. Relic. ... And not my child." He stated, knowing that that may come back to the man, obviously, not paying attention to him. "I don't want to get you pregnant. Relic took Murasaki's information and is trying to get pregnant himself. Not you. NOT. You."
He breathed a sigh of relief and fell into Rune's chest once more. He loved their children, but he certainly wasn't ready for anymore, and he wasn't sure that he would ever want a child of his own...especially since he would be the one who was pregnant. He did not have mothering instincts like Relic did.

"I'm sorry, too."
Rune nodded a little bit, kissing his lips softly once more. "It's fine." He whispered softly, holding him tightly and kissed him once more. He nuzzled into the side of his neck and let out a soft little sigh. "Wanna go bother the other two? Since our boys are not home right now." He offered, having missed his brother more than he thought, and being with him last night, only confirmed his feelings.
The blond shook his head at the suggestion and instead leaned up, drawing Rune into a lingering kiss. They would go bother Relic and Tanner later. For the moment, he wanted to be with his lover. Calder raised his arms up and wrapped them around the other man's strong neck, pressing their bodies tightly together.
Rune wrapped his arms around the other's form, kissing him back gladly. He remained silent for a short while before his hands slid down the other's form. He gripped his rump, pulling him up and into his arms, sliding them beneath his rear to hold him against his form. He moved out of the kitchen [or wherever they were] and made his way up the stares. Walking through theh alls, pinning the male to a wall here and there along the way. He fumbled with the doorknob to their bedroom a little befire finally managing to open it. He moved inside, door kicking closed behind him and he fell to the bed with his lover.
Unable to fight even if he wanted to, Calder simply wrapped his legs around Rune's waist and went along for the ride. He threaded his fingers through the man's hair as they kissed, moving his lips down to his neck so that his lover could see where he was walking. The blond nipped at the flesh beneath his lips here and there, and pulled Rune down with him when he was set down on the bed.

He wasted no time in tossing their clothes to the floor, and pressing their nude forms together with soft little whimpers of pleasure as he did so.
Rune growled lightly behind the kisses, taking the clothes of the blond off easily, tossing them away to some other place that he did not care to think of. His hands trailed along the other's form, caressing his flesh and rocking his bare hips into his. He moaned softly in anticipation, having missed hte man. He really had. It had been quite a while since the house was theirs alone and it was very nice to know that there would be no interruption.
Calder's legs returned to their place around Rune's waist, and his own hips pressed up into his lover's with a soft moan. His hands traveled over his lover's body, touching whatever they could reach while his lips connected with Rune's once again and stayed there for the time being. "Need you..." It was nice to have the mental connection in times like these.
Rune growled softly, all too happy to give the man what he wanted. His hips bucked into his for a moment before he slowly slid the tip of his member into the male, not waiting another moment. His nails raked along his love's chest, creating quite the bright red marks on the pale flesh. His lips left his to kiss and bite along his neck, still not used to the idea of putting the other through the pain like he had his brother. While they may have been together for over a year and some-odd-months now, and they were almost married or whatever, it just did not seem right hurting him as much as his brother would love.
Calder's back arched off of the bed. He couldn't tell if it was Rune taking him, or the erotic pain stretching from his neck to his navel. Either way, the blond didn't care. He tossed his head back, allowing his lover full access to his neck while his hips pressed forward for more contact. Fingertips dug into the other man's hips, Calder careful to keep his nails from piercing the flesh beneath them.
Rune growled softly, his hips thrusting up and into the other, moaning a little into his flesh. His teeth sunk into the side of his neck once more. His nails dug into the sides of the male, holding him where he was and continued to push into the man, moaning and just so very content right now.
It wasn't very long before Calder's orgasm ripped through him. He gave a rather loud shout as his back arched up and off of the bed once more, his essence landing on his already warm body. Breathing heavily, the blond looped his arms up and around Rune's neck again, pulling him in for a very languid kiss.
After a few more thrusts, the male released into his love, lips glaldy caressing his and he let out a little groan. He bucked into him playfully before he pulled out of him, sighing heavily. His eyes slipped closed and his arms wrapped around the other tightly. He held onto him for a while before he froze. He took in a few deep breaths, pulling his head away from his love and looked at the door. He examined the door for a while before he slid off him. He tugged his pajama pants onto his hips and he slowly poked his head out, smelling omething baking and he perked up even more.

He looked over at Calder and blinked a few times. "You making something?" he questioned, staring at him and truly curious, and a bit wondering if he was just going insane.
Calder sank into his lover's arms happily. He could have stayed there all day, too, if Rune hadn't ruined it and gotten out of bed. The blond groaned with the cool air hitting him, but he got up and cleaned himself up before slipping on a pair of sweats, too. "What do you mean am I making something?" he asked, thinking the other man had finally gone bananas. "If I was the house would be on fire by now..."
"Thought so." he mumbled, walking out of the bedroom and to the kitchen. He stopped in the doorway, seeing Trevor walking around, the oven on and something or another cooking away inside. "Trevor?" He asked, arms crossed over his lower torso and he rested against the doorway a little bit, curious about what the boy was doing home. "DIdn't you and Bohdi have plans?"

Trevor perked up, turning to look at his Mama and he tilted his head to the side, unsure of what the other wanted. He listened to him and shrugged a little bit. "Bohdi had ome homework that he needed to do and I was not sure if you and Papa were still upset with each other so I decided to make cookies and cupcakes."
Moving out into the kitchen, Calder simply shook his head at his son. It was cute that he wanted to bake, and that he was worried about himself and Rune. The blond pecked a kiss to his head while digging into the fridge for a bottle of water. "We're fine," he assured the other. "You need to stop worrying about us. We're supposed to worry about you."
Trevor closed his eyes when the other kissed his temple, sighing softly and shaking his head a bit. "Yes. I know you two made up. But ... I was already in the mind set to bake." He said ever so nonchalantly. He moved around, heading to the oven just as it beeped. He pulled out the cupcakes, setting them down before putting the other pan into the oven. He then went to the cookiesheets that were out, scooping some of the dough onto the pan.

Rune blinked a few times, looking over the boy and he arched a brow. He walked over to the boy, fingertips on his forehead and he pulled him back to look down at his eyes. "What do you mean you know?" He asked, eyebrows furrowed.

"Hm?" He questioned, looking up at his Mama from the angle he was forced into. "Well ... When I got home, the air was different. It was lighter and then when I walked past your bedroom, my stomach backflipped and my heart raced and so ... I knew you two were ... making up." He turned a lovely red as he turned his attention back to the dough, scooping a few more balls onto the sheet.
Calder, too, turned a bright shade of red and he groaned with the implied meaning. That was...well embarrassing, to say the least. It was horrible enough to hear your parents, or walk in on them. But to know even when they were trying to be discreet... And there wasn't anything they could really do about it-the 'knowing' was innate within Trevor. The blond looked to his lover for help.
Rune looked at his lover then back to Trevor. He sighed heavily and kissed the other male's cheek. "Sorry. At least it's better than seeing it?" He offered, really having no solution whatsoever for the poor kid. He walked over to Calder, leaning over and kissing his cheek in hopes of calming the red a bit.

Trevor shook his head a bit to his words. "Mm-mm. I much more prefer ... that over you two fighting and mad at each other. I do not like those feelings. And ... while it is embarrassing to know, the sensation lessens when I get farther away so it ... it's okay." He offered, looking over at the two and smilling gently before he went back to the cookie dough. He filled a good four cookie sheets with the balls and then held the bowl to his Mama. "You can finish it if you like.' He suggested, hoping to change the topic for one thing.

He perked up, taking the bowl and hopping up onto the counter a bit and scooping out some dough onto the wooden spoon. "Thanks" He said cheerfully, turning to look at the boy with a bit of interest. He then turned to Calder, same look to his eyes. "Ask him ... What the deal is... Why he can know that... He likes you better."
Liked him better? The blond shook his head, wondering how the answer wasn't obvious to his lover. Calder stood between Rune's knees, hands resting on his hips while he stole fingerfuls of dough here and there. "Trevor can know such things, sweetheart, because he's an empath." The blond stuck his tongue out at Rune. He'd figured it was very likely when they were talking in the cafe the day he went to see the lawyer and the statement of his heart and stomach flipping just confirmed it. "And he loves us both, I'm sure."
Rune pouted and looked down at Calder, sticking his tongue out at him. "Nyah." he mumbled before looking at Trevor and he stole the bowl completely out of the blond's reach. "No dough for you." He protested, sticking his tongue out once more before he finished off the rest of the dough. He pushed the bowl aside, beginning to lick at his fingers.

Trevor listened to his Papa and nodded. "Yes... I've always been able to know what people were feeling. It's how I got my scars." He stated and the turned a lovely beet red. He turned his attention to the stove, glad for the distraction. He opened up the door, taking out the trays and then moving the cookie sheets in, using his powers of course. The door was cloesd with a hip and he then went to frosting the cupcakes that were cooled, back to the two.
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